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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1916)
FIXAXCI.IL STATKMKXT OF TUB SPRINGS WATER COMMISSION' For Work Kn.lina AiiriisI II, 1910. Data. 5 Vo. No, 2274 2275 4.15 8.94 Name of Party Iaoued To. Amount. Sclioll & Schell, for pining nnd repairing streets over ditch linos i $489.75 State Industrial Accident Commission, contribution to Hie st iitc accident fund 2276 Joe Kerr, hrs. lalior cleaning up fountains at $2 per day less 6 cents slate insurance 2277 Frank Crow sou. 49 lirs. lubor ou nine line with nick and shovel at $2.50 per day less 6 cents state Insur ance 15,25 2278 F. K. Kosencrans. 49 hrs. lalior repairing ptpe line at $3 per day less ti cents state insurance 18.31 279 K. C. Hurt, 25 hrs. lalior trestle work on soda, line at $2.25 per day less 6 cents state insurance 7.00 22S0 C. H. Lamkln. for Sadie Walker, covering pipe line so that It will not interfere with cultivation of land. . 75.00 Total. Special Physical Plant Fund. Iialance last reported $11,754.05 deceived from the sale of cups Iieceived for city recorder, account of taxes '. $018.40 Physical Plant Operating Fund. I2.S10.S6 36.38 19.19 Total Disbursed as per statement .$11,754.05 60S. 36 Balance this date $11,145, J. P. DODGE, Secretary. 69 $2,3(56.43 10.04 $2,356.39 Wm. Matney, grand Juror. . . n',00 J. D. McKinney, grand Juror 6.40 Pat Mego, witness s na ictor Mason, witness Noah Norcross, petit Juror.. John Nichols, witness Gus Nichols, witness..,,... Tom Nichols, witness T. W. Osgood, grand Jury wit ness Mrs. James Pellett, witness. . Sam Potter, witnes Horace I.. Pelton, petit Juror J. F. Rocho, grand Jury wit ness John Relter, petit juror . . . J. M. Rader, petit juror.... Wm. Shoemaker, witness... Walter Smith, witness Tyrrell Seaman, witness . . . A. A. Shoehard, petit juror. . P. F. Swayne, petit Juror... O. B. Steward, petit juror. . E. T. Staples, grand juror.. S. S. Smith, grand Juror... Walter Yocura, grand juror. . Glen O. Taylor, witness Ed Tucker, witness Robert Tucker, witness .... 2.80 21.00 4.70 6.10 4.70 2.00 6.50 3.20 18.60 6.80 12.00 20.00 7.20 4.70 2.80 5.00 7.60, 24.00 12.40 10.00 11.60 2.00 6.00 5.00 Miles Cantrall, attending meeting of County Educa tional Board P. H. Daily, work on Eighth Grade Examining Board.. Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill Medford Printing Co., sup plies Medford Book Store, supplies Mrs. J..C. Pendleton, attend ing meeting of County Edu cational Board E. It. Peterson, school super visor's expense isettie Thompson, work on Eighth Grade Examining ' Board 33.00 J; Percy Wells, postage stamps 20.00 2.60 9.00 5.75 9.00 11.05 3.00 4.28 J. P. DODGE & SONS Undertakers f State Licensed Embalmer Lady Assistant. Deputy Cotmty Coroner Edith Tryer, witness 2.00 BERT R GREER. Chairman. OOI XTV COntT PItW EEIHXGS. The following is a schedule of ex penditures of Jackson County. Ore gon, together with a list of claimants and articles or services for which the claim Is made, and which were passed upon by the County Court for Jack- ron county during the month of June, 1916:. The following bills were allowed relative to the County Salary Fund, to-wit: County Court and Commissioners. F. L. Tou Velle, county Judge's salary $150.00 H. B. Taylor, stenographer hire 2.81 ,W. C. Leever, commissioner's compensation 30.00 iW. t. Leever, commissioner's compensation 15.00 s'l'ary 20.00 70.00 ' Total $197.81 Circuit Court. F. Roy Davis, court reporter's salary $ bo. 00 Frank Kasshafer, circuit court crier . 3.00 E. A. Langley, bailiff 18.00 A. R. Thompson, bailiff .... 33.00 Total $104.00 Sheriffs Office. IW. H. Slugler, sheriff's sal ary $208.33 H. B. Taylor, clerk hire 2.50 E. W. Wilson, deputy hire. . . 125.00 Total . 1 ur. j. i' , nan, 1'oor Farm su perintendent's salary .... $208.33 Recorder's Office. Chauncey Florey, recorder's salary $166.66 Mildred Nell, deputy hire. . . . 75.00 a. '1. Brown, surveyor s com pensation ; 75,65 vnas. li. Hansen, compensa tion of sealer of weights and measures 31.11 rred is. Cummings, water master's salary 83.33 The following bill was disallowed relative to the County Salary Fund. to-wit: Chas. C. Martin, deputy fruit inspector's compensation. . $ 4.43 The following bills were allowed relative to the Current Expense Fund, to-wit. County Court and Commissioners. Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele- ' phone bill 3,35 Mutual Tel. Co., telephone bill 2.25 Postal Tel. & Cable Co., tele grams ,86 Mark True, petit Juror C. N. Tuttle. petit Juror. 21.80 16.00 19.40 6.20 .$ 6.46 .$ 4.30 4.20 1.50 Total $335.83 ' Clerk's Office. F. L. Coleman, deputy hire. . $ 80.00 G. A. Gardner, clerk's salary 166.66 Flora Thompson, deputy hire 83.33 H. B. Taylor, clerk hire 59.69 Total Circuit Court. Jesse T. Anderson, witness . F M. Adams, grand Juror. . Dave Buckley, grand jury wit ness J. H. Beeman. erand iurv witness 3,70 airs, jonn Budgeon, witness A. T. Brown, witness Frank Brown, witness Carl Bleherstedt, witness.. Roll Bleherstedt. witness.. Everett Vance, witness ..... 430 j. n. Vincent, petit Juror... John Vaughan, grand juror. J. W. Wilson, taking prisoners to Salem 19.13 jonn u. vvimer grand Jury witness 3,20 jonn w. wimer, grand Jury witness 3.20 rrea wut. grand lury wit ness Maggie Witt, grand Jury wit ness '. Erastus Wilson, petit Juror. Robert WrIlson, petit juror..' Edw. M. White, grand, juror Lane Wyland, grand juror. . A. V. Whitley, grand Juror.. Mrs. Witt, witness 3.70 John W'Jmer, witness 2,20 Fred Witt, witness a'70 C. F. Young, petit juror 16.00 3.70 3.70 20.80 12.80 14.60 15.00 6.60 2.70 3.50 4.70 5.00 6.00 Total $389. 6S Treasurer's Office. W. Blakeley, deputy Myrtle re $ 83.00 jVp'pni. r r. rni,.i o.. .i J. r . Cole, ary $100.00 School Superintendent's Office. E. R. Peterson, supervisor's salary $120.00 J. Percy Wells, superintend ent's salary 150.00 Maye B. Wells, deputy hire. . 30.00 Earl Beeson, witness 2.80 joe Beeman, witness H. B. Cady. witness E. J. Carlisle, grand jury witness F. O. Cochran, petit juror. 5.20 2.00 2.00 16.00 petit juror 21.40 Total $300.00 Fruit Inspector's Office. J. C. Aiken, deputy Inspector's compensation $122.50 Chas. C. Martin, deputy in spector's compensation...- 130.00 E. R. Oatman, deputy inspect or's compensation 107.50 I. R. Kline, deputy inspector's compensatiou 137.50! Total $497.50 Assessor's Office. F. E. Blackburn, deputy hire. $ 9.00 H. J. Eherly, deputy hire., . . . 72.00 ,V. T. Grieve, assessor's sal ary 125.00 Katie M. Grieve, deputy hire 63.00 Etta Purkeypile, deputy hire 80.00 Leslie W, Stansell, deputy . hire 108.OO !w. T. York, deputy hire 78.00 22.60 3.20 19.20 6.00 16.00 3.20 2.00 2.00 16.20 14.00 18.20 5.20 7.20 7.20 5.30 4.00 2.00 ?. 4.30 13.00 15.60 6.40 i Total $337.00 Collection of Taxes. D. H. Allaway, labor $ 81.00 Allen Bracklnreed, labor. . . . 4.50 W. H. Bowen, labor 81.00 D. H. Cronemiller. labor. . . . 36.00 O. R. Harper, deputy's salary 100.00 J. W. Shirley, labor 81.00 .$383.50 Total John Blaess. ferryman's sal ary 25.00 J. A. Norrls, janitor's salary 60.00 Jail. J. W. Wilson, Jailor's salary. $ 50.00 Mrs. J. W. Wilson, matron's I A. B. Chapman, netit iuror j Ed Dutton, grand Jury witness I Geo. W. Dunn, petit juror. . . J. M. Dews, petit Juror M. A. Dickerson, petit juror I Ed Dutton, witness R. L. Ewing, witness i R. L. Ewlng, grand jury wit ness I Geo. E. Fox, petit juror...'.' U. E. Finney, petit juror... E. C. Gardner, petit juror. . H: L. Gregory, grand juror. . Matilda Garrett, witness. . . . Geo. Garrett, witness ! H. L. Gllkey, witness I L. B. Haskins, grand juror. . J. F. Hitson, grand Jury wit ness ; A. C. Howell, witness Dr. J. F. Hart, witness Edw. Hither, petit Juror. . . . P. W. Hamill, petit juror. . . J. G. Hurt, petit Juror H. K. Hanna. attornev'a fep In criminal cases 40 00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 2.50 J. F. .Hlttson, expense of trip to Los Angeles after auto thieves 24.00 Geo. P. Jester, witness 5.30 Viola Jones, witness 4.30 Wm. H. Jordan, grand juror 1220 Aioert C. Joy, petit juror... Lewis Knlpps, petit Juror, . . Tom Kinney, petit juror.... William Lacy, witness Mrs. R. J. Luke, witness... J. A. Lemery, witness Oscar D. Lowe, grand Juror John Lyden, petit Juror.... u L,owe, expense in con nection with arrest of Lee Sneers 20.00 Martin McDonough, petit jur- r 9.00 Claude E. Moore, petit Juror 26.00 Milo Mee. petit Juror 6.00 A. D. McKee, petit Juror... 18.60 19.40 16.00 11.00 2.80 2.80 3.20 6.60 6.00 Total $939.33 Justice Court. B. F. Banks, witness $ W. J. Carpenter, witness. . . . E. J. Carlisle, witness E. J. Carlisle, witness S. A. Carlton, juror Chas.- Carter, witness ..... C. L. Cunningham, Juror. . . . M. F. Siester, Juror W. H. Gall, juror J. H. Dennlson, witness.... W. O. Dickerson. Juror R. L. Ewlng, juror Rankin Estes, car hire Geo. Garrett, witness C. H. Gillette, Justice fees. .. C. H. Gillette, justice fees... P. H. Gray, constable fees. . . R. M. Garrett, juror C. H. Gillette, justice fees. . . C. H. Gillette, justice fees. . . A. B. Hammond, constable fees Bert Haney, Juror Geo. Jester, witness T. J. Jefferson, witness Thos. Kahler, juror Ray Lowe, witness R. P. Little, Juror B. E. McArthur, witness Louie Prince, witness J. R. Maxidon, constable fees J. H. McGee, juror Robert H. Moore, witness... A. C. NInlnger, juror L. Prince, witness H. F. Pohland, Juror Pierre Provost, juror R. C. Porter, constable fees. . R. C. Porter, constable fees... R. C. Porter, constable fees. . R. C. Porter, constable fees. . Geo. Roblson, constable fees B. M. Shoudy, juror Stuart Saunders, juror E. T. Staples, witness Will C. Smith, expense con nected with the arrest of A. P. Barney Wm. Shoemaker, witness... Bert Turner, witness 2.20 Cr. O. Taylor, justice fees... 79.35 Clint Vroman, auto hire. .. . 2.00 H. L. White, juror 2.00 Ed Wall, witness 1.00 J. B. Wimer. witness 1.50 T. B. Weller, juror 1.00 T. C. Wicks, juror 1.00 Chas. Wimer. constable fees 2.50 F. D. Wagner, Juror 2.00 4.40 1.60 1.60 1.00 1.00 2.40 1.00 2.00 2.00 4.4 2.00 1.00 8.3 2.70 7.50 3.2 2.5 1.00 1.5 3.60 46.50 1.00 4.40 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 1.00 2.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.60 1.60 3.30 1.60 2.50 1.00 1.00 1.50 Total $100.58 Assessor's Office. Bushong & Co., supplies $ 3.09 W. T. Grieve, assessor's travel ing expenses 13.90 W. T. Grieve, postage stamps 17.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 3.00 Medford Book Store, supplies 3.00 Leslie W. Stansell, deputy as sessor s traveling expense. 39.00 6.00" 8.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 Total I $ 78.99 . Collection of Taxes. Jackson Co. Abstract Co., ab- ' stracting 1910 tax rolls. . . $395.00 Tax Rebates. John Rocho $ 37.58 B. M. Shoudy 6.80 13.10 2.70 Get the Round Package Used (or Vi Century. C Caution wold Substltu I V'UJ Ask For and GET 1 5 MALTED MHVW . WW, U.I.. THE . IV1AL7ED MILK Made from clean, rich milk with the ex tract of select malted grain, malted in our own Malt Houses under sanitary conditions. Infant and children thrive on it. Agree with the iueoket ttomach of the invalid or the aged. Need no cooking not addition of milk. Nouriahes and sustains more than tea, coffee, etc. Should be kept at home or when traveling. Anu tntu food-drink nay be prepared in a moment. .1 8 ai"1 i10? Kor,.Ttirin "duces refreahing Sleep. Also in lunch tablet form (or buiinen men! Substitutes Cost YOU Sam Price Take a Package Home Total $249.00 Sheriff's Office. Ashland Record, supplies... $ 8.00 Bushong & Co., supplies. . . . 3.11 Glass & Prudhomme Co., sup plies 3.O8 Herald Publishing Co.. sun- plies 17.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 25.05 Medford Book Store, supplies 11.25 Postal Tel. & Cable Co., tele grams 1.10 W. H. Singler, sheriff's trav eling expense . . ; 39.00 W. H. Singler, stamps 30.00 Western Union Tel. Co., tele grams 5.79 Total $143.38 ' Clerk's Office. G. A. Gardner, postage .stamps $ 20.50 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 7.85 Medford Book Store, supplies 11.30 Remington Typewriter Co., typewriter 42.50 Ulrlch Bros., drayage on sup plies 25 Total $ Treasurer's Office. Fred L. Colvlg, postage stamps $ Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill Mose Kllntner Co., supplies. . Medford Book Store, supplies 82.40 4.00 3.20 3.58 6.00 Total .$ 44.38 Widows' Tensions. Earnestlne Austin I 17.50 Mrs. J. H. Byrley 35.00 Nellie G. Bush 10.00 Prlntha A. Blackburn 32.60 Minnie Boardman 25.00 Orpha Betz 10. 00 Rena W. Barr 10.00 Anna L. Corum 10.00 Ella May Calne 17.50 Mrs. H. A. Crelghten 17.50 Dora Belle Cress 10.00 Lucy May Davis 17 50 May j. Dow 40.00 Olive Ellis 17,50 Mary J. Torey 25.00 Mary K. Grlsez 10 nn settle Green 25.00 Nellie L. Hlcken 10 00 Llella Frances Hlldebrand.. 17.50 Lizzie Heath . . 25.00 Jennie Jones 10.00 isaneiie Klum 25.00 Dollie Love 32.50 Amanda McNeil 10.00 Minnie M. Moore 2s!oo Estella Nelson ". 40.00 Mary A. Poole 17.50 Emma Paulson 25.00 Mary E. Payne 10.00 Virginia G. Raddell 17.50 Rosa Ann Robins ...1 17.50 Laura E. Stewart 35.00 Catharine E. Silver 17.50 Total $665.00 Court House Expenses. M. E. Abbott, supplies $ 4.55 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights.. 3.75 J. W. Wilson, cleaning court room 6.50 Total $ 14.8O Jail. Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights,. $ 7.54 Mrs. Jane Johnson, washing for Jail 16.45 Mrs. Aug. Singler, board of prisoners 98.21 Taylor-Williams Co., sup plies 2.10 Ulrlch Brothers, supplies... .20 Total -. $124.50 Care of Poor at Poor Farm. M. S. Byden, repairing shoes for Inmates at poor farm. . 1.35 W. N. Campbell, supplies... 5.08 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights.. 9.52 Henry Deuer, nursing 10.00 John F. Hart, cash advanced for poor farm supplies... 4.85 Medford Furniture & Hdw. . Co., supplies 10.79 Medford Pharmacy, supplies 30.15 Thos. T. Merrlman, supplies .65 L. F. Stroud, supplies 1.35 Talent Merc. Co., supplies.. 283.23 Ulrlch & Ryan, supplies.... 105.16 P. Mclntyre, regular indigent Ella Mills, regular Indigent. . Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regu lar indigent , 8.00 Mrs. J. Myers, regular Indi gent G. W. Miller, regular Indigent Mrs. Clara Noble, regular In digent 8.00 John Noon, regular Indigent. Oliver Nadeau, regular indigent T. J. Neff, regular indigent. . Van R. Plerson, taxi hire for Indigents Mrs. Frank Poyser, regular indigent , . , Dr. Parsons, regular indigent Rogue River Merc. Co., indi gent supplies H. C. Raedell, regular Indi gent Mrs. Shank3, regular Indigent W. H Stewart, regular Indi gent . . . . Mrs. L. Schleffelln, regular indigent Nancy Selsemore, regular In digent 10.00 J. W. Slater, regular Indigent 10.00 T. D. Stafford, regular indi gent W. H. Smith, regular indigent Sebastian Schumpf, regular indigent G. W. Sorrells, regular indigent aacrea Heart Hospital, care of Indigents 178.55 Mrs. Richard Thomlson, reg- lndlgents 10.00 Mrs. and Mr. Toffer, regular indigetns 10.00 Ulrlch Brothers, indigent supplies 2.00 Mrs. Alice Ulrlch, rent of house for indigents 12.00 The Wimer Store, Indigent supplies Pierce Wilson, regular Indigent Job T. Wilder, house rent for indigent Lizzie Wolgamont, care of Mr. Bronson, regular Indigent C. Williams, regular Indigent Z. Wolgamont, regular indi gent Pluma Yocum, regular Indi gent Dr. J. J. Emmens, medical- attendance for indigents.. Rogue River Merc. Co.. indi gent supplies 53.35 R. Bratney 25.00 10.00 10.00 5.35 6.00 8.00 9.60 7.50 10.00 10.00 6.00 7.00 15.00 8.00 6.00 Total $125.00 Election Expense, Bank of Jacksonville, cash advanced to pay claims of judges and clerks of pri mary election 2297.00 sup- 7.25 6.75 3.50 5.00 4.00 6.00 12.00 6.00 12.00 8.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 6.40 10.00 85.30 5.00 5.00 5.00 19.00 2.50 I. Total $845.35 Juvenile Court Reform School Com- mittments Etc. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, regular allowance from Jackson county $ 10.00 Chas. B. Gay, probation of ficer's compensation .... 139.95 Dr. R. E. Golden, examining . Insane 5.00 W. H. Hopkins, taxi hire 1.25 Total $ Coroner's Office. Dr. A. W. Boslough, coroner's physician $ Dr. R. E. Golden, coroner's physician John A. Perl, coroner's fees John A. Perl, coroner's fees 16.78 5.00 5.00 7.60 6.20 Total , $ 23.80 School Superintendent's Office. Welborn Beeson, attending meeting of County Educa tional Board $ 3.00 Total $498.13 Care of Poor Not at Poor Farm. Rena Avery, regular indi gent $ 10.00 Nancy Alrosmlth, regular in digent ; . 6.00 Alger, regular indigent. . 10.00 Julius Bjerregaard, indigent allowance 10. 00 Mrs. Boyer, regular Indigent 8.00 Maggie Bohl, regular indigent 15.00 Sue Bailey, regular indigent. 6.00 Fred L. Colvlg', transporta tion of indigents 2.00 . B. Comstock, regular indi gent 8.00 Mrs. I. C. Cabler, regular in digent 8.00 Mrs. L. Coulter, regular indi gent 15.00 Mrs. Kate Koppal, regular in digent 8.00 EUnc Curry, regular indigent 10.00 Mary M. Chllders, regular in digent iz.oo Mrs. B. A. Dyer, regular Indi gent 15.00 Mrs. L. E. Downing, regular Indigent 10.00 mos Dahuff, indigent allow ance , H. Fattlg, regular indigent Mrs. E. C. Gard, care of Mil ler family and regular al lowance for Mrs. Cowan,, indigents 20.00 Mrs. Ira Grlgsby, regular in digent 0 Sfrs. Gunn, regular indigent. 12.00 Irs. Catherine Gillette, reg ular indigent 10.00 r. R. E. Golden, mecncai at tendance for indigents... ilrs. Hudson, regular lndi- Kent ,V. H. Houston, regular indi gent Martha Jones, regular indi gent :tta Jewel, regular indigent. Mary Jacobs, regular indi gent . A. Kane, regular Indigent I. C. Knapp, regular Indi gent - :. Klmbell. regular indigent .eua Lee, regular indigent.. Total $156.20 Advertising and County Printing. Ashland Printing Co., print ing $ 24.75 Medford Mall Tribune, print ing 10.98 Medford Sun, printing 73 Total $ 36.46 Indigent Soldiers. Geo. W. Hall, for relief of Henry Metz $ 45.00 Geo. W. Hall, for relief of T. R. Wood 43.00 Geo. W. Hall, for relief of John H. Bossum 10.00 Geo. W. Hall, for relief of A. M. E. Abbott, supplies , M. E. Abbott, supplies Ashland Furniture Co., plies E. E. Ash, hall rent Geo. Brown & Sons, supplies and rent of building 12.90 Allen Bracklnreed, labor on canvassing board, making official count 18.00 G. F. Billings, rent of build ing J. H. Beeman, rent of build ing E. W. Cooper, hall rent nri ' mary election 3.00 Carson-Fowler Lumber Co.. lumber for election booths City of Ashland, hall rent. . . City Truck & Storage Co., putting up election booths, etc . Cal.-Ore. Power Co.. lights for elections 3.00 Amos Dahuff, room rent pri mary election J. L. Demmer, rent primary election H. G. Dox. helping make offi cial count 27.50 Theo. H. F. Angle, rent of building, primary elec tion Eads Transfer & Storage Co., hauling ballot boxes and putting up election booths Fred J. Flck, padlocks, etc., primary election Fred J. Flck, padlocks for primary election 1.10 T. Galligher, putting ud booths j.oo i. M. Hanna, labor on can vassing board, primary election 22.00 E. A. Hildreth, helping make official count 27.50 . ., Hall, wood for primary election E. C. Hamilton, preparing polling place, primary election Guy Harper, extra work in clerk's office, election ex pense Herald Publishing Co., print ing election supplies 15.00 E. A. Hildreth, putting up election booths 2. 00 E. S. Hammond, putting up election booths 3.00 Jacksonville Post, printing election supplies 41.35 Jordan Electric Co.. lights for election booths Klum Advertising Co., mak ing signs at polling nlaces. Medford Printing Co.. print ing ballots Medford Electric Co., sup plies for election booths.. Anna G. McArthy, rent of building bamuel Mathews, hall rent, primary election 5. 00 W. B. Mclntyre, helping sheriff distribute ballot hoxes 6.20 Medford Furniture & Hdw. Co., election supplies Medford Book Store, election supplies 27.25 John F. Patty, rent of stoves, primary election 3.00 Pacific Furniture & Fixture Factory, making election booths Paul's Electric Store, sup- 4.00 1.00, 1.50 8.00 3.75 546.55 32.07 5.00 9.39 97.50 6.00 10.00 12.00 8.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 8.00 15.00 8.00 The use of Ford heat-treated vanadium steel makes possible light weight with a positive strength. Light weight makes for economy in operation and main tenance; less strain on the car, less ex pense for tires. The Ford motor gives the most power per pound of car weight, which means gasoline economy. Tour ing Car $300; Runabout $345; Couplet $505; Town car $595; Sedan $645; Chassis $325; f. o. b. Detroit. Add freight $53.25, on sale at N F. L. Camps' Garage r- - i . i - ' j