Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, October 19, 1916, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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page Fnnv
Thursday, October 10, 1016
It Simply
Can't Be Donel
One can no more
produce a quality
photograph on
poor materials and
with cheap equip
ment than to make
a gilk purse out of
a suw'a ear
201 E. Main St.
No. 21
Stated convocation of Siskiyou
Chapter No. 21. R. A. M., Thursday j
evening, October 19, 1S16, at Ma
sonic hall. ViBiting companions cor
lially welcome.
W. H. DAY, Secretary.
.. . '
Lynn Fkeen lias lieen employed as
driver of the (iood Stanley steamer,
truck. '
B. 0. Barney returned Sunday '
from a stay of a year in various)
parts of California. i
Dr. A. W. Boslough returned
Tuesday from a five days' trip to
San Francisco. '
Mrs. Clifford Jenkins returned
from a visit with her sister, Mrs. C.
A. Wlnetrout, at Grants Pass. I
A. F. Hunt Is conducting a regular j
fruit express between here and j
Yreka, making the hauls in an auto-,
mobile. i
Mrs. Simons will have showing of
new shapes and trimmings Saturday,
Oct. 21, at reasonable prices . 4Ii-2t
James Yeo leaves this week for
Marshfleld to investigate opportuni
ties of establishing a barber shop in
that city.
Mrs. Sherman Hayes of Independ
ence, a Bister of Mrs. George W.
Dunn, arrived Tuesday for a visit
w ith the Dunn family.
Underwear for men and young men
In the Globe make really fits right,
wears right and sells at the same
prices as before, $1.25, $2, $2.50 and
$3. Mitchell & Whittle. It
-rij c
It Is
to settle nil bills in the
most practical, business
like way by check. Its
Safety, Economy, and
Convenience are ndvnn
tages worth consider!!!);.
Checking accounts nre
cordially Invited.
Wallace Iteeder returned Tuesday
from Klamath county in the vicinity
of Keno, where he has been during
the past several montlis.
Georgo W. Olson, a priest from
Kingston, Jamaica, was a guest at
Hotel Austin for several days last
week and a frequent visitor to Lithia
Russell Chaney is holding down
one of the chairs in the fire depart
ment during the absence of Chief
Uobison, who Is taking his annual va
cation of fifteen days.
Johnny Whipple of Medford, want-
ed on a charge of fracturing the
liquor laws, was arrested here on
Monday and turned over to the po
lice authorities of that city.
Mrs. Agnes llcrndon has returned
from a visit with her son, Goldie, at
Seattle, also visiting her sons, Wal
ter and John, the former living at
Springfield and the latter near that
We arc still selling good work
shirts at 50 cents each. However,
the Moore patent sleeve work shirts
are now CO cents each. Mitchell &
Whittle. H
J. R. Burnette, formerly Repre
senting the Metropolitan Life here,
is now agent for the Western Union
Life of Spokane and lives at Belilng-
ham, his address being 1456 Iron
M. C. Reed is putting the finishing
touches on a play of which he is the
sole author and playwright and
which will be produced under his di
rection by the young folks of his
Talent church.
Why not save on those Last Chance
Subscription Offers good until No
vember 10 at Poley's Drug Store?
George I. Bennett, a mining man
from Siskiyou county, underwent an
operation at the Sanitarium over a
month ago and is out on the streets
for the first time this week. The
operation was a double one of com-
! plicated nature.
j "Heck" Peellett, son of Harry Pel
i lett and former well-known Ashland
I boy, who now lives in Yreka, where
' he is engaged in garage work, is
' the proud father of a baby son.
! Mother and baby are doing well, ac-
cording to latest reports.
Don't forget that we have a splen
did line of men's dress and work
shoes at $3.75, $4.50, $5 and up.
Mitchell & Whittle. H
Klamath Falls has succeeded in
originating a new method of proced
ure in raising funds for municipal
purposes which beats issuing bonds
all hollow. Last Monday night 27
Klamath autoists were assessed $5
apiece for running their autos with
lights unlit at night.
Percy Grisez, a former jitney driv
er here, now engaged in a similar
capacity on the run from Yreka to
Montague, was recently fined $25 for
accepting 50 cents as fare from a
passenger, instead of collecting 75
cents, the regular rate as fixed by
Yreka city ordinance. A detective
figured in the trip as a casual pas
senger. Grisez pleaded guilty.
Edgar Sheldon, former Ashland
boy, who left here about four years
ago, and son pf Miles Sheldon of this
Invitations, Napkins
Tie Plates, Decorated Crepe
Place Carda
Cat, Witch and 'Bat Shape
Dinner Favor
Etc., Etc.
Polcys Drug Store
Poley & KHiart, Druggists.
city, Is now with the Royal Mail line,
and In a letter to his father says he
is receiving $05 a month and intends
to stick to the ship until he is pro
moted. His ship Is the Maitia, ply
ing between San Francisco and New
Zealand in the fruit and cocoanut
trade, and visiting many of the South
Sea islands.
!.'enry Miller died at San Francisco
recently at the age of ninety years.
He was the senior member of the
firm of Miller & Lux, who own
countless thousands of acres of Cali
fornia land and are the cattle barons
of the coast. The firm is still In ex
istence, although both its originators
are dead, and recently invaded the
southern Oregon cattle market. Most
of the cattle from this vicinity have
been shipped to the California con
cern this year.
Read Ehorthand classified adver
tisement. 39-8t
Miss Florence Allen attended the
Douglas county institute at Rose-
burg this week.
Rev. H. A. Carnahan was In at
tendance at the fall mooting of pres
bytery in Rogue River, Tuesday.
H. S. Evans has recovered from
his broken collarbone and has gone
to California to visit relatives and
A. T. Warner has returned from
his trip east but is under the weath
er with an attack of stomach trouble
and is confined to his home.
Pure goats' milk for children at
Good's goat dairy, phone 17-F-2.
The Slack family has moved from
the corner of East Main and Allda
streets to Morton street near its in
tersection with the Boulevard.
Frank Blevins, who has been em
ployed at the Christensen mill dur
ing the summer, is back in town for
the winter months.
W. W. Havener and family are
here for a visit from Klamath
agency, where he is engaged in
teaching the Indians under govern
ment employ.
We have a splendid line and a
complete run of sizes in real cordu
roy pants at $3.50 per pair. Mitch
ell & Whittle. It
Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd have
left on an auto trip to southern Cali
fornia. They expect to be gone sev
eral weeks and will visit numerous
friends and relatives at several Cali
fornia points.
H. F. Lewis of San Francisco,
owner of the block in which Vau
pel's store is located, arrived last
Friday to look after business inter
ests, including orchards, which he
owns in this vicinity.
When shopping In Ashland why
not leave your packages at POLEY'S
DRUG STORE? The Interurban
stops in front. 41-tf
George W. Kennard and daughter,
Miss Charlotte, left yesterday morn
ing for Pamplin, Va to make their
future home, they having traded
lorn Tailoring-
Uiumiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiaiiiiM
"first aid" to the young
man who is trying to
"make good"
Dependable woolens,
tailored fashionably
A 1? 1 1
?j !mMv io your individual M K
'ffl UT .. . WV1 VV Silt fill - : -vKiVyM filWiWWPOfc'
! m 1 pi;
I U UN6-? far
MmM $25-00 MmM
i Will 1 1 f ih ii! h ;! I i"::Hiiiih 'Jjffl-1H" ";" tkZSZ I ; niiiiiiiiiililir"' room
fii.l"' WWwi.
(Resident Born Dealer)
P dUllilllllllllllllll
their place two miles east of Ashland
for a ranch near Pamplin. Mr.
Hyers and wi,e, who exchanged with
the Kennards, arrived Tuesday even
ing. Miss Kennard has been a teach
er in the Ashland high school for
several years past and her departure
as well as that of Mr. Kennard is
much regretted.
We are not experimenting when
we take your measure for a suit of
clothes to order, for we know it is
going to fit you. Prices $17 and up.
Mitchell & Whittle. U
Grant Helman, who has been up
from Petaluma for a visit with
friends and relatives in the city, says
there are 300,000 hens in sight of his
place down there and over three mil
lion chickens in the community.
The Albany roundup was a big
success, according to word brought
from that city. Clarence Adams of
Ashland was one of the promoters
and plans are laid to repeat the
roundup on July 2, 3 and 4 next
Conqueror hats are "right there"
when it comes to shapes, styles and
service, and sell at the same old
price, $3, at Mitchell & Whittle's. It
Tracy Layne arrived In Ashland
Monday from Albany. The famous
cowboy poet and songster, who has
enlivened every roundup, big and
small, on the coast, has published a
book of his songs and poems and has
them for sale In Ashland at Greive's
cigar store. An advertisement ap
pears elsewhere in thiB issue. T.racy
catches the spirit of the cowboy and
of the west in his offerings and all
the romance of the fight between
man and beast.
Used cars for sale at the Overland
agency, 374 East Main street. 40-7t
j W. IS. Holmes, partner iu the East
Side grocery at the junctiou of the
Boulevard and Iowa streets, has
moved from High street to his newly
acquired property near the store.
His father-in-law, K. R. Badger, is
occupying the premises vacated by
Mr. Holmes.
i Medford Sun: A squad of "vli-
lage cut-ups" motored to Ashland
Sunday afternoon after the visit of
! the Women's Special to this city,
1 and cut quite a figure by yelling for
! Wilson and trying to take photos
showing pictures of Wilson and Mar
shall. The partisans received call
downs from their fellow democrats
for the disrespectful actions,
j Louis Dodge was up the other
morning inquiring about "license ap
; plied for" signs, and by questioning
' we elicited the fact that e Is pur
! chasing a Ford roadster for store
! use (not in the store, but to run er
rands and deliver packages with).
Later on he says they will put a de
livery body on the car.
M C. Linlnger, interested in the
fruit business and grocery store at j
Klamath Falls, has returned to this j
Mrs. Lundy
Medford Hotel.
Ashland Thursdays, Ihc Austin
! city with his family to pass the wln
' t,er in the old home surroundings.
: He was a former manager of the lo-
cal Fruit and Produce Association
and also ran the plant of the Ash
land cannery.
Clmutuiiquil Meeting.
The membership of the Chautau
qua Association are hereby notified
that there will be an adjourned
meeting at the stone building, Chau
tauqua grounds, Thursday evening,
October 19, at 7:30 o'clock. A full
attendance is asked.
It R. P. CAMPBELL, Secy.
Barber Shop
FHIST-cliiss workmen. Special
attention to children's liair
euttinir. Ladies' niasxajre, singe-
l ii find siiaiiiponinK ny appointment
Better Quality Merchandise Means a Saving Always
"Cooper" Spring Needle Underwear
In fall and winter weight, for men from
$1.00 to $3.00 the suit.
Sorosis Shoes
The daily increase in our shoe sales is a
convincing fact that time proves Sorosis
quality. Priced from $3.50 to $10.
THE GREATEST and newest showing
of Curtain Nets and Scrims, priced from
4 P jm a. QZa tnvA
Where Quality Merchan
dise Prevails.
Skinner's Dress Silks The proper
silk for dresses that bespeak the new-d0
est; shown here in all colors. Yard. J)&
Arrow Shirts and Collars, for men.
The shirt that millions of men recog
nize as the highest quality for the price.
From $1.00 to $2.00.
Royal Worcester Corsets
The corset that leads everywhere. From
$1.00 to $3.00
'Broadhead' Wool Dressgoods in
fast colors in all the new weaves from
75c to $2.00 yard.
Every woman, every man should wear
this hose; each single pair guaranteed.
25cJ5jj0c.60c, $1.00
and children. Fortunate purchases make
it possible to sell at last year's prices
A nm . AA M
rom Bsc to sun.
Silks, Velvets, Georgette Crepes
are here in abundance of colors and
We positively can show you a greater
variety of handkerchiefs at lower prices
than anywhere. j i,1
Bedspreads, Sheets, Blankets, Comforters,
Cotton and Woolen Batts, Flanneletts, Crepes
Here at prices that save.
Where the Quality Out
wears the Price.
', i
f 'i