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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1916)
i : a A8HLAVD TTTMN'Ofl Tlinindiiy, December 7, Iftlff . , r " ' ' 1 t 7n'nT???TyTj -" x r "s1 '!i ' "i? Jest 1 1 More nil y i uimns I C5 r .Stw 1 r n fit- T FT ni iwiiercioiaEcQiise Doors -Open at Aim M .wtmj The doorg will 0T3en Saturday morning, December 9th, at 10 o'clock, on f "I : WHY not make your : : next Saturday when the doors are thrown open. Hundreds of unadver- j j THE id :: H dollars do double ;: tised bargains await you. There will be no such place to secure bar- :: plac( : duty this Xraas? Al-:: gains after this store closes. odds an : J . . . . : so make it a sane and : sensible Xmas by giv- j : : : ine: useful and prac- ' x tical presents. There are hundreds 1 Christmas Suggestions a tul saving in price. Buy the mother, wife, daughter, sister or I children a new dress, i ;: This sale affords you :: :: an opportunity that:: i seldom comes your J i way at this season of the year. H II C 1 1 another Saturday Slaughter Sale of the Beebe & Kinney merchandise, j TfUB StOrV Of i 'Coin olnnf onnnr ry oiineViino f Vl 1 o enla folroa nlona a a OTtiAUTirioH Pp. T I member last Saturday the crowds came, saw, bought and were satisfied. J flg l3r(31I For Saturday we have arranged a BARGAIN FEAST that if anything, : : Rolnnv will far surpass the one of last Saturday. The store closes its doors for- DuICOiiy ever in a short 13 days, so join the anxious buying throngs and be here :: ii meanrst was to aco there only X ana ends, but it A iti ill A J ill if i -fc AAA di TT I fill I r I T r I r r r i i i i . i --. L L ------ -- -1 J, M Jf., J. A .f. J -- 'TtTTtTTtTTWTTTI TTTTTTTl 1. - M .1 . A J 1 1 A A A A At A Jil rTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT came mio sucn in-1 .We have a limited number of pairs of pink, j i stfm popularity that f oiue ana wnite aoii nose, ciown inuiia auu pui and pan scrapers. These will be given away Saturday morning at 10 o clocH, in our ladies shoe room onlv. --- -- f Ti . every department ot i I 1 it until now ther is I x merchandise .from I rjetS Never, No Never First 20 Women and at such a wonder- $ Will you have the opportunity to Purchasing shoes for themselves buy shoes so cheap again. Women's Shoes, regular $3.50 Now $1.98 Women's Shoes, regular $4.00 Now $2.48 Women's Shoes, regular $5.00 Now $2.98 Misses' Shoes, regular $1.75 Now 98c Misses' Shoes, regular $2.50 Now $1.39 Misses' Shoes, regular $2.75 Now $1.59 Now Men Read About The Price Sale This Is Your I Opportunity 1 The Biggest Bargain Saturday Yet Known ne-Hai and the first 20 purchasing shoes the balcony than on ! for their children Saturday, Dec. 1 mnin flnrn. :: 9th willgettheirshoesatjustone j; Next &t d y j)ec :: half the regular price. This is :: , , :: .ofn tttd hovfl fifir 9rtM :: JtnJ big slaughter:: these shoes. Think of it a pair of sale of good merchan- J $3.50 shoes for $1.75, a pair of dise that cannot be :: J $4.00 shoes for $2X)0; a pair of $5 equalled anywhere. ' shoes for $2.50. This offer is on f . J t our very best women's shoes in I ome an(1 see lor :: the snoe room to we ieib oi me t uursuives. mainnoor. Mtiji,i,J.,i,i,,i,Ax.t.i. Young Men's and I Small Men's Suits the store at a less price, i It has made such a I hit that you will often J see more neonlo. nn x 1 f Price For certain reasons we would like to make clean sweep of all men's and boys' goods next Saturday, Dec. 9th. To accomplish this we will sell everything, nothing excepted, for one day at exactly one-half price. This means all men's and boys' clothing, SHOES, HATS, UNDERWEAR, and FURNISHINGS. You can on this day buy these goods at a less price than any merchant can possibly buy them. Just look at the price tag and cut the price in two. It is 4v.. viQJhoif "Ra Vioto tirVian thft rinnrs onfiii next Saturdav at f yuui o iui uuc-uwm . - x " Z All TIT f J n 10 a. m. No such astounding offer was ever made before. Buy All MCn S 30(1 BOVS nrnv.'rrviirio- in mon'cj or hnTTs' xuphv Saturdav at T cvoiji"ib " w f JllL 111 'II I TC Om-Mli Price Sizes 31 (o 35 worth $8.00 to $15.00 Your Choice Saturday Only S3.00 rncc J. S. Langhorne, Manager i i 2 Doors Will Open al 10 a. m. Saturday Going Out of Business Sale HH IIIMIIIIIIInj