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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1916)
Thursday, November 0, 1016 ASHLAND TIDINGS "PAGE 8KVKJ notice On account of the extraordinary advances on all kinds of grains and mill products, we feel that we should operate our business on the lowest margin possible and should eliminate any conditions which prevent this. As the credit system is necessarily a more expensive method of doing bus iness than a cash system, we have decided to discard our ledger and henceforth sell only for cash. Please notice our prices each week; compare them with other prices here and the market reports in your daily paper, and we feel that you will real ize that we are working for your interest as well as our own. Cupid flour, hard wheat, $2.05 per sack, SH.10 per bbl. Mt. Pitt flour, bluestem, $2 per sack, $7.00 per bbl. Bear patent flour, $1.05 per, sack, $7.70 per bbl. Whole wheat flour, 9 lb. sack 40e, 29 lb. sack $1.10. Graham flour, 9 lb. sack 40c, 29 Ik. sack $1.10. Corn meal, new, 9 lb', sack 40c. Extra cream oat flakes, 9 lb. sack 60c. Breakfast bran, 3c per lb. Shelled corn, $2.25 per 100. Ground corn, $2.!H) per 100. Ilulless barley, $1.00 per 100. Rolled barley, 70 lb. sack $1.30. Ground barley, $1.00 per 100. Bran, 60 lb. sack OOc. . Millrun bran and shorts, 80 lb. Back $1.20. Shorts, 80 lb. sack $1.30. Chicken oat flakes. 80 lb. sack $2. Mixed egg mash, 75 lb. sack $1.P). Oil meal, 100 lb. sack $2.25. Soya , bean meal, "100 lb. sack $2.50. Granulated bone, 100 lb. sack $3. Best shell, 100 lb. sack $1.50. Darling's beef scraps, 100 lb. sack $4.25. Shady Brook dairy feed, 100 lb. sack $1.00. Any kind of hay OOc per hundred. Prices subject to change without notice. ASHLAND MILLS All A AAA-- -- - -- - ' AliAAAAAAAl ! Movie Matters f 1 , t I I T I , t r M I I J 1 i I J I M TTTT A House W ithin a House. A complete bungalow is being erected on the Morosco studio stage under the big glass roof for a forth coming Vivian Martin release on the Paramount program. This will en able the experts who run the cameras at the Morosco studios to secure very unusual views and "shots" of-rooms not otherwise obtainable. Several novelties in motion photography are also expected. Miss Martin's new photoplay will carry her all the way across the continent to arrive in this bungalow. "Gracious, is there anybody in the studio who has not kissed me?" de manded Marguerite Courtot the oth er day, after she had spent an entire morning in rehearsing scenes for "The Kiss.'., In which she is co-starring with Owen Moore at the Fam ous Players studio. As the title sug gests, osculation forms an important part In the story, and, of course, there are always interested young men who have original ideas on the subject when pretty girls are con cerned. When the title was suggested, and it was known that Miss Courtot would play the girl, competition was keen for the opposite rolev but Di rector Del Henderson decreed that Moore was to be the lucky man. Phone 49 Free Delivery Understanding of Bird Law Wrong The statement in one of the Port land papers recently to the effect that the waterfowl season does not close In certain counties in Oregon until February 15, and in Clatsop an addi tional open season extends from March 1 to April 30, and In Coos county from December 31 to January 31, is entirely erroneous, according to the federal authorities. The federal migratory bird law does not permit shooting of geese, brant, wild ducks, coots, gallinules and jacksnlpe after sunset January 15 throughout Oregon and Washington. A closed season extends through out the United States until Septem ber 1, 1918, on the following migra tory game birds: Band-tailed pig eons, little brown, sandhill and whooping cranes, wood ducks, swans, curlew, willet, and all shore birds except the black-breasted and golden plover, Wilson or jacksnlpe, and the greater and lesser yellowlegs and woodcock. All shooting of migratory game birds is prohibited between sunset and sunrise throughout the United States. Insect'.verous birds are protected Indefinitely. A state date governs when it opens the season later or closes It earlier than the federal regulations If the state game authorities so order and not be in conflict with the federal regulations. Hart's Newest Pluy. Simultaneous with the departure of the Keenan-Edwards company for the north, wan the return to the Triangle-Kay Bee studios of William S. Hart and the company supporting him in a new production which will be entitled "The Devil's Double." This aggregation has been encamp ing on the Mojave desert for nearly two weeks, filming scenes for the play, which is a "bad-man" drama. Henceforth until the play shall have been completed, the company will work at Inceville. Those appearing with Hart are Margery Wilson, Joseph J. Dowling and Roy Laidlaw. The Movies Bring a More Perfect Race. The moving picture Is the drama of form and action, rather than idea. In the picture plays the most beau tiful people in the country speak to us with their faces and bodies. We want to be like the movie act ors, and we want our children to be like them. So we become interested in eugenics and find that it is not much more than wholesome living on the part of parents and prospective parents. We become Interested in econom ics, and find that it is simply the problem of providing all people with food," clothing and shelter, so that they may have as good the I people on the screen, and education !so that they may be aB graceful. Coos Bay Hoquiam, Wash., men contemplate establishing a shingle mill in this vicinity with 100,000 shingles daily capacity. Portland Contracts for the con struction of six modern motorships have been awarded to the American Ship Building Company. Medford A large sawmill will be built here to operate about Febru ary 1, when the electric line will tap a large timber tract on Jarkson rreek. FOR RENT Five-room modern new bun galow, furnished, $12 per month. Inquire 115 Granite street. 115 Granite Street An Accomplished Linguist For the Photoplay. Many are the curious reasons given by doting mothers as to why their wonderful offspring should be In mo tion pictures. Here is one of them: Herbert Standing was about to start for the Pallas Pictures studios where he Is appearing in pictures for the Paramount program when he was called to the phone. A strange voice announced that the speaker was Mrs. Soandso Hnd took the liberty of phon ing about her daughter, who would make a wonderful picture acress if only given an opportunity. Among the many "convincers" the mother gave in her appeal was the fact that her daughter spoke six languages. Standing's "But, madam, of what use are six languages In the silent drama?" was the silencing shot to which there was no reply. Baker Announcement has been made that the erection of a large sawmill to handle 124,000 feet of government timber on the middle fork of John Day river will be start ed at once. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:16 P. n. Also on Saturday night at 6:30 and 12:20. Sundayi leave at 9:00 and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland daily ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:16 p. m. On Sun. days at 8:00 and 10:30 a. m., and ' 1:00, 1:00, 6:80 and 9:30 p. m. , Fare between Medford and Ann. land, 20 cenw. Round trip, 85 cento. Portland One contract is assured and two or three others aVe being negotiated, all for the construction of steel vessels of from 3,000 to 4,000 tons dead weight. Grants Pass Ten cars of apples shipped from here September 10 have arrived in London and sold for $3.50 per box. Bandon Preparations are under way for the construction of a $30, 000 dredge for the port of Bandon. FOR CRACKED and CHAPPED HANDS Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment JL AT ALL DRUQ TORCS Tubes 26c Jah boo Wo Use Sofs-HI? 3 Props in 2 Seconds. That's All "GETS-IT" Does the Best. Never Fails. "P.cally, I never could see how somo tew people use the most dull cult nntl painful way they can And to Ket rid of corns. They'll wrap their toes up with bandages into a package that (ills their shoes full of feet and rtiakea corns so painful they've got Young Jftkh SP "Get.. IMt-r rrA&l f' , l to walk sideways and wrinkle tin their faces. Or they use ealves that pat rlijht Into the toe and make it raw and sore, or they'll use plasters that moke the corns bulge, or picK and police at their corns and make thetoeslileed. Funny, Isn't It? "GET3 IT" is the Blmple, modern wonder for corns. Just put 3 drops on. it ones instantly. 'No pain, fuss or trouble. The corn, enllns or wart loosens and comeson. Millions use nothing else." "GETS-IT" is sold and recommend, ed bv drueprlsts everywhere. 25c a fiottle. or sent on receipt of price, by E Lawrence & Co., Chicago, 111. Sold in Ashland and recommended as the world's best corn remedy by J. J. McXair, McNair Bros. ii-WM "VW&yWW'W I place In which there is no inspector to another place without an inspect or; (5) the manner of determining and assessing the fees for referring an appeal or dispute to the secre tary; (6) requirements with which, n, . . ... u shippers must comply who desire to Tests of the carcasses show 6 per " 1 , . FRUIT and FARffi Demand For Good Cattle J'l-llltllltl I'll! IIMMI 111 I IV, i tmo ui Hie miwioDio nuiyvr u 41, ..... a . From every cattle market in this cent more water In the meat. This ""'P graln by snide,in lnterata 9 " country and Canada has come the , could be also expected on grass feed, same complaint of a flood of trashy: it is only the dry feed that puts on cattle and steady demand for good, the firmest meat. This would hardly well finished stock. This fact would, be an objection to silage for the fat- under ordinary circumstances, make,tenlng stoer. The silo is a means qf foreign commerce from a point at which there is no inspector to an other point without an inspector;! (7) steps which will be taken when grain Is found to have been misgrad- unuci VI unmi J 1.11 uinmiii.T-n, muni? ,.-. nw.,., .... o..u in u .uluuu h i , . O Ik for the elimination of the trash; but saving the most of a crop and will ! etI or represented; and (8) the unfortunately such has been the de-1 make feed at a low cost. Even where mand for meat that anything that : steers have been fed on the tests on has had beef on its ribs has sold at 'sllago alone the gains were good and a price and the spread between the the product of the finish excellent, good and the poor has not been great . Silage feed has come to be recog- enough to bring the discouragement ; nized by both the dairyman and the to poor stock that means its elimlna- j beef grower. Orange Judd Farmer tlon from the markets. The market ed crop of cattle has changed Its character from time to time in a way to work out In the quotations a sort manner in which information rela tive to the enforcement of the act will be published from time to time. A large number of copies of theHe tentative rules and regulations have been maiied to members of the grain trade and can be obtained by others Interested upon application to the Of fice of Markets and Rural Oreanlza- Healthy Hogs Resist Clicflera. tion ij. S Department of Agrlcul- liogs are not as resistant to (lis- ture, Washington, D. C. pima nr tlilu upnunn nf flip vpnr as - a - in-A..A.i nn . . 1 micr imcicnicu unvu linn an of selection and preference but it lsy are , the 8prlng whe getting j oni)ortunity to famj,jar,e themselves with the tentative rules and regula tions, hearings will be held in the field and In Washington, at which gestions by mall also will be consid ered by the department. Subscription Bargain Club Offers for November Xo. 1. Ashland Tidings and Sunset Magazine one full year $2.50 Xo. 2. Ashland Tidings and The Youth's Companion one full year $3-50 Xo. 3. Ashland Tidings and Daily and Sunday Oregon Journal $7.00 Xo. 4. Ashland Tidings and Daily Journal (not Sun day)' $5.75 Xo. 3. Ashland Tidings and Sunday Journal only. . . .$3.75 Xo. O. Ashland Tidings and Semi-Weekly Oregon Journal $2.75 Xo. 7. Ashland Tidings and Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Xo. 8. Ashland Tidings, Poultry Life, and Rural Spirit one full year and Dally and Evening Telegram for three months, all for $3.25 Xo. 0. Ashland Tidings, Today's Magazine with pat tern, Woman's World, and Farm and Home, all one full year for .$2.25 Xo. 10. Ashland Tidings, Ladies' World, Today's Maga zine with pattern, and Wom an's World, all one full year for $2.35 Xo. 11. Ashland Tidings, The Housewife, Woman's World, and Reliable Poultry Journal all one full year for. $2.45 Xo. 12. Ashland Tidings, Modern Priscilla, Today's Magazine with pattern, and Woman's World all one full year for $2.55 Xo. 13. Ashland Tidings and McCall's Magazine with pattern, Boy's Magazine, and W'oman's World all one full year for $2 65 Xo. 14. Ashland Tidings and Metropolitan Magazine, People's Home Journal, and Woman's World all one full year for $2.75 These bargains are for November only. Subscribe at the Tidings office. only quite recently mat tne spread ,, Billin,i,,np nf irrn..n tnvano. and between canners and prime bullocks havng ncce8B tQ ft wl(,e ranRe u lg has beon great enough to make the necessary therefore, to give them premium on the latter looK Dig attention and better care to off-1 n,uiiicat'ons may be suggested. Sug euuuii lu uwuiveu Kenuiiie uitcicov' , .. , .,.iii,, n..,i ,inn,rai. i I Bel Btrusunui UVJUUlllUllO U11U UdllgCl among lieef producers. However, the I rom ,)ew CQrn consumption of canner cattle is sure Do not feed jn the 8ame ,ot or on to give place after the war to that of I the ganie acro of ground day after a better grade of beef, such as canity Thl() C0Iltamlnnte8 tho feedlng go forward In the floating refriger-. p,aceB nd afeo aUracts cr0WS) plg. ators, and then the spread of values . ,, . -.i-i-i. , ,w . . .. ...-; -....-..a nv funenH. Varvnpnm Rev- e Z oMtVJ Trow a neTanv ! "et'n feed,DB W,th ' "tackl!" to he foun In almost be profitable to grow canners any-1 . , T, . , t , dif , every peacn orcnaru in jncKson couu- ferent spot each day, thus giving the ty Th)8 f(ingug CRUBM great ,08S t0 pigs a clean piaie ironi wnicn to i tj)e eat. Spraying for California IVnch Tlllglit, A fungus disease known as the California peach blight, which Is caused by a fungus, "caryneum Bey- Weddevburn The Macleay estate sawmill will experiment in sawing hardwood lumber from oak logs of this vicinity. Salem $2,53Q,000 is estimated as the total fruit, vegetable and grain yields in the section tributary to here. Lexington Wheat to be shlppei from here, now filling warehouses and vacant lots, will total $600,000. Us&n Golden West coffee, eh? Well then tell a friend wiiafyouthink of it! Golden West Coffee is"JustRtehr where lands. In this country on arable -Price Current. fruiting surface of the peach trppH A lnree iiprrpntniro nf tha Xpw Apple Packs Will Be Displayed. I The water-supply Is of much tm-jfrult ,, are kin(M hy thls fungus. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 8. In what portance to the health of the hogs at The comUlon'tlat is brought about kind, of package is the northwestern ! this time of year. Old mud wallows , tla Ilingl8 )8 nlanv tmes termed "winter killing" by the growers. This, however, Is eroneous and most apple to be marketed In the future? are never good, but are not so bad if Orchard men and marketing ex-i the hogs can have pure water to perts have been debating that ques-t drink; but if forced to bathe and f nn.rnlled wlntpr klUine la tion for a longtime, and a definite 1 drink in the same "tub," serious traCed direct to this fungus. This step toward its solution is to be taK-jtrouhle can tie expecteu at any lime. daluage or in j ury may be effectively en at the ninth apple show, which See that they have an abundance of will be held in Spokane November j pure water to drink, situated near 20 to 23. A special contest for new the wallow holes or feeding places, containers is announced for the apple j Pure water will aid materially in show, and a gold medal Is to be keeping the herd cholera free. E. awarded to the winner. R. Spence, University of Missouri, This competition will be open to College of Agriculture. receive entries of cartons and small special boxes designed to sell extra fancy fruit to the eastern trade, and will include also the extra large Tentative Draft of Grain Regulations. Washington, D. C. A tentative draft of the rules and regulations for boxes, small barrels and other con-;tie enforcement of the United States talners suggested for the purpose of moving the lower grades of fruit to nearby markets. This award is to be made because of the growing feeling in some of the grain standards act has been Issued by the Office of Markets and Rural Organization of the United States Department of Agriculture, In Serv Ico and Regulatory Announcements districts that an even more fancy jjfo. 12. package will have to be offered for These tentative rules and regula sorae of the extra fancy fruit and that tIong pr0vide ( 1 ) for the methods of a cheap container must be provided obtaining licenses by persons deslr for nearby markets In order to cheap-: ,lg to Inspect and grade grain for en the cost of packing. Silage for Kocf Cattle. Steer feeders were slow to take up the idea of feeding silage to fatten ing cattle, but many would hate to try to get along without it now. It Is considered by many as good as grass In the early feeding period, and 50 to 60 pounds per head is fed. Later as the steers near finishing some prefer to feed more dry grain and less silage, cutting the silage ra tion down to 30 pounds per head dally. shipment in Interstate or foreign commerce, including both state In spectors and other persons; (2) the duties of such Inspectors when licensed; (3) the manner in which Interested parties can appeal to the secretary of agriculture from the de cision of any licensed inspector re garding the grade of any lot of grain; (4) the manner in which in terested parties can request the sec retary of agriculture to determine the grade of any lot of grain which has been shipped by grade in inter state or foreign commerce from a controlled or prevented by the use of Bordeaux mixture if application is made at this time. It is best to make this application before the leaves are all of the trees, and the spraying should be done before wa have very much rain. The fungus spores germinate after the fall rains and hinder the tissues of the tender wood growth and bnds, and It Is to kill these spores before entrance into the wood or buds that the application of Bordeaux mixture is made. Tills fungus also causes dead areas on the larger limbs, sometimes known as cankers. These may in some in stances entirely girdle comparatively large limbs. The fungus also causes a spotting to the fruit, commonly known as scab or fungus. To peach growerR who wish, to pro tect their trees from this disease it is very important that the applica tion of this spray be made In the near future. Use S pounds bluai stone, fi pounds of lime to CO gal lons of water. Dissolve each sepa rately; pour both materials Into tha spray tank at the same time. Use good agitation and spray trees thor oughly. 0. J. Taylor, editor of the Molalln Pioneer, has disposed of his inter ests In the Pioneer to Palmer ffl Palmer, lato of Dillon, Mont., to en ter the lecture field. ran There has b een Wo Advance in race o: Grape-Nuts Post Toasties Postum Instant Postum These staple, healthful and appetizing products are obtainable right now from your grocer at the same price you have been accustomed to pay. This is exceptional, and you will, no doubt, take advantage of it. i U.i