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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1916)
Bfi 3lS 15 111 J1L Kf p lVV'Wl TTTVTFTT'rl'T'rTTVl WtWWI T AM Slue People jj j . i " t. J. A-a. -i- J. J- A a. j. . -- J. j. . j. . a j. .a. J TTTTTTTTrrTTTTT FT TTTT" TTTTT C WT V'F'FTTT VTTTTTT 1 TheJBeebe & Kinney store is positively going out of business and in a short time the doors will be closed forever. The people, for a limited time, have the oppor tunity to secure valuable merchandise at a less price than the same goods can be bought for now at wholesale. Final Closing Out Sale THE Summer goods are practically all gone, and now comes the final Closing Out Sale. The sale of all winter merchandise. This sale comes at a very opportune time because it is just the beginning of the fall and winter season. To those who desire to save money and make their dollars do double duty this store will be the center of attraction. I have just returned to Ashland and am going to dispose of this merchandise in the shortest time possible, so make your plans to be here on opening day. Doors will be open and t O t4444r Win. i lUiiu.iifjLii 11 9 At 10 a. m. Sha?pBe Hereon Time! II i lliH 4 l"l Ittil 1 1 1 ttttt-H-H-H-M 1 ' 11 " i 1 1 f 1 1 1 n m i iiiiiiiumui 1 1 1,j 4 4 Surprise Bargain Windows !Our four show windows will be filled with merchandise of different kinds and a bargain price will be placed on each article. Please remember that the price on any arti cle in the window does not mean that you can purchase any of the same goods in the store at these prices only the articles in the four windows will be sold at the prices shown. A clerk will be at each window to wait on you and the goods will be sold right from the windows. LOOK AT TILE WINDOWS AND BE THERE WHEN WE OPEN TO SECURE THESE BARGAINS I Facts About Our Sale Mr. Langhorne stared to close out our stock in June. Since that time more than 2000 pairs of shoes have been sold. More than 200 Men's Suits have been sold. Practically all Summer Goods sold. More than 20,000 yards of Piece Goods have been sold. Thousands of pieces of Underwear sold. $25,000 worth of merchandise distributed into the homes of the people. All the above facts prove that we have given the people a square deal. We are now going to close out all Fall and Winter merchandise amounting to about $25,000 worth of Drygoods, Shoes, Clothing and Furnishings. All Goods to Be Marked With a Sale Price Most people have no idea of the amount of goods there was and still is in this store. The main floor was filled with merchandise and also great quantities in the base ment. As much of this merchandise as possible will be gotten out and a special Closing Out Sale Price will be placed on it. 10c-25c-50c 'GRAB SALE' On Saturday, Nov. 4th we will hold in our store a "Grab Sale." There will be a 10c counter, a 25c counter and a 50c counter covered with merchandise of all kinds. Where there are two, three or more articles tied together they will go as one article. You can grab any article on the 10c counter for 10c. Any article on the 25c counter for 25c. Any article on the 50c counter for 50c. These goods will be so they can be exam ined before you pay for your grab. There will be some splendid bargains from every department in our store Nothing will be offered that will not be worth more than the 10c, 25c, or 50c asked and many things worth more than double the price. Remember, any articles pinned or tied together will go as one article. There will be special bargains placed on the counters at different times during the day. Wool Dress Goods On our shelves are some beautiful pieces of Broadcloth which is especially good now, French Serges, Gabardines, and Corduroys. Merchants are complaining that it is practically impossible to get good dress goods of fast dyes all the big stores in Portland have printed signs throughout their stores which read, "We do not guaran tee colors." Our Dress Goods are all pure dye and splendid merchan dise and every piece decidedly a bargain at our former regular prices, and yet to close them out along with the balance of the stock every piece will have on it a special closing out sale price, beginning Saturday. Tacts About Shoes Foremost among the items which indicate the advancing cost of living is the price of shoes. The increasing cost of materials and manufacture is continually adding to retail prices until within a short time shoes will have to be sold at twice the price they commanded just a short year ago. Figures showing the increased cost to the manufacturer are furnished by Charles Poole, representative of a large Eastern concern, now in Portland. "Leather prices have advanced so far within the past six months that shoes which sold then for $3.50 will have to be held for $5.00 in the retail market," said Mr. Poole. The actual cost to manufacture a good pair of shoes is now more than $3.50. Thatis for the material only. "The tragedy of the prices on shoes is that they may never come down again." From the Morning Oregonian, October 16th. The closing out of this shoe stock alone should fill this store on the opening day to the very doors. Low shoes, worth from $2.50 to $4.00, will be sold at $1.00 Shoes worth $3.50 will be sold at $1.98 Shoes worth $4.00 will be sold at .$2.39 Shoes worth $4.50 will be sold at .$2.69 Shoes worth $5.00 will be sold at $2.98 Shoes worth $5.50 will be sold at $3.19 Misses' and Children's Shoes will be sold at the same ' comparatively low prices. There never was such an op portunity to buy good shoes at about half what they are really worth as now. Buy a pair of low shoes for $1.00 and wear them around the house or save until next spring you will never get them again as cheap. It I M Be Here SATURDAY, Nov. 4 L S. LANGHORNE, Manager of 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IIHIHMIIIHMI Big Going Out of Business Sale Sale Begins il at 10 a.m. SATURDAY jj rr ttTTTTTTtTTTTTTTtTT.TVT