rAOK KIGHT ASHLAVP '171)108 Th 11 run uv IVnoamliAa to tn - " 1 1 - ' ' j - i. i - m 200 BIG BARGAINS FOR eel Fnd atiiraay ay a They are to be two of the biggest bargain -days ever known in this town. We have room to advertise only about half of them here. Some of these goods will not last longer than one day. The opportunity will soon be gone. The dress goods are simply going by the hundreds of yards each day. Eead the items here and then secure your share before it is forever too late. Be here Friday and Saturday. t. r ITi ili ill ifi ill illi iTi ifc i ifc JT.iIi AiTiiTi Ji A tit ili ill A if i ill Ji if i ifc Ji Ji Ji ifc A Ji i TTTTTTTTTTT'rTTTTTrTTVTTTTTTTTTl'.TTTTTY . r 75c Tuble Linen $2.75 Comforts now. per yard T for 58c t $1.04) Table Linen I 50c 15uly Ulankcts X noiv. mr vnril T for i4,viH,4,1,1,4,4,4,4,,l,'l,,tVT,fr,M,4,4',fr',Hl1"l,''l'lHi X . . 1 T $1.25 Talile Linen f 05c l$uty Illnnkets 05c Table Linen now, per yard PTTTTTTTTTTTT X 49c 78c $2.50 Comforts for $1.98 rW-iMM4M. t t 1 1 , i n i n i til 1 1 1 m 1 1 it i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 One Lot Hoys' Under- Men's 20c Hose wear at T llow $2.07 Woolen Dress Goods for 39c now, per yard 98c fTTTTTTl TTTT TTTTVTTT T TTTTTTTTTTT'i'TTT. I $1.50 Tul.Io Linen t 75c Haby Blankets jiuw, jut ynru $1.19 AtTTTTTTTTTi $1.75 Table Linen now, per yard $1.39 25c Cashmerette Gloves at 19c for 49c for 59c XAHAAUiAAll TTTTTTT1 VTTJ 50c Hosiery lor 43c T T TT VTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTJ 35c Hoalery for 29c Two more days of this wonderful Dress Goods sale. This is your opportunity. Don't miss it. 'Tis now or never. . Dress Goods worth G5c, at Dress Goods worth 75c, . at Dress goods worth $1.00, at. Dress Goods worth $1.10, at Dress Goods worth $1.25, at Dress Goods worth $1.50, at Dress goods worth $1.G5, at Dress Goods worth $1.75, at 39c 49c 59c 69c 79c 94c 1.03 1.13 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! There never was a better time to buy shoes than right now. Women's Shoes worth $3.50, nn 1.30 2.39 2.69 2.98 19c 13c now Women's Shoes worth $4 00, now Women's Shoes worth $4.50, now Women's Shoes worth $5.00, now One Lot Hoys' Under- t Men's 25c Hose wear at f now f 19c jl One Lot Men's 1'nder- Men's 25c Gloves f wear at T now T I 19c I Am IhhW'Wmh tin 1 1 1 1 Ki.j iihiiihh' Large Word Halts X Men's 50c Gloves at T now $1.88 ... . Women s Felt Slippers f Men's 25c Suspenders f 39c 43c 39c at Misses' and Children's SHOES at the lowest prices known $1.19 XH44 uc jjuieu iiuck l ow el ing, per yard now 19c 38c iHIIIIIMMWMt & 65c Linen Huck Towel. T lng, per yard 9 50c Oawhmerette Gloves at 38c I Bargain Prices 15c Face Towels for 10c IIMMMHMIIHttj Ladies' Winter Vests and Pants at Price Price 25c Hosiery for 19c 15c Lonsdale Muslin, f Children's AVinter I per yard J Vests and Pants at I lie Bargain Prices 12 Wo Muslin, 9c 5c Handkerchiefs for 3c 1c Muslin per yard 8c lie Muslin, I 10c Handkerchiefs T no vaH V T t Ladies' 65c Union nuns 43c 7c WOOL DRESS GOODS REMNANT: Tti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 n tt Boys' Suits now 75c Linen Huck Towel- X inff. npl vnril F. f These Remnants are left from our big sale of dress goods during the past three days. They go on sale Friday and J Saturday at a m...M.M.m m.tm TTTTTTTFTTTTTtTTTtI 15c Handkerchiefs tor 11c t 20c Handkerchiefs I Ladies' $1.00 Union Suits 79c for 13c Ladles' $1.50 Union X 25c Handkerchiefs I BU1IS $1.13 for 19c t Table Linen and Outing Flannel. All Short Lengths 12 He Outing Flannel, yard Men's and Roys' Cups X at 8c 19c Boys' Shoes T Men's Shoes X . t ftt ;; Close out Prices: Close out Prices:: ItMtlHIHimfcl Sale Begins at 9 a. ntm Friday MHIMMH t I One-Half Price Good lengths for skirts and children's dresses. You will grab these. Be on time. Bargain Balcony Our Bargain Balcony is proving to be a very popu'ar place. People are picking up bargains there such as they never saw before. Dolmnv Drnnnonfo ? Corsets at 25 1JU1VV1IJ IVCllllIUlll In Wool, Cotton,. Silk, Ribbons, Laces, Men's 50c Suspenders now 39c 49c II III Ml MM 1 1 II Yonng Men's Suits, sizes SI to 85 $2.98 57c i $1.98 to $4.49 i f Men's $1.00 Shirts I Men's Overcoats I for now i 69c $7.19 to $11.29$ f Mil l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; I nut) lHHMHWtwt Men's $1.00 HaU for m n J. T Uc t 19c UK ... rtv ... men h &c i ecKCies now t Men's $1.25 HaU t Men's Handkerchiefs 'r now 63c 7c, 8c and 11c I marked very low. Bargain Table Containing hundreds of articles at 10c-25c-50c Children's shoes at. .50, 59, 69, 79, 98c- X Women's slippers at $1.00 X Women's shoes at $1.69 f Women's cloaks at $2.98 Dress skirts at ..: $1.19 X Dress skirts at $2.98 t Waists at 79c Cover-All Aprons 49c 25c to 50c Hosiery 10c 25c Bath towels ;..l9c Visit the Bargain Balcony for $1.25 ftl"H 1 1 1 ft 1 1 1 (H M C"l 1 1 14 Aliens fi,ov iinu j Men's Umbrellas for T t 75c Bargain Prices Men's $2.00 Hats J AU Men's Underwear tor I at $1.00 I Bargain Prices i X Men's $2.50 Hats t Men's 50c Xeckties ! at 39c H rtf tit tin Men's $3.00 Hats for Men's Puck Coats at $1.50 I Bargain Prices, Men's 15o Collars X Men's Pants now at 10c J Bargain Prices Men's 15o Hose Bovs' Pants i. S. LANGH0RNE, Manager of now 11 IK at I Bargain Prices! leek liii c7 I Big Going Out of Business Sale Sale Begins at 10 a, m. Saturday MHIMMMHimMMHIMMHIIH;