"7" Thursday, N'ovemlxT 16, 191(1 AftrTLAXD TIDINGS pagb thrks Result-Getting- Classified Columns THE ONE-ATTEMPT MAN OR WOMAN who, for example, publishes a Want ad once, and If It does not bring the result desired decides that "advertising does uot pay," should stud; the practical results, in all lines of endeavor, of perseverauce. The law of "try again" Is as potent In want advertising ad in any other effort or enterprise. Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; H cent per word (or each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise ment inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. DR. F. A. HALL Dentistry and all its branches. Swedenburg Bldg.. Ashland, Ore. Phone 167. 6-tf DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glauses sup plied. Oculist and aurist tor S. P. R. R. Officeh. M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite jiostoft'ce, Medford, Ore. Phone 667. ll-tt C. B. WATSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of flee with E. D. Brlggs. Ashland, Ore. DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. '' 73-tt DRS. SAWYER AND ANDERSON. Osteopathic physicians. Women's and children's diseases a specialty. Office hours to 12, 2 to 4. Calls answered day or night. Office phone 208, residence phone 267-R. Pioneer Bldg., Ashland, Ore. 85-tt CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Frank Jordan, general contracting. New and old work; cement walks, ' cemetery copings, brick, cement, woodwork, lathing and plastering, cobblestone and general building contracts. 4-1 2 mo. CHAIR DOCTOR R. H Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relald and repaired, bedsprlngs restretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies, window cleaning, house cleaning, and furniture packing done expertly. Can ai bbo a street or phone 403-R. - 91-tT DR. G. R. UTTERBACK The Chiro practor and Nerve Specialist. All functions of the body are controlled by nerves. Electric, cabinet and spray baths in connection. Office at residence, 108 Pioneer avenue, opposite Hotel Austin aanex. 18-tf GEO. T. WATSON, Painter and Pa Derhauger. Phone 202-R. 166 Oak 40-tf treet. MISCELLAXEOC8 BILL POSTER Will Stennett. 116 Factory St. Bin posuns " "" tributing. 54-tf CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regn lar meetings first and third rrv days of each month at 2:30 p. m Mrs S. Patterson, Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett oreer, bbc. niunnvMITCNT CLUB. The regular meeting of tne club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:80 p. m.. at the Carnegie Library lec ture room. . rtxTT?v Tn i.fiAN Mortgage Com pany Holland-America has plenty of money to lend on good farru security. Isaac Best, agent, Grants Pass, Ore. " DRESSMAKING at home or by the day. Inquire Mrs. ' Pinnr tive. Phone 368-J. 48-4t FOR RENT ami? rent Five-room bungalow, furnished; bathroom, hot and cold water, electric lights, woodshed. Lot 50x150. Palm avenue, between Boulevard and Iowa street, in quire at 214 C street.. Phone 459-R. 44 " FOR RENT Furnished bungalow, adults only. 147 Nutley "treet FOR RENT Six-room house at .366 Granite street. Large lot.' $6 per month. Inquire at Tidings office. CHEAP RENT Eight-room house, ou. onrM lana: aisu apartments. Inquire 63 Main Etreet. North 46-tt FOR RENT Furnished rooms near the Hth a water, vjau oai , 48-tf 411-R. FOR RENT Furnished house. Call at 424 North Main street. 48-4t HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNI TURE FOR SALE At present use as a lodging house and resi dence; clearing $35 per month. For furthor Information address Box 349, Weed, Cal. 6-2t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR-SALEJackson county war rants In the sum of $744.58, regis tered February 4, 1916, drawing 6 per cent interest from date or reg'stration, at par and Interest. Call at Tidings office. 4-tf FOR SALE Good transrer, storage nri nal hualness. Reasonable. Apply to City Truck Co., D. Guy ClnnA ' 31-tl GOOD'S GOAT DAIRY Pure goats' Prop. Phone 17-F-2. 40-tf FOR SALE Top buggy, light spring wagon, 2 Studebaker wagon and two saddles. E L- .Rfsr' J,. Scenic Drive- Phone 1:R-46"" " olTsTSLIVESTOCK FOR SALE cheap, if taken at once Fine riding and driving pony, buggy and harness. Work single or double. Good for small orchard j. w. Mlllner. near Normal. 44-ti iiALESiTsteer calves at C Carey's, north of Talent. Phone or address. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-Property close in, 104x 198 feet; comfortable house and barn, large lawn, shrubs, fruit and garden. Price $3,000; one half cosh, balance on reasonable terms. Address E. G., care Tid ings. 35-tf FOR SALE Modern cottage of six rooms! on 14 acres of ground, mostly meadow, under irrigation ditch; young bearing fruit trees Price $2,000 cash. Bargain. Ad dress E. G.. care Tidings. 35-tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Dandy little modernfour-room bungalow with acre of ground, so located as to go like hot cakes If subdivided for tourist bungalows. Will sell some good furniture to purchaser. Worth $2,000 or more. Will take $1,500 for quick sale. See Bert R. Greer, at Tidings office. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Ten acres of land with house, barn, team, cow, wagon, hack, buggy, plow, cultivator and other farm implements. Will sell at a bargain. Address J. W. Kent, Talent, 6re. ' 48-8t WANTED WANTED Infants and children to board by day,, week or month. Mother's care. Good references. Inquire 366 B street. 103-tf WANTED A Lite tank. 2-F-4. second-hand Prento E. Gowland, phone 49-3t WANTED To buy family milch cow, at reasonable price. Phone 265-L. ' 48-4t WANTED What have you In a low grade mining proposition? State full particulars. Address Pros pective, Tidings office. 50-2t LOST LOST Ladies' purse, containing small gold piece. Finder please return to Tidings office or G. M Frost. 50-3t Poultry, Pigeons, Eggs, Etc. FOR SALE White Orpington breed. ing stock; cockerels, hens or mat ed pens. Eggs in season. E. O Smith, 280 Uargadine street Phone 353-J. 50-lnio. LEGAL NOTICES. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. Samuel MacCliciock, Plaintiff, vs Menerva Glenn, and all other per son? unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest in or to the real property hereinafter described. Defendant. To Menerva Glenn, the above named defendant, and all other persons unknown, if any, hav ing or claiming to have an In terest in or to the real property hereinafter described: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby notified that . Samuel MacClintock is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency num bered 2783, issued on the 12th day of April, 1915, by the Tax Col lector of the County of Jackson, State of Oregon, for the amount of Twenty-nine and'64-lQ0 ($29.64) Dollars, the same being the amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1910, to-- gether with penalty, Interest and costs thereon upon the real prop erty assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of rec ord, situated in said County and State, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: The East Halt. (E) of the Northwest Quarter (NW) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Thirty-six (36), Range Three (3), West of the Willamette Meridian You are further notified that said Samuel MacClintock has paid taxes on said premises tor prior or subsequent years with the rate of interest on said amounts as fol lows: Years tax, 1911; date paid, April 12. 1915; tax receipt number, 14291; amount, $27.44; rate of interest, 15 per cent.. Year's tax, 1912; date paid, April 12. 1915; tax receipt number, 14292: amount. $32.80; rate of interest, 15 per cent. Year's tax, 1913; date paid, April 12, 1915; tax receipt number, 1329; amount, $25.88; rate of in terest, 15 per cent. Year's tax, 1914; date paid, April 23, 1915: tax receipt number, 4366; amount, $20.60; rate of in terest, 15 per cent. Year's tax, 1915; date paid, Feb. 28, 1916; tax receipt number, 275; amount, $20.80; rate of interest, 15 per cent. Said Menerva Glenn, as the own er of the legal title of the above described property as the same ap pears of record, and each of the other persons above 'named, are hereby further notified that Sam uel MacClintock will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and State aforesaid for a decree fore closing the Hen against the proper ty above described and mentioned in said certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publica tion' of the summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend this action or pay the i FRUIT and FARffi Clean Grounds Help Control 1'pHtn. "My little suburban place is a striking example of the value of clean grounds In pest control," said a (Joryallls gardener. When. 1 moved onto the place It was over grown with weeds, littered with crop remnants, and fringed with high grass Htrewed with boards, sods and other trash, under which insects swarmed and disease lurked. By cleaning the grounds and its borders and practicing the recommendations of the college specialists, the soil has qult producing weeds and crop pests and is putting its full strength into valuable crops. I have no weeds, no diseases, and but few insects." Information Ileglns ut Experiment Stations. Approxlmately everything known about plant diseases and Insect pests has been discovered by experiment stations, and the Oregon station has made many valuable contributions to this fund of Information. Why east - em methodB of controlling codling j by college and farm specialists. En- -rlchment of home life will be fur amount due as above shown, to-;thereti by the work In home econom- to do so, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxes .tecture. Full particulars on appllca and costs against the land and'tion to the Oregon Agricultural Col premises above named. ! , C'orvallis Ore This summons is published by16Ke' orva"'a' ure order of the Honorable F. M. Cal- j " kins. Judge of the Circuit Court of i Farmers' and Honieniiikers' Week, the State of Oregon, for the Coun-1 Farmers' and horaemakers week ty of Jackson, and said order waslanj miBA .,,, . ... , JoH on ,i0h im. 9it rtov nf i and eonferentfos will be held at the October, 1916, and the date of the first publication of this summons 1 1 to 6 inclusive. Instruction by is the 26th day of October, 1916. i members of the college staff, farm All process and papers in this practicing specialists, experts proceeding may be served upon ' ' , ' , ' v the undersigned residing within i from the 1 nited statos Department ' the State of Oregon, at the address of Agriculture, Including some of hereafter mentioned. ' the most capable talent In the United ... J' J?h"NI?i?i States and Canada, will be featured. Attorney for the Plaintiff. I,, , ' Address, Grants Pass, Oregon. ! Many organizations will convene; 45-6t-Thu!rs. ! conferences on subjects of Interest In NOtFcE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UN-jthe development of the state will be DER EXECUTION Mrs. S. C. 'staged; entertainments and banquets Wing, Plaintiff, vs. J. E. McKen-jwill be offered. There are no en fendanU MaFy M" McKenZ'e' De trance fees or educational require eBynv!rtue of an execution and j ments- A11 are lnvited' sl,ec'al order of eale duly Issued out of i rates on all railroads will be avall- and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for the County of Jackson, dated the 9th day of October, 1916, and to me directed, in a certain suit therein for the foreclosure of a mortgage in which the plaintiff have an un,lsual opportunity to make recovered a judgment against the I ...... , defendants, J. E. McKenzle and ; up for th fallure t0 BPray earl'. 81,(1 Mary M. McKenzie, for the sum of , still .may get ahead of the rains, $500.00 with , interest thereon at i which are responsible for the Infec ,the rate of 8 per cent per ann,umjtlon periods. Sprav at once for ap from February 5th, 191d, and for 1 . . ., the sums she has paid in taxes, to- P'-tree anthracnose and for peach wit, $20.50 paid on the 28th day blight. Use Bordeau 0-fiji'O or llme of October, 1914, $16.46 paid 'sulphur 1-8, and cover every particle VN 10t,!V 915; adth?o8iUfim.0f !f llark and ever- '. Effective re $17.78 paid March 23rd, 1916, to-1 .,,,, gether with 6 per cent from the :sulta can not U8ua"y 1,e obtained so dates of said payments, together ; 'ate in the season, but due to the with her costs and disbursements , lateness of rains this year much eood taxed at $32.00 and $60.00 attor-,can Public notice is hereby given, that in compliance with the com- mands of said execution and order orsaiei wui on aaiuroay uei m day of November, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the Court House In j Jacksonville, offer for sale and will ; .11 .i. til- 1 A lLn 1. 1 U I sen ai , puuiiB nucuou iu uio esi Diaaer ior cusn, an oi me rigui, title and interest that the defend-1 ants above named had on the date ; of the mortgago herein foreclosed i or have since acquired or now have ' o.v Beginning 'at an Iron pin on'J(i C0. the balance of steers selling Towa street, in the City of Ashland, from $3.50 to $6. Demand for she Jackson County, Oregon, which Is 8tuff wag goodi one load of ,m0 96.4 feet east of the corner of Lin- ; .,.. ,, . , , . . coin and Iowa streets: thence : l,eifers 6- which was about north 142.75 feet; thence east!3'' cent8 over last week's market. 45.70 feet parallel with Iowa ! Good cows brought $3.50, while ordl street; thence south 142.75 feet,nary kinds brought $4.75 to $5. ana wieuue wesi uu uie uui in biuo of Iowa street to the place of be- ginning. Being the center of lot of G. S. Butler, plat of lots sixteen (16) and seventeen (17), Ashland IowTrtrert. A880Ciatin' faCinS I All of the above described real 1 property will be.eold at said time and place In .the manner provided by law for the sale of real property under execution, to satisfy the Judgment herein before mentioned. And that said sale will be subject to redemption as is oy law provld-; ed. W. H. HiiNiii.rJK, Sheriff, ByE. W. Wilson, Deputy. 43-5t-Thurs NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING to bo held by the taxpayers of Road District- No. 1, to vote upon the question of an additional tax for road purposes in said district. Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held in Road Dis trict No. 1, in Jackson County, Oregon, on the 25th day of Novem ber, 1916, nt the Bellview school house In said district, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock p. m. Said meet ing Is for the purpose bf determin ing whether the resident taxpayers of said road district shall vote an additional tax for road purposes therein, as provided by Section 6321, Lord's Oregon Laws, and for such other and further business as may lawfully come before said meeting. This notice is made and signed by ten resident taxpayers of said road district: Elmo Nell, E. B. Barron, M. P. True, Ernest Apple gate, Geo. W. Owen, Camilla Owen, Aden C. Spencer, Isabel P. Spen cer, J. G. V.'alker, Annie Walker, W. A. Cooper, W. F. Holbert, J. W. Mlllner. 43-3t-Thurs. : moth are not effective in Oregon and what systems are effective here were brought out by this station. The cause of apple tree anthraenose and how to prevent it is another discov ery of value to the apple world. Lime-sulphur for control of apple scab Is still another, the use of which this year in Oregon has been worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Winter Short Course .lanuuiy 8 to February 2. Agriculture, engineering (Includ- Ing road building, wood working and blacksmithing), home economics and commerce will join in offering cours es for the annual winter short" cours es, January 8 to February 2. Farm engines, including tractors, will be a feature of the work this year. Ore- Jgon farmers will have unusual oppor- Itunities to learn the operation and , uses of these modern farm power j machines. General and . advanced , work in agriculture, stock raising, ! dairying and poultry will be offered j oIoBy' Physiology, and art and archl- 10regon Agricultural College January able, us well as moderately nrlced ac- commodatlons In Corvallis. Weather Favors Fruit Men. Orchard owners of western Oreeon ,,e accompii8,e(j yet if the work 18 done at on. Portland Stock Report, November ,7 Cattle A very light run of 600 . . . ., , , , ., head opened the week trading. The keen demand from both local and outside packers and butchers ad "i6u-)Vanced prices 15 to 35 cents on all i, . . A, . ... ki,,ds of cattle- The a-,,allty of Mon day s run was very common. There were a few loads of good cattle hero, one load of good steers brought $.', with a few other sales at Bulls were in good demand at 25 cenis nigner prices, 'there were no prime heavy bulls offered for trade. Fair to good bulls brought $4 to H.23- Thero were a number of loads of feeders, although demitid was rather light. Prices, in sympathy with beef cattle, advanced 25 cents, with a few feeders coing at $5.75. Hogs There was a liberal supply of good hogs here Monday, ono of the best runs for somo time. Ono load of choice butchers brought $9. NO, with several other loads of prime stuff to packers going at $9.60. There was a good demand from all packers and butchers and offerings all sold early. Sheep Thero is practically no change in the sheep trade. One load of choice east of the mountain lambs brought $8.75 today, with a number of loads of valley lambs at $8.50. Valley yearlings brought $7.50; good mutton owes at $5.55. A very good demand continues for all kinds of sheep. Winter Cure of Rose. Cut-flower roses In the northorn half of tho country neod winter pro tection. This may be provided by FOR Chilblains Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment AT ALL DHUQ TORt TUB! 2BC JARS 60C 8 Which Do You Prefer? ' It is important for reasons of health and practical economy for every housekeeper to ask herself this question: "Do I prefer a pure baking powder like Royal, made of cream of tartar derived from grapes, or am I willing to use a baking powder made of alum or phosphate, both derived from mineral sources ? " The names of the ingredients printed on the label show whether the kind you are now using or any brand, new or old, that may be offered is a genuine cream of tartar powder, or merely a phosphate or alum compound. Royal Baking Powder contains no alum nor phosphate. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York coarse manure, straw or leaves ap plied after the preparatory pruning described below. Everygreen boughs, of even branches from deciduous plants, arc often helpful in holding the other materials in place, besides being a protection in themselves. Jn-1 On account of the extraordinary dividual specimens are often wrapped , advances on all kinds of grains and in straw or straw and burlap. There I m111 Products, we feel that we should , . i . . , , operate our. business on the lowest is somo danger of trouble from mice margn p,)B8lbIe and Bhou,d ellminat In the use of straw and Btrawy ma- J any conditions which prevent this, nure, especially during hard winters. As the credit system is necessarily a This is minimized by banking earth more expensive method of doing bus , , ,. , . , . , ,, . Iness than a cash system, we have about the plants before mulching. , docWed l0 dlscard our ,;d(W an(, This banking of earth is also a most ; henceforth sell only for cash, effective preventive of Injury from Please notice our prices each week; cold. Earth banked up about the ! compare them with other prices here plants to a height of a foot or mure makes an excellent protection, espec- ially If covered well with manure after the ground first freezes. The ., . , earth cover must be promptly re- moved In early spring, as soon as danger from freezing Is past. In! some sections It is advisable to pro tect cut-flower rose plants from strong winds by shrubbery borders, evergreens, vine-covered fences or other windbreaks. A special type of pruning should be practiced In fall In sections whore winter protection Is necessury. Uu- der such circumstances It is desir able to cut back the tops In the fall to within thirty Inches of the ground, to allow of moro easily covering the bushes. This should bo followed In the spring by the regular pruning. The long stems left In this full prun ing help hold tho winter mulch from blowing away and from packing too closely. They are also long enough to allow considerable winter killing and yet have sufficient eyes left to insure amplo growth for the next season's bloom. Throughout large sections of thol.ialy Brook dalrr feed- 100 lo- 8ack country it is unnecessary to protect climbing roses In winter. In tho northern sections, whoro roses are apt to winter kill, however, some sort of protocllon is necessary. Wrapping the bushes in straw is ef fective where the cold is not too great, but is somowhat unsightly. It permits keoplng the vljioa moro near ly In their Bummer position. A sur er method is to lay the vines down, covering them with earth, and after that Is frozen adding a layer of straw or manure. Thin covering must be removed promptly In the spring as soon as freezing is over. Golden West Coffee I !5"JUStRfihf" r 8 banm Across the SI ERRAS OGDEN ROUTE To the East Four Through Daily Trains to Chicago. Overland Limited Extra Fare. PACIFIC LIMITED ' SAN FRANCISCO LIMITED ATLANTIC EXPRESS 4 Automatic block signals protect. Liberal Stopovers. Ask local ngt'iit for information JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Ajrent, Portland, Oregon Southern Pacific Union Pacilic I NOTICE! I and the market reports In your dally paper, and we feel that you will real- ize that we are working for your Interest as well as our own. "l,la I,our- nara wncat, $a.05 por 'sack, lfH.10- per bbl. m m Wue8t a 'sack, $7.1)0 per bbl. Bear patent flour, $1.05 per sack, $7.70 per bbl. Wholo wheat flour, 9 lb. sack 40e, 29 lb. sack $1.10. Graham flour, 9.1b. sack 40c, 29 lb, sack $1.10. Corn meal, new, 9 lb. sack 40o. Extra cream oat flakes, 9 lb, sack 50c. Breakfast bran, 3c per lb. Slu-Urd corn, $2.25 per 100. Ground corn, $2.:JO per 100. Hulless barley, $1.00 per 100. Rolled barley, 70 lb. sack $1.0. Ground barley, $1.00 per 100. Bran, 60 lb. sack OOc. Mlllrun bran and shorts. 80 lb. sack $1.20. Shorts, 80 lb. sack $1.30. Chicken oat flakes, 80 lb. sack $13. Mixed egg mash, 75 lb. sack $1.V. Oil meal, 100 lb. sack $2.25. Soya bean meal, 100 lb. sack $2.50. Granulated bone, 100 lb. sack $3. Best shell, 100 lb. sack $1.50. Darling's beet scraps, 100 lb. sack $4.25. Any kind of hay OOc per hundred. Prices subject to change without notice. ASHLAND MILLS PIlODC 49 Free Delivery HSHLRND Storage and Transfer Co. C. F. DATES Proprietor. Two warehouse! near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Dus.ineea. Wood and Itovk Springs Coal. Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, ASHLAND. OR BOON. i- )