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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1917)
Monday, MarCh Z, 1MT ASHLAND TTDINGS PACK THRKB St Your classified "ad" should blaze the path to that new job. Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word lor each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or less f 1 per month. No advertise ont inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order xoept to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. DR. T. A. HALL Dentistry and all Its branches. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. Phone 167. S-tt DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for 8. P. R. R. Offices. M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. il-tf C. B. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of fice with E. D. Briggs. Ashland, Ore. DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to Eye, Ear, , Nose and Throat. Office hours, 10 to 11 and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. 73-tt CONTRACTING AND BU ILDINO Frank Jordan, general contracting. New and old work; cement walks, cemetery copings, brick, cement, woodwork, lsthlng and plastering, cobblestone and general building contracts. 4-1 2 mo.' CHAIR DOCTOR R. H Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relald and repaired, bedsprlngs restretcbed, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies, window cleaning, house cleaning, and furniture packing done expertly. Call at 388 A street or phone 403-R. l-tr CEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Fa perhangor. Phone 202-R. 166 Ohio street. - MISCELLANEOUS BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory St Bill posting and dis tributing. 6-tt CHAUTAUQUA PARK CUJB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m. Mrs S. Patterson. Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett Greer. Sec. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 2:30 p. m.. at the Auxiliary Hall. WONEY TO LOAN Mortgage Com pany Holland-America has plenty of money to lend on good farn security. Isaac BeBt, agent, Grants Pass, Ore. 1 " ROOMS WITH BOARD Tozer house, 71 Laurel street. Price, $5 and up per week. Freo use of piano; bath, hot and cold water; home eooking; meals served "family style." jo-iiuu. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAIL ROAD CO. GRANT LANDS Title to same revested in United States by act of congress dated June 9, ' 1916. Two million three hundred thousand acres to be opened for settlement and sale. Power site, 1 timber and agricultural lands, con taining some of best land left in '. United States. Now Is the oppor 1 tune time. Large sectional map I showing lands and description of -soil climate, rainfall, elevations, etc.! postpaid, II. Grant Land Lo cating Co., Box 610, Portland, Ore-67-3mo. FOR SALE Good transfer, storag and coal ousiuess. Apply to City Truck Co., D. Guy Good. 1 S1-" FOR SLE One centrifugal pump, capacity 400 gallons per minute; one six-Inch foot valve, 14 feet suc tion pipe, unions and 40 feet of " discharge pipo, new, 150 feet old ' pipe, elbows and flanges. G. Davis, Talent, phone 6-F-2. . 81-lmo. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Threo good Jacks, two Missouri Jacks, four and six years old, ono Kentucky Jack. James Taylor, box 116, R. F. D., Ashland, Ore. 78-lmo. FOR SALE Shetland pony, kind and gentlo to rido or drive. A bargain, with or without saddle and bridle. Inquire 638 Boulevard or phone 404-R. M-lmo FOR ' SALE Choice Swiss milch goats, bred. C. P. Good, Ashland. FOR RENT FOR RENT Nice six-room cottage, lota nf fruit. Close in. Phone forenoons, 288-J. 76-tf FOR RENT Sowing machine In good condition. Phone 57, Eastern Sup ply Company. ' 80-3t HOUSE FOR RENT, partly furnished. 47 Union street. 80-2t Poultry, Pigeons, Birds, Etc. FOR SALE Eggs from my trap nested thoroughbred R. I. Red hens, with a record of 35 to 50 eegs in 50 consecutive days. One dollar per sotting.. Q. W. Bene- uiti-r y "v"r FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn eees from heavy laying strain Set ting 75c, 100 14. J. S. Crawford, Talent, Ore., half block from 8 . P. Annrxt 77-imo EGGS FOR SETTING H. H Leav itfs Barred Plymouth Rock eggs on sale at Plaza Grocery. Fifteen tor BOO. -r ' 0 FOUND FOUND A stickpin containing an opal. Owner can have same by calling at the Tidings office and paying for this ad. 77-tf WANTED WANTED Infants and children to board. Inquire 366 B street. 56-tf WANTED A gentleman to board and room at rcasoncblo rates. Ap ply at 99 Granlto street, near Lithla park. 76-tf OPENED AGAIN The Ashland Junk Dealers. Wo buy all kinds of Junk. Hides, pelt3 and wool our special ty. A Benard, Prop., 253 Fourth street, phone 79. 78-tf WANTED Woman for general housework. Call 44 Church street. Phone 429-L. 80-3t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Property close in, 104x 198 feet; comfortable house and barn, large lawn, shrubs, fruit and garden. Price $3,000; one half cash, balance on reasonable terms. Address E. G., care Tid ings. 35-tf FOR SALE Modern cottage of six rooms, on 1 acres of ground, mostly meadow, under irrigation ditch; young bearing fruit trees. Price $2,000 cash. Bargain. Ad dress E. G., care Tidings. 35-tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Dandy little modern four-room bungalow with acre of ground, so located as to go like hot cakes If subdivided for tourist bungalows. Will sell some good furniture to purchaser. Worth $2,000 or more. Will take $1,500 for quick sale. See Bert R. Greer, at Tidings office. FOR SALE One and a quarter acres of good ground, with two good modern houses and barn. Free wa ter for irrigation. Good fertile soil. A bargain If taken at once. Address L. R. H., care Tidings. 71-tf FOR SALE Forty acres of Irrigated alfalfa land. Address D., care Tid ings. 81-lmo. TO EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Lot 36, Valleyvlew ad dition. What have you to offer? Level stock farm in Idaho, $4,500 cash. F. Orr, general delivery. 81-4t LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVE MENT BOND OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND Recorder's Office, Ashland, Oregon, March 6, 1917. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the City Recorder's office up to 6 o'clock p. m.. Tuesday, March 6, 1917, and will bo opened and con sidered by the common council of the city of Ashland, Oregon, at 8 o'clock p. m. same day and date, for the purchase of $279.50 Im provement Bond of the city of Ash land, Oregon. This bond Is one in number, de nomination of $279.50. Said bond , will be No. 761, and bear Interest at tho rate of six per cent per sn- num, payable semi-annually, both ' principal and Interest payable at the City Treasurer's office, city of Ashland, Oregon, and Is to be dat ed March 1, 1917, and mature In ten years from said date, but Is redeemable at tho office of the Treasurer of said city, at the op tion of the city of Ashland, upon payment of tho face value thereof with accrued lntorest to date of payment at any semi-annual cou pon period at or after one year from the date of the Issue. This bond will bo sold for the highest price obtainable, but for not less than par and accrued in terest at the rato of six per cent per annum from March 1, 1917, to date of delivery of said bond. This bond is issued in the mat ter of a sewer constructed on Ohio street in Sewer District Mo. 18, in accordance with the crovlslons of Section 3248, Lord's Oregon Laws. Bids must bo accompanied by the cortlfled check, payable to the city of Ashland, for an amount equal to five per cent of the face value bid for, which. In case the successful bidder falls or refuse to take and pay for the bond as proposed In bid, shall be forfeited as liquidated damages for such falluro or refusal. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids must be addressed to tho City Recorder, Ashland, Ore gon, marked "Proposal to purchase Improvement Bond." JOHN B. WIMER, City Recorder. Date of first publication, Febru ary 22, 1917. 79-4t Contract let to place 10,000 tons rock around S. P. Co's. Coos Bay bridge plors. Klamath Falls New fish hatchery on Crooked creek to be built; an other to be enlarged. Salem Bill to spend $200,000 on home for delinquent children is re ferred to tho people. THEY'RE ALL A (With apologies to Tracy Lano.) We put the "L" in Ashland for threo days last July Sorter shocked our pious people, and now she's gone bone dry, This year she ordered another, she likes those little "Lvs;" Although she's not "sporty," she has these "woolly" spells. Likes this entertaining' tho "old" bird's" there, you bet. She's got tho goods to do it with; what sho hasn't got she'll get. Going to put It over? Rowdy, dow, I guess so; We're off this Ashland "July time." Everybody let 'ar go! Don't need to holler so all the world will hoar, 'cause We put on a "dinger" in this old burg last year. So cut this "phony" advertising Just pass the word alone; They are all coming back they said so, twenty thousand strong. They like this "Scratch 'em, cowboy," stuff, "Let 'im buck" and "Ylppl yea." , We'll all get In and put on the stunts they did In "early day." Bronco's nostrils wide with fright, the sound of boots and spurs, The song the swinging lasso sings, as through tho air it swerves. Rider's up, blind Is pulled warn poos! cowboy's piled. This kind of dope got Ashland's goat the country's gone "hog wild." Lest you forgot, make no dates for July, third, fourth and fifth. Crank up old Betz an' hetd this way, your spirits for a lift. .If the time you'll have in Ashland doesn't "listen good" to you, Your battory's dead, your mixture's lean, you've carbon In your flue. "We claim" Ashland Is different Nature chose her from tho rest. To give our people one "big time" she's fitted for it best. It's full of thrills these rodeo times that movies haven't got. If any one tolls you different, just shoot him on tho spot. THE "LOT 'IM IH CK'" HUNCH ARK "RARIX" TO GO," SO "ROWDY DOW." Ashland, good old Ashland, and beautiful Lit hia Park It's Llthia during the day and park after dark. Young and old come from afar for a rousing lark. Some come during the week, some Sunday, but hark! There's one time when they all make a mark It's In July when the "Let 'im Buck" fellows br.rk. We're always glad to see the cowboy's smiling face, The gentlemanly kind who knows his place; He whd rides the bucking horse and in the race; He who rcpes and bulldogs the street with grace; . Handles the horse with ease when they retrace, And leaves the great crowd with cheery embrace. 'Twill be love and cheer, for the cowgirls will bo here. They rido the wildest horses, and that with cheer. In the exciting relay races they will always appear, Matching every record of the cowboys very near; Making every move without fret or fear, Onward to the goal of that western frontier. My old "Nero," won't you come and Imck with me,, So the folks in the grandstand seats can see That which will make them laugh with glee? Then they will buy seats for the days all three, And with the jolly bunch many more will be Seen on those afternoons of frontier jublleo. All Join hands for the time of your life! , Bring your sweetheart, your sister and your wife. Come spend a week and forget your 3trife; Throw nway your hammer, but bring your fife; Join in the tune of "Loose-'e-de-Knlfe;" Turn yourself loose for the time of your life. Tho Movlo Man. Talent i Last Friday night the Gold Hill team defeated the Talent high school team of girls, 16 to 2. The boys' iteam was also defeated 19 to 16. I Mr. Marion Tryer has opened a shoe repairing shop at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Robison of An derson Creek were Ashland visitors Wednesday. The Talent school was closed Wed nesday on account of several cases of measles and scarletlna. It Is thought the school will be reopened In two weeks. . Mr. and Mrs. John Budgeon are moving into the Powers house on the Pacific Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason have moved Into the Alford cottage on the ! Pacific Highway. Mrs. I. O. Williams has Joined the Medford Conservatory class which met at the Ames hall Tuesday after noon. Miss Lucille Morse is still down with scarlet fever. Mrs. Tom Burnett was an Ashland visitor Saturday. Mr. Cunningham of Ashland gave a talk at the Talent school, the subject being Washington, which was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. E. C. Gardiner and son Har old were visitors at the Sleppy home last week. Mrs. Susie Burnott was a Talent visitor Thursday. Mr. Mark Kline of Wagner Creek was operated on by Dr. Hart at the Sacred Heart Hospital last week, and Should Use TT'S different from I others because more care ' Is taken in tho r.iukhiK1 and the materials used are cfv higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish Makes a brflHant, nVMy polfsh tlmt does not rub off ordur.t off, an.lthonhinelasts four Union ns long as ordinary stovo polish. Used on Ftamplo stoves and sold by hardware an-1 crcrry dealer. All w ttnk inn trial. Unoiton your cook rtore, your pnrlor tuvo r your jraa rurp. t you don't lirwl It tho boet tov polish you ever usied, your dederi authorized to n fi nd yuur money. In; ir.t on FJlncli fcilk fitnvr I'uliaU, Made In liquid or laato-wM quality. Black Silk Stove Polish Work. Sterling, Il'inois TTm Btck fi:h Alr-Dryln Iron Eflm1 on (rriU", ri-Kift' ni.:Move-ri;-"i'''venU ruwtlnfr, UfW Mack Silk Metal Polish fornlver. nickol iw hruu It ll-H 113 etltll fur UMOD SUlLAmriWU'l Id" - OOMIXG RACK." T idings his many friends will be glad to learn that ho is improving rapidly. Ono of the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis is ill with scarletlna, but it is reported to be in a very mild form. Mrs. Wellets of Klamath Falls re turned to her homo Wednesday after i spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alford. Mr. A. G. Mooro has returned from an extended visit In California and will spend the remainedr of the win ter In Talent. Mr. John Burgan of Alexandria, Minn., left Wednesday morning to spend the remainder of the winter In Los Angeles. While In Talent he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van dersluis. Mrs. John Norman was an Ashland visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Yeo and children are 111 with the measles. Mr. Tom Lamb Is having a tele phone Installed In his home this week. Mr. Elmer Coloman of Phoenix was a Talent visitor Sunday. Mr. Lon Wimcr, formerly of Wag ner Creek but now of Grave Creek, is visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Robert Wilcox, who Is em ployed at tho Ashland mine, spent the week-end in Talont. Miss Llnnle Hanscome left Wednes day for Jacksonville, where she has accepted the deputy assessor's posi tion In the office of J. B. Coleman Miss Hanscome has been the success ful clerk of tho Talent Mercantile Company for the past four years, and her many friends regret her leaving Talent but wish her success In her field of work. Mrs. Mannas was taken last week to the Ashland hospital for treat ment. Mr. William Carey Is slowly recov ering from Injuries caused by a fall Mrs. George Korby was called to Ashland Wednesday by the Illness of her sister, Mrs. Clyde Wald. Messrs. James Mays, Frank Cen ters, George Brlstowand John Colvln of Anderson Cr.eok were business vis itors Wednesday. Mr. Edward Dickey of Wagner Creek' was a business visitor Tuesday. Dr. McFadden of Duluth, Minn., who has spent tho past week in Tal ent attending to the Interests of his ranch, left for Los Angeles, where he will spend a couple of months before returning to Minnesota. Mrs. Willis is reported to be very much Improved. Mr. and Mrs. George Heeeel grave of Central Point spent tho week with their son Fred. Notice Men's Half Soles $1.10 Men's Heels, leather or rubber, 50c Women's Half Soles 70c Women's Leather Heels 30c Women's Rubber Heels 40c Children's work according to size OVERLAND SHOE SHOP J. D. MARS, Proprietor Messrs. Waldo Bell and J. Barrett 1 returned Wednesday from the Opp mine, near Jacksonville. Mr. George Alford of Fern's valley spent Friday at tho Alford home. Mr. J. D. Brown was a business visitor In Ashland, Thursday. Mr. C. L. Chapman was called to Ashland Thursday by the Illness of a friend. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. J. King of Ander son Creek were business visitors Thursday. Mr. James Brelner of Wagner Creek was a Talent visitor Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. George Kerby and little daughter spent Wednesday vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerby on Wagner creek. Mr. H. H. Goddard of Wagner Creek was a business visitor in Ash land and Talent, Tuesday. Mr. H. S. Lynch's barn on Wagner creek, also part of the Brelner saw mill, wero crushed In by the heavy snow during tho snow storm last week. Mr. John Prader of Wagner Creek was a Talent visitor Tuesday. Mr. Marlon Tryer attended to Mr. Mannls' dutieo at tho depot while the latter took his mother to Ashland, to the Granite City Hospital, where Mrs. Mannls will receive treatment. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Bighman are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, born March 1, Mrs. Marlon Tryer and llttlo daugh ter Laura and son Donald visited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Brandt, of North Talent. Mr. O. Powers, son of N. 0. Powers of Wagner Crook, is ill with la grippe. Master Ernest Stewart, sen of T. L. Stewart, ex-postmaster of Talent, Is at tho Granite City Hospital to un dergo an operation for goitre. Dr. Charles llalsted came in from his mining claim Friday and reports threo feet of snow at the mine. Mr. John Ilurgan and Mr. Peter Vandersluis wero Ashland visitors Wednesday. Mr. Bradloy came In from the mine laBt w eek to get a fresh supply of provisions. Mrs. L. P. Ames spent Friday In Medford, visiting friends. Mr. Charles Tryer, formerly of Talont hut now living In Montague, Cal., is expected home this week and will bring a friond with him. Mrs. John Mills nnd Mrs. II. R. King of Frederick were Talent visit ors Thursday. Mr. Frank Rose returned Thursday from an extended business trip In the east. It is reported that Talent will have a creamery In the near future. Mrs. Walter Jeffery and family are spending a week with Mrs. Charles Jeffery. Messrs. Nell and Barlow of Wag neu Creek were Ashland and Talent visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Sawyer of Wagner Creek were business visitors Thursday. Paulserud i i i, - ;;u Owing to the continued advance in the price of leather, it U neces sary to raise the price of Shoe Re pairing. On and after March 1st: INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:1b p. m. Also on Saturday night at 6:30. Sundays leave at 9:00 and 1:00, 6:00 and 10:80 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally ex cept Sunday at 8:00 . m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 10:15. On Sundays at 10.30 a. m., and 2:00, 5:00 and 9:30 p. m. Fare between Medford and Ash land. iSO ceniM. Round trip, 85 oenta. FOR - SORE, SWOLLEN, TIRED FEET 4 uunnn Lucaiypius v.mmeni AT ALL DRUG STORES Tubes 25c Jars BOC n , w I . mt . On Wednesday, February 28, oc curred the funeral of Mrs. Irene Breese, who died Monday morning at the Sacred Heart Hospital in Med ffrdl (after a short illness. The funeral was private, owing to the ill ness of Mrs. William Breese. The pallbearers were Jay Terrlll, James Foxall, Andrew Wldner and Cllf Payne. Mrs. Irene Breese lived in Talent ovor one year, and while here made many friends. Sho leaves four children, who will make their home with their grandparents, Mf. and Mrs. William Breese. CHEERFUL WORDS For Many nn Ashland Household. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed to be entirely free from annoying, dangerous urinary disorders, is enough to make any kid ney sufforor grateful. Tho following advico of one who has suffored will prove helpful to hundreds of Ashland readers: Mrs. S. C. McDonald, 685 B street, Ashland, says: "I can recommend Doan's Kldnoy Pills Just as highly today as I d'd three years ago when I gave my first statement. I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills on several occasions for lameness across my kid neys and it required only a few doses to relieve me of this misery. Doan's Kidney Pills have always proven a splendid medicine for one of our fam ily who had considerable trouble from tbo kidneys also." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. McDonald had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. utnimil tlirounh Hi old CTtabliahud o. 8WIFT 4l CO." are bcinit uuickly bouifht by Munufai'turtim. Sunil tt ttuxlul ornkcU'hennnd dwcrlntkin of your mvuntiun lur FREI SEARCH and rrport on patcntnbility. We wrt pat ents or no fco. Writs fur our frua book of UJOntwIt'd invention. n ci'jict Pi on Hi Ofvir I wi uuih Patont Lawyers! rs. Estab. 1889. H Vashinqton. D.C.g .307 Seventh St., Washington. I I Pinch Back Models liiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiii uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Norfolks-ail the sum mer fashion favorites are tailored to order by Born with just enough 'swagger. ' No need to sacrifice comfort for style Born designers and tailors know how to build clothes to your measure, in any of these fashions. We guarantee they will look right, and feel right The Price? You'll find that right, too. (XmUhI Born 0Mhr & Barrett I