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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1916)
Thursday, November 0, 1016 ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE F1V INDIVIDUALITY . . The Selection of Appropriate Mountings for Remarkably Good Photographic Portraits THAT'S US ! STUDIO ASHLAND, 201 e. Main Ashland lodge No. 23 A. F.I Mr. and Mrs. Amos Nitilnger have and a fine baby boy up at their house. A. M. The new arrival will claim November 1 6 as his birthday. Stated communication of Ashland 1 Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., Thurs Just arrived, complete line of the i latest mountings for Christmas gift I photos. Shop early. Ten 'per cent j discount until December 1. Studio Ashland. It Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson are here from McMinnville to spend the win ter and are occupying the former Storey property at the corner of Nut :ley and Granite. They will be joined , shortly by a son who will try Ash- MIbb r.uth Whitney Is a new clerk ian,i ntha water for rheumatic trou- ln Mayor Johnson's Jewelry store. hies. Their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Miss Jessie Rose is teaching the Rennie, of Eugene, has been here winter term in the city schools of several weeks. day evening, November, 9, 1916. Visiting brethren cordially welcome. STUART SAUNDERS, W. M. W. H. DAY, Sec y. 1 LOCAL AND PERSONAL m:iii;:t3itKnt Klamath Falls. Men's and women's garments re modeled and repaired at Orres' Tail or Shop. It Our new mountings, Just arrived, . are the best yet. Call and see them. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Parker, who have been spending some time in Ashland, returned this week to their home near 31y. Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. Rev. H. G. VanFossen has return- Studio Ashland. lt ed from a four weeks' trip through Will Do Peatt is at work In a man- the eastern and southern part of his ufacturing Jewelry establishment in 'district (the Klamath district). San Francisco. Now that election is over, save The suits we tailor to your figure! that big doctor's bill and get your are guaranteed in every way at overcoat made to order at Orres'. Orres' Tailor Shop. lt'y Ms values will surprise you. It WT IT PoriAn nnrnmloolnnor nf tlio Elmer Ketchum. who was em- innrt nffir-o t HnHf-hiire. waR an Ash-'ployed in Ashland last summer, is land visitor Scturdav. I now working in the lumber mills at , iShippington, near Klamath tails. Everyone is cordially Invited to the dime social and spelling school at the Presbyterian church Friday, 7:30 d. m. It Chimney sweep. Phone 294-R. 44-9t fclCITIZENSfe W BANK K OF ASHLAND Much' Needed Plan Many people who have formed extravagant hab its beyond their means need a plan by which they can economize ami save. Practice the sys tem of regular weekly deposits in The Citizens Rank of Ashland it is sure to bring good re sults. Your account is invited. Mrs. F. C. Hamaker of Bly and Mrs. M. W. Hamaker of Klamath Falls have been visiting the W. G. Moore family and others the past week. All the new styles are now ready. Awful busy pretty soon. Come In now and take advantage of our "10 per cent discount until December 1" offer. Studio Ashland. It Glen Young, who is employed at the mills of the Fruitgrowers' Sup ply Company at Hilt, made a brief visit with relatives here the last of the week. Rumors are that No. 17, the train arriving hero at 5:15 p. m., is to be discontinued and that a second sec tion of No. 13 will take Its place, bringing the Portland papers. Your friends can buy anything you can give them-r-except your photo-! graph. Photographs are the most ac ceptable and economical of all Christ mas gifts. Ten per cent discount if yours are made before December 1. Studio Ashland. it The historic old bridge across Link river at Klamath Falls is to be torn down and replaced by a steel struc- What's the Use Of Getting Up at Night to Warm Baby's Milk? What's the une of eating a cold lunch every day when you can have piping hot cof fee or soup: The Icy-Hot Bottle Is the answer See out window Polcys Drug Store Foley & FJhart, Druggists. gagemonts with the company at San Francisco and Portland, has returned to Ashland, where his familiar pres ence is noted at telegraph headquar ters. Rev. E. H. Albert of Seattle spoke at the Free Methodist church on Sunday in behalf of the college of that denominational order in that city. Ho Is the financial secretary of the church's educational activities in northwest Pacific territory. From $15 to $50 our suits are worth 100 cents on the dollar. Tail ored to your measure at Orres' Tail or Shop. It Let Mrs. Dodge plan your Christ mas hand work. Visit her display the 17th and 18th at J. P. Dodge & Sons' furniture store. If you don't find what you want, she will be glad to help you plan your work. 49-3t See the display of crocheted and hand embroidered articles consisting of lingerie, household linens and novelties On display the afternoon of November 17 and all day the 18th at J. P. Dodge & Sons' furniture store. . It The Baptisi ladles will hold a white sale in connection with their food sale November 29 at Holmes' grocery. 49-51-53-54 The revenues of the Yreka railroad which connects that city with Mon tague were $19,2C7.31 the past year, and operating expenses $17,789.43. After paying interest on the debt, however, the net loss for the year was $1,597.35. The jitney service between the twin cities has material ly reduced the railroad's business. Seven hoboes last Friday under took to convert a Southern Pacific freight into a "tramp special," the attempt taking place between Horn brook and Dunsmulr. A local crew headed by Conductor Swaggart un dertook to dislodge them, finally calling upon Special Agent Thomas and other officials, who rounded up the bunch and lauded them in jail at Redding. Royal Camners returned Monday from Lake of the Woods where he Silks for Party Dresses and for All Kinds of Wear Hundreds of yards of new Silks that could not be restocked at pres ent prices. It is only because we bought heavily at a good price and feel the need for quickly reducing this btock that we are able to make the prices we are now quot ing on silks. Taffeta de Chine 40-inch, $1.85 Yard A $2.00 value this season An exceptionally beautiful silk for even ing dresses and we have it in a dozen very pretty shades for evening gowns. 40-inch Georgette Crepe in most of the shades most wanted now. . Sold most everywhere at $2.00 Our Price $1.75 Chiffon Taffeta 35-inch, $1.60 Now worth at least $1.75 In light shades for evening dresses and darker shades for street dresses. This is a very desirable silk now and should sell. 35-inch fancy silks Dozens of patterns in novelty silks, plaids and stripes, taf feta weaves $1.50 to $1.75 Yard You will find all the staple Silks in Poplin, Alessaline, etc., and a good assortment of black Silks Slip-over style in a Flannelette Gown of good weight, length and width, 75c Black Silk Hose $1.00 pair. A limited quantity in black, the quality that must 6oou be more. Sweater Coals $2.95 A wonderful value in spite of the high price of wool yarns; Cardinal and grey. What Is a Bargain ? not buy an article just because it is cheap. It may be more of a bar gain if you invest in better quality, newer goods and up-to-date styles tor you IF you invest a moderate sum in our ready-to-wear garments you will enjoy that "dressed-up" feeling as long as the garments will get better service and last, and you will say "that avoid that shabby feeling, was a bargain." New garments all the time. IF you wish to make your own garments you cannot be more stylishly gowned than by fashioning them out of our well selected ma terials upon the lines of the thoroughl' reliable Pictor ial Review patterns. Winter undermuslins are now hero ! ture. A ferry boat will care for the j jias been employed as ranger In the IAOJ lf7 0 SAVINGS DEPOSITS ! traffic period. during the reconstruction I j red i utnam is naming sian woou j from .Aycr's Spur to this city, where ! several hundred cords are available 1 after milling operations by the Ohris- tensen brothers the past summer in Neil crock territory. Schuyler Gunter. Western Union forestry service. Word from IHllsboro to numerous relatives here conveys particulars of a serious accident to Jesse C. Apple Kate, republican candidal-" for sheriff of Washington county at the elec tion just held. An auto in which he was a passenger was run into by a suits. Of tho three occupants of the Uar, Mr. Appiegato was mjureu mo ! most. Ills wife was formerly Miss il.ola Payne of this city, daughter of 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Payne. lien Cowers purchased a lihely lookiag hear hound from a traveler through Ashland tho other day. The him to Hon for $5.00. Hen is re serving judgment until ho tries out the dog on a cold scent. train of the Southern Pacific's For- fellow was hard up and claimed to Died. Mrs. Clara Kdwards, mother ot Rev. I). D. Kdwards, pastor of the N'azarene church, died at Kev. Kd wards' home last funday night. Mr. Portland Monday -and tho funeral was held there Tuesday. ESMSE Mrs. Lundy NHH'.BOXK CO US UTS Modford Hotel. AshltinJ Thursdays. The Auslin operator after filling temporary en-! est Grove service with disastrous re-; be sacrificing the dog when he sold Kdwards accompanied the remains to l&ms&Stt'SasmXSlVBmarXuff! $1.."0 large Single Cot ton Blankets, special at We Sell Athena Una $1.00 Coalings andf i Skirtings this month kd t U 30-1 nrh Cotton Dress Plaids now selling Od 75c Hose of Luxite, a beau ty, at this store, at pair Ladies' Handkerchiefs, a nice one, eacli 5c Men's "Cooper" Ribbed Union Suits, per suit -. . . 1.00 Children's Wool Union Suits, grey or cream, per suit 1.00 New Line Art Linens K-inch all Wool Serges, now selling at, yard 85c erwear m 1.29 12$ an oCodb ers underwear ior ivieii $7.50 Boys' Suits sell ing during this month ut 4.98 Men's black or tan me dium weight Sox, pair 15c t i t Large size Cotton Butt, select quality, at ' 1.00 Duckling Fleece Kimono Cloth, now selling at, yard A Children's Stocking that wears well, pair Ladies' Athena wear, per suit Under 17c 15c 1.00 Children's Shoes, . pair, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 to $2.00 Headquarters for Thanksgiving Linens, Napkins, Art Linens, 1 Linen Towels, I Linen t Sheetings, I Linen Tubings, I Handkerchief Linens, Colored I Linens fa ! ! $1,00 Sorosis Low Shoes and Slippers, pair 3.00 A deep hrmui military collar Manuel Shirt, cut full, . Men's Heavy Wool Sox, warm and comfortable, pair Light and dark Flannel ettes now selling at, yard 25c 10c S:!.K long handle I'm hiellas, many styles, tills- month Crown Jewel Pound liatt, the very best, each 35c 3(l-inrh Messnlines In evening shades, splen did quality, yard 1.50 Crepe De Chines Crepes, yard and Georgette t 1.75 and 2.00 Boys' Shoes at 1.75-2.00-2.25 A splendid Ladies' Wool Hose now selling at, pair 25c Tiurge size Sheets, our price Bleached 90c Boys' fall weight Union Suit now selling at, each Ladles' Merluo Athena Union Suits now 50c 2.00 Men's wool Union "Ooopoin," per suit 2.00 A splendidly made Itoyal Corset at 1.50 Ml-Inch nil wool, color Herges, yard fust 1.60 well w.iith $ I. .-(, at 1.25 All Silk Poplins in all shades, priced at, yard 1.25 A white, all cotton, heavy ribbed 1 iilou Suit, "Cooper s' . make, at 1.50 A white all wool I niou, also a light blue mixed, in "Cooper's" red laltvl make, a $1 value, ut 52-inch all wool Empress Cloths, leading shades, priced at, yard '3.00 1.50 I WMnch Silk Taffeta, all the leading shades, now 1.50 Silk and wool Faill, a beautiful suiting cloth, very new, yard . . . 2.00 Money Back All Silk Taffeta, guaranteed, yard 2.00 Rubber Footwear of all kinds for Men, Women and Children For Style. Service and Satisfaction The Store of Quality VAUFE1 9 VJhere Quality Saves You Money The Store of Quality Sorosis and Liz & Dunn Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Shoes T (p-ar-i-M -pil TTTT T T TT1 Tl TT mTTM mi i mrui .wwBU III III Mill I II i mill i iii i i