Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, November 30, 1916, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 7

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Thursday, Xovemlier 30, 1010
i Social Realm j
The Auriliury Club meets Monday
evening at Mrs. Benton Bowers'
tome. She will be assisted by Mrs.
Tracy. All members are requested
to be at the Plaza or library at 7:45.
There will be automobiles for everyone.
Embroidery Club,
Mrs. Frank Shinn and Mrs. B. R.
Greer were hostesses for the Eastern
Star Embroidery Club Tuesday after
noon, Mary beautiful Christmas gifts
were In evidence and tho guests en
joyed light refreshments.
ElectrolyticMethod !;
Cleaning Silverware
(From Department of Agriculture
An easy and effective method of
cleaning tarnished silverware by
boiling In a soda and salt solution
in contact with a clean piece of
aluminum or zinc is recommended
to housewives by the department as
a result of studies made by its spec
ialists in home economics. The nec
essary procedure is so simple that it
may be followed successfully In prac
tically any home.
The cleaning system known as the
electrolytic method has been well
recognized for several years.
lmt the Electrolytic Method Is.
The tarnish which occurs on silver
is not due to oxidation, but is de
pendent entirely upon the action of
sulphur. In most cases the source
of the sulphur causing tarnish is
rubber, wool, foods like eggs, and
the sulphur in the air due to burning
illuminating gas and coal. The elec
trolytic cleaning method depends on
the facts that this tarnish of silver
sulphld is slightly soluble In the hot
school at 9:43. Holy rommuniou Isolution employed, and that it la
findsermcn at 11. Evening service j broken down chemically and its sil
Bt 7:30, ., . jl. ver content redeposited on the ware
' v j when the proper electrical conditions
Thimble Party. prevail. The presence of both the
Friday afternoon Mrs. John Dill silver and the aluminum or zinc in
entertained several ladies with a j the hot solution nrovides the neces-
Public Invited to ;
Memorial Services
Farewell Frolic.
The farewell frolic of the Meth
odist church which was to have met
at Mrs. Homer Billings' Saturday
evening will meet instead at Rev.
Douglass' home Saturday evening.
Trinity Episcopal Church.
Vicar, the Ilev. P. K. Hammond.
Thanksgiving day services at 7:30
and 11 a. m. Sunday services: Holy
communion nt 7:30 a. m. Sunday
thimble par.ty. The guests were:
Mrs. Henry Gilmore, Mrs. R. P. Cor
nelius, Mrs. Chester Stevenson and
little daughter, Mrs. George Eu
banks, Mrs. Hurvey Ling and Mrs.
B. R. Greer.
sary electrical conditions. Under
this method, therefore, practically all
the sliver in the tarnish Is, returned
to the object being cleaned. When
silver polishes are used, on the other
Mrs. E. B. Hanley Of Medford will
deliver the memorial address and
Mrs. Henry Terry Elmore of Ashland
will sing at the annual memorial ser
vices of the Ashland lodge of Elks
at their temple hall next Sunday af
ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Other num
liers will be given by Loveland's or
chestra; Sumner Parker, violinist;
G, L. Rasor, vocalist. Mrs. A, L,
Strickland is the accompanist.
The lodge wishes it understood
that the services are public and that
the citizens of. Ashland and vicinity
are not only welcome, but cordially
invited to be present. Following an
opening number by the orchestra,
there will be brief ritualistic exer
cises by the officers, invocation by
Rev. P. K. Hammond, eulogy of de
parted brothers by A. L. Strickland.
The memorial address is of patri
otic character and the reputation re
cently gained by Mrs. Hanley as a
public speaker is a guarantee that it
will be well worth listening to. Mrs.
Elmore of Ashland has no peer as a
singer, In this region, and those who
have not had the pleasure of hear
ing her should grasp this opportun
ity. Tho ability of Sumner Parker
as a violinist and the splendid bari
tone of Mr. Rasor are also induce
ments to attend. In short, the lodge
has neve. before had so many good
numbers on a program of the kind.
The committee in charge is com
posed of J. K. Choate, Howard Bar
rett and Wilfred Carr. Neat souve
nir programs will be handed out at
Kale Shepherd, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Shepherd of this city, and
Miss Miriam Gregg, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. G. W. Gregg, were married
at 9 o'clock Tuesday evening at the
residence of the blrde's parents. The
immediate families only were pres
ent. The house was beautiful with
fall flowers and foliage, chrysanthe
mums predominating. Rev. II. J.
Van Fosson performed tho ceremony,
Assisted by Rev. W. J. Douglass.
Miss Gregg is a very popular and tal
enter young lady and her readings
have enlivened many an evening's
entertainment in Ashland. Mr. Shep
herd is in the and musical in
strument supply business with his
father here. The couple left on the
latp train Tuesday bearing the good
wishes of a host of friends.
(hand, all the silver in combination : the door ,,v the UK,iers- Messrs. Carl
in the tarnish is removed. I Murphy, Roy (limbers, Ben Bowers,
. , Hay Murphy and Frank Dougherty.
Methods Recommended. , - ' ' , , ,
i lie onicers wno win participate in
DURE groceries in this store
mean groceries that are right.
Just plain, old time . standards of
value and quality go here and noth
ing else. '
Just remember tins when you art planning
Thanksgiving Dinner for those you love, and whose
well being is m your care.
We Have Just the Rfeht Things
for Thanksgiving that will give to your meal the zest and com
pustuueas you desire, and make it the success your efforts deserve.
The season's best at their best-and
prices the lowest
Plaza Grocery
C. E. SAMS, Prop.
Phone 78
Pay Now or Next
Year Is Question
saved 1 per cent interest, and that
electric light matters but which were
too involved to bo discussed here.
Mr. Lamb stated that the electric
committee was preparing a state
ment of the electric situation which
would bo done before long. Mr.
Strickland invited the public gener
ally to call at his office and look
over his books, and stated that he
would be glad to explain anything
which wag not understood.
Someone asked why street lighting
cost $6,000 a year, and Mr. Strick--land
showed that by taking into con
sideration the interest on the street
lighting system which belonged to
the, light department and is worth
$20,000, the depreciation, which lit
figuued at 3 per cent, the breakage
of bulbs and shades, cost of current,
extension of the system, etc., the
profit laut year was something like-
I Mr. Carnnhan stated that he had'
j In his own home and church concrete
Instances of saving made by Install
! ing meters and asked why more mo
oters were not installed. Mr. Strick
land stated that tho demand for me
ters was great and that he was put
ting them in cs fast as money be-
this amounted to the same thing and Nme aval!ablo for tl)e)r purchaB0.
he did not believe in going against ; Btolen currcnt wafl dlRCUSgedi Mr.
the will of the people. The main : rarnahan ptt,n, tho man who 8tole
reason for the delinquencies is the . current , thc - nlflK(1 .h
Whether to pay delinquent sums ' fact that ln DaBt roars an insufficient ' who t , v
this coming year or the next yeartax ha8 been levlcd' thus causing aj
was the' question which gave rise to "eflcit which is cast onto the pres- j
the most argument at the city tax ! ent nnu m,lro councils- -Mr. Gil-
budget meeting held Mondav even-1 lett0 explained that the reason the
The Vorthwest Steef Company at
Portland contemplates adding a $1,-
(lllfl nnn i-nlllnir mill tn ll ..!,,,
Ing. The street department borrowed j "Khtlng had not been paid for ad(1tlona, mcft
ii.hvu last year and the electric light j ""-"unc slun' lu,lu
cut down $2, 200 below what was
needed to run the city last year, and
department has $3,057.30 coming
from tin general fund for street
would be employed.
lights for last year. Tho proposition j a c,lt 1,1 valuation last year had lost
revolved around whether the taxpay-1 1110 ("""oral runu annul the same
ers would be better able to meet this' Rmo,,nt additionally. The electric
obligation next year or now. Si.x,,if;nt department had money 'In its
funds to actually run It and natural-
Klamith Falls has voted $300,00iv
bonds to aid the California, Oregon
& Eastern railroad.
Warner Mercantile Company have
all sizes in nails at cut prices. It
K. T. Shepherd, piano denier from
Klamath Falls, was In the city Tues
day evening attending the wedding
of his brother, L, K. Shepherd.
Pr. J. .7. L'mmens. oculist and aur
i?t of Medford, will leave about De
cember 1 to spend a month taking
7iost -graduate work in New York
city. It
In the cleaning method recom-1
mended by the department the neces- j
sary materials are a granite cooking
utensil deep enough to allow the sil
verware to be covered by the solu
tion; a clean piece of aluminum or
zinc, preferably the former, and bak
ing or washing soda. The solution,
consisting of a teaspoonful of baking
or washing soda and a like amount
of table salt to each quart of water,
Is brought to a boll in a granlteware
or enameled utensil. A sheet of
aluminum or clean zinc is dropped
in. The tarnished silverware is then
immersed In the solution so that it
is In contact with the sheet of alumi
num or zinc. The tarnish should dis
appear in a few seconds. The silver
object should then be removed from
the solution, rinsed, and dried with a
soft cloth.
Aluminum is much more satisfac
tory than zinc for use in this clean
Local Boy. Leads
In Stock Judging
Oregon Agricultural College, Cor
vallis, Ore., Nov. 29. (Special to the
Tidings.) Mrjidwin Dunn of Ash
land is a member of the stock-judging
team which is now representing
the college at the Pacific Northwest
Livestock Show at Lewiston, Idaho.
The team won second place at the
iing process, since it docs not become j Cascade International Livestock
coated wtih a lnver of carbonates Show held at North Yakima lust
j which wruld interfere with the chem- j week and will compete at the Pacific
Ileal reaction. Zinc does form car- j International at Portland next weclt.
ibonates and. If used, must be cleaned js is the best trained and equipped
I frequently in dilute hydrochloric ' stock-judging team which has ever
'add. A small sheet of aluminum ! represented the college. The mem
I ,.,,. i, .,,.,. w,i,n,. for di.lbers were chosen by means of coni-
vr cleaning purpose's, or a piece of Petitive work which has been in
one Ian old aluminum utensil well cleaned j progress since the beginning of the.
per cent interest is paid on them. A
i""'l""-c I 4, ...... . i pnoniil, It l,nd to l,r.r Hip linr.l,.,,
ritualistic services are George 01 Ule laM'y- - - -
Owen, exalted ruler; George Watson, "9 Presc'n'' nine voting in favor of ' l ""'7f"P H
leading knight- Charles Hast loval carrying the debts over and four m, 1'orrowed from the water
iiauing Miigm, mains nasi, ioai , .. :.lnkine iii.irt wblr.h !. .-.t.i.Mt Jin .
Mitlo- IpctnrlnL' ; lillul "l .'iiciuuiiiB u levy to pay mem 1 " "
JU111C, ICLlUMIlf, , lillft on I,. ,,,1 1,11, (o ,l,.,., l,r O
tins year, 'ine council finally d.e- ' " ui
per cent.
knight; Cascsius
knight; J. E. Thornton, secretary;
Pierre Provost, treasurer; Clif Jen
kins, esquire; Gus lledburg, inner
guard; T. T. Provost, tiler; Uev. P.
K. Hammond, chaplain.
elded to carry them over. Council
man Root argued actively against' The arguments led into a discus
carrying them over, stating thr.t thejsion of electric light matters which
people at a recent special election j made a good many things plan to
had emphatically turned down a j citizens who had miuconeeptions of
Lakov'ew has vot"d $20,000 bond
to buy railroad right-of-way.
ChssiW AArtiMM
KOK SALE One team of ponies,
barrier and light wagon. Inqulr
of U. Twldwell, Talent. 55-2t
FOR SALE Pullets and a few
household goods. 212 Granite
street. it
Lillian Gish, Triangie Star,
Leads Film Influence on Dress
.Toward Freer Originality
in Fitting the Personality
Mrs. Xi. T Way and lnr sister.
T!iss II. P.. Dayton, have rented' tlteir i
bouse on Alinonrt strret and wilt ! s,Mil ",a-v '"' 1",1U
('.. F. Shepherd fid wife have
to Klamath Falls to eat Thanksgiv- may be uped. Vtensils. w hieh would j school year. Last years work was j
ing turkey with their son Earl and j later be used in cooking operations ( Il,s0 t;ikcn into consideration. Mr.
wife. should never be employe d in cleaning 1'u'"1 '!.? nln with a margin of j
Why not one of those Fnl-ersal ' silverware by the electrolytic moth-51 Pe cent. The other members of j
..., ... .,. iv. .,.,. ... i Inri if mm-v l-,rn r,wna nf oiivpr the team are; D. n. Green of Hood ;
iicunjifj in Kiiiin tn ti mil' i n tu it m i iM" '-' (-.' j " i . - . .
than ni:iMifaiitirer's nrlee? It i are to be cleaned and a container is
... .. ... i f-, . 1T...., L..rt Ti.M,,.tn,l rf P'.rl
ceninrei ai-rrr nan ran le n nr"i 1 -ic., t -j - v....
n;ivev!i:iMy ou the stove, the hot
ion mav b(
FPf iid the winter at Long lleach, Cal.
Greeiiie Hod'ic of Granite, Texas.
w-rltts to the Tidings inquirlii': of i
the v.berea'ioiis of her brother. 1'
erctt O. Mink-." wlim the List heard
from winn h? was at Kelso. Wash.
and who she n ii tl.T-t uil Lad gone to
southern (re::on. Anyone knowing
of his wle-rt-a bouts would confer a
lasting favor upon her by writing
ve-sel and tiie silver object then im
mersed. The method is most effect
ive, however, when die solution boils
' durinc the (-leaning pro-ess and ef-
1 ficb'nry is rapidly, lowved as the
1 tenip-rattire of the solution falls be-
! low t -c boiliiHt point.
Specl."l 'onsideriit Ions.
The el'-".'tro'y tie method gives the
(baned silver a satiny after
I Liver, Ore.; J. II. Edwards of Mou-
Maui-e Jernsted of Carl
ton, Ore.; F. G. Southerland of lu.n-
ed into such a10'"'"' Hawaii, and, as alternate, .
V. Clarke of Laytouvllh:. Cal.
Colossal Ford
Farafie Feature
mm. iH
'' "' ' '. r
S? .....V "-' i . r-r
Pig Rliiifi.K'tit of ei!::i:i'l-.vur on j
Kile Friday nicrnlng ;.t Wurutr's.
The pricei will i.stoiiish yon. It
Card of Tbanks.
Wo wish to e.ress our sincere ,
thanks to our maay fiii nils for their i
kindness tnid sympathy during our j
recent sorrow.
A colossal Ford entry, designed as
a float I I bv m; feet, was a senaa-
l.ional feature of tho industrial pa-1
rade which was one of tho -incidents j
of the Indiana State Centennial re
cent,! celebrated for two weeks at 1
Indianapolis. ;
The Ford entry, designed to illus
trate the Ford as the car of the tvoi-.
December 19.
several cleaninvs. If a burnished
sio-faee I- desired, the silver mit'.t
from time to time be polished lightly
with some abrasive polishing; mater
ial snob as powdered whiting. Tho
study made bv the department spec
ialists included a comparison of the cal American family, created a great
auio'int ol silver lost when the whole ' deal of interest beeauso it was diffl
taniLh was retnovd by policing and cult to determine how the huge float
! when the electrolytic method was moved in the parade. As a matter
: used. Tt wis found' that when whit. : of fact the car was carried on a plnt
ltr; paste used as an abrasive, ! form supported on four Ford chasses,
I toieonc tost (ii'nrlv 0 ni i9 n ,F',...i, .. .1 1....
- v. -t 1, linn 1UU1 d UllVfl, .13 u tlcl 1LD (JOIl
oill-f.! n'l. 1, r,r.,,,.,.x-;,.r.l,r I , 1 ,1. ...
who would rot tale , l.;,,.i:, mii iiiese iour supporis me iuo-
nve times as much rs when the , tive power could not be seen,
'home made" eb-iti-fdytlu method j Specially designed Ford floats
was employed. wvve also big features.of the educa-
. ! tiontil and health parades In nil the
events of the two weeks' program the
C P LAMKIT roiu was conspicuous nnu siiured
Tor Mayor.
Having bean uiged f r.r soux
by manv friend
no for nn amnvi r, I have decided to
make the nuv for uiaor of Ashland, i
r.nd hereby imnouiice mj.-idf as n
candidate, sub.ioet to the will of th"
people lit tho city (bet ion to be held , ?oTJt1 efrpl"
tbUMVbiVIIJ till
Hillah Temple, A A. O. N. M. S.,
will bold annual meeting Friday
evening, December 1, at 8 o'clock.
AnDua election of officers and two
representatives to tho Imperial
Council. Chris will provide refresh
ments. C. W. NTM3, 111. Potentate.
"tV. H. McNAIR, Recorder.
7' ' I- honors with President 'Wilson, who
Vinin2( 1 fiSStrCjcunio from Washington to make an
address on good roads.
The Portland Jitney ordinance re
quiring franchise, bond and schedule
ias been tpheld by the courts.
The Nashville Students, minstrels
aiftl jubilee singers with their justly
famous Kngo band are at the Vlnlng
Theatro Wednesday asd Thursday of
this week with a snappy minstrel
program. The regular feature pic
tures are run as well and a complete
change of program oaBh night.
Fresh, fish by the carload Is being
shipped from the Umpqua river by
way of the Willamette-Pacific and
Kugene to New Work.
Vote Down Special
Tax for Roads
Taxpayers of the Bellevlew road
district met at the Bellevlew school
last Saturday to vote on a proposi
tion for assessing a special tax of
$3,000 for road building purposes.
The proposition was defeated by a
substantial majority.'
' ,.'.-... S..5.: . ... . - V S f
t--V '...? ?S'-VN "'C'.Viy
j -. : !Vi"5v'- '..; ? ';' '-' . "A-" V; ' jy-;
f . . i.: : - lJ
These unusual gowns, worn by Lillian Gish in her latest but what they are going to be and the pictures must
play, "Diane of the Follies," illustrate how the fashions tell them. Two of the creations shown here the two
of the film are always in advance of the mode. It will at the ieftare essentially of the stage, but the negligee,
when the screen very largely sets the fashion. Women " audience, and each one tells her of a mode that
&c to the pictures not only to see what the styles are, is on its way frca the inner sanctums cf fashion.