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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1917)
Thursday, January 18, 1917 ASTILAKD TIDINGS AGE SEVKV o serin Extraordinary Sit Dtion Barraie OMMtMMHMIMHMMIMH For a Few Days 0 n y News print has gone out of sight, it nbw costs more than three times as much as it did six months ago. The biggest item oi expense now is the paper on which the Tidings is printed. Therefore, the Tidings must have the money lor suhscripliohs. We have a few delinquents. Either they must pay or we will be forced to stop the paper on February 1st. Therefore, this cn precedented subscription bargain offer for a few days only The Ashland Tidings, regular price $2.00 the year Portland Daily Evening Telegram . $5.00 the year Total regular value Inclosed find $5.00 for one year') subscription for renewal) lo the Ashland Tidings and beoing Telegram. In consideration of Ibis you may send me FKlili OF CHAKtiE Offer No. Name P. 0. State $7.00 We offer both to old and new subscribers for $5.00 for one full year And to the first 100 new subscribers, or renewals to both papers, we will Rive absolutely free any one of the following premiums. Or, is you would rather have magazines than the other useful premiums, we offer the following clubs. In order to get this bargain all subscribers in arrears must pay for the Tidings and Telegram up to date and one fall year In advance: Offer A Saritary Aluminum Handle Carving Set Highly Tempered Steel Blades Retail Value $1.00 FREE with Renewal for 1 year Offer D Rogers 1881 Silver Teaspoons One-half dozen of these Rogers Spoons Free with your renewal for one year. Offer G OfferB Sanitary Aluminum Handle Butcher Knife and Bread Knife Retail Value $1.00 FREE with Renewal for 1 year Offer C Sanitary Aluminum Handle Spatula and Paring Knife Retail Value 75c FREE with Renewal for 1 year Offer E Your own initial on a Blue Enamel Back A Good $2 value WATCH free with your re newal for one year Offer F 7fpiece China Berry Set Free with your re newal for one year !M7 iaMy Almanac Just Issued Handv J Almanac i Encyclopedia j Mid ftffr Year Book 1917 418 pages of valuable information. It settles your arguments. - Over 100,000 Facts. This indispensable reference book Free with your renewal for one year. THE NATIONAL HANDBOOK National in Appeal. International In Scept. MagazMe Gabbing Offers Oiler H Ashland ridings. Semi-weekly, 1 year The Evening Telegram- Dally, 1 year Northwest Farmstead- Weekly, 1 year Woman's World- Monthly, 1 year Boys' Magazine- Monthly, 1 year Home Life- Monthly, 1 year All for $5.00 VALUE 8.10 Offer I Ashland Tidings. Semi-weekly, 1 year The Evening Telegram- Dally, 1 year Northwest Farmstead- Weekly, 1 year Today's Magazine- Monthly, 1 year The Peoples Popular- Monthly, 1 year Boys' Magazine- Monthly, 1 year All for $5.00 VALUE 98.25 j Magazine can not be changed front Offer J Ashland Tidings- Semi-weekly, 1 year The Evening Telegram- Dally, 1 year North went Farmstead- Weekly, 1 year The Ladies' World- Monthly, year Home Life- Monthly, 1 year McCall's Magazine- Monthly, 1 year AO (or $5.00 Offer K Ashland Tidings. Semi-weekly, 1 year The Evening Telegram- Daily, 1 year Northwest Farmstead- Weekly, 1 year The Hounewif Monthly, 1 year Home Life- Monthly, 1 year American Poultry World- Mo., 1 year All for $5.00 VALUE $7.76 one club to another. Order dab by letter. VALUE $7.75 Offer L . Ashland Tidings, Semi-weekly, 1 yew The Evening Telegram- Dally 1 year Northwest Farmstead- Weekly, 1 year The Houd-awife- Monthly, 1 Wr The Peoples Popular- Monthly, 1 year Poultry Post- Monthly, 1 year All for $5.00 VALUB $7.78 J J- ,,M i ii i mini in in " uniimt'X