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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1917)
Monday, January 2ft MT ASHLAND riDIKOS COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. The following Is a schedule of ex penditures of Jackson county, Ore gon, together with a list of claimants and article or service for which tho . claim is made, and which were, acted upon by the County Court for Jack eon county during the month of De cember, 1916: X)UNTY SALARY FUND, Ctounry Court and Commissioners. Wm. C. Leever, commission er's comp 40.00 F. II. Madden, commission er's comp 15.00 F. L. Tou Vclle, county " judge's salary 150.00 H. B. Taylor, stenographer's hire iVm. C. Leever, commission er's comp 25.00 F. H. Madden, commission er's comp 15.00 iV. C. Leever, commissioner's comp 15.00 F, H. Madden, commlslson- er's comp 25.00 6.00 Total $290.00 Circuit Court. A. R. Thompson, circuit court crier $ 18.00 F. Roy Davis, reporter's fees 10.00 Sheriffs Office. W. II. SIngler, sheriff's sal ary $20S.33 II. B. Taylor, stenographer's hire 1.56 E. W. Wilson, deputy's hire. 125.00 Total $334.89 dork's Office. F. L. Coleman, deputy's hlre.$ 80.00 G. A. Gardner, county clerk's salary 166.66 Flors Thompson, deputy's hire 83.33 H. B. Taylor, stenographer's hire 58.44 Total $388.43 F. L. Colvlg, county treasur er's salary 100.00' School SuH'i-intenleiit'H Office. E. R. Peterson, supervisor's salary $100.00 J. Percy Wells, superintend ent's salary 150.00 Maye B. Wells, deputy's hire 42.50 Total $292.50 Fruit Inspector's Office. J. C. Aitkon, deputy $105.36 C. C. Martin, deputy 66.35 E. R. Oatman, deputy ' 78.75 Total $250.46 Assessor's Office. James M. Cronomlller, ex tending taxes $ 27.00 K. J. Eberly, extending tares 6.00 W. T. Grieve, assessor's sal ary 125.00 Etta Purkcypllo, deputy's hire 80.00 Katlo M. Grieve, deputy's hire 65.00 Leslie W. Stansell, deputy's hire 100.00 Total $403.00 Collection of Taxes. D. H. Allaway, labor $ 78.00 W. II. Bowen, labor 78.00 Alan Brackenree, labor 33.00 Leon Ilanna, labor 12.00 O. R. Harper, deputy 100.00 Total $301.00 John Blacss, ferryman's saV- ary 25.00 J. A. Norris, Janitor's salary 60.00 J. W. Wltoon, Jailor's salary 50.00 Dr. J. F. Hart, salary of poor farm superintendent and helper 208.33 Recorder's Office. Chauncey Florey, recorder's salary $166.66 Mildied Noll, deputy 75.00 A. T. Brown, surveyor's comp, 96.65 Chas. L. Hanson, sealer weights and measures.... 17.80 Fred N. CummingB, water master's salary 83.33 CURRENT EXPENSE FI ND. County Court and Commissioners. Philo Holbrook, dues for judges and comm. assn...$ 10.00 Home Tel, & Tel. Co., tele phono bill 2.80 Postal Tel. & Cable Co., tele grams 46 F. L. Tou Voile, county Judgo's traveling expense.. 5.00 Wm. C. Leever, expense at tending judges' and comm. convention 57.50 Total $ 75.76 Circuit. Court. Home Tel. and Tel. Co., tele phone bill $ 2.70 W. H. SIngler, convoying pris oners 15.50 Total $ 18.20 Justice Court. Thomas Acklin, Juror, .,..,$ 1.00 Gep. N, Anderson, Juror. . . . 1.00 Harry Drew, witness 1-00 John H. Doran; witness 120 Howard B.; Ewer, witness.. 1.00 John tinders, witness 1-00 Geo. Farmer, witness 1-40 W. H. Gowdy, Juror 100 John L. Grubb, Juror 1.00 Thos. Hadfleld Sr., Juror... 1.00 A. B. Hammond, constable fees 6 00 Clarence Hatcher, witness.. 100 Jake Knutzen. witness 100 Clair King, witness 100 Mrs. Peter Murraywitness. . 1.40 Chas. Swartzfager, witness.. 1.40 E. P. Snyder, witness 1.00 r. n TAvlor. lustice fees... 13.90 Geo. W. Trefron, constable fees L. J. Trefren, justico fees. . . 10.05 Total $ 54.26 Sheriffs Office. Homo Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phono bill $ 8.70 Jacksonville Post, supplies.. Modford Book Store, supplies W. H. SIngler, cash for stamps 20.00 W. H. Singlor, sheriff's trav eling expense 82.50 Western Union Tel, Co., tele grams Western Union Tel. Co., telegrams 5.75 4.55 .83 4.01 Total $126.34 County Oerk's Office. O. A. Gardnor, cash ad vanced for stamps $ 15.00 Home Tol. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 8.55 A. E. Simmons, supplies.... 3.50 G. i A. Gardner, expense to Portland attending county clerk's convention E5.60 Total $ 52.65 County Treasurer's Office. Myrtlo W. Blakeley, dep uty hire $ 30.00 F. L. Colvlg, cash for stamps 4.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 2.25 Med ford Book Store, supplies .75 Western Union Tel. Co., teler grams . , 1.00 Total $ 38.00 Coroner's Office. John A. Perl, fees $ 17.20 Dr. F. G. Thayer, physician's expense $ 6.00 .School Superintendent's Office. M. E. Abbott, supplies ..'...$ .35 The J. K. Gill Co.. supplies. . 2.43 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 4.05 Medford Book Stora, supplies 3.70 Medford Printing Co., sup plies 7.00 E. R. Peterson, supervisor's travoling expense 53.60 J. Percy Wells, cash for "stamps 12.00 Total $ 83.03 , Assessor's Office. W. T. Griove, cash for stamps $ 10.00 V. T. Grieve, trip to Salem before State Tax Comm. . . 61.95 W. T. Grieve, traveling ex penso 27.70 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 4.50 Medford Book Store, supplies 3.70 Total $107.85 Tax Rebates. Wm. M. Colvlg $ 12.42 F. E. Merrick 7.25 F. M. White 10.14 Total .$ 29.81 Widows' Pensions. Ernestine Austin . $ 17.50 Cora B. Bacon 20.00 Minnie Boardman 25.00 Rena W. Barr 10.00 Nellie O. Bush 10.00 Orpha Betts 10.00 Mrs. J. H. Byerly 35.00 Prlntha A. Blackburn 32.60 Mrs. H. A. Crelghton 17.60 Ella May Calne 17.60 Dora B. Cress 10.00 Anna L. Corum . 10.00 Elizabeth M. Davis 17.50 Lucy M. Davis . . . 17.50 May J. Daw 32.50 Olive Ellis 17.50 Mary K. Grlsez lO.fJO Nettle Green 25.00 Lizzie Hoath 17.50 Lola F. Hildebrand 17.50 Nellie L. Hicken 10.00 Jennie Jones 10.00 Ida B. Klum 25.00 Emma Z. Lontz 10.00 Dollle Love 32.50 Minnie M. Morris 25.00 Amanda McNeal 10.00 Estella Nelson 40.00 (Continued on Page Seven) 1 Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular INSPECT oar market and your confi dence will be behind the pleasure of eating oar meats. The Knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary work shop will aid your digestion. L. Schvvein 81 N. Main Phone 107 Pure flUk Pure. Cream Norton's Clover Leaf Dairy E. N. NORTON, Proprietor TELEPHONE 444-R Strictly Sanitary. Thoroughly Up-to-D&te. Good Ser vice to Any Part of Town - COUNTY CLERK'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31st, 1916 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES. i General Fund, The only warrants drawn against the General Fund were (or payment of scalp bounties. m . July. August. September. October. November. December. Total. Scalp bounty I 19.00 30.00 $ 36.00 $ 80.0 $ 39.50 $ 73.50 I 278.50 Total expenditures (General Fund) for the six months ending December 31st, 1916, as per above report. . . . .. I Total warrants Issued (General Fund) for the six months ending December 31st, 1916 278.60 STATEMENT SHOWING OUTSTANDING WARRANTS DRAWN ON THE GENERAL COUNTY FUND OF JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, ALSO ACCUM- ULATED INTEREST THEREOON ON DECEMBER 818T, 19MJ. .nly August . . . September October . . . November . December . Totals . Count) court and commissioners $ Circuit court Justice court Sheriff's office Clerk's office Treasurer's ofjflce Coroner's offiC3 School superintendent's office Fruit inspector's office Assessor's office Collection of taxes Tax rebates Widows' pensions Court house expenses Jail expenses Care of poor at poor farm ..... Care of poor not al poor farm Juvenile court, reform school commitments, etc. Advertising and county printing Indigent soldiers Registration of voters Election expense Uoads and highways Recorder's office Surveyor's office Water master District attorney's cjffice Advertising county resources. ; Health registrars Stock inspector July. 4.60 , 44.55 78.15 132.98 59.30 15.90 50.30 132.65 126.50 88.75 42.75 47.47 675.00 86.77 47.25 271.53 658.60 69.30 18.64 45.00 35.30 68.98 6.75 68.40 57.26 44.80 26.31 25.00 Balance Issued. Paid. Outstanding. Interest. $ I $403,925.34 19.00 4,213.75 399,730.59 2,108.02 30.00 1,632.11 398,128.48 2,091.79 36.00 2,180.25 395,984.23 2,091.97 80.50 3,411.03 392,653.70 2,090.10 39.50 660.96 392,032.24 2,080.30 73.50 2,740.02 389,365.72 2,087.04 f 278.50 $14,838.12 $389,365.72 $12,549.22 Current Expense Fund. August. September. October. November. 16.87 $ 3.21 $ 2.40 $ 10.20 12.45 11.22 5.70 308.32 67.45 109.80 100.50 11.90 98.25 129.78 136.40 148.30 61.65 95.86 168.09 91.40 9.35 66.50 51.00 ' '65.55 36.65 25.90 133.90 339.95 115.10 93.75 3.00 16.25 189.70 94.48 45.35 74.62 6.20 23.40 ' 10.00 ' 27.22 93.86 97.96 735.00 772.50 765.00 797.50 12.59 64.65 7.35 9.55 44.51 84.45 79.46 114.70 495.87 376.64 388.63 483.30 607.16 581.65 683.96 592.00 109.45 122.10 106.20 152.96 106.15 122.17 93.00 .70 Int. Paid. $ 1,170.27 461.21 364.83 679.69 145.27 313.12 Accumulated Interest. $76,440.68 77,378.43 79,009.01 80,736.15 82,146.56 84,081.59 85,355.51 $ 3,634.39 $85,355.51 8.50 6.00 20.60 54.85 35.60 6.15 2.45 69.86 38.50 6.63 10.00 39.38 1.10 63.90 205.11 13.65 5.00 21.75 60.00 Totals $ 2,918.69 $ 2,906.20 84.90 3,418.76 V8. 9 5 118.30 27.00 3.35 18. 00 60.00 December. $ 75.76 18.20 . 64.25 ' 126.34 52.65 38.00 22.20 83.03 ""l'oY.85 " " 2981 760.00 127.32 92.44 207.83 748.78 145.49 50.65 90.00 34.70 369.03 1.00 2.60 65.20 12.50 9.40 $ 2.931.86 $ 3,317.99 $ 6,849.57 $ 3,325.03 Total expenditures (Current Expense Fund) for tho six months ending December 31st, 1916, as per foregoing itemized report. . . Total. $ 113.04 400.44 412.05 772.05 618.84 236.30 109.15 830.63 239.50 600.75 82.35 296.32 4,505.00 298.23 462.81 2,223.70 3,672.05 705.50 391.31 135.00 164.90 3,899.65 8.85 206.80 670.58 172.05 66.84 25.00 39.75 100.00 $22,249.34 . 22.249.34 County court and commissioners. Circuit court Sheriff's offico Clerk's office Treasurer's office School superintendent's office . . . I rult inspector's office Assessor's office Collection of taxes Ferries Court house expenses Jail expenses Care of poor at poor arm Recorder's office Surveyor's office Sealer of weights and measures. . Water master Totals uuu; iui 1110 bijl uiuimia ciiuiug vgkvuivci 0101, iviv, jfi,tv.ot County Saluiy Fund. July. ' August. September. October. November. December. Total. 202.50 $ 198.75 $ 208.12 $ 192.50 $ 188.75 $ 290.00 $ 1.280.62 24.00 21.00 21.00 30.00 28.00 124.00 336.77 333.33 378.33 344.58 334.89 334.89 2,062.79 389.05 358.74 346.87 374.99 389.68 388.43 2,247.76 136.00 140.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.. 00 676.00 297.60 290.00 266.25 291.25 285.00 292.60 1,722.50 463.50 298.00 1,482.00 402.50 478.09 250.46 3,374.55 915.00" 787.50 447.00 375.25 374.00 403.00 3,301.75 310.00 235.25 181.00 256.00 266.50 301.00 1,549.75 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 150.04 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 360.00 68.80 50.00 69.00 110.00 50.00 50.00 387.80 208.33 208.33 ' 208.33 208.33 208.33 208.33 1,249.98 241.66 241.66 274.16 259.16 . 241.66 241.66 1,499.96 60.89 67.50 14.75 135.70 87.60 96.65 462.99 28.78 33.35 32.99 46.32 38.27 17.80 197.51 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 499.93 ,841.11 $ 3,431.74 $ 4,177.13 $ 3,285.91 $ 3,241.00 $ 3,171.05 $21,147.94 for the six months ending December 31st 1916, as per foregoing itemized report 21,147.94 tho six months ending December 31st, 1916 21,147.94 County Advertising and Fair Fund. Warrants were drawn against this fund only during September, November and December. September. November. December Advertising resources $1,394.00 $1,000.00 $ 36.00 Total expenditures (County Advertising and Fair Fund) for the six months ending December 31st, 1916, as per above report Total warrants issued (County Advertising and Fair Fund) for the six months ending December 31st, 1916 , Pacific Highway Road Fund. No warrants were drawn against this fund during October and November. j,(lv $1,400.40 Total expenditures (Pacific Highway Road Fund) for the August 1,478.31 months ending December 31, 1916, as per above report September ' .' .' 91-00 Total warrants issued ( Pacific Highway Road Fund) for the December . 495.26 moaths ending December 31, 1916 Total. $2,436.00 . 2,430.00 . 2,430.00 six . . $3,464.97 six ... 3,464.97 Total District No. 1 Labor . Material District No. 2 Labor . Material District No. 3 Labor . Material District No. 4 Labor Material District No.. 5 Labor . Material District No. 6 Labor . Material July. 510.00 35.03 716.00 39.60 63.60 $3,464.97 Road August. 144.00 24.70 41.00 District No. 7 Labor Material District No. 8 Labor Material ; District No. 9 Labor Material Freight District No. 10 Labor Material Publishing special road tax notice District No. 11 Labor Material District No. 12 Labor Material District No. 13 Labor Material District No. 14 Labor Material General Road Labor Material Sams Valley-Gold Hill road Medford-Jacksonvllle road Ashland refund 1912 road tax Freight on culverts Eagle Point and Brownsboro road Repairing road roller Power for Eagle Point rock crusher Light for P. & E. crossing Rent of road roller Rock Creek road ; Trip to Portland relative to appropriation for Crater Lake Highway Pent of shod for road machinery Road damages . . ; On Biddle road Notary fees Publishing spoclal road tax notice 161.00 42.75 462.18 72.94 274.37 3.30 631.60 647.50 811.80 620.50 41.98 30.60 3.50 310.00 39.17 43.40 117.36 257.00 2.40 195.00 2.30 420.62 Fund. September. $ 569.00 51.14 120.00 20,25 130.00 72.74 20.00 29.64 October. 458.00 41.15 76.00 8.07 30.00 2466 31.52 209.00 66.00 10.37 574.00 91.00 1,410.50 148.40 978.25 150.87 899.00 12.20 122.50 . 61.14 31.25 3,110.10 6.48 41.31 415.72 44.01 600.80 37.85 591.50 35.69 68.50 " "91.66 21.20 1,287.15 1,884.61 4.77 26.21 1.10 736.50 57.70 35.00 22.50 22.70 6.60 69.00 107.00 6.20 261.65 133.00 50.00 6.00 2.00 211.60 213.00 90.24 28.20 41.66 46.66 212.09 Norember. $ 656.00 49.45 423.00 28.90 631,00 45.09 379.00 73.30 278.12 47.40 285.60 1.79 . ,27.50 ' " '26.66 "' 133.50 13.90 December. $ 355.00 233.34 371.00 26.99 102.50 26.78 241.00 135.17 408.88 12.65 27.50 1.92 34.50 ' '. ' V3V.06 '2V0.66 233.50 128.51 74.60 132.00 94.68 220.00 26.00 8.28 176.50 41.12 994.54 742.60 136.08 79.00 69.00 117.00 34.32 783.50 38.35 176.00 93.22 229.00 66.56 8.00 321.00 132.07 633.87 23.01 384.00 44.20 129.75 1.88 3.55 50.00 8.80 1.65 35.00 , 60.00 2.50 190.50 3,019.69 296.58 317.25 37181 2.00 4.90 ,. $12,648.68 $ 6,507.60 $ 2,953.50 $ 3,600.36 '$ 6,672.13 $ 8,064.45 Total" exDond'ltures" (Road" Fund) for the six months ending December 31st, 1916, m per foregoing itemized report..! Total warrants "issued TRoad Fund) for the six months ending December 31st, 1916 (Continued on page seven.) Total. $ 2,548.00 410.11 1,850.00 148.51 998.00 144.61 835.50 286.24 1,479.18 20.1.70 1,367.27 182.07 908.00 31.70 1,170.50 680.95 . 1,627.62 61.88 2.00 1,007.50 257.32 8.00 1,205.00 438.84 2,865.17 209.26 3,479.85 405.19 1,378.25 182.70 926.50 3,244.03 2,312.94 4,994.71 313.26 ' 358.56 416.72 44.01 26.21 2.75' 60.00 8.80 35.00 60.00 2.50 373.81 2.00 ' 4.90 $39,446.62 . 39,446.62 . 39,446.62 Josephine Sheriff Goes East lor man Sheriff George Lowls of Josophlne county left Thursday; for Pittsburg, Pa., with a requisition for E. B. Deo nlson, alias George C. Huff, convict ed in Gi ants Pass of attempted black mall In 1914, and. who escaped from that city after he had been sentenced to the penitentiary and was out on $1,000 ball pending appeal. The bonding company found Dcnnlson and caused his arrest, and he Is now trying to regain his liberty by habeas corpus proceedings. Denlaon, with two detectives, came to the vr.lley and attempted to extort, money from O. M. Packson, who had long lived at Grants Pass, and who was reported to be under inr dlctment in New York stale. Falling to get money, Deonlson had Jackson ftrrested, according to evidence la court. Jackson was held in Jail but was released on reports from New York that the Indictment had been dismissed. Jackson then brought the charge of blackmail against Dennison and the latter was convicted and sen tenced, but Jumped his ball. ,