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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1917)
Monday. FehMtefy 98, l7 ABHLAim TIDING PAGE FIVE! luiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiinniinnimn LOCAL AND PERSONAL g othefr corporations has agreed to dele- f W. 8. thl Peau, on Dewey street, brate the event by making special has been quite Indisposed with grippe mention of it on all dining cars, hotel and restaurant menu cards and by Jack Brady was operated on at a serving orange dishes and orange local hospital last week for append!-,Julce- The company is also placing advertisements on an station and cltls. A. H. Peachey's family ware Jack sonville and Mcdford visitors last Monday. J. W. Hasklns was doing business Jn the vicinity of Phoenix one day last week. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Loveland gave ' nn exhibition of dancing at Eagle point Saturday night. Mrs. Rebecca Hicks, who formerly lived on Garfield street, Is now visit ing her only sister at Yuba City, Cal. steamer bulletin boards. Don' forget to call and see the for some time, but is reported Im proving. Virgil and Frank Rush of the Belle view district hare gone to Roseburg to investigate employment opportuni ties in Douglas county.. V. 0. N. Smith of the Citizens Bank at $1, 1.25 and $1.50 at Mitchell & Whlttlo's. It A number of Medford basketball fans wore up for tho Rosoburg-Arra- ory game Satuiday night. Many from here will attond the third game be tween Medford and Roseburg at Med ford tonight. At tho dedication of the Christian church at Sunnysldo, Wash., last Sun- Mrs. H. G. Fischer and children re- day, Ross Guiley, who Is well known new line of soft, French cuff shirts leaves this evening for Portland to turned to their home at Dunsraulr Thursday aftar a visit with relatives here. Men's shoes, sizes 5 and up to 11, the real all leather kind, In regular staple lasts, at $3.50 and up to $6.50. Mitchell & Whittle. It The Roseburg schools were ordered closed last Thursday by- the state board of health on account-of an epi demic of measles. Five crews from the Sacramento division are back on the engines of the Shasta division again owing to heavy freight traffic. Depot Hotel will pay 15c a pound for large fat hens. 78-3t Southbound trains were several hours late on Friday, owing to the derailing of threo freight cars at Comstock, north of Roseburg. Oregon Agricultural College won from Stanford at Palo Alto at basket ball last Thursday, Walter Phillips of Ashland playing a star game for the winners, whilo Bobby Pelouze of Medford played with the losers. Miss Amy Grubb was taken to Medford last week for a slight opera tion. She returned to Ashland soon after and Is reported to be doing nicely. AJrbor Day, which was to have been observed by the Jackson county schools on Friday, February 23, was postponed on account of the weather. The date will be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morgan were called home from Edgewood. Cal., last week on account of the condition of their son, Harry Morgan, who goes to a local hospital for a serious opera tion. t The fruit growers of California are sending out requests that March 10 tie observed as orange day through out the United States. The Southern Pacific Company nlong with many attend a meeting of the executive board of the State Bankers' Associa tion. Howard L. Brown, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. O. Winter of this city, wilt arrive this evening and remain In the city until Wednesday, when he will meet C. C. Hamilton, the Chris tian Endeavor speaker, and return through California with hlra. Mr. Brown is president of the Califofnla in Ashland, sang In a boys' quartet 1 Christian Endeavor. CITIZENS BANK OF ASH LAND Facilities That Prove Their Worth Tills bank's facilities give it a standard for good service in every de partment enabling it to meet every sound bank ing requirement promptly and efficiently. Accounts ate invited. the familiar cong, "The Little Brown Church In tho Vale." Snow- Is reported to be five feet deep on Trail creek, and much dis comfort Is caused to stock as a con sequence. Some of the farmers' barns have broken down with the weight of snow and killed several head of cat tle. Plenty oilcloth, rnlnproof slicker coats, In black only and men's sizes, $3.50 nt Mitchell & Whittle's. It Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stokes went to Albany last week with the remains of Mr. Stokes' father, Mr. Charles Stokes, who died here at a local hos pital last Tuesday. Mr. Herman Stokes has burled both father .and mother during the last year. J. E. Clark of Rosevlllo Is now fill ing the duties of car foreman in the local shops, taking Mr. Ahl's place, who was recently transferred to Ger ber. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are house keeping in the Olsen house on Butter fly avenue. Dunsmuir News. Arthur A. Harriman, teacher in the commercial department of the Rose burg high school, was vlBltlng at the Benedict home on Mountain avenue, Saturday. Mr. Harriman came to Ashland as a member of the faculty with the basketball boys from Rose burg. The O. A. C. basketball team passed through Ashland Sunday en route home to Corvallls from Palo Alto and Berkeley, where they lost to U. of C. and won from Stanford. Walter Phillips of Ashland greeted a number of friends at the station here. Mrs. G. Edlund, who formerly lived on B street In this city, was visiting j Mends In Roseburg last week, when 'summons came from her home at j Portland that her daughter, Miss Hulda, was quite 111. Mrs. Edlund, it seemed, had started to California for a visit when called back home. It Is reported that Engineers Mc Clung and Wright of tlie Roseburg division were suspended from the Southern Pacific service on account of an occurrence last week near Rose burg when a freight train ran Into the rear end of a work train. No one was hurt, but the caboose was so bad ly smashed that instead of trying to salvage It, It was burned. Misunder standing of orders was the cause. ,ew spring suits Just arrived this week. Splendid blue serges at $15, $20 and $22.50, in sizes 34 and up. Mitchell & Whittle. It 4on SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Herman Stock, Jack Bailey and John Hughes braved the snowstorm on Thursday In a fishing trip to the Rogue river new Ray dam. Mrs. Anna Lawson and daughter, Florence, of North Yakima, Wash., visited Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Day on Wednesday, whilo on tho return trip home from a winter's stay In south ern California. C. E. Call, employe of the Medford ice plant, has traded Ashland prop erty at 122 High street, now occupied by S. B. McNair, to R. H. Toft, also frqm Medford, for an eighty-acre janch. This residence was built and I formerly owned by R. A. Payne, now of Harrlsburg. 1 The land department of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway has opened temporary offices In the rooms recently occupied by Beebe & Kinney, particularly exploiting that section of the country tributary to Port Angeles, Wash., the "Gateway City." Mrs. M. M. Garwood is the company's representative - Next time you ar6 down by the postoffice notice the dishes of choco late In Butler's windows. You will probably not notice anything beyond the fact that they are very pretty dishes until you see the sign calling attention to their being made of Rogue River valley sugar. Yes, sir. Those dishes were grown right here In the valley. look 'em over. Mr. and Mrs. Aldred Boaver, re cently of Springfield, have been visit ing relatives here and have gone to Klamath Falls for a further visit with Mr. Beaver's people before going to Eugene, where Mr. Beaver has a fine position with the Chamberlain Hard ware Company. Walter Horndon re mains in Springfield as manager of M. C. Bressler's hardwaro and imple ment store. Jesse Clary, who has been era ployed at Poley's drug store, has ac cepted a position with the Citizens Bank and assumed his new duties this morning. Mr. Clary attended the lo cal hjgh school last year and has won a reputation In the Ashland business world ns a wide-awake, progressive young man. He takes the place of Troy Phipps, who left the bank a couple of weeks ago to teach school In eastern Oregon. Ivan Phipps, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Phlpp3, has been seriously 111 In Portland, threatened with pneu monia. He 's still ct tho Good Sa maritan hospital, gradually Improv ing. Ivan went to Portland last De cember to perfect himself in a com mercial course, under auspices of the Y. M. C. A., and for some time past has been filling the responsible posi tion of stenographer for the Globe Milling Company. More new hats came In this week beautiful tans, pearl greys, browns, greens and blacks, $3 .-and $i.5U. Mitchell & Whittle. It V. F. Carlos of Corvallls, a recent newcomer to Ashland, who bought the Frank Smith house at 558 Holly street, Is making extensive improve ments on the houso and about the premises. He is placing a solid foundation under the residence and redecorating and otherwise Improv ing tho interior. He is also building a garage. C. H. Nlckerson Is doing the work. Mr. Carlos Is greatly pleased with Ashland and Is seeking to make his new property a "home" In every sense of the word. S. G. Kitchen, day train clerk for the Southern Pacific Company, and family left on the Sacramento local en route to Rosevllle, to work for the company. His place here is being filled by David G. Good of Ashland. Dunsmuir News. Clif Payne makes skirt boxes. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August 1, 1916. Thepe figures 320,817 represent the actual number of cars manufactured by us since August 1, 1916, and delivered by our agents to retail buyers. This unusual fall and winter demand for Ford cars makes it necessary for us to confine the distribution of cars only to those agents who have orders for immediate delivery to retail customers, rather than to permit any agent to stock cars in anticipation of later spring sales. We are issuing this notice to intending buyers that they may protect themselves against delay or disappointment in securing Ford cars, If, therefore, you are planning to purchase a Ford car, we advise you to place your order and take delivery now. Immediate orders will have prompt attention. Delay in buying at this time may cause you to wait several months. Enter your order today for immediate delivery with our author ized Ford agent lifted below and don't be disappointed later ou. -FORD MOTOR COMPANY. PRICES: Runabout $245, Touring Car $360, Conpelet $505, v Town Car $595, Sedan $645, f.o.b. Detroit FORD GARAGE Lee Hall. Prop. Medford Series Starts Next Week A rumor ha i been quite extensively 'irculat jd, especially in Medford, to the effect that the Ash'.'ind school basketball team iicrt c,uit fo' Good Programs at The Vining Theatre Tonight's Vlnlng show Is the same as last night, Theda Bara In "Under Two Flags." The picture Is one of the best of recent weeks at the Vln lng, and the large crowd which saw the year and that the annual games : lt last nlght u ioft the theatre boost with Medford would not be played. jng Through a slight misunderstanding . Tuesday brings a Paramount pic- coolness of that winter morning, with the temperature twelve degrees above zero for it is seldom lower In southern Oregon. Sparkling snow carpeted the earth. The outstretched arms of the pines, seemingly, were laden with tho largest of large fairy blossoms. On the hills, high up on the mountalntops and as far as eye could reach, was snow, snow, snow! And such snowballing! For had we not waited three years for a win ter like this? Previous years we had there were indications at one time ture starring Marie Doro. "The Lash" liad occasional snows, but the flakes earlier In the season that the games , ls a story of a mle Blnnd whcl, tg ; melted almost aa rust ns tliey toucnea might not be played, hut tho team Is natlon to Itself, and of the eventual!- jthe earth hard at work this week and the Med- teg wnlch result from an old law that After the chores were done, a ford games will be played. The first nny WOman who loses her honor Is to I rough sleinh was fashioned, and off two of the series will probably be.,e iasi,e(j across the shoulders. j we went for n ride, with a cowbell Staged Friday and Saturday of next, Wednesday brings Bessie Bnrrls-jfor a chime. Such a ride! with no woek Friday here and Saturday at caei Charles Ray and Margery Wil- forty degrees below or blizzard wind Medford and tho last two games on Bon ln a delightful Irish comedy the seme days of tho succeeding Crania written by the author of nillle week. While lighter and lacking the Burke's "Peggv." "Corner in Col- experlence of the M,odford team, there eens" Is sure to send you home with never was a gamer bunch of fighters tle inppy fe?llng. than the present Ashland high school j team, and with two weeks of hard viTKIt" IX SOl'THKItX OHMJOX work ahead of the locals the Medford confidence ls likely to receive a shock when the smoko of battle clears away. - - - IE. M. D Talent, Ore.) Daylight vanished, and lo! to nip our noses Just a crisp, cool breeze which sifted glittering snow from the trees Into our faces as we passed. I'phlll and down, down, down we went, past glowing urchins sliding on tin pans, boards or makeshift sleds, shouting and laughing with glee. On we slid till lt was time to the) turn on the homeward stretch. Oh! Angel of Pence, with wings of snow, ' the- greetings we received from merry. She flitted occupants of sleighs fashioned Just as appeared In the heavens. about and hovered above the Vfllley" ( ours. ' for an instant, then slowly and noise-1 We anlved homo gloriously happy lessly descended. She stopped, now : to sit cozlly contented before tho-" Pendleton Standarl ' II Company asks twenty-year franchise for piant in west end. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Tax list for 1910 has been received and will be found at the places named below, where taxes may be; and then, to rest on the housetops j open fireplace, with Its blazing logs paid. In order that the work and the expenses of collecting taxes mny not entail loss upon those who un dertake it, and that all may receive the same treatment, a uniform mini mum charge of 13 rents will le made for each collection. G. P. imXIXfiS & SON'. MUST NATIONAL HANK. CITIZBXS HAXK OF ASHLAND. STATE IJANK OF ASHLAND. 79-2t and In the sheltering arms of the of pungent pine, and munch'nuts and pines, and rewarded them for their j apples, for It was yet tho holiday hospitality with raiment of fluffy j season. In the afternoon the sun white. Over Mother Kenrth she drew J lilnzed brighter and brighter; tho, a snowy coverlet and tucked her temperaturo rose to twenty ahove; snugly In. . . ,le gnow slowly disappeared; from With soft footfalls she pattered . the trees and bushes dripped gllsten aliout throughout the night, fulfilling, ng dewlike drops of moisture; and her mission of peace afld sifting bits t seemed as though spring had lone- somed for the volley and returned North Bend Local be factory will operate and also 'n's'l shingle machines. Tho Tidings Is on sale at Poley'i drug store, 17 East Main street. of feathery down ?ver tho chaparral, mnnznnltas and madrone trees on the hillsides. And as she ascended again to the heavens, to depart for other climes, she scattered gomes of dia mond and pearl over all, which glis tened In the pale silvery light of the winter moon, and then she vanished Just as the dawn of morning. And oh! the exhilarating, fresh for a brief few hours' visit. Oh! of all tho winters In wintry climes, I'll take winter In the Rogu River valley, couthern Oregon, for mine. A family of children whose support had devolved upon the city were tak en to Talent Friday. Mces Oere Advertised Mean Decided wm Boys' Overcoats at just one-halt former Prices. One Lot of fancy Bilks in narrow widths, as OA in show window; values 1.00-1 25-1.50 2-00. at QuC One Lot of fancy ribbon in 4, 5 and 6-in., former values 30-35 and 40c, now 19c 3.00 Ladies' Nem Corset Special for one week only we offer $3.50 Corsets at $4.00 Nemo. Corsets $3.50; $4.50 Corsets $4.00. At this time it means big corset values. Our new plain Pongees are now in and we offer a splendid quality at 85c All boys' Suits at less than cost; we've decided to close out boys' clothing Savings I -Men's Dress Shirts One lot of men's dress shirts, as dis played in oar show window; sizes 14 to 18. $1.25 and $1.50. Special to clean up, at Formerly $1, 75c MeVs and Biys' Heavy Two-Piece Underwear in w joI and heavy cotton ribbed; also Boys' Wright's gM Health Underwear, at. . Ull Ladles' fin Maco Cotton Hoi In tamour rrfular35o tn. quality at IvC Ladies' Low Shoes We offer hundreds of pairs of ladies' Oxfords and Comfy low shoes at from $1.00 to $1.50 less than former prices. We want to clean up on Men's Shoes and Oxfords, and offer special prices until sold out. Children's one-buckle Gaiters, sizes 8 to 1 1... $1.00 Children's Rubbers, sizes 5 to 1 40 and 50c -A splendid value in Ladies' Black Hose at,.........18c A splendid value in Men's Black Hose at 15c See us for your spring wants in White Goods VAU PEL'S The Store That Leads in Best Qciality and Lowest Price