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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1917)
PACK THREB ; Attractive real estate offerings never J ; me etwithindif I erence when made through J tnp fliKsnipn rninmnc mm m m m ttaaaaattt'8aaaaaatt Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word for each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or leu f 1 per month. No advertise sent Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. DR. F. A. HALL Dentistry and all it branches. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. Phone 167. 5-tf DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurlst for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofflce, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 21-tf C. B. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of fice with E. D. Briggs. Ashland, Ore. DR. ERNEST A. WOOD "-Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours, 10 to IS and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. 73-tf CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Frank Jordan, general contracting New and old work; cement walks, cemetery copings, brick, cement, woodwork, lathing and plastering, cobblestone and general building contracts. 4-1 2 mo. CHAIR DOCTOR R. H Stanley, ex . pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relald and repaired, bedsprlngs restretcnea, rtiair wired, rubber tires for baby buggies, window cleaning, house cleaning, and furniture packing Anna MirwirtlT. Call at 386 A tront or nhone 403-R. 91-tl DR. G. R. UTTERBACK The Chiro practor and Nerve Specialist. All functions of the body are controlled by nerves. Electric, caoinei ana nrv haths In connection. Office t roatdnnce. 108 Pioneer avenue nnnott Hotel Austin annex. 18-tf r w CEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa- perhanger. Phone 202-K. "o Ohio street. "tt MISCELLANEOUS BILL POSTER Will Btennett, 116 Factory St Bill posting and dis tributing. ' E4-tf CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m. Mre. S. Patterson. Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett Greer. Sec. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each montb at ?:30 p. m nt the Auxiliary Hall. WONEY TO LOAN Mortgage Com pany Holland-America has plenty of money to lend on good farrii security. Isaac Best, agent, uranig Pans Or. 41-tf ?nnM with BOARD Tozer house 71 t uiirni ntret. Price. $5 and ii n npr week. Free use of piano; wh hot and cold water; home ronkine: meals served "family style." 78-lmo. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAIL ROAD CO. GRANT LANDS Title to same revested in unitea states , by act of congress dated June 9, 1916. Two million three hundred thousand acres to be opened for settlement and sale. Power site, timber and agricultural landB, con- taining some of best land left In i United States. Now Is the oppor tune time. Large, sectional map i showing lands and description of eoil climate, rainfall, elevations, etc.. postpaid, $1. Grant Land Lo cating Co., Box 610, Portland, Ore- gon. 67 - 3mo. For SALE Good transrer, storage and coal business. Reasonable. Apply to City Truck Co., D. Guy Good. gl'tr FOR SALE LIVESTOOK FOR SALE Young span of horses. Good workers. Apply at Tidings office. , "-4t FOR SALE, CHEAP Milch goats; 100-gallon gasoline tank and pump; second hand bicycles; sec ond hand harness, single and dou ble harness for salo; 1 horse; Black Minorca eggs for setting; 2 line Minorca roosters for breeding; 1 50-gallon steel tank; 2 oil bar rels; 2 sewing machines. Must bo eold at onco. Eastern Supply Co. FOR SALE Threo good Jacks, two Missouri Jacks, four and six years old, ono Kentucky Jack. James Taylor, box 116, R. F. D., Ashland, Ore. 78-lmo. FOR SALE Shetland pony, kind and gentle to rldo or drive. A bargain, with or without saddle and bridle. Inquire 638 Boulevard or phone 404-R. -78-lmo. FOR SALE Choice Swiss milch goats, bred. C. P. Good, Ashland. 7ott INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland tor Medford, Talent and Phoenix daily except Sunday at S-00 a. m. and 1:00. 8:00. 4:00 and 5:1b p. m. Also on Saturday ' night at 6:80. Sundays leave at 9:00 and 1:00, 6:00 end 10:30 p. m. Leave Medford -for Ashland dally ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1.00 . J:00. 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 10:15. On Sundays at 10.30 a. m., and 3:00, 6:00 and :80 p. m. mm MM M A m ah. Fare between neoiora w pud, 20 orate. Rouad trip, M cenu. FOUND FOUND A stickpin containing an opal. Owner can have same by calling at tho Tidings office and paying for this ad. 77-tf WANTED WANTED Infants and children to board. Inquire 366 B street. 56-tf WANTED A gontloman to board and room at roasonr.blo rates. Ap ply at 99 Granlto street,, near Lithia park. 76-tf OPENED AGAIN The Ashland Junk Dealers. Wo buy all kinds of Junk. Hides, pelts and wool our special ty. A Benard, Prop., 253 Fourth street, phone 79. 78-tf WANTED Position with steam or gasoline engine. Twenty years' ex perience. E. L. Chambers, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. 79-2t FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR 3ALE OR TRADE Modern seven-room house, garage, 95x316 feet, clear of encumbrance. Value $5,000. Will consider acreage in or near Ashland. -Address owner, H. B. Nye, Medford. 73-8t FOR SALE OR TRADE My home place on Nuisery street, consisting of 1 1-5 acres, well Improved; six room house, garage, woodshed, lots of fruit of all kinds, fine view of Mt. Ashland, two blocks from school and church. The best buy in Ashland. Will cell on easy terms, or trade for house and lot close In. Also a two-seated surry, nearly new. Will sell or trade for top buggy S. A. Hawks. 77-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Property close In, 104x 198 feet; comfortable bouse and barn, large lawn, shrubs, fruit and garden. Price $3,000; one half cash, balance on reasonable terms. Address E. G., care Tid ings. 35-tf FOR SALE Modern cottage of six rooms, on 1 acres of ground, mostly meadow, under Irrigation ditch; young bearing fruit trees. Price $2,000 cash. Bargain. Ad dress E. G., cars Tidings. 35-tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Dandy little modern four-room bungalow with acre cf ground, so located as to go like hot cakes If subdivided for tourist bungalows. Will sell Borne good furniture to purchaser. Worth $2,000 or more. Will take $1,500 for quick sale. See Bert R. Greer, at Tidings office. FOR SALE One and a quarter acres of good ground, with two good modern houses and barn. Free wa ter for Irrigation. Good fertile soil. A bargain if taken at once. Address L. R. H., care Tidings. 71-tf ANXIOUS TO SELL Block K, Over look addition, a choice residence lot. 5 acres cherry orchard (Pa cific Highway), 160 and 40 acres timber. Get prices. N. J. ReaS' oner, Tucumcarl, New Mexico. 74-lmo. FOR SALE Eight lots In Chumos, Subdivision, McCalls addition Boulevard and Sherman. Owner will consider best offer. Address Jas. Chumos, 312 Fulton street, Seattle Wash. 74-lmo. FOR SALE Not one of the best but THE BEST flvo-acro piece of ground adjacent to Ashland. The best soil, best location and most desirable small farm house ln the valley one mile from P. O.; buildings cost more than $1,500 and you cannot duplicate the soil and location for the balance of price asked. Not having time to properly care for It and not caring to rent it are my reasons for sell lng. Price $3,500. After this year's crop Is planted It will cost you more money. Better act now, H. L. Sinclair, at Tidings office. foul try, Pigeons, Birds, Etc. FOR SALE Eggs from my trap- nested thoroughbred R. I. Red hens, with a record of 35 to 50 eggs ln 50 consecutive days. One dollar per setting. G. W. Bene dict, phone 251-L. 73-tf FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn eggs from heavy laying strain. Set ting 75c, 100 $4. J. S. Crawford, Talent, Ore., half block from S. P, depot. 7 7-1 mo. EGGS FOR SETTING H. H. Leav itt's Barred Plymouth Rock eggs on sale at Plaza Grocery. Fifteen for 50c. 78-12 TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Two lots and small house In good town In Okla homa (clear) for Ashland or vi cinity. Will assume. See S. L. Allen for full particulars. 79-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Nice six-room cottage, all conveniences, lots of fruit, close ln. Phone forenoons, 2 8 8-J. 76-tf FOR CATARRH and HAY FEVER Dentil Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DRUQ STORES Tubes 25c Jars 50e Talent The residents of Talont are ex tending congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Minuth, formerly of this place, who are rejoicing over the birth of a son, born at their home in Medford, Tuesday. Mrs. Michael Sorem received the sad news of the death of her mother, Tuesday. Mrs. Sorem left Tuesday evening for southern California to at tend the funeral. Talent's new sanitarium project has failed to materialize up to the present time on account of the lack of a suitable location. Willard V. B. Campbell Is selling all his livestock and farm machinery at the Suncrest orchards. Dr. Page of Medford is taking charge of the orchards as new proprietor. Dr. Griffin movod his residence to the L. M. Rhoades house on the Pa cific Highway, Tuesday. The Methodist church has planned an extensive reception at the church in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sorem, Mr. and Mrs. Flurry and thoir families, who are soon to leave the Rogue River valley. Because of the deep snow and Mrs. sorems oeing sud denly called away, the reception which was planned for Saturday evening will not be Riven. However, the people of Talent wish to express their appreciation of these people in the community and wish them good fortuno In their new homes. The Sorems will move to southern Califor nia and the Flurrys to Corvallls, Ore. Mr. Koozer of the Bagley Canning Company Is In Salora this wek on business. He Is expected to return the last of the week. The new addition to the Methodist church building Is nearing comple tion. It will accommodate three more Sunday school classes and afford modern conveniences. Dr. C. W. McFadden of Duluth, Minn., arrived In Talent Thursday on business. The Community Club met in the club rooms in the town hall Wednes day. Each lady was supposed to bring 10 cents' worth of eats. It is thought that some of them could not tell the diff3rence between a dollar and a dime. The ladies had a great feast and a greatly enjoyed social time. Mrs. Peter Vandersiuis. the corre- spondent for the Talent Tidings, Is visiting her mother in Portland this week. She also expects to stop in Safety First Buy Home Product California Washing Powder is especially fine lu cold, hard, warm or hot wator. Makes the washing easy. For sale at your grocer's. Government test 94, 644. Homo product. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVE MENT BOND OF THE CITY OF ASHLAND Recorder's Office, Ashland, Oregon, March 6, 1917. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the City Recorder's office up to 5 o'clock p. m., Tuesday. March 6, 1917, and will bo opened and con sidered by the common council of the city of Ashland, Oregon, at 8 o'clock p. m. same day and date, for the purchase of $279.50 Im provement Bond of the city of Ash land, Oregon. This bond Is one ln number, de nomination of $279.50 Sald bond will be No. 761 and bear interest m ino raie oi six per cent per an- j , mim nov.hla Bamtonniiallu Hnttl 1 principal and Interest payable at the City Treasurer's office, city of Ashland, Oregon, and is to he dat- ed March 1, 1917, and mature in i ten years from said date, but is redeemable at tho office of the Treasurer of said city, at the op tion of the city of Ashland, upon payment of tho face value thereof - with accrued interest to date of payment at any semi-annual cou-1 pon period at or after one year from the date of the issue. This bond will bo sold for the , highest price obtainable, but for) not less than par and accrued ln-1 terest nt the rato of six per cent ! per annum from March 1, 1917, to j date of delivery of said bond. This bond is issued ln the mat ter of a sewer constructed on Ohio street ln Sewer District No. 18, in ! accordanco with tho Drovlslons of Section 3248, Lord's Oregon Laws. Bids must bo accompanied by the certified check, payable to the city of Ashland, for an amount equal to flvo per cent of the face value bid for, which, in case the successful bidder falls or refuses to take and pay for the bond as proposed in bid, shall be forfeited aa liquidated damages for such failuro or refusal. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids must be addressed to tho City Recorder, Ashland, Ore gon, markod "Proposal to purchase Improvement Bond." JOHN B. WIMER, City Recorder. Date of first publication, Febru ary 22, 1917. 79-4t Tidings Eugene to visit her daughter, Alice, who Is attending the University of Oregon. Mrs Vandersiuis is expect- ed home Tuesday. The M. E. Ladles' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Bonham, in South Tal ent, Thursday. The next meeting of the Aid will be on the 8th of March at the home of Mrs. W. R. Yeo. The Bagley Canning Company are contracting for tomatoes. The pros- ; pects are good, but more acreage is' needed. Contractine with the local! cannery should bo encouraged, as they need all the acreage available to Justify the operating of their large plant. Dr. Rollins, pastor of the Methodist church In Medford, preached In Rev. Reed's pulpit here Sunday, Mr. Reed ! ! being in Central Point, whprn ha has I - ; been conducting revival services. Mrs. George E. Ziders returned home from Grants Pass Thursday, whore slio has been visiting for the past two weeks. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Hart are rejoic ing over the arrival of a little son In their home Thursdays The Talent high school will play the last championship game of the season at Gold Hill Friday night. Roth bovs and etlrls will olav. The tennis nro both hn n d if nnnfrt on ac- count of sickness end the removal of somo of tho nlavers from the com - munlty. However, they have hopes of making this tho strongest fight of the year, and will no doubt bring home some bacon. The Parent-Teacher Association will meet at the school house next Tuesday evening, February 27. Pro fessor Briscoe, superintendent of the Ashland schools, will lecture on "School System." Rose Brothers will also give a Vlctrola concort the same evening. Everybody is Invited and the parents are especially urged to come. Miss Sarah Lee Tuck, representa- tlve of the Crescent Baking Powder Company, gave tho. school a very helpful talk on baking powders, Thursday. I Last Wednesday Rev. Carnahan of the Presbyterian church In Ashland gave the school a patriotic address on ' "The Character and Life of George i Washington." The high school faculty and the ! eighth and tenth grades were sumpt- i uously entertained by the ninth graae last Saturday evening. The manual training class are no- uiKugouu .:.... and otner minss or ou iur mue. They are furnished with material by the school at cost ;nd are getting more orders than they are ahle to fill. If you need anything from a yarn spool to a library table, PP'y at the manual training department and get it made to order. John L. Burgan of Alexander, Minn., is visiting Mrs. C. D. Burgan and the Vandersiuis family here this week. Mr. Burgan is on his way to southern California to visit relatives there. He visited at Spragtie. Wash., with his brother-in-law, Dr. D. M. Strang, before coming to Talent. Says Steelhead Are Striking in River Sim Morris and wife spent Tuesday down along Rogue river and Sim brought hack nine fine steelhead ag gregating a weight of forty pounds, as the result of the day's fishing. Numerous other big catches are re- ported, and Bear creek Is also yleld- lng an occasional full basket of tho game fish. Local anglers are overhauling their tackle. This run of steelhead are reported to be In fine condition, Grants Pass will experiment with New Zealand flax. .. Coos Bay Keel is laid for sixth ,arge veg8e, ,n ,ocal 8hlpyardi A GOOD FRIEND. A good friend stands by you when In need. Ashland people tell how Doan's Kidney Pills have stood the test. Mrs. Crelghton endorsed Doan's over three years ago and again confirms the story. Could you ask for more convincing tostlmonyT Mrs. H. A. Crelghton. 142 Sixth street, Ashland, says: Doan's Kid- ney Pills have been used with excel lent results in our family and I don't hesitate to endorse them. I have noted their good effects for trouble with the back and kidney weakness and don't think they have an equal." (Statement given March 12, 1913.) Confirmed Proof, On March 15, 1916, Mrs. Crelghton said: "I gladly confirm what I have said ln my former recommendation for I still consider Doan's Kidney Pills a very reliable kidney medicine. I am happy to say I haven't haif any trouble with my kidneys now for sev eral years." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Crelghton has twice publicly rec ommended. Foeter-MUburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. 888ttttxixtAixAixA ria.iitii:ASAtt ama a t a Do Yo Use Wtca Yoa Can Get Fresh? it All corn meal shinned in iiflra in kiln-r1rirl nnrl when from the East, may U T. , jf. - iuo wiu wcai uittuc a, i q ground every week from select hand sorted corn. It tt contains the sweet heart of the kernel and all of the oil. Our Graham and other Cereals are ground in small i quantities on a rrencn I5unr trora finest wneat which has been cleaned and scoured four times. are always fresh. 8 That is why Ashland made cereals have that rich delicious flavor. tt And the price, like all other other prices at the Ash- n land Mills, is even less than you would have to pay tt fnr tVio ctalo nuroala aL ? i-m-voI in Un a. tt Ashland mills PHONE 49 8aA8A8A8$8&858$8A8A8Aas88A8A8s8t8 snaaaataaanan Home Poets aaattaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataa THE GIFTS ETERNAL. (By Angelina.) ' How fast yu naRS Tlme lwhat to11 vou take! And Death you come unheraled and so euro. We know not whence you come or go, But this one thing within the soul we know; Not Time nor Death can separate whom Love has bound. For Life and Love are gifts of God, And gifts of His are for eternity. Death comes a voice beloved is stilled; Our hearts are dazed as with strange silence filled. Yet back from grief the spirit swings to gifts divine, weaving tno mysteries or ueatn ana I lime To future unfoldmcnt. Knowing the gift of Love is ours, We smile going our way Joyful, content. The Rooster. rine following verses were writ- ten ,)y a man wno camo to Ashland lMt BUmmer with tho intention of ; maklng only a brief stay. Ho and his fnm,y nro now nppHrently permanent rXtres nere. l no verses are aeai- i cntP(1 t0 a nPXt door neighbor who wag nrKoy instrumental In keeping thpm Any qPSton of sarcasm In t1Q denrp.te humor of the verse Is 1 contradicted by the fact that the ; "Btranger" is in love with Ashland an(1 rpmana here, jWe (now a j0iy woman, n(lt sno.g n an awfl, stew: 'S,e nag bepn an Ashalnd booster, j An(1 of C0llrSfl has told a few Told them to tho stranger, I And told them with a grin, iFor It seemed so mighty funny I To see them taken In. She spoke of seasons in a general way, Then told about the sunshine That all the year did stay; How snowbirds winging down the sky, When they saw this Ashland sun shine, Went swiftly skimming by; Told how buds did open in early fall, And the ever-blooming roses Did never freeze at all. It was done ln hor easy way, For of course she had not expected Theso strangers had come to stay, But that, like tho birds in autumn, They would hie themselves away. So she did not keep tho score, But when she had told a dozen, She told a dozen more. Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular L. Scliwein 84 Pure flilk Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, Proprietor Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-Date. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town Dried Ftoit be a year or two old. ' ? . .. . , , ui .finijiaiiu wins 18 iresii U Hence they tt tt tt Now she Is full of trouble, perplex ity and doubt, But the cause is very simple: Her sins have found her out. But wo like this little woman, We like her pleasant way, And we'll these little sins forgive her. For we want to see her gay. Yes, we like this jolly woman, We like hor pleasant grin; We like to watch hor subtle smile When she thinks wo are taken in. J. L. County Attorney Has Alcohol Blanks Blanks and affidavits for the use of druggists and other persons who handle ethyl alcohol under the so called "bone-dry" , prohibition law have arrived at the offices of District Attorney George Roberts. The appli cant for tho alcohol must first fill out a long affidavit, then go to the office of the district attorney in per son and verify same before he can obtain the permit. He will be com pelled to sign a receipt for the permit in the presence of that official. None but druggists, physicians, dentists and those engaged In manufacturing and scientific work who have occa- .,,, , In ,h,. i,ai0. win ,,e alowed to handle the alcohol. Mlnli)tpra may ,, wine for 8acra. meIllal .uir.,0rtPS. T),e district attor- iney makpa out tno pwnilta ln trpli cntei gjv1ng th0 applicant one, files one with the county clerk and keeps one himself. Seeks to Improve City's Soda Water City Engineer Walker received per mission from tho council Tuesday to send samples of the water from the Cunningham gas well and tho Dodge soda well to San Francisco for analy sis. Mr. Walker has high expecta tions of improving the soda water, which tastes flat in comparison to the llthla water at the fountains. If the water at the Dodge well proves to contain all tho mineral elements wanted, a method of combining it with gas will he sought, while if the Cunningham water is found suitable It may be used. Mr, Walker Is work ing hard In hopes of securing a soda water whicli will compare with the lithia by the time the su minor season opens. Must Be Sold Team, Wagons and Harness also one Mule 115 GRANITK STRKRT INSPECT oar market and your confl- dence will be behind the pleasure of eating our meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary worn shop will aid yonr digestion. N. Main Phone 107 Pure Cream TELEPHONE 444-R I tt tt