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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1916)
Thursday, November 2, 1010 ASHLAND TIDINGS PACE SKVKfl President Farmers' Union Warns Voters WOMEN J3FOREGON ! Women Everywhere Endorse this "Favorite' Lents, Oregon. "In my younger iiiiiji.SSi inn jjjj days l was greauy ily trouuicu wiwi K' on my stomach ; it cave mo lots ot ;&M trouble. I began '.JJtim using Dr. Tierce's tmi in eu i v i ii oh uuu NM received such to relief that I can y recommend them I k outers. lepilfcii 1 if MM , I , 1 iRstn. Absolutely Pure Me from Cream of Tartar K01M-H0 PHOSPHATE Senator Martine clearly has a cause of action against the president for his attempt to alienate the affeo tions ot the voters ot New Jersey. Contractor tor painting and deco rating. B. L. Powell. Phone 294-R. 44-9t J$hbyi'iin-Lexicon AR.R.OWI collars; ", 6 lor SO els. i CLUETT. PEABOOY CrCO. UC.fMHPS "Owing to the order in which the initiative measures will appear on the ballot, I hope that every rarmer in Oregon will scan his ballot care fully before voting on these meas ures," said J. D. Brown, president of the Farmers' Union of Oregon and Southern Idaho, in a recent state ment. "The phrase, 'Homemakers' Loan Fund Amendment,' in the title of the first measure under the heading 'Proposed by Initiative Petition' may lead some to thing it is the state rural credits bill. That is not the case, as the rural credits bill is the next to the last, the seventh of the initiative measures, and its title on the ballot is 'Rural Credits Amend ment.' "This first initiative measure If the single tax bill, named on the bal lot the 'Full Rental Value Land Tax and Homemakers' Loan Fund Amend ment.' It is commonly known as the 'people's land and loan meas ure,' and went by that name when signatures for the petition were be ing solicited. It is an entirely dif ferent measure from the rural cred its bill. "I find that not only among the farming population but more espec ially in the cities and towns the vot ers are somewhat confused by these two measures. The voting numbers for the single tax bill, the 'Full Value Land Tax and Homemakers' Loan Fund Amendment,' are 30C Yes and 307 No. The voting num bers of the rural credits bill are 318 and 319. Farmers and all others in terested in the rural credits meas ure should be careful to discriminate between these measures." The Ashland Trading Company have decided to close out their entire line of men's and boys' hats, and have just put them on-sale this week and while they last will be sold at just half price. There is a good chance to get a good hat cheap. 45-2t a large family and am a great grand mother and have always insisted that my daughters-in-law use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription when expecting to become a mother." Mus. B. b. Sibley, Mil 01th Street. S. E. Thousands of women who are now blessed with robust health cannot understand why thousands of other women continue to worry and suffer irom ailments peculiar to women when they can obtain for a trifling sum Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which will surely and quickly banish all pain, distress and misery and restore the womanly functions to perfect health. Young mothers who preserve the charms of face and figure in spite of an increasing family and the care of growing children are always to be envied. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription gives the strength and health upon which happy motherhood de pends. It practically does away with the pains of maternity. It enables the mother to nourish the infant life de pending on tier, and enjoy the hourly happiness of watching the develop ment of a perfectly healthy child. IWrOItTAT NPF.riAI, TO RKAItt.KM OF THIS lAI'tll.-Any per Bon dcairintr a copy of The Peoplo'i Common Si-nro Meilical Adviser before the edition is exhniipted should end this notice togotheHwith til ( dime (or stamps) to Dr. Pierce. Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.. and a copy will be sunt by retina mail, all charge prepaid. The democratic campaign appears to have reached the usual and inevit able "We'll - win - boys-if-they-don't-buy-us" stage. Cleanliness, Personal Attention and Courtesy Combined to Make the Eagle Meat Market Popular INSPECT onr market and your confi dence will be behind the pleasure of eating our meats. The knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary work L. Sclav tin shop will aid your digestion. 84 N. Main Phone 107 The Ashland Trading Company are giving a discount of 10 per cent on all their new stock of 6erges. They have a fine stock to choose from. 45-2t HSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co. C. P. BATES Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs Coal. Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, AHHLAXD. OREGON. It LyricTheatre TONIGHT at 8:00 p. m. The County Candidates on the Repub lican Ticket will be introduced ears and Benj-C Sheldon will speak. All voters urged to be present. Come and get acquainted with the men running on the County Ticket The Medtord Male Quartette Will Sing Fred W M Used cars for sale at the Overland Men's hats at half price while they agency, 374 East Main street. 40-7t ilast at the Trading Company. 45-2t Read shorthand classified tisement. The House of QUALITY The Ashland i raoin Co The Store for BARGAINS We Are Going to Continue Our Harvest Sale for Another Week Hundreds of People Took Advantage of Our Last Weeks' Specials, and This Week We will Continue With a Number of Specials Added Serges 50c to 60c quality, 36-inch, now 43c $1.00 quality, 40 to 50-inch, now 89c $1.50 quality, 42 to 60-inch, now $1.35 Bath Blankets 1 These blankets have just arrived all colors 10 PER CENT OFF Lace Special Allover Laces, all colors, regular prices $1.50 to $2.50, Harvest Special 79c Knit Goods Sweaters and Caps, the Plisfer line, a fine assortment to choose from. During the Harvest Sale 10 PER CENT OFF Novelty Suitings A very complete line of snappy new suitings $1.75 quality, Harvest Price $1.59 Middies and Blouses Just the thing for this cold weather 10 PER CENT OFF Extra Special All our men's and boys' hats, our entire line, are on sale now at ridiculously low prices, hard hats, felt hats all colors and shapes 12 Price See them in our window. Coalings Plaid, heavy, 60-in. wide, the very latest, colors guar anteed, regular $4.00, Harvest Price $3.35 Bath Robes Our entire lino of new robes, up-to-dato, all sizes, prices from $2.50 to $6.50. 10 PER CENT OFF Silk Skirt Special For a few days we are offering as a Harvest Special $5.00 Silk Underskirts $4.29 $3.75 Silk Underskirts ....$3.19 Corset Special During our Harvest Sale One lot corsets 39c $1.00 Corsets 69c $1.50 Corsets 98c For Merchandise of Quality The Ashland Trading Co. Ashland Oregon Highest Quality for Lowest Prices adver-39-8t