PAGE SKVKJf Thursday, October 10, 1010 m- . ..-t-J. A. T1PI r TTTIf 1 II1 V FTTTT V "if V 'F I Announcements f rTTTTTTTTTTTT Movie Matters (Paid advertisements.) John B. Wimer, candidate for city recorder. Dec. 19, 1916. 40-22t William S. Hart is making the con cluding scenes of J. G. Hawks' new Triangle-Kay Bee play with a west ern newspaper setting, in which he will be presented as star, and already has begun preparations for the film ing of his next vehicle. This is to be a gripping melodrama of intense situations, in which Hart will carry his famous six-shooter. It is from the pen of Monte M. Katterjohn. Those in the cast.of the story Hart is now completing include Alma Reu bens, Norbert A. Myles, Nina Hyron and Walter Terry. $ 795 I wish to announce to the voters of Ashland that I am a candidate for the office of City Recorder. At the time I came west I was serving a term in a capacity similar to our office of recorder. If elected I expect to look after the city's interest in every particular. I solicit Very truly yours, 39-tf C. L. CL'.NNIXGHAM. Mfedel85-4 f.o.b. Toledo Model 85-4 f.o.b. Toledo I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of City Re corder at the coming election in De? cember. W. H. GOWDY. 39-tf I wish to announce to the people of Ashland that I am a republican candidate for the' office of city re corder in the election to be held he cember 19. HEN'RY C. GALEY. For City Recorder. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of City Re corder at the coming city election. I have had sufficient clerical and edu cational training to prepare me for the work. If elected I shall serve the people to the beat of my ab'llty R. T. CAMPBELL. Hood River Short Of Apple Pickers i Hood River is short of apple pick ers. The fruitnien have petitioned : the merchants of Hood River to al-: low as many of their clerks as pos sible to get off to pick apples and : have also asked that the Hood Riv er high school be closed. In the Rogue river valley atten dance at the various schools is tak ing a severe slump and pickers are none too plentiful, An automobile of the vintage of 190G plays an important role in a new Triangle-Keystone comedy now being directed by Clarence Badger. The comedy is a rural story in which Gloria Swanson, Bobby Vernon and Reggie Morris form a triangle com posed of beautiful girl, hero and vil lein. The Reo was found in the me chanical department of the Keystone studio and was onco the property of Mack Sennett. Guidpd by Bobby Vernon, the honest farmer boy In the picture, the roadster Is run up the front steps of a downtown palatial home, throueh the reception hall and j on up the stairs. Much care and in ' fact a skilled engineer was required to build the BOt on a sufficiently firm i foundation to support tle weight of the machine, Bobby Vernon and a butler, whom the driver of the car picks up on the hood during his spec tacular ride through the various rooms. Trouble arises when the Reo hits a polished floor in the hall. .Spinning about like a top, the ma chine whirls all about the hall, final ly settling down to a regular revolv ing giide in a circular motion, which throws Mr. Vernon and the butler on the floor with a heavy thud. During the "shooting" of this scene soft soap was required to produce a sufficient smoothness on the floor for the mo tor to turn about rapidly on its heavy tires. 3 V rr 1 You Ought to Own This Car Its possession will enrich your life and the lives of every member of your family. The freedom and wider range of activity made possible by such a car are worth many times its price. The price is by far the lowest at which so big and fine and comfortable a car ever sold. Big the wheelbase is 112 inches. Fine it's a beautifully finished, luxurious car. Comfortable it has cantilever springs and 4-inch tires. Model 85-6, 35-40 horsepower six cylinder motor, 116-inch wheelbase $925. Come in today we can't get them as fast as we sell them so order yours right away. G. E. MILLNER, Dealer, 374 E. Main, Phone 116 The Willye-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio "Md? in U.S. A." KKT Bn t rm -& ur. n jk torn his part of the picture was finished the day before their gaze was made actually upon the world, else I fear we would never have finished Bob by's part of the story." Well Known Portukd Womam Speaks ITH THE SAME I3T ALL OREGON. Portland, Oregon, "I send tliia statement with jfir$k freat Peasure- Wy daughter owea CM iSi At, her hie to the tue ml kk V f:;W'; Torite ?rescrip-t-AT- .A;..tion. Sh? was o verv dViuate girl To get a good ending for "Jumps and Jealousy," a Vltagraph comfdy which is being directed by Lawrence Sfmon, four thousand cigar box i "bri :l:s" were dropped from a height of twelve fed on Hughie Mack. The j "bricks" completely covered him and , left nine bruises on his head as a reminder of the occasion. i Says Siskiyou Road a Wonder 1" , ' -X bei'ire uii.i your medicine. "I have uE?d i, tJ.cnrintinn fr.r weakiu-s? Dt'C'l- liar to women and foind it perfectly w.mderful. I have used Dr. 1'ierce 3 medicines for over thirty-five years. "My husband has uf.ed hi Lrv;h Syrim" and thinks il is greut "-Ml:-'. L. a. Foster, E. 8ih St., W. When a Kirl becomes a woman, when s woman becomes a mother, when a . woman linsses through the changes of muddle life, are the three periods of Lie when health and strength are most ceded to withstand the pain and dis tress often caused by severe organic disturbances. At these critical times women are best fortified by the use of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth that keeps the entire female system perfectly regulated and in excellent condition. Mothers, if your daughters are weak, lack ambition, are troubled with head aches, lassitude, and are pale and sick ly Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is jnst what they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks and make them strong and healthy. For all diseases peculiar to women, Dr. Pierce's Fevorite Prescription is a powerful restorative. During the last 60 years it has banished iom the livfS of tens of thousands of women the pain, worry, misery and distress eauaed by irregularities and diseases of a feminine character. They have been giving little Dob- j by Connelly, the child player of r,a- : tional reputation, a good deal of ! work at the Vltagraph studios lately. He is the most lovable youngster im aginable and he is a pure child all through. This Is one Marguerite liertsch tells of him. She is the clever director who is handling a five-reel feature a month: "In a James Oliver Curwood story we are doing," says she, "Bobby was re quired to do a cute little bit with a hatful of puppies. We found that he has an unusual fear of dogs. That they were young dogs made no difference he just couldn't bring himself to handle them without shrinking. Then we pointed out to him that they were so very young. 'Why, they haven't their eyes open yet,' I said. That reassured him, but in a different way than I am agined It would. The physical fact of their eyes being closed is what impressed him. 'Oh, then, it's all right, Miss Bertsch,' he cried, 'they can't see me.' He went ahead confi dently with his work, each day tak ing the precaution to examine them to see that the puppies still kept their eyelids closed. He was not to be caught unawares. Fortunately Quick Time Safe Line Southward to California Eastward through Nevada Ocden Route Overland Limited I'acific Limited ' San Francisco Limited Atlantic Express Comfort and Convenience Liberal Stopovers Ask the Agent at the Station JOHN M. SCOTT, OenKral Pawngtir Arent Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC-UNION PACIFIC H. II. Eline. manager of the Port land branch of the Overland com pany, was down from Portland last week visiting Local Agent George Milner. He made the trip b?ck to Portland in a single day. Regard ing the southern Oregon roads Mr. Elinp Is quoted by the Portland Ore gop't'.n as follows: "Mr. Eliug has great praise for the roads of southern Oregon, but con demns the condition of the road be tween Portland and Salem, the two largest cities in the state. " 'They can say all they want about the terrors of the Pass Creek, Cow Creek and Wolf Creek hills and canyons, but I want to tell you that the condition of the road between Portland and Salem Is worse than anything found in southern Oregon, the canyons Included. For instance, there has been a deep hole in the road between Aurora and Salem that is quite enough to break a car and a motorist's neck. From Central Point on through M,edford to Ash land and then over the Siskiyou mountains to California is the finest sort of a road. That new road over the mountains is a wonder and the beauty of the thing Is that they are improving it all the time. The weather was beautiful and I want to tell you that those valleys in south ern Oregon are about the prettiest sights that ever confronted a motorist.'" Dunsmnir $50,000 Bridge Finished The state highway bridge across the Sacramento river at the upper end of Dummr.iir is completed. The brid-'e is ready to be thrown open to I'U'ilic travel, but the state hlgh- ! way commission is waiting for Duns- muir to do its part by straightening the road at the south end. As it is ' now there is a sharp turn right at the approach of the bri ige. j 'The structure cost close to $00,000 and is perhaps the most beautiful j bridge on the highway in that part of California. There are three spans. j The middle span, under which the river flows, is 18u feet ioito'. The south span is 114 feet in length. The railroad is under this arch. The north span Is also 1 1 4 feet long. The old wagon road passes under this. 1 Approaches at each end add to the length of the bridge. I The state highway commission is graveling the road between Dunsrauir and Shasta Springs and also between ' Yreka and the state line. Why Should Oregon Vole Pendleton $125,000 and one-twenty-fifth of a mill for" a normal school only 21 mi'es from where the state owns a good plant at Wet-ton which requires but one-fortieth of a mill an nual maintenance to put it in successful operation? Head page 28 of the voters' pamphlet; and if you want to avoid needless taxation, voto 309 X No Taid advei tii-enn nt Clark ftRBSQB33Q Wood, Weston, Oregon. Oregon Team Went South This A. M. A football team that Is almost en tirely Oregon bred and Oregon rained passed through this morning bound from the University of Oregon to meet the Cailfornia-bred and Cali fornia raised men of tlte University of California. The game will be I nhivcil tn thH lturkelev Rllnlllim on the afternoon of October 21, and will be the first test of football strength Sixty five Oregon high schools I jn uiany years between Oregon and have now become members of this California. The one university out year's Oregon High School Debating numbers the other in attendance League. Last year's membership j about ten to one, yet such is the Tillamook will try to add 125 square miles of territory to the port district to secure needed money for improvements. Health Insurance Is Debate Subject! The Sixes river placer and local black sand mines near Daudon have been purchased and will be devel oped by New York capitalists. The St. Johns shipyard Is building a motorship for a large cannery firm. The largest wooden vessel ever built on the Pacific coasf has just been launched at North Bend. The vessel is 23."i feet long and has a ca pacity of 1.250,000 feet of lumber. The Southern Pacific is doing Its full share for Coos Bay. This road is a branch in its present form and Is the only branch road the S. P. Com pany has given a through train. 1PP! Beat it WW vvitK a FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Keeps out all the wet DEALERS EVERYWHERE Waterproofs, , "mS Absolute. K-Sxl are Marked thus ftSHvts A J. TOWER CO. BOSTON was fifty-one. The membership has doubled in three years. The subject for debate this winter was announced last Saturday by the state officials. It is. "Resolved, that Oregon should adopt a health insurance law embodying the essen tial features of the 'Standard Rill' of the American Association for Labor Legislation'."' Health insurance was chosen be cause of increasing public Interest in it, because of the newness of the pro pofinl In the west, and because it is expected to become an issue in Ore gon within a year. Twenty-seven schools are enrolled this year that were not members last year. Central Tolnt, Glendalo and Sutherlin are the new southern Ore gon members. The state library and the Univers ity of Oregon library can furnish a certain amount of data to inquiring: debaters. Other inquiries may bo sent to the secretary of the league, ! Earl Kilpatrick, University of Ore-; gon, Eugene. The sixty-five schools contest for the University of Oregon 1 cup, now held by Prineville high schooL I quality of the fine Oregon squad that the giant of the south is be lieved to have small advantage. "Af ter all, only elevon men can meet j eleven of ours at once," said Hugo j Bezdelt. Coach Pezdck will take eighteen men. They will average, stripped, ISO pounds. They will represent fif teen towns, of which eleven are Ore gon towns. fM Over cno thousand men In ship yards of Portland are building ships for Norway. Getting out of bed on the right ; side is only part j oftnesame. j A CUP Of SOGO coffee will in- re a vender- tul day. GeWen West Coffee j I I No interests to serve but the public interests HA WLEY HA WLEY KepuMcasi and Progressive Direct Primary Nominee lor '24 r3 Judging from the sentiment ex-; pressed by voters over the slate, the land and loan measure (single tax) , will' be snowed under deeper this election than ever before. I The Carnation milk condensery at HUlsboro is adding a $50,000 unit to its plant. September building permits at Ba ker total $11,200. A vote for Koprtwentative Haw ley isonc lor a Faithful, Honest, ( lean, Capubln iind Suceeliil Public SoYviint who has won tor himself and State a position of influence and standiiiK in Congress. Senator William E. Borah voices the sentiments of his col leagues when he says: "Mr. Ilawley is a most faithful and vig ilant and capable member of Congress. He holds the respect and confidence of his associates and colleagues because of his sound Judgment, his courage and his faithfulness to duty." For further information please read the pamphlet gent to (wry regis tered voter by the Secretary of State. Republican Congressional Com. Paid ady. W. J. t'L'LVKR, Chairman. iniiiiiiitmii t m tn in n