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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1917)
Monday, January 29, 1017 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE BEVKK COUNTY CLERK'S SEMI-ANNUAL RETORT. i (Continued from page six.) The following recapitulation Is made up from the County Treasurer's report for the sue months ending December 31st, 1916: Balance Fund July 1,1916. General $ 15,296.19 $ General school 6,795.56 High school and library 1,761.77 School dlstiicts 7,603.28 General road 18,440.97 Pacific Highway road. 81,798.67 Load bond Interest... 2,786.72 Road districts 1,023.62 City road districts.... 8.25 Current expense 8,730.22 fcilary .'. 22,544.74 Fire patrol tax. , fair. Fruit inspection Ovchg. 1914 per, Special deposits Iudigent soldiers Advertising and City of Ashland City of Butte Falls. . City of Central Point City of Eagle Point. City of Gold Hill City of Jacksonville. City of Medford. . . . City of Phoenix City of Talent ..... City of Rogue River. Indemnity District Boundary Bd Ovchg. 1915 per. tax 1916 personal tax ... Enforce, prohi. law . . 1,455.78 605.41 1,768.84 469.43 3,177,20 750.58 421.67 42.00 154.73 138.72 110.48 Received. 62,262.32 35,269.79 5,820.64 60,202.11 28,522.78 6,825.25 12,396.03 27,295.56 41.29 25,330.50 20,818.48 811.30 11.17 1 65. 5 2 377.3 1,144.80 20,895.03 339.84 2,325.03 632.61 439.62 2,535.60 36,432.75 1,076.66 694.09 662.67 Disbursed $ 64,936.23 26,379.94 6,306.37 58,317.01 43,808.29 4,550.97 14,724.04 26,320.87 15.63 22,328.35 21,897.25 811.30 " 11.95 83.00 '4,183.63 21,331.05 673.16 1,908.03 583.77 414.80 2,475.08 35,260.15 1,156.68 758.71 622.82 464.02 4.59 9.39 492.16 105.00 8,931.72 114.10 Balance Jan. 1, 1917. 12,622.28 15,685.41 1.276.04 9,488.38 3,155.46 84,072.95 458.71 1,998.31 33.91 11,732.37 21,465.97 1, 46V. 9 5 593.46 1,851.36 846.77 138.37 314.56 88.35 417.00 90.84 24.82 215.25 1,172 60 58.70 45.86 39.85 464.02 496.75 9.39 8,931.72 219.10 Total 1176,467.83 $362,866.76 $359,859.08 $179,475.51 Balance on band July 1st, 1916 $176,467.83 Tiansfers 36,822.56 Receipts 326,044.20 Disbursements $325,041.80 Transfers 34,817.28 Jan. 1 1917, balance... 179,475.51 $539,334.59 $539,334.59 The following figures from the report o)f W. H. Singler as Sheriff and Tax Collector show the amounts of money and county warrants received on the payment of taxes, penalties, Interest and fees for the six months ending December 21st. 1916: Year Penalties, 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 43.62 59.45 108.99 650.46 613.77 230.54 229.69 889.79 8,222.06 $ $ 5,948.27 Tax. 30.22 45.04 146.42 708.91 964.01 464.94 627.22 4,012.77 278,985.56 $285 975.09 5,948.27 Sheriff's mileage fees $291:923.36 177,35 $292,100.71 Total receipts Warrants received for taxes. $ 5,642.63 Cash paid Treasurer 286,458.08 $292,100.71 STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF JACKSON COUNT V, OREGON, FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 3 1ST, 1916. Amount of total Indebtedness above cash on hand on July 1st, 1916 Eight-nine warrants issued (General Fund) Estimated interest accrued during last six months on all out standing warrants issued to date 194 warrants issued (Road Fund) Sixteen warrants issued (Pacific Highway Road Fund) Interest due on Pacific Highway road bonds Bond Indebtedness on July 1st, 1916, not included in above debt (same being In Pacific Highway Road Fund) 243 warrants issued (County Salary Fund) 1,273 warrants issued (Current Expense Fund) Five warrants issued (County Advertising and Fair Fund) .... $667,723.23 278.50 12,549.22 39,446.62 3,464.97 4,166.66 81,798.67 21,147.94 22,249.34 2,430.00 $855,255.15 Warrants redeemed (General Fund) $ 14,838.12 Jnterest paid on warrants redeemed (General Fund) 3,634.39 Balance in treasury (General Fund) 12,622.28 Warrants redeemed (Road Fund) 40,178.97 Balance in treasury (Road Fund) 5,153.77 Warrants redeemed (Pacific Highway Road Fund) 4,550.97 Balance In treasury (Pacific Highway Road Fund) 84,072.95 Warrants redeemed ( County Salary Fund ) 21,332.94 Balance in treasury (County Salary Fund) 21,465.97 Warrants redeemed (Current Expense Fund) ,. 22,283.14 Balance in treasury (Current Expense Fund) 11,732.37 Warrants redeemed (County Advertising and Fair Fund) 2,430.00 Balance in treasury (County Advertising and Fair Fund) 138.37 Balance in treasury to pay Interest due on Pacific Highway road bonds 458.71 Balance In treasury (Indigent Soldiers' Fund) 846.77 Balance in treasury (Fruit Inspection Fund) 1,466.95 Balance In treasury (Enforcement of Prohibition Law Fund) . . 219.10 Amount of total indebtedness above caBh on hand on December 31st, 1916 607,829.38 $855,255.15 Warrants outstanding on December 31st, 1916 (General Fund $389,365.72 Accumulated interest on December 31st, 1916, on all outstanding warrants (General Fund) 85,355.51 Pacjflc Highway road bonds outstanding on December 31st. 1916 600,000.00 Accumulated Interest on December 31st, 1916, on Pacific Highway road bonds outstanding 4,166.66 State of Oregon, County of Jackson, as. . . I, G. A. Gardner, County Clerk and Clerk of the County Court in and for Jackson County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing statements and financial exhibit of the condition of Jackson County, Oregon, for the six months ending December 31st, 1916, are as shown by the records and files of my office. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County Court this 12th day of January, 1917. (Seal) G. A. GARDNER, County Clerk (for Jackson County, Oregon. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from page 6 ) Mary F. Osborn 20.00 Emma Paulson 25.00 Minnie B. Patch 10.00 Mary A. Poole 17.50 Mary E. Payne 10.00 Rosa A. Robbins 17.60 Virginia G. Raodell 17.50 Laura E. Stewart 35.00 Rosa R. Singler 40.00 Catherine E. Silver 10.00 Mary J. Torey 25.00 Total .$760.00 Court House Expenses. Julius Bjerregaard, regular indigent Mrs. Boyer, regular indigent. Mrs. J. W. Brown, regular In digent Sue Bailey, regular indigent. Ehler Band Mrs. Kate Copple, regular In digent Ellnc Curry, regular indigent Mary M. Cblldcrs, regular in digent Carson-Fowler Lumber Co., wood for indigent Mrs. J. C. Cabler, regular in digent Mrs. L. Coulter, regular Indi gent M. E. Abbott, supplies $ 28.00 Mr8 v. A. Dyer, regular in City of Jacksonville, water rent for four months.... Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights.. Cal.-Ore.. Power Co., lights. . Pacific Chemical Co., sup plies J. M. Rock, labor in yard. . . So. Ore. Traction Co., freight on supplies 1-57 J. W. Wilson, cleaning circuit court room Eellerbach Paper Co., sup- plies " Pacific Chemical Co., sup- 20.00 i Qeo Epperson, regular indl 3.od i gent 613 I Mrs. S. B. Ellis, regular Indi gent Dr. J. J. Emmons, medical atr tendance, indigent J. H; Fattig, regular Indigent Mrs. E. C. Gard, care of Mil ler family and regular al lowance for Mrs. Bery Breese Mrs. R. Grigsby, regular In digent 9.00 2.50 4.00 9.00 plies 43.57 i Catherine Gillette, regular In digent Total $127.32 County Jail. Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights. . $ 6.17 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights.. 6.78 Mrs. Aug. D. Singler, board of prisoners 12.86 Mrs. J. W. Wilson, matron and board of prisoners... Pacific Chemical Co., supplies Southern Oregon Traction Co., freight on supplies. . . 3.05 60.00 3.58 Total $ 92.44 Care of Poor at Poor Farm. Arthur Benard, meat $ 2.97 Chas. A. Brown, supplies... 18.10 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., light and power 10.60 Cal.-Oro. Power Co., light and power 8.98 H. Duer, nursing 10.00 Economy Meat Market, sup plies A. H. Fisher, sec., main tenance tax telephone .... John C. Mann, supplies .... Medford Furn. & Hdw. Co., supplies 21.20 Medford Pharmacy, supplies. J. F. Norman, barber work . . Pacifle Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill Big Pines Lumber Co., sup-Dlies L. B. Brown, supplies 4.60 Medford Furn & Hdw. Co., supplies 6.15 Talent Lumber Co., supplies.. Model Clothing Co., supplies 20.25 6.00 16.88 27.20 1.30 4.95 2.20 39.20 8.25 Total $207.83 Care of Poor Not at Poor Farm. Nancy Airasmlth, regular al lowance $ 6.00 H. Alger, regular indigent.. 10.00 Rna A roru rrfflllnr Indigent 10.00 Maggie Bohi, regular indigent 15.00 .Sebastian Schumpf, regular Mrs. Gunn, regular Indigent. John F. Hart, trip to Butte Falls for indigents Fred L. Heath, casket for Mrs. D. Nicholson, indi gent Mrs. Hudson, regular (Indi gent W. H. Houston, regular indi gent Etta Jewel, regular indigent Martha Jones, regular indi gent E. Kimball, regular Indigent II. C. Knapp, regular indigent Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane, reg ular Indigents W. G. Kenney, care of pau pers' cemetery Lena Lee, regular indigent. . R. W. Lovejoy, supplies for, Rev. Lovejoy, indigent. . . . Ella Myles, regular indigent. Mrs. J. Myers, regular indi gent Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regu lar Indigent P. McTntyre, regular indigent Oliver Nadue, regular indi gent John Noon, regular indigent Zoe R. Noe, regular indigent John A. Perl. Mrs. Egers' in digent expense Doc Parsons, regular indi gent Mrs. Frank Poyser, regular indigent H. C. Raedel, regular indi gent T. D. Stafford, regular Indi gent Mrs. Shanks, regular indigent W. H. Smith, regular indigent Ellas Slover, regular indigent Xancy Slsemore, regular in digent 10.00 8.00 10.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 2.35 8.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 4.50 18.00 8.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 15.00 8.00 15.00 30.00 8.00 2.80 8.00 15.00 8.00 6.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 6.00 7.50 7.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 indigent 10.00 W. H. Stewart, regular Indi gent 10.00 Mrs. L. Schiefflien 6.00 Mr. and Mrs. Taffer. regular indigents 10.00 Meda Turpin, regular indi gent 10.00 Ulrich & Ryan, indigent sup plies for Daisy Parker and Meda Turpin 18.63 Mrs. C. Williams, regular in digent 12.00 F. D. Waterman, regular in digent 8.00 Pierce Wilson, regular Indi gent 6.00 The Wimer Store, supplies for H. Yum 8.00 Job T. Wilder, house rent for Mary Myer, indigent, three months 12.00 Weeks & McGownn Co., coffin for Ncff and Austin, indi gents 36.00 Z. Wolgamott, regular indi gent 8.00 Lizzie Wolgamott, care of Mr. Bronson, regular Indigent. 6.00 Henry Yum, regular indigent 5.00 Annie Cameron, regular indl- i gent 8.00 Fred L. Colvig, cash advano ed for S. Davis and (family, indigents 10.00 Mrs. L. E. Dawning, regular indigent 10.00 Mrs. Virginia Raedel, trans portation herself and fam ily to Arizona 50.00 Total $748.78 Juvenile Department. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, regular allowanco $ 10.00 Chas. B. Gay, probation of ficer 130.49 Dr. F. G. Thayer, ex. insane 5.00 Total $145.49 Advert IhIii ft and County Printing. Ashland Printing Co., print ing County Court proceed ings $ 23.14 The Herald, printing school superintendent notice ... .96 Medford Mall Tribune, print ing County Court proceed ings 26.55 Total $ 50.65 Indigent Soldiers.' G. W. Hall, for burial of A. R. Bradbury $ 45.00 G. W. Hall, burial of George W. Scott 45.00 Election Expense. . E. E. Ash, polling place No vember election $ 6.00 Ashland Printing Co., sup plies 13.50 A. Brackenreed,.clerk on can vass board 11.00 Bennett Inv. Co., polling place November election. . 5.00 Butler Thompson Co., rent of building November election 6.00 H. L. Bromley, painting signs .70 J. H. Beeman, polling place and ex. November election l.a I Geo. Brown and sons ,or poll , lng place, etc May Bucannan, polling place W. H. Barnum, truck hire de livering ballot boxes .... J. Frank Carson, polling place, etc Carson-Fowler Lumber Co., supplies E. W. Cooper, hall rent, etc. . Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for polling place H. G. Dox, canvassing votes. . J. L. Demmer, polling place. . Eads Trans. & Storage Co., truck hire Marguerite Evans, polling place Theo. H. F. Engle, polling place C. W. Glasgow, cash advanced for ex I. T. Galligor, labor on elec tion day Theo. A. Glass, cash advanc ed ex D. D. Good, putting up booths etc C. A. Gray, polling place. . . . L. H. Hanna, clerk hire can vassing votes E. A. Hildreth, canvassing votes L. M. Harrison, polling place R. H. Halley, polling place.. W. M. Hall, wood for Novem ber election E. C. Hamilton, work Novem ber election J. D. Icenhower, supplies for election use Jacksonville Post, supplies. . Joidan Electric Co., lights for election Klum Adv. Co., painting signs Win. Louden, labor II. N. Lofland, extra services on election day Samuel Mathls, polling place Medford Electric Co., polling place and lights H. C. Maury, delivering reg. cards Oakdale Cash Grocery, poll ing place P. & E. Ry., polling places May and November Phoenix Merc. Co., supplies.. John Roberts, labor O. E. Rose, polling place. . . . The Riverside Store, polling ' place C. M. Ruch, polling place, etc. .1. A. Smith, polling place. . . J.. E. Smitbpeter, polling . place J. C. Smith, cash advanced expense A. Thompson, polling place. . W. C. Wilson, labor, etc. . . . E. S. Wilson, labor, etc Scott. Woolf, rent of fur. . . . Packard Interurban truck, freight on election booths 12.50 5.00 35.00 8.50 7.85 6.00 .43 12.50 5.00 2.25 6.00 5.00 .40 3.00 .20 36.20 5.00 11.00 19.60 5.00 5.00 5.50 1.00 6.50 2.50 11.20 4.00 3.00 10.00 5.00 Roads and Highways. Cal.-Oro. Power Co., light for P. ft E. crossing 50 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., light for P. & E. crossing 50 County Recorder's Office. Home Tel ft Tel. Co., tele phone bill $ 2.25 Medford Book Store, supplies .35 County Hurveyor'flOffice. A. T. Brown, office expense.. $ 13.90 T. A. Glass, viewer 3.00 Sarah M. Henry, labor in of fice 15.00 Medford Book Store, supplies 3.80 T. W. Osgood, office work. . 5.00 H. E. Rodgers, axeman.... 1.50 H. L. Speck, chalnman 5,00 Gertrude Troutfeather, work In office 15.00 A. L. Vincent, viewer 3.00 Total $ 65.20 Fred N. Cummings, water master's ex 12.50 District Attorney's Office. Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill $ 3.05 E. E. Kelly, cash for stamps 2.00 Medford , Printing Co., sup plies 4.35 Total $ . 9.40 The following bills were disallowed relative to the Current Expense Fund: Ashland Printing Co., supplies for county $ 5.25 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., light and power for county 21.26 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., light and power for county.... 22.38 H. Duer, nursing at poor farm 5.00 Fred L. Heath, casket for Mrs. D. Nicholson, Indigent 17.00 Home Tel. ft Ttcl. Co., tele phone bill 1.25 Western Union Tel. Co., tele grams for sheriff's office. . 8.12 Dr. J. J. Emmons, operation on eyes of indigent 25.00 Dr. S. A. Lockwood, admlnls terign anaesthetic to indi gent 5.00 Medford Furn. & Hdw. Co., poor farm supplies 21.20 Total disallowed $ Advertising and County Fair Hotel Medford, balance due on banquet for Editorial Association $ Road Fund. Road District No. 1 Jack True, labor $ Material Road District No. 2 W. R. Nyswaner, labor Material J. T. Baker, material Medford Furn. ft Hdw. Co., material Talent Lumber Co., material 131.46 Fund. 36.00 355.00 233.34 371.00 16.64 4.30 2.50 3.65 Total labor and material. .$397.99 Road District No. 3 Ed Dut- ton, labor 102.50 Lumber and Poultry Yards, material 26.78 Road District No. 4 Hodson Fenaughty Co., material. . 40.52 O. S. Wclsher, labor 24L00 Material 94.65 Total labor and material. . $376.17 Road District No. 5 Nick KIme, labor 408.88 Material 12.55 Road District No. 6 C. A. Newstrom, labor 27.50 Material 1.92 Road District No 7 Frank R. Nell, labor 34.50 Road District No. 8 J. E. Davidson, labor 236.00 Road District No. 9 John Grieve, labor 270.00 Road District No. 10 W. R. Garrett, labor 74.50 W. R. Garrett, cash advanced for publication oJJ road eleq tlon notice 8.00 Road District No. 11 A. K. Earliart, labor 321.00 Material 132.07 Road District No. 12 A. L. Vincent, labor 633.87 Material 23.01 Road District No. 13 Carl Beelio, labor 384.00 Material 44.20 Road District No. 14 D. W. Pence, labor $129.75 General Roads. Wm. C. Leever, labor...... $ 40.00 Sam Walsh, labor 13.50 O. & C. R. R. Co., Ashland city road refund 296.58 Palmer Investment Co., labor 72.00 Material 41.10 O. J. Patton, lnbor 65.00 Material 2.50 J. C. Smith, labor 72.00 BenJ. J. Trowbridge, notary fees 2.00 Von der Hcllen Bros, supplies 8.51 The Herald, printing road election notice 4.90 Southern Oregon Traction Co., freight on culverts. . . 264.72 ynwim ii i Ml iKllPl ..... 5.50 B .. I 1 M 5.00 , ..J II tiuiui J.UU .50 I 6.00 1 3.50 I 6.25 1 17.50 1 1.50 e 1 Total $369.03 Registration of Voters. A. H. Fisher $ 22.70 J. W. Jacobs 11.00 J. E. Smithpeter 1.00 Total $ 84.70 NEAREST TO EVERYTHING Hotel Manx San Francisco 'Pcmdl5t.dtQromf Oregonians Head quarters while in San Francisco moderate rates Running distilled ice water in every room. Special alien lion given to tudiet (raveling unescor tal. A la carle dining room. N "Meet me at the Manx' Management ol Cheater W. Kelley iiiiii Fred L. Colvig, cash advanc ed for freight on culverts 16.53 Hodson Fenaughty Co., cul verts 2,967.53 Southern Oregon Traction Co., freight on culverts. . . 36.0ft Total labor, material. etc.$3,830.93 Pacific lligliuny Road Fund. M. T. Edwards, stenog. work on Sweeney case 188.00 D. A. Norton, typewriting, etc., Sweeney case 207.26 A. E. Reames, expense on Sweeney case 100.00 Total $495.26 Warrants Issued On General Fund. All being scalp bounty warrants. H. A. Lower $ 4.00 Merman .Newstrom 3.00 W. R. Garrett 1.50 Harden' Turnbough 6.00 W. H. Milton 1.5ft VVultcr Laws 3.5ft N. R. Smith 2.0ft G. A. Chase 1.50 Carl Beebe 1.50 F. Hall 2.00 Wm. Lindsay 5.0ft G. Cornell 3.00 Frank Oatman 16.00 Herold Kubli 7.50 J. D. Williams 1.50 Clyde Smith 2.0ft Claude Miles 2.00 Loren Fryer 2.00 J. M. Conley 2.00 Charlie Marquess 6.0ft Total $ 73.50, G. A. GARDNER, County Clerk. . Lincoln Club Will Banquet at Medford The third annual banquet of the Lincoln Club will be held at the Ho tel Medford on February 12. It 1 Intended to have both men and wom en participate in the honoring of tha greatest Amciican. Republicans from all over Southern Oregon will be in attendance. Speeches will be; made by leading orators, and an in vltatlon will bo extended to Governor; WIthycorabe to attend. Other stata, dignitaries will be invited. It will be the biggest meeting of its kind id southern Oregon for the year. Northwestern Inventors. The following patents have Just been issued to northwestern client 9 reported by D. Swift ft Co., patent lawyers, Washington, D. C: Montana C. H. Polk, Anaconda loading apparatus for powdered mar terlals and the like. Washington J. Duvall, Camas, bag-counting means; P. W. Howland, Houghton, exposure-identifying de vice for cameras; C. H. Jones, Seat tle, casing for piles. Oregon G. A. Furneaux, Dufur, aeroplane. Fife Insurance tirtntntiT clnAffV shine that - ,.K nit nr ritier nrf that anneal to tne iron -thit t laU tour long ma any owcr. Black SilkStovs Polish li In a clang by llaelf. It's mora Careful i j nmuoniM u nw from better maUriaiu Try It on your parlor itove.youn-ukHuvt or your rjinite, .. .Lhi') And it Ibobeat poljihyoti vor used, your bftrdwars or iToeery dnif authorised to rr fond your monay. otnrww www Evmry Orot" When your house Is burning up. your neighbors will all stand around until it is a lltle pile of ashes, theu walk off. and there will bo nothing- standing but the chimneys. We go right after your money for you. Our, companies all pay cash; no waiting on parleying. We keep up with your pol icy; that's our business, and we make; it our business to give you the best service possible. That's why we are your friends af ter the fire. Established 1883 I Billings Agency Real Estate and Real Insurance 41 EMt Mala FhOM lit