Thursday, October 19, 1M PAOB SIX A8HLAKD TIDINGS History of Motion Picture Industry ... n Mirhmlmna By Beatrin Michlna ... r ::1 Us: CHAPTER IH. In very sci entific phras eology the principle, by virtue of which the art ists saw Occi d e n t in mo tion during the shuffling of the photo graphs, was which means f "visual persistency tiint from tho time ha lifted a boo until he had again planted enough pictures were secured him. while doing It, that when they were seen one after another in rapid succession, the very small variation of the leg's position, as registered hy each photograph and the one next following, deluded the spectator into believing he had seen the entire step taken in one continuous and .unbrok en movement. The idea itself, Involved in the nrinclnle. was not a new one. In i . fact, it 1ft much older than photog raphy. Long before there was a camera, or any of Its kindred de vices, the possibilities of "visual per sistency" were recognized and, In a measure, employed through making n series of drawings of some sub ject, with a minute and gradual va riation of position as they followed each other In the series. The ani mated cartoons of today are made In the same general manner. What the photographs, taken with Muyhrldge's row of cameras, really did was to bring together two old principles and open up to them new and vastly enlarged possibilities. From this chance union of "visual persistency" and photography was to lie born the entire motion picture Industry in all Its astounding im mensity and multltudlnously diverse ramifications. As I have said, the first thing necessary to gather any practical or commercial possibilities from the Idea that has beon uncovered to the world, was to devise one camera that would do the work of Muyhrldge's many. The principle on which such ft camera would have to be devel oped was obvious. It was a ques tion of exposing one plate, removing It and petting another before the lens In time for the next picture, end before the subject had too far Advanced from the position regis tered In the preceding photograph. When we see how simply the tiling Is done today, we may be In clined to wonder at the length of time and the inestimable labor that were necessary to Its perfection. As ti matter of fact, it was the working out of those devices which most pro nouncedly contributed to the sim plicity of motion picture photogra phy now, that occasioned the long research, experiments and courage ous struggles of earlier explorers In the field. As the thing is now done, there is a long, thin, ribbon-like coll of sens- atlzed celluloid film, which unrolls, to the turning of a crank, from one pitch dark box or magizlne Into an other, passing in transit before the camera's lens, which closes and shuts sixteen times each second (provided, of course, the cameraman turns his crank at regulatlonlspeed). By an automatic arrangement this celluloid film makes its trip from the "unexposed' magazine Into the "exposed" magazine in intermittent but almost Imperceptible jerks. Af ter each jerk there is the briefest kind of stop just long enough to allow the tiny section of celluloid then iu front of the lens to be ex posed. Then the shutter closes the lens, the exposed section moves on into the dark, and, almost more quickly than thought, the lens is again open to expose the tiny sec tion of film Immediately to the pre ceding section's rear. When the roll of celluloid Is taken finally from the "exposed" magazine and developed in the dark room, the result is a strip of innumerable little photo graphic negatives, one joining Imme diately behind the other and running the full length of the celluloid rib bon. There are sixteen pictures to each foot of this length and all six teen have been taken in a second's time. In its more essential features, that Is all there Is to it. Given the cellu loid film, the lens and a few tools, anyone, with the average American boy's ingenuity, could put together a camera that could make at least passable shift at getting a picture in motion. But what would the motion pic ture manufacturer of today do if there were no celluloid film? Here then looms up a big difficulty. It was one of the many that confront ed the pioneers that first began to labor and experiment with the idea engendered by Muyhrldge's photo graphs. There was no celluloid film; everything then known about photography and the chemicals nec essary to sensitizing plates made such a thing seem absolutely impos sible. The first manufacturer of mo tion picture cameras had to rely on heavy and unwieldly glass plates. (To be continued In next issue.) FH SHERIFF If 2 j?' ' if ''"' V ' i ' '' -I E, W, Wilson REPUBLICAN NOMINEE , No. 60 on Ballot As deputy in charge of the Sher iff's office during the last two ad- : ministrations I have acquired the ex-1 perience and ability so essential to' the economical and businesslike con-! duct of this highly important office, j 1 promise if elected to rigidly enforce all laws ii nd to do all in my power to ' bring violators to justice. 1 am fully 1 conversant with the duties and re- Belleview Notes (By the Language Classes of Belle view School.) Mr, and Mrs. koon, who have been visiting at Professor, Joy's, de parted Thursday for Corvallls. Mr. Koon is a brother of Mrs. Joy and lives in Oklahoma, but has come to Oregon with an Idea of settling here. Mrs. L. E. Owifigs and children spent tie vacation period of last week at Phoenix. Several people of this community have made trips to Hornbrook to get salmon at the hatchery. Charles Homes took some Sudan grass to the thresher last week. The Joy children entertained their cousin at the picture show last week. i Mr. and Mrs. Sam King visited at Mr. Jenson's Sunday evening. We are glad to report Glenn Fanner back In school after several days' absence. Mrs. Kelts and daughter Nellie visited tho Beagles Sunday. Belleview Sunday school continues with a good attendance. The Parent-Teacher Circle la for tunate in securing our representa tive, Miss Towne, for the meeting Friday evening this week. She will discuss community meetings, school legislation and some of the Impor tant measures to be voted on at the coming election. Mr. Dozier and Mr. Howard visit ed at Sara King's Sunday. Mr. Davis is helping Mr. Andrews fr ' WW LilOe Girls School Girls All little girls under 14 years ol age Here Is news lor yon. Kb We will give free -(be IIHIe "Wedacwood" Junior raufjc pictured below, (o theimic girl under 14 years ol age who makes Ibe great est number of English words out of Ibe letters lu Hie ivords, "IVedgewood Stoves and Ranges." Here is the Range quirements of the office, and will . PRK appies. maintain it in its present efficient ! Mrs. York had the misfortune to Seven Hundred Elks Eat Venison Seven hundred Elks and their families trom all over the valley par took of the venison feed set before them by the Medford Elks at Bybee bridge Sunday. A number of Ash land Elks attended and report a fine time. Sixty gallons of mulligan, one bear, ten bucks and 150 gallons ol cider were consumed. condition. During the past three years many important changes have . been inaugurated lu the handling of j tax collections; the work has been so I systematized that the employment of j only one extra deputy was necessary I In the collection of the second in-1 stallment of taxes. All delinquent taxes for the past ; six years have been carried forward j to the last tax roll, and a ready ab stract of taxes is to be had on any property in tho county by reference , to the current tax roll. During all this time all moneys coming Into the office have been ac-' counted for, as can readily be seen j by reports f expert accountants now on file with the County Clerk. . These results have been obtained j by experience and closo application to work. I believe that my labors as Deputy Sheriff during the past four j years will merit your further approv" ' al by according mo your support In ! the election of November 7, 1916. Kespectfully submitted, E. W. WILSON. (Paid advertisement.) una Watch for Bands On Wild Duck Under the federal aid road act, within the next five years $160, 000,000 will be spent by federal and state governments in Improving rural roads. JiUU GREM (mm mmemfs GIVE " PICTURES TIE LEAD J'' OVER I MX THE W OTHERS , ,.rn-, !. .. . & ln .mi'rSTjrrrn'vr" 1 " f ' - - -inim ' rf'm f '7 r-)"T "- fall last week, cutting quite a place in her forehead. It was necessary! to have the doctor, who took several stitches In the wound. The following boys held a picnic Sunday: Floyd and Ollls Phelps, Clarence Homes and Roland York. Mr. Roage had Mr. Phelps cut his hair Sunday. Winter will now set in. Lillle Phelps has been out of school three days on account of sick ness. She is back now. Mr. Hawley Is In California. The Phelps boys are tending his chores while he Is away. Maude York fell off the porch Sunday, sustaining a few bruises. Mrs. Beagle and daughter Capl tola called on Mrs. Kelts Wednes day. Bernice Kelts returned home with them. Capitola Beacle spent Sunday af ternoon and night with Alice Ager in town. j Jimmie Howard of Hornbrook j spent several days with the Beagle I boys last week. Mrs. C. R. Moore visited at W. L. Moore's Saturday. J. W. Farmer and son Ivan left I I Sunday evening for the Songer hill, I where they expect to do road work. A. D. Moore pnd family, Roy and I John Drake and William Oden went , for an outing to Jenny creek. Mr. and Mrs. Taber and daughter j Gwendolyn spent Sunday at A. D. i Moore's. f Mrs. Fred Miller is visiting her I mother, Mrs. I. C. Moore. She ex jpects to leave for St. Paul, Minn., this week. (L- 1 1 to some little girl. It's a beauty see tt In oar show window CONSfflOKS: Come to our store nnd rcsSsttr your name. IVe will give you a H'.V.c circular tbat tells you al! about thz eon test and wbat you will bave to do to win. It tvIJJ be great !un lor you. And the best oi It Is you can bave all belp you can get. Ii'h a 4andy prize. See It In our show window. Hurry, liurt-y, Only S3 Days. For full particulars lea Ashland Furniture Co. 92-94 N. Main St. Wick (E, SmitH Hughes' Vision Of America If you kill or capture a wild duck bearing an aluminum band around one leg. Having a numoer on one aide, and on the other a statement requesting that the U. S. Department of Agriculture or the Biological Sur vey be notified, you are requested to send this band at once to the Bureau of Biological Survey, U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. This band, if accompanied by a statement as to date, place and cir cumstances under which the bird was taken, will be of service to the Sur- vey III i. m:tc,iu a0 tuc j prevalIing COnditionS( longevity ui luutvuiuui uuuua tiuu the routes of migration of the spe cies. The bands are being attached j to considerable numbers of wild duck of several species which have J been cured of the duck sickness prev alent around the Great Salt Lake, Utah, and there released. The de partment is particularly anxious to secure reports from these birds to determine their complete recovery from this malady, which has killed hundreds of thousands of ducks in Utah. "I have a great vision, my fellow citizen, of America for the future. It is not an America torn , by disor ders; it is not an America ruled now by this force, now by that force; it is not an America given over to civil war; it Is not an America where pub lic offico is merely ruled for advan tage. It is an America efficient; it Is an America prepared; it Is an America maintaining the rights of American people on the land and sea, without fear or favor, throughout the world; It Is an America that has no secret understandings, no covert intrigues; it is an America with no j unstated purposes; It is an America ! standing four-squaro toward all na- tlons, firm and prepared, intent on ' peace and demanding its just rights , be recognized as to lives, property and commerce. "The America that I see in the future is an America that knows how to manage Its great activities with out being wasteful and extravagant. It Is an America that knows how to spend public moneys honestly as well operations. It Is an America where all the people abandon class antogo nlsms though having their necessary differences which they peaceably ad just. It is an America which, having no class antagonisms, feels knit to gether in a splendid national unity, in one great love of country, with one unswerving loyalty transcending all differences of race and creed. It Is an America first and an America efficient." Sixty-seven state agricultural col leges and experiment stations are devoted to the development of agri culture. . Their endowment,' plant, and equipment amount to $160,009, 000. They have an income of more than $35,000,000, with 5500 teach ers and a resident student body of over 75,000. CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND DIAMOND fa as to appropriate them. It is an America that has patriotism in every ! JT,' LT.l't,fc12: bureau of the administration as well 00' LADIES I Auk ?'!! I'rnirrlKt for CHI CHHS-TER 9 A lilA.UONU liKA.ND FILLS in Kkd adj Gold metallic box, stiled wuh Blue(0 Kibtxin. 1'ako no omrn. Jlor of yor DriurcUl and tk fir i ll ,. litTf.b i; V DIAMOND nilAM PU.LH, f'Jf twc-lltT-Efe as in any appropriation for military I SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS FVFRVWHFRF worth. T1MR TESTED Prairie dogs can he destroyed by i poison at a cost varying, according from 5 to 8 cents an acre. Work has started on a three-story hotel at Bend. mil Send 15c in, stamps or money and I will pend you a book of my Cowboy Songs and Poems. For sale at Grieves Cigar Store. TRACY LANE iit'tfSft a ii,jj.iwiaij,nw Will Give Away A Thousand Pies Spokane, Wash., October 17. On hundred thousand apple pies will be given away to visitors at the ninth National Apple Show In Spokane, No vember 20 to 25, It Is announced by Gordon C. Cobaley, manager of the show. "Everyone entering the apple pal ace will be given a pie hot from the oven," states Mr. Corbaley. "We are going to show the people that we not only have apples good to look at, but better to eat. "A model kitchen is being Installed In the apple show enclosure, and six large ovens working night and day will turn out pies by the mile. Our ovens will have a capacity of 10,000 a day, and we shall commandeer a number of restaurant ranges If the crowds come too fast." hVHJJhV: Golden West Coffee is "Jest Right" K TheSfmsible Way for a coffee drinker to rid him self of the headaches, biliousness, hekrt flutter and other ills that often come from coffee drink ing is to quit coffee and use the delicious drink- Instant postiM n net.. Fmot h '"?!!?' tana Aooifla tar raprtac MMr fcwh B"Ui MinMIU'llWi'l Ik c'erealj aWJI parilam IbOM Postum Cereal Co, Limit hi Cmt, mtA,v. . - flkJia. ' JV 1 and use the delicious -m , pure food drink a V Instant Postto " There's a Reason " v- At Grocers