Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, November 30, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 5

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! In the Social Realm
Officer of I. C. hentertain
Outgoing Officers.
Covers were laid for twelve
around a beautifully arranged table
at Hotel Austin last Friday after
noon. The proprietors, Mr. and Mrs.
Chisholm, were courtesy personified
1o the hostesses, the newly elated
officers cf the Women's Civic Im
. provement Club, and to their guests,
the retiring officers. The chef at
Hotel Austin is the best the hotel
lias ever known, and the service
knew not one flaw nor awkward in
terruption. The menu was most
skillfully selected and artistically
presented, and both entertainers and
entertained were appreciative of
An informal program was blended
among the courses of the menu. Mrs.
Emma Jack, iu behalf of the presi
dent, Mrs. Neil, who was unavoidably
absent, welcomed the guests, and
couched some dosorving praise there
in. Mrs. Jack acted as toast mistress.
She called upon Mrs. Barber, the new
vice-pre3ident, to toast "Our Club;
It's Aim and Plans." Mrs. Barber
responded in an earnest, practical
nay, laying emphasis upon the aim
to acquire a building lot and to beau
tify it during the current year; to
lay the foundation for a club home
of our very own. In her manner
Mrs. Barber was natural and enthusi
astic. In her sweetly, kindly way
Mrs. Brings, the guest of honor, re
Fpended to "Our New Officers."
Upon retiring to the parlor each
lady present, in due turn, presented
a bright thought, or a plan to help
the club grow and be of F.ervice. The
tivo which appealed to the writer
most forcibly wore given by Mrs. Sam
JicXair, who urged the organization
of a hoys' auxiliary somewhat after
the plan of the Ladies' Auxiliary ex
cept that men interested in the bet
terment of young men and boys
should lend assistance and he permit
ted to Join; and second, the plan of
Mrs. Fred Putnam, who advocated
the Idea that the literary part of the
programs of the past year uplifted
women end broadened them; made
them sympathetic and Intelligent
companions of their children In the
high school and fit to share their
(studies; also that this phase of the
work was cultural, refining and spir
itualizing. Others followed rapidly with help
ful suggestions, sometimes two or
three speaking at the same time, and
there was not a dull moment the en
tire evening and everyone went home
Such gatherings arc of untold
value. The civic spirit caused us to
choose the hotel as a meeting place,
You may have a turn of money that
you are planning to use lu an Invest
ment In u few months.
We shall toe glad to pay you Inter
est on this money, giving you a profit
. "while you wait."
Use this bank.
First National Bank
Oldut National Bank In Jackson
Tint Rive your 1
boy and ru1 an 1
orriortunity to I
mako their nome 1
studri eaty and i
rffectmf Give!
them the same i
chimeestowinpro- i
motion and Fiiccew
as the hid having the S
advantage of
S.''::- W h K ST F P S I
. a n
Dictionary in his homo. This new 1
creation answers with final author-
ity all kinds of puzzling questions 1
in history, ceotrranlir, biouranrx. i
I filing, pronundation,Piorts,arta, 1
n anu Rienoes.
400.000 Vornbulary Term i. 2T0B Paget. I
8s OverliUOOUliutrations. Colored Pluiea. I
11a oalTdlcUoaijT with thiEifidnlPut r
The type manor is equivalent to that
oia.l6-volurue encyclopedia. 1
i More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, i
f and Authoritative Hum any other tug-
- -je't3W 1 ,u,h Dlc "unary, n
fcTi and 1
J -Jilil WRITE for
As FKi.K, a aetof Pocket
jT Map U you Hams toil 1
:1 v i r urDDiaia n s
JLin -urantonu, mass.
l Htt
and the result was highly satisfac
tory iu every respect.
Klks Hall
The big event of the fall social
season, the Elks' Thanksgiving ball,
will take place this lhursday even
ing at the Elks temple. This annual
event is always looked forward to by
all who dance In this 'city and a num
ber of out-of-town people are also
expected to be Thanksgiving guests at
the ball. Lovoland's six-piece or
chestra has been engaged and the
best of music is assured. Following
usual custom a banquet will be serv
ed. Each Elk is entitled to Invite
one outsider and a crowd of one hun
dred couples is anticipated.
Teacup Club. '
The members and friends of the
Teacup Club are Invited to a Christ
mas party In the Methodist church
parlors on Tuesday afternoon, De
cember 5 Miss Hathaway 's Bible
class will be hostesses, and the en-1
tertainment will be In the form of a
toy shower for the poorer children
of our church and community. Each
lady Is requested to bring her thim
ble, also a toy, handkerchief, hair
ribbon, doll to dress, or any other
small gift.
We benpeak the hearty support of
our club membership.
We are featuring wrist watches.
Largest line In the city. More than
twenty different kinds. $2.50 to
$u0. Johnson's Jewelry Store. 55-tf
Announcements have been received
from Canadian, Texas, of the mar
riage of Miss Margaret Slemantel to
Mr. Clarence M. Stick ley on Wednes
day, November 22. Miss Slemantel
has a host of friends in Ashland who
will wish her happiness. The couple
will be at home In Canadian after
December 1. Miss Siemantel Is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sle
mantel and a sister of Mrs. V. O, N.
Smith of this city.
Johnson's Jewelry Store the gift
center. 55-tf
I'pper Granite Club.
Upper Granite Street
broidery Club met Friday afternoon,',
Novembar 24, with Mrs. Nicholson, at
the head of Strawberry Lane. De
spite the foggy day, there was a good
attendanco, and besides the regular
work of the club the hooks and nee
dles did "aliant service for their mis
tresses. During the serving of the
delicious refreshments there was the
usual amount of harmless persiflage.
Mrs. Wllmer Poley entertained a'
number of relatives and friends at
dinner Sunday, November 26. The
trtistic skill of the hostess was evi
dent in every detail, the graceful
ferns, th- beautiful flowers, the dell-
cate China, combined in a pleasing
whole and enhanced the culinary per-1
fectlon of each course, and added
much to the enjoyment of the happy
Eleven O'clock Club
The Eleven O'clock Club held the
second of their winter series of
dances Tuesday night at Memorial
hall. About twenty-five couple were
present and a jolly evening was en
Joyed. The ladies of the Presbyterian
church wish to thank their friends
for the liberal contribution Sunday
night. On account of the rain there
were but few people there, but they
received $21.
Social League
The Men's Social league met Tues
day night, the "boy problem" being
the subject for discussion.
Our store will Impress you with its t
wide range of stock and reasonable
prices. Johnson's Jewelry Store.
San Francisco
Orcgonians Head
quarters while in
San Francisco
Running diiltllrd
ice tualtr in every
room. Special aMen
(ion given Ui ladiet
Iraveling unetcor
led. A la carle
dining room,
"Meet me at
the Manx'
1 of Cheater
I W. Keller
piif pip
History of Motion
By Bmatrtg
Almost immediately Robert W.
Paul's manufacture of the Edison j
Kinetoscope, made possible by the
American in
v o n t o r's ne
glect to pro
tect his device
by an English
patent, devel
J .
oped into a
treme n d o u a
business ven-
ture. However1
It was far
sailing. It
from being all smooth j
had its ups and downs
and more than once was on the thin
edge of failure. It was probably
these vicissitudes that cooled the ar
dor of the two Greeks, who first car
ried the Kinetoscope to England. In
any event they made an early exit
and Paul occuplod the stage by him
self. The greatest problem that Paul
had to face, even after he had devel-
oped a world market for the ma
chines, reaching even to New Zea
land, Japan and South America, was
that of film supply. For this he was
dependent entirely on the output of
"Black Maria", the fantastic name
by which Edison's first crude mo
tion picture studio was known.
Finally two agents of this first
American producer, who had secured
the exclusive control of both his
Kinetoscope and his film for the
European market, conceived what j
they believed to be a brilliant idea.
They would obviate the neglected
English patent proceedure by refus
ing to sell films for any machine
other tliai that of Edison's own
This was quite enough to cause
Paul consternation. It threatened
not only to despoil his future trade,
but also to work irreparable hardship
upon his previous customers. The
only escape that suggested itself was
'Hint Church of Christ, Sclentint.
Pioneer avenue south. Sunday
service at 11 o'clock. Subject of
lesson sermon, "God the Only Cause
and Creator." Sunday school at 10
o'clock. Wednesday evening meet
ing at 8 o'clock. Reading room open
from 2 to 4 dally except Sundays. '
Baptist Church.
Rev. Vine will yreach both morn
ing and evening on next Sunday.
Sunday Bchool at 9:45. Be on time
it pays. Young people's meeting
In the evening at 6:30. Prayer meet
ing every Thursday evening at 7.30.
These meetings are growing in at
tendance and Interest. You can not
afford to miss these meetings under
Brother Vine's leadership.
On December 10, one week from
next Sunday, Rev. J. N. Hoover of
Lindsay, Cal., pastor and evangelist,
will speak In the church both morn
ing and evening. Brother Hoover is
one of the strong pastors of Califor
nia. He is coming a long distance to
speak to us and to get acquainted
with our people. Let all plan to be
Congregational Church.
Sabbath school at 9:45 a. m.
Morning service at 11. Y. P. S. C. E.
at 6:30. Evening service at 7:30.
Rev. G. S. Butt of Seatle will preach
both morning and evening. Special
music for each service.
Methodist Church
Methodist church will have a
Thanksgiving service at 1Q:30 Thurs
day morning. The Rev. D. D. Ed
wards of the Nazarene church will
preach the sermon.
J. E. IlcColummagn of the O. A. C.
Glee club will sing at the morning'
service. ,
j The young ladles of the church
'are Invited to a Travelers Farewell
Party at Mrs. Homer Billings, Fri-
day evening. The admission to
two sandwitches in a paper bag.
Xazarene Church '
Sunday school at 9:45. Plans are
being perfected to grade all classes
according to age. Teacher's training
clasB meets weekly to study the les
son. Curtains will be Installed In
the near future separating all classes
during lopson period. You are In
vited to Join with us in the study of
the Word of God.
Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30
p. m. Evening subject, "Four Great
Bible Statements."1
Our Wednesday evening prayer
meetings are times of rpirltual re
freshing. The power of the Christian
in his prayer llfo. The power of the
church Is the prayer meeting. You
are cordially Invited to all our serv
Icon, . . D. D. EDWARDS, Pastor. '
Picture Industry
the invention, on his own part, of a
motion picture camera and the man
ufacture of his own pictures. He
had no model to go by, but, through
patience and long experiment was
evontaully successful. However, the
quest including the manufacture of
several ineffectual devices before he
finally hit upon the practical one ate
1 up the larger part of the small for
tune he had made from his previous
sale of Kinetoscopes,
I As future events proved it was, In
i spite of Its temporary hazard, a
profitable investment principally be
cause hl3 successful invention of a
camera pave Paul a zest for further
experiments. Long before this It had
occured to the Londoner that a mo
tion picture device, like the Kine-
T AonAIa iirnn 1 A 1a irnni 1 tr rr nA -v ws 1
able If several people could see the
pictures at once, this gave him aH
problem on which his brain was half
subconsciously working one evening
when he sat as a spectator on even
ing at a sterloptlon entertainment.
As he watched the various photo
graphic views of still life thrown on
the screen, the Idea came to him In
a flash why not apply this same
principle to motion pictures?
Paul went home to begin his ex
periments next day upon what even
tually resulted In one of the first, If
not the very first projection machine
ever devised. Mr. Talbot, an English
author and consequently a compa
triot of the inventor, maybe prompt-
ed somewhat by loyalty to British
blood in declaring Paul's the first
of the several projecting devices per
fected at about this same time. I
quote as follows from Mr. Talbot's
"About 3 o'clock one morning, in
the early months of 1895, the quiet
ness of Hatton Garden was disturb
ed by loud and prolonged shouts.
The polico rushed hurriedly to the
building whence the cries proceeded,
and found Paul and his colleagues
in their workshop, giving vent to
whole hearted exuberance of triumph.
They had just succeeded in throw ing
the first perfect animated pictures
upon the screen. To compensate the
police for their fruitless investiga
tion the film, which was 40 feet lang
and produced a picture 7 feet square,
was run through the special lantern
for their edification. They regarded
the strange spectacle as ample com
pensation and had the satisfaction
of being the first members of the
public to see motion pictures thrown
upon the screen."
Other writers are not so entirely
positive as Talbot that Paul's was
the first projection machine. Un
doubtedly several persons, in differ
ent corners of the world, were work
ing at this time toward the same
end, and wero almost contemporane
ous one with the other in reaching
passibly satisfactory results. It is
obvious that none of these persons
realized even a fractional part of
the real Importance of the work they
had done. But although they did
not know It, they had insured the
future of motion pictures on a tre
mendously extensive scale.
(To he continued.)
Wimer Makes
Public Statement
John E. Wimer, candidate for city
recorder, makes the following public
To the Voters and Taxpayers:
Since announcing myself as a can
didate for city recorder I have been
asked by many people of Ashland
my ideas relative to reducing the
expense of the recorder's office in
the event of my being elected. I
have also been requested to pledge
myself to reduce the office help, but
not approving of making verbal
pledges, and feeling that It would be
Inconsistent, without a hidden pur
pose, for any candidate to make such
pledges in order to gain votes, I have
answered such requests by saying,
"It Is my intention, if elected, to
maintain the office on as small ex
pense as possible consistent with ef
ficient service." I have also under-
You want to
TASTE Golden
West Coffee
not merely
"Just Right"
A show
which will
please you
Wednesday -ThursiTy
Nashville Students and
Comedians, Siuger, Dancers and Novelty Acts All
in addition to regular programs
Virginia Pearson
Beautiful and Talented Star in "BLAZING LOVE"
Frank Keenan-Cliasr Ray
Two Stars of great ability and'drawing power
in an exceptionally good story and
wonderful production
"Hono Thy Name"
Prices: Adults, 35c; Children 12 to IS, 25c;
Children under 12, 10c
stood thft the report has been circu
lated that if I am elected I Intend
to replies the present office help
with others, and also that I Intend to
put my wife to work in the office.
I want to say In answer to such re
ports and for the benefit of the one
who Btarted it, that such is not, nor
ever has been, my intention, and that
I am opposed to making a family af
fair of any public office and that my
wife will not be employed In the of
fice during my administration.
I have pledged myself, If elected,
to devote my entire time to the work
of the office, give the people longer
office hours and an economical, effi
cient administration. This I feel Is
all any candidate can conscientiously
pledge himself to do, but in view of
the many questions before me I take
this means over my signature as can
didate and taxpayer to say that I
stand for economizing on the expense
of the offico wherever possible and
consistent with satisfactory service.
I am opposed to over-expenditure of
the city finance, and if elected as re
corder I shall feel it my duty to the
taxpayers of Ashland to watch over
and curtail the city's expenses wher
ever It Is In my power to do so. I
will conduct the recorder's office at
the minimum cost, accounting for all
money co.ieuieu, auU uauu.c n.c
er matters In a businesslike manner;
and If the offico can be handled with
less expense than at present, I assure
the voters and taxpayers my co-operation
in reducing it. I understand
many methods of practical bookkeep
ing and systems that will reduce the
clerical work, and having been close
ly connected with the office for the
past twenty months and knowing
4f 0 -VVfwm
(((& flf
C. . Gates,
within (he
reach of
something of the needs of the office,
I feel such a reduction of expenses
can be with the proper system.
I believe In making a pledge over
my signature that I know I can ful
fill and then strive to do more, in
which case I have done.
Johnson the Jeweler for fine watch
work. 55-tf
New York, Pennsylvania and Illin
ois are the "big three" of American
politics, but manifestly they are not
the entire show.
cocktails, best yet,
Johnson's Jewelery Store the gift
center. 65-tf
Real Estate
80 acres of hay land north of Bear
creek for sale on very reasonable
''terms. .
I 400-acre stock ranch, well lm
' proved, more than half-meadow,
I 1 1 J - M A. 1 I at 4 A AAA
1 20-acre fruit and truck farm near
i Central Point, best kind of soil, to
j trade for business proposition or
j smaller acreage In Ashland or close
iu auumei lunu mill kuuu uigu
Billing's Agency
Real Estate and Real Insurance
41 East Main Phone Sll
ialk f
No two ways about it!
If you want
1000 miles more in
the guarantee allow
ance, and
Anywhere from 1000 to
10000 miles more in ac
tual mileage than with
other tires, and
Freedom from tire troub
les, and
More liberal service
The one sure way to get
"Savage Tires"(and Grafi
nite Tubes).
They make every day
Thanksgiving Day.