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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1916)
Thursday, Novemler 2, 191 fl ASHLAND TIDINGS PAGE! FITS NOT ONE WORD! will we breathe about those photographs with which you want to surprise the family. And Jow Surprised and Pleased They All Will Be! It is a long time, you know, since you last visited a pho tographer, and you owe it to the family.' STUDIO ASHLAND, 201 East Main Si. Fred Dodge Dies From Accident i i & ' ' i ''v i i 3 4 4 s KAMA' TONIGHT. G There will be a bis republl- i can rally at the Lyric Theatre k S tonight, with all of the county 5 I Presentation of Lincoln Statue On Monday, November 6, the mar- s and Her. Sheldon will be the f ei hy G s I!llUer ln memory ot tne ? principal speakers and an inter- 4 lat0 Jacol) Tll0mi)8on will be formally esting evening is promised. j presented to and accepted by the peo ple of Ashland. The exercises will be held in Lltliia park near the mon ument, a short distance from the Fountain of Youth. The school children will meet in the plaza at 2:30 p. m. and, headed by the boys' band, will march to the statue. The G. A. R., W. 11. C. and There will be a Wilson rally at the Armory on Saturday night of this week, starting at 7:30 p. m. Porter J. Neff will be one of the principal speakers and others will also speak. Carson gloves In the various heavy, all patriotic and fraternal organlza medium and light weights, In either , Hons are Invited to join ln the pro the dress or work styles, 50 cents j cession and participate ln the celebra and up to $2. Mitchell & Whittle, jtion. Those interested in psychology, Monday has been chosen as the day psychic science, Hermetic or Yogi! for the reason that it Is the annt phllosophy please address D. M. T.. versary of the nomination of Lincoln i. -, l io..lfor president. Mr. Thompson, in Box 101, Talent, Ore. 46'2t ! whose memory the statue is present- Globe underwear was never better ed, was one of the early pioneers of and Is still selling at the old prices of .Jackson county, and Mr. Butler, $1.25, $2 and up to $3.50 for union whose generosity makes possible this suits. Mitchell & Whittle. it beautiful addition to the park, was You can get bath blankets and nef he wlllte ,f "dr?n bo . . , " , , .. . in the Rogue River valley. Hon. h. bathrobes at a 10 per cent di.-.: iint y Carteri a resident of Ashland for at the Trading Company. 45-2t I over thirty-two years, will be chair man of the day. The program, as outlined, will be as follows: Patriotic selection by the boys' band. Unveiling of the statue by Isabel Barron. Address by Irving E. Vintng. Massed chorus by school children. Selections from Lincoln's speeches by Cleo Kirk. Speech of presentation to citizens of Ashland by George A. Briscoe, su perintendent of the Ashland public schools. In behalf of G. S. Butler. Speech of acceptance by V. O. N. Smith, president of the Commercial (CIub. In behalf of the community. The assembly, led hy the tianu, will sing "America" In closing. I Everybody Is Invited to help enjoy 'the exercises and make the occur ! rence a real event in the history of ! Ashland. Fred podge died at the Sunltarlum Tuesday as the result of a railroad accident at or near Stelnman Monday nlirbt when both his arms were crushed in the coupling apparatus of i a freight train. The right arm was -pinched off near the elbow and the j left one crushed close to the shoul-' j der. I i Mr. Dodge was about 32 years old' and had been employed by the South-1 j ern Pacific Company for a number . or years, lie went out in cnarge oi the train Monday night as conductor. ' Near Stelnman the train stopped for water and when attempting to start broke in two. While trying to fix the ; broken coupling Mr. Hodge was j caught between the cars which set tled back. The rear engine and a caboose i were detached from the train and with the trainmen waving lights, ln ! the absence of any headlight, the trip I was made down the mountain to Aslt j land in record time, j Mr. Dodge was hurried to the Sani Itarlum, where it was necessary to j amputate both arms, and owing to ! the Bhock and subsequent sinking Mr. i Dodge died Tuesday afternoon about 3:30. He leaves a wife and infant I daughter, besides two sisters and a I brother. He was a prominent Elk iand well known throughout Jackson county, having spent practically all his lifetime here. Funeral services are being held this afternoon at the home of Mrs. ! Dodge's father, Mayor O. II. John ; Bon, on North Main street. A fuller We have Hand Tiuted Place Cards Beautifully Colored 500 Score Cards Bridge Whist Dance Programs and Tally Cards A Varied Assortment At Poleys Drug Store I'oley & IClhart, Druggists. yciTIZENslil W BANK W p FASH LAN Pi j How Convenientjlj Your rocket Check Book. Both mon and women who have lieoome accus tonied to carrying a small pocket check Ixwlt would not he without this great convenience affording the safe, con venient and economical way to settle hills. Checking accounts are Invited, and check books furnished free to deposit' ors. AtfrM SAVINGS : 4 a 'IT ft rtiit linn immnm-Tf" ""' -' - 4 account of the accident and funeral will be given in Monday's issue of the Tidings. ''-' V V.''. . 'i IF' i sum For REPRESENTATIVE in Benj. C. Sheldon State Legislature Vote m (Paid advertisement) Y'ou can save 10 per cent on all 1.-11 1. - A Aylnn 1 AUiL suouE), Dncaicia aim taiia, uuims the harvest sale at the Trading Com pany. 45-2t D- i, t- 4- . fo $ !t SAMPLE BALIX)TS. DEPOSITS. Sample ballots may be ob- talned at the Tidings office, the postoffice and Billings' office. Every voter should secure a sample ballot and study It thor ' oughly so as to make no misr takes at the polls. ,?3$$.$S$JS$ G. W. Ager Republican Nominee for County School Superintendent If elected, I pledge myself to an honest, impartial and economic ad ministration. I shall consider it my duty to get into the field at every opportunity end shall set aside cer tain day3 of each week for the per sonal supervision of our schools. Routine office work will be delegat ed to a competent clerk. Your support will be appreciated at the pollc on November 7. (Paid advertisement) Presbyterian Choir Song Service Following is the program of the Presliytpi iun choir song service to be held Sunday evening, November 5: Chorus, "Just as I Am". .J. Q. Parks Soprano obligato. .Miss Doris Bagley Ladies' quartette. . . ."Rock of Ages" Clarence C. Robinson, Mrs. Ashcraft, Miss Anderson, Miss Foley, Mrs. Rasor. Chorus, "Seek Ye the Lord" Roberts Incidental solos . ..Mrs. D. D. Norris and Mr. Keene Trio, "Nearer Thy Presence" II. W. Petrle Miss Anderson, Mrs. Rasor, Mr. Rasor. Chorus. "I Will Arise" Parks Incidental duet Miss Bagley and Mr, Keene. Male chorus, "Saved By he Cruci fied One" Tullar Chorus, "We Praise Thee, O God'' Rossini of tax collections, as far as examined, have been made regularly, and exact ly as collected. 1 am proud of the reconk of JackHon county. It proves the benefit of periodical audits, bet ter than any other county in the state. Your truly, J. H. WILSON, Official Accountant. We have all sizes ln a real good cordniov pant for the young men at $3.5". Mitchell & Whittle. It Fancy plaid mackinaws, made In Ore'eon and of OreKon nroducts. in all sizes from 34 up at $S. Mitchell & Whittle. It Frank Dodgo Is in Ashland from Dlllard to attend the funeral of his brother Fred, who died Tuesday as the result of a railroad accident. Mrs. Jack Kimball of Klamath Falls left this morning on the train for her home after a short stay in Ashland at the home of her father, C. B. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Kimball had been in Portland and Mr. Kim ball went on through to Klamath Falls without stopping. .Meeting of ('Iuiiiiiiuiiii Park Club. Chautauqua Park Club will have a social meeting, with refreshments, Friday afternoon, November 3, 2:30 o'clock, at Chautauqua Hall. Annual election of officers will be held also. It Real Bargains IN Real Estate Three acres on Oak street, nice homo place, good Uwelllng. $2,700. Five-room dwelling, hard finished, good plumbing, nice location, for $1,S00, furnished. Clark county, Washington, proper ty to exchange for fruit land la Rogue River Valley. Billings Agency Real Estate and Real Insurance 41 Eaxt Main Phone 311 ;. A. GARDNER. Jacksonville, Ore., Oct. 29, 1916. Mr. (leorge A. Gardner, County Clerk, Jacksonville, Oregon. Dear Sir: To your request as to how I am finding he County books, on my present Examination, I will say your office is in excellent condition. You have turned over to the treasurer regularly, all the receipt:-, of the of fice. I can say that your office is conducted as well as any office in the state, which I examine last year twelve counties and much better than most Clerk's offices. Al ways perplexing, in some details, you have installed several methods of work ln your office which make for economy, and for more efficiency. The Sheriff's office as far as ex amined is being conducted In the same methodical way. The deposits Artistic tpmnpniiiieiit eots the lihinip fnr nil kinds of tlilniTK. nnd the evclonic' Eva TaniMiav's well-known tpmnpr.'impnt eptg It for thp cancella tion of her appearance at Medford which was slated for the Page Thea tre next Monday. Valley theatre goers will be disappointed, as the coming of Eva was anticipated with pleasure. ler, both of Ashland, and two sons, E. M. Fowler of New Westminster, U. C, and C. V. Fowler of Brooklyn, N. Y. The funeral will be held from his late home at 15B Third street, Friday afternoon, November 3, at 10:30. Meeting or Ilillah Temple. The regular meeting of Hlllah Temple will l held Friday evening, November 3. to make final plans for the ceremonial session on November IS. W. 11. McNAIR, Recorder. Ladles, take advantage cf the serv ices of your resident corsetiere. She will be glad to help you at any time. Spirella Corsetiere, phone 2N4-J. 153 Second street. 47-3t Deatli of D. Fi. Fowler. Mr. I). E. Fowler of 156 Third street died suddenly of heart failure Tuesday afternoon, October 31, about 4 o'clock, while on his way home from the llthia fountain at the depot. Mr. Fowler was 81 years old. Me leaves a wife, two daughters, Miss i Lulu Fowler and Dr. Lillian E. Fow- For Your Protection Have you noticed how careful the employes of this bank are ln regard to every transaction you have with them? That Is for your protection. The same care Is exorcised In every case, and you may rest assured that any business entrusted to our care will be most carefully handled. First National Bank ASHLAND, OREGON. Oldest National Bank In Jackson County jTiTi i i i i i i c i i i i i i i i i n i i i t ' ' ' ' iiiHimiiiuimi n i Either We Can Save You Money On These and Other Goods You Need or We Cannot i! 53-inrh.nwooiEmprPM- i-A IBE believe that on the whole our prices arc lower than you can obtain on floods 10I XllCX: CO, noths. leading shades. I ijM similar quality at any other store. Buying goods cheap does not signify a bargain. II s dur- m l.JU PHcod at, yard a.iv iM paid fcy yoii connls ns vron ,Q yon thal it pays lo trade at Vaupcls ' Money Hack All Silkf) A 30-inch Messalines ln NA ' , ,. . Tarfeta, guaranteed, I II I evening shades, splen-I kll ,4.00 Coating9 andn-- $1.50 large Single Cot-- aa .Ofl Son.sis Low Shoes jvv J J'O Of "rd .VV did quality, yard lUJ skirtings this 7 7W ton Blankets, this week J 1 and Slippers, JUU week . ,. . "LLO " . , . . : ' Silk and wool Faill, a a f r C,.pe He Chines and Georgette ' Men's Heavy W;M1 Sox. - 5? ill. Tffi'Z.UU Crepes, yard maids now selling In this week A MX m and comfortable, Sf H ne now s lling at, !)L i 1 nl 1 AA at A"' at feUO Pir "ltir I S uilll L llil ' A" Silk ''"I'lin i" i cir 1,1 O Arf.VV , abeau- Men's black or tan me- - - Light and dark Flannel- - A Large l Inched qjv , KlmuVs, prlwd at. I k ' ty. at this store, at 7kp dium weight Sox, ettes now selling at, J J Q Sheet s, ou r JJJjQ yard 1 .LO 5-inch all wool, fast P'tlr P'tlr ; , ' S5?T. LOU flies' Handkerchiefs, - Je size Cotton Hatt, - Av Jewd 'ond QH CftP B-Sfil ' a nice one, seleet quality, JQJ eah .' OO e".l. ......... Ol) " The newest In Dress l7fA " , , 75C Men, 'per'. Kihhed- 1 ?p fi lUSJtV 0 rtfl 2 1 00 and 1 25 P---" 1"" !!:rr : c JM(Z "Mar slllt uu Boys' Shoes at l.UU I. LP - lnl SccU For New Line 1 7C.9 flfl.? Aii if w.r.per- 1 fl Notions ArtLinens 1.IJ LUU .J We are showing the new Stoles, Ari LinenS suit 1W , PuncH Collars. Neck Bands in ' ., , l apts, vjwhiwo, .,, Tiible Llneim Huy your Hosiery as soon all leading furs, alsoQ -A 38-inch all Wool Serges, rxwd Cliildren'B Shoes, A splendidly made 4 Table Linens possible, for Hosiery fur tnmming from 40c kll now seing at, OC pair, IUyal Corset 111 Tahlo LiiicnH will 1 scarce, a yard and up to U0J yard OOL 9i.O, $1.33, $1.50 to $2.00 nt Jal.le lilmns For Style. Service and TT-T J TTTTCDTnTf ? Satisfaction The store of QuaUt' Where Quality Saves The Store of Quality YOU MOttey KM 11 1 1 IHWMIIIfWHIUMWM'WWM tMtMIMMtf H I U 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 f 1 1 T T t "J " " 1