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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1916)
. . -r i PAfiR BEX ASHLAVD XIDIXG9 Thurwday, N'ovcnilwr a, 19U 3r2 Horsepower 41." ' wi.' 'A. New Series Roadster $520 I., b Tl.a i f i i WW X 1 A A mazingly Comfortable They like its power it's the world's most powerful low priced car. Everybody concedes its beauty. It wins on economy. But its roomy seats, deep upholstery and easy riding cantilever springs But come in and let us prove it to you. G. E. MILLNER, Dealer, 374 E. Main, Phone 116 These things make it so amazingly comfortable that people can hardly believe their senses. You wouldn't think that a small, light, economical, low priced car could be so comfortable. The Willy-0verland Company, Toledo, Ohio " In U.S.A." 1 1 imii'umi' milium ii ii i inn iiiiiii i i I hi ii i mil m i ii w n I mtm i in mm 1 .B Chauncey Florey Republican Nominee for Gounty Recorder Present Incumbent IF YOUR CHILDREN ARE DELICATE OR FRf.IL under-size or wider-weight remember Scott's Emulsion is nature's grandest growing food; it strengthens their bones, makes healthy blood and pro motes sturdy growth. Scott & Itowiie, Illcmm fluid, N. J. 13-27 First Church of Christ, Scientist. Pioneer avenue south. Sunday service at 11 o'clock. Subject of les son sermon, "Adam and Fallen Man. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Wednesday, evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Heading room open from 2 to 4 daily except Sundays. Free Methodist Clinrch. Corner Seventh and Main streets. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preach ing at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Class meeting at 12 m. Young people's and children's meeting at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. ni. Come Sunday, November 5, at 11 a. m. to hear Rev. B. II. Alberts of Seattle, Wash. CHICHESTEB SPILLS DIAMOND -V" or BRAND IADIE3 I Anlc jottr lrortt for CHI-CHHS-TER S A DIAMOND UKAN'D PILLS in Red andA Gold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue(0) Ribbon. Takb ko other. nnJ r your VV Irorl. and aak fop CMLCHES-TtU S V DIAMOND RltAlVU PILLS, for twenty-fi year recorded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi, EVERYWHERE ffiS Xazarene Cliurcli. Sunday morning will be the last sermon of the "Twenty Great Bible Words" series. The word used will be "Church." The theme will be, "What la the Church?" What is the business and message of the organ ized church? Does being a church member insure that one is a Chris tian? Is "comeoutism" the true Christ spirit? These and other ques tions will be answered. The evert ing subject will be "Am I My Broth er's Keeper?" Several different phases of the subject will be touch ed. Thomas H. Nelson's "Daniel Song" will be sung. If you love the truth, you will enjoy our services. Extract from Public Accountant's report, Feb. 29, 1015: Jackbon County Recorder: "The records have been made accurately, and exhibit unusually good workmanship. Yours truly, ' J.H.WILSON, (paid ad) Public Accountant ........ Itm&asaJEfSZBBXBSSS we nave eliminated the twin ene- j GfiPt tilc1 CfHsS mies of truth from our church ! j b3T,1Uk'1 We5! VJS8 abuse and fanaticism. "Come and I i ' J JfJSf KlEfi t ' see. uorman u. tawaros, pastor. 1 'w-?-wN?vrrr..'3 "--Uli )i,a-i iMin i,'--""- --w-'- a.. f.J.. Am'hiAililii,''i":"-t MHUHIWiilllHH )W)F.'7Jf a is-'- - rsssens. S3 mamssxiamsBSEaxsa mm m 1 SWIM ft g-never mmm THERE has never been such a sale in Ashland or in this valley before and there may never be one like it again. It is not a sale of specially-bought merchandise for sale purposes. . It is a real, genuine, bona fide quit business sale of hardware and staple household necessities at prices that will defy any competition, sale ever advertised or any catalog or mail order house in the United States. There is no halfway doing things at this store, for we are absolutely and positively going to leave Ashland and must close out this stock in the least possible time. It's a sale no person or family can afford to miss, and if any farmer in the Eogue River Valley wants to save money on useful household articles, stoves, ranges, tcols, shelf hardware and heavy hardware, THIS IS A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, as this stock was bought before the heavy advance in prices and many items are being sold far below wholesale cost today. We are going to make Saturday another big banner day and will offer extraordinary inducements besides the hundreds of bargains now on display. With a 50 Cent Purchase on Saturday, November 6th FREE 200 25c Long Handle Dust Pans Absolutely 300 pieces Granite, values to 20c, Closing Out prices, your choice 7c $1.25 guaranteed Single Bit Axe, Closing Out price 85c 1.75 to $2,00 Double Axes, Closing Sale Bit 1.45 G5c and 75c Picks and Mat tocks, Closing Out Sale price 59c FREE On Monday, November 6th, to the customer buying the largest bill on that day, we will give free a $10 Univer sal Wood Heating Stove. FREE I 1000 dozen Clothes .Pins, 500 lbs. Rope worth 25c lb., the clozen Closing Out Sale Price, the lb lc 19c $11 50 Universal Wood , $1.00 Keen Kutter, Jr., and Heater, Closing Out Enders Safety Razors Sale Price 8.65 83c llMmr''llllM"u,l1W LJIU.'illMiJ'JB Hundreds of people visited our store, grasping the many bargains, and families were outfitted and went away satisfied that their money was well spent, because they had bought merchandise of the very best at considerably less than they could do elsewhere. If you have not attended, now is the time to make your arrangements to be here. Bring your purse and your friends along, for the temptations will be great and you cannot resist the bargains we have to offer. We wish to impress upon the mind of every reader that it is impossible for this stock to last long, and insist that you come early that you may have a better selection to choose from. COME! LOOK AROUND! VISIT EVERY DEPARTMENT! Ashland, Ore. WARNER MERCANTILE CO Ashland. Ote. 9 - . mikm