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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1917)
Monday, February 2fl. t1T TACK TWO Ashland Tidings J THE ASHLAXD PRINTING CO. ' (Incorporated) ESTABLISHED 1878 BKMI-W EEKLY Tirrt R. Greer, Editor and Manager Harvey R. Ling, Advertising Manager 1yna Mow at, til 7 Kditor Olfical City and County Paper : right-minded BRING HOME THE BACON. Issued Monday and Thursday TELEPHONE 39 One Tear $2.00 strictly observe the law filx Months LOO' Three Month Parable la Advaa-c No inbscrtptfon for less thin three months. AU ts:srip'.ioas dropped at plrtks izl-ni renewal U received. Ia eririt cli;r of the paper ajwij- r:T-f ti-e oM it:t address or I.:zit u Cu tie new. 1 prevent the use of tobacco In the Portland and demanded that Jackson cedure code been revised Into one cigarette or any other form by ma- county be provided for as la the due workable system, ture men who have become addicted I of the county which has always tak- j . There Is also a county code which to the habit, and realizing that an ' en the lead In road matters In Ore- has to do with expenditures of county attempt to prohibit the use to grown gon. Mr. Gore urged bis demands runds and administration of county men would probably be a farce, all so energetically that this section was road work. It does away with the factions realized the effect which the included, and provisions made for ex- time-honored supervisor system, and weed has on growing boys and Joined penditures on the Pacific Highway, provides for appointment of a county bands In the work of framing a law Crater Lake road and Green Springs roadmaster instead. In other words, which would make selling cigarettes 'Mountain road between here and It centralizes authority In county to boys a criminal offense. J Klamath Falls In the bond bill which road work and eliminates the hap- Sentiment throughout the state de- is to be voted In June. Representa- t hazard and expensive system so long mands absolute enforcement of the live Gore also played a leading part in force In Oregon. It also speclflc .nH it 1. mnAA that every In the oassage of numerous other ally repeals by section numbers many tobacco dealer will measures of benefit to tnis secuon and the state at large. Do You Fear Glasses because you think they may be un becoming? Much depends on the style. We have a frame to fit every nose, and we guarantee comfort A registered optician Is In charge to see to It that you get the proper lent. H. L Whited Reentered Optometrist, Ashland conflicting road sections in the codes and session laws. There Is," further, an ambitious ba8ls of the x,Htlng number of Buch To use an effective slang expres sion, the Jackson county delegation "brought home the bacon" from the 1917 state legislature. Representa tives Sheldon, Thomas and Gore State Now Has Fine Road Program measure known as the state highway 1 code. Its object Is to provide pro cedure for construction of hard-surfaced highways and for co-operation county and state In construction of what are known as state highways. vehicles in Oregon, about $300,000 a year Into the state road fund. Still another road bill is the Bean Barrett bonding act. This Is a con tingent or emergency measure. Jt authorizes Issuance, In event rev enues from established sources are ' not sufficient to meet allotments of j government road funds, bonds In an ! amount equivalent to the deficiency. I With the prospects of $6,000,000 jt dispenses with the existing ex- proved to be the strongest delegation becoming available for the roads of officio state highway commission JTOnCX TO ADVERTISERS. !in the house, and In fact wielded the state (all to be used outside of ; composed of elected state officials, Kti rirt lu doubled In price more influence than any other coun- Multnamah county) In case the vot-:and provides for appointment by the tie Urt tow nMtbx It necessitates tyg representation, not excepting the ers of the state take kindly to the governor of a non-salaried comrals-1 Tnls 1,111 8,80 carries an emergency! a aJTaxee U advertising rates, or ' thlrtooo members from Multnomah bill which was passed by the leglsla- Bon of three, one member to be from clause, and Insures expenditure In! JoVaM'tfcadrerto'n They played a leading part ture and needs a majority vote of each congressional district. It serves Oregon of the entire government al-1 the Ajhland Tidings after this date. ; in the passage of every constructive J the people to provide a bond Issue of the highway engineering department lotment for post roads and forest j Tiers will be no deviation from this .measure and, battling against mon-jthat amount, Oregon will have road frora (ne state engineer's office and roal8 a"d an equal sum of state! tl'- ter odds, forced through the legisla- j funds and a road program which evp nnnnintmont nf htpWav on. money as Is required by the federal, tion for which they had been sent to should place this state In the first gineer to the now highway commls- ac- This assurance prevails regard-' ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Dealers in LUMBER Shingles, Lath, Sash, Doors, Roofing Papers, Cordwood, Factory Block Wood ADVERTISING RATES. ULiplay Advertiaing Single Insertion, each Inch.. 25c One month.... " " 20c Salem. Three bills passed by the recent Six months. .. . " ' One year " " 15c Readlnu Notice 6 cents the line straight. Classified Column 1 cent the word first Insertion, cent the word ach other Insertion. Thirty words or less one month, $1. All written contracts for space al ready In force will be rendered at the old rate until contract expires. Fraternal Orders and Societies. Advertising for fraternal orders or societies charging a regular Initiation fee and dues, no discount. Religious and benevolent orders will be charged for all advertising when an admission or other charge la made, t the regular rates. When no ad mission Is charged, space to the amount of fifty lines reading will be allowed without charge. All addi tional at regular rates. 1 , The Tiding" has a greater circula tion In Ashland and 1U trade terri. 017 than all other local papers com. blaed. Entered at tho Ashland, Oregon, Postofflce as second-class mall matter. 17 He j legislature are of paramount lmpor- Ashland, Ore., Monday, Feb. 26, '1' RE-ASSESSMENT AMENDMENT. Besides the amendment which, If passed, will provide for the purchase of Chautauqua park and the erection of a now Chautauqua building, and the amendment which will relieve the city of the exponse of $300 a year which la now paid for the upkeep of the Chautauqua park, a third amend ment will be on the ballot at the special city election on March 8. The third amendment Is designated as the re-assessment amendment. An Identi cal measure was voted down at an election last fall, partly because of being placed alongside a measure which was favored by the minority And mainly becauso of lack of under standing by the citizens. The cly council and city attorney, who of course aro In a hotter position than the voters generally to realize the necessity of such a measure, deem It absolutely lmporatlve that the city be protected and are re-submlttlng it with the hopo that It will be more thoroughly studied. The amendment gives the city power to re-assess property In case a property owner who wishes to evade paying his rightful taxes, suc cessfully seeks to shoulder his bur den off onto tho other taxpayers by finding an error such as frequently creeps Into any legal document, In the way of an omission, Incorrect punctuation or other technical error. At present, should any taxpayer wish ing to evade paying his taxes rind an error of any kind and was able to how the orror to a court, his burden would fall on the city at large and the city would have no way of re assessing tho property. The proposed amendment would give the city pow r to rei assess the same amount In case a technical error was proved. CIGARETTES AND OI K HOYS. The Oregon legislature, which fin ished Its session at Salem last week, passed a law which prohibits the ale of cigarettes to boys under twenty-one years of age and also prohibits their use by minors. Tho law In Ore gon formerly prohibited tho use of the tobacco tubes ly boys of eighteen jnd under. The new law rocelved a practically unanimous vote In both housRS of the Jeglslature and received the backing, jiot alone of the W. C. T. U. and other welfare organizations, but of the State Editorial Association, farm ers' and business men's organizations and strange as It may appear at first thought of the tobacco com panies thomselves. As a matter of fact, the representatives of the to bacco companies aided In framing the Ironclad law which passed and urged its passage. While not wishing to tance to this section: the normal measure, the Rogue fish bill and the good roads legislation. Representative Ben Sheldon made the Southern Oregon Normal School his fight. By his personal work the measure placing the Ashland normal and an eastern Oregon normal on the 191 8 ballot was passed. It was In the senate that he overcame the greatest odds. Facing an adverse majority report of the committee In the senate to which his bill was re ferred, by personal work among the senators and use of his perosnal In fluence, Sheldon forced a minority report through to a successful cul mination in a big favorable vote, and the voters of the state will have an opportunity In 1918 to voice their wants In regard to better training facilities for teachers of the state. Again In the last minutes of the ses sion In the house, when adversaries sought to place the normal amend ment on the special election ballot of next June, thus effecting a probable defeat because of lack of time to make a thorough educational cam paign, Sheldon forestalled such a ca lamity by pure force of personality. The normal bill will therefore be on the 1918 ballot with only one other measuro referrod by the legislature. One obstacle to Sheldon's fight, which was under the surface, was a "double cross" on the part of the eastern Oregon delegation. At first promising to aid Sheldon's bill, the delegation from east of the moun tains thought they saw an opportun ity to get a bill designating but one normal, and that In eastern Oregon, and caused all kinds of complications In Sheldon's plans. Despite the infi delity of the1 eastern Oregon repre sentation, Sheldon played his hand In a masterful manner and forced his bill through, finally bringing them Into line. Ashland will now have the co-operation and support of eastern Oregon In nor normal fight. Representative Thomas proved to be one of the biggest men In the house, and in securing the passage of the Rogue fish bill, which was his special care, exhibltod a mastery which made him a marked man In the 1917 legislature. It Is history how the fish bill lost out on the first vote In the house and how by a stroke of genius Thomas saved It by voting no and demanding reconsideration. Ills fight against the powerful Macleay lobby, with their backing of huge financial interests and a strlng-pull- Ing machine built up by years of suc cess, was the most sensational fight of the legislative session, and the snnoMs which crowned his efforts stands as a monument to the ability of Representative C. M. Thomas. Representative Gore co-operated with his fellow Jackson county dele gates In a thorough manner and played a prominent pnrt In gaining Jackson county her due In the good roads legislation. His master "coup" was performed at Portland when the good road bonds and codo legislation whlrh nassed at Salem was being framed by the good roads men. Hear ing that Jackson county was being practically excluded from the plans, Mr. Gore caught the first train Into rank of good roads states and should be of Immense benefit to the farmer, the city man and In fact everyone. The road codo and minor road bills were rather overshadowed In the news of the legislature's doings by the big bond issue bill, but each plays an Important part. slon. This bill carries an emergency leBS 01 tne fate or ine . 000,000 clause. j roa(l bond Issue to be submitted at A measure known as an act to reg-, 8 Bpeclal e,ectlon June 4 ulate motor vehicles Is, In Its main' The $6,000,000 bonding act lays effect, a road law. It doubles the out a definite system of state high present motor vehicle license taxes wav and post roads. State highways and devotes tho whole proceeds to are t0 e paved, hard-surfaced under road work under supervision, of the tne provisions of this act. The bond The road program consisted of six state highway commission. The old bills of prime importance. There is one known as a procedure code which prescribes methods for the opening, laying out and vacating of highways. Heretofore three differ ent processes have been available and they have promoted more uncertainty and confusion than good highways. The three systems have by the pro- law required that motor vehicle licenses be opportloned to the coun ties In which they were collected af ter payment of the cost of license tags and other Incidentals of state administration. The money was thus scattered and Inefficiently expended In many Instances. Under the new law the automobiles will pay, on the Issue proposed Is a capitalization of the proceeds for the next 25 years of the quarteij-mlll road levy that has existed for several years, and the In creased motor vehicle taxes. These revenues on the bases of the present tax valuation and the exist ing number of automobiles in Oregon will amortlzo not only the $6,000,' 000, but the full limit of bonds au Flour. Feed and Poultry Supplies A Pnll Line Ashland Fruit and Produce Association MARLEY IVi IN. DEVON 2i IN. ARROW COLLARS 1 5 ota. each, 6 for 80 ota. ClUETT, PMBOOV A CO., INC. MAKERS I la but, besides pleasing your taste Here is a cigarette that, in addition to pleasing the taste, does a new thing, the one thing you've always wished a ciga rette Would do Chesterfields just "touch the spot," they let you hum you are mohinj they SA TISFY" I And still, they're mildt The costly Imported and Domestic tobacco are blended in a tune way that's what does it. And the blend can't be copied. If you don't believe there can be mm to a cigarette than good taste Duy a package of Chesterfields today. 206rlO$ kesferfield CIGARETTES IMPOBJEDand DOMESTIC tobaccos-Blended Florence Vancouver men have taken option on large amount of ce dar near here and plan to erect shin gle mill. Independence Valley & Sllets railroad is reported ready to begin erection of shops here soon. thorlzed under the Bean-Barrett act. In other words, Issuance of the $6,- 000,000 in bonds and Issuance of the full amount of bonds authorized by the Bean-Barrett act do not mean any Increase in taxation. The $6, 000,000 proposal Is to be submitted to vote of the people at a special elec tion Juno i, at which time several other measures will also go to the people. Of direct bearing on the road pro gram la a reduction of tho gravity test for gasoline heretofore estab lished by law. Government investi gation has shown the test to be of no value, but It has made gasoline 1 cent a gallon dearer in Oregon. Elimination of the test will give Ore gon consumers gasoline at the same price as consumers in other states pay. On an average the saving will Just about offset the Increase In au tomobile license taxes In the course of a year. The Dalles Two hundred and six ty thousand dollars Is to be spend here this year on building Witten berg King Company's new plant, to- cost $60,000; Catholic boys' school will be erected at a cost of $12,500; Llhby. McNeill & Libby to construct dormitories for employes; new gar age worth $35,000 to go up and addi tion of another Is started. Portland Tacoma shipyards have placed rush orders for 4,000,000 feet of lumber. Fire Insurance When your house is burning up. your neighbors will all stand arounds until It is a lltle pile of ashes, then walk off. and there will be nothing stnndlng but the chimneys. We go right aftor your money for you. Our companies all pay cash; no waiting or parloylng. We keep up with your pol icy; that's our business, and we make it our business to give you the best service possible. That's why we are your friends af ter the fire. Established 1883 Billing's Agency Real Katnte and Real I nun ranee lkaatMala IIumiii .... " " ' ' - ; ' : '