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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1916)
'4 'i 2 VAGTC FOtJB ASHLAND TIDINGS Monday, August 14, 1916 1 ' ' "' IHMMMWlWMtWlll HHHIHI1 I intill a I i s .1 g- . a s g g g, g f fTfttl 1 1 I I I VtlVl I I 1 III I It I 11111111111111 WE ARE CONTINUING i Ashland Trading Co's Ashland Trading Co's i j iie&iF&ince ssule hi " is 4! I' if: I I. ,i i I 1 1 S 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Your "Collars 0 JOUBLE JIJUTY Here IIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIMI1I1IIIM1 IT has been the custom of this store to offer to the public at this season of the year SPECIAL PRICES on all of our seasonable merchandise to re duce stock and avoid carrying over. This year we purchased heavily ow ing to the advance in prices and the war scare, and now offer you all of our newest patterns at prices that will quickly reduce our stock. Come in and look around-it costs you nothing. Your dollars will do double duty here. Give them a chance. This is the opportunity you have been looking for This week we have added new merchandise that we had not time to pre pare last week. Give your Dollars and Dimes a chance to show J you. They can do it. it Drygoods Dept. Specials 12c Lace Cloth and Organdies, 9c 10-12c Lawns 9c 15c Flaxons and Voiles..; 11c 20c Serpentine Crepes 16c 25c Voiles 19c 50-G0c Crepe de Chenes 35c 50c Poplins, Stripes, Plains 39c 75c Poplins 49c 75c Crepe de Chene 49c Special 16 per cent discount on all our Wool Goods. The entire stock to choose from Hosiery Specials 25c and 35c Ladies' and Children's Ironclad Hosiery, black and colors, all sizes, per pair 17c 15c Ladies' and Children's Ironclad Hose, blacks and tans 9c The Place Where Your Dol lars Will Go the Farthest Specials Men's Department 75c to 1.00 Dress Shirts, all sizes QA and colors JC 50c Summer Underwear ' 1 lot, special 15C 50c Regular Stock ribbed on 50c Light Weight Egyptian jifC 60c Boy 8' Waist Overalls nn 1 lot, Special uuC Ladies' Handkerchiefs 25c Linnene 15c 25c Swiss 12c 15c Linnene 3 for 25c 5c Linen Finish 8 for 25c Wednesday Special For One Day Only Wednesday We offer you, while it lasts 12c Lawns, your choice any pee., 5cyd. Specials Dry Goods Department 10c and 15c Yarn, our entire . stock 30c Terry Cloth for Towels o Special per yard CtuQ Ladies' Silk Gloves 25c Cotton, special 19c 50c Lisle, special ....39c $1.00 Silk, special 60c Blankets and Comforters We have just received our fall ship ment of blankets and comforters at from $1.50 to $6.00. They were all bought before the recent advances, and as a special inducement for you to come and see them we will, until Ausust 25, give you 10 per cent ofi. Japanese Kimonos $2.25 to $2.50 new stock $1.98 Japanese Lunch Sets, all sizes and pat terns, 10 per cent off. Shoe Depl Specials 1.00 Child's Barefoot Sandals 49c 1 lot Child's Shoes and Sandals 59c, 1.25 Child's White Canvas Sandals..59c 1.25 Child's White Canvas Shoes .....'69c 1.50 Boy's Scout Mule Skin Shoes....98c 1.50-2.00 Child's Gun Metal Shoes ..98c 1.50-2.00 Ladies' Comfort Shoes 98c 2.00 Ladies' White Canvas Shoes 1.19 1.50-2.00 Child's Pat. Leather Shoes 1.19 Corset Special $1.00 Odd lots, special. 39c $1.00 Regular Stock, special 69c $1.50 Regular Stock, special 98c it Saturday Special From 2 to 5 p. m. We have arranged to serve Punch and Cakes to you Saturday p. m. from 2 to 5. Your are all cordially invited. Come in and spend an hour lie Ashbdfl nn Ashland, iraoing Oregon It Merchandise of Merit at the Lowest Prices. llMIHIHmtllllHHMItmiIMM HHtHiM """ ' ' 1 ' .i.. " 1 1 i ml,.,!,!,!,! "1HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11)1 j j I tt Government Crop Report Washington, D. C, August 8. A summary of the August crop report for the state of Oregon and for the United States, as compiled by the Bu reau of Crop Estimates (and trans mitted through the Weather Bureau), U. S. Department of Agriculture, is as follows: Winter Wheat State. Premlli nary estimate 12,500,000 bushels; production last year (final estimate) 16,200,000 bushels. United States: Preliminary estimate 455,000,000 bushels; production last year (final estimate- 655,045,000 bushels. Spring Wheat State: August 1 forecast 4,460,000 bushels; produc tion last year (final estimate) 3,825,- 000 bushels. United States: August 1 forecast 199,000,000 bushels; pro duction last year (final estimate) 356,460,000 bushels. Oats State: August 1 forecast 14,400,000 bushels; production last year (final estimate) 16,060,000 bushels. United States: August 1 forecast 1,270,000,000 bushels; pro duction last year (final estimate) 1,540,362,000 bushels. Barley State: August 1 forecast 4,600,000 bushels; production last year (final estimate) 4,680,000 bush els. United States: August 1 forer cast 195,000,000 bushels; production last year (final estimate) 237,009, 000 bushels. Potatoes State: August 1 fore cast 6,790,000 buBhels; production last year (final estimate) 6,520,000 bushels. United States: August 1 forecast 364,000,000 bushels; produc tion last year (final estimate) 359, 103,000 bushels. Hay State. August 1 forecast 1,820,000 tons; production last year (final estimate) 1,870,000 tons. United States: August 1 forecast 84,600,000 tons; production last year (final estimate) 85,225,000 tons. Pasture State: August 1 condi tion 99, compared with the ten-year Keep Little Battery Ills From Becoming Big Ones Our battery inspection is free to all motorists. Let us test your storage battery, whatever its make, once a month. Then you will know what's what before trouble starts, and you will save many a big repair bill. Don't wait until trouble comes. Come today and find out your battery's condition. Battery repairing and recharging. Starting motors, lighting gen erators and ignition systems repaired. JordanEIeclricCo. Phone 80 207 East Mala S We can supply re pair parts fitr any storage battery ,or a Could Guaran teed Battery to fit the battery box on your ear. yj Jhone 80 207 East Main SI. average of 92. United Statesf Au gust 1 condition 86.9, compared with the teni-year average of 81.6. Apples State: August 1 forecast 1,210,000 barrels; production last year (final estimate) 1,043,000 bar rels. United States: August 1 fore cast 71,600,000 barrels; production last year (final estimate) 76,670,000 barrels. Prices The first price given Js the average on August 1 this year, and the second, the average on August 1 last year: State: Wheat, 90 and 87 centB per bushel. Corn, 80 and 85. Oats, 42 and 42. Potatoes, 80 and 68. Hay, 110.20 and $8.70 per ton. Eggs, 24 and 23 cents per dozen. United States: Wheat 107 and 106.5 cents per bushel. Corn, 79.4 and 78.9 cents. Oats, 40.1 and 45.4cents. Potatoes, 95.4 and 56.3 cents. Hay, 10.70 and $11.02 per ton. Eggs, 20.7 and 17.0 cents per dozen. Cot ton, 12.6 and 8.1 cents per pound. It All Helps j You have realized a neat sum irom me saie oi mis season s crops. Reap a second harvest by deposit ing the money in an Interest-bearing account. We pay interest on Certificates of Deposit. Ed Thornton and two sons and Fred Dodge leave tomorrow for Marshfield and the Coos country. They will go In the former's car. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ussher, "Jack Ussher" and "Bill Dene" and Mrs. Bess Stevens, Mrs. Herr, Mrs. Hub bard and Mrs. Splndler leave tomor row for Crescent City by automobile. Misses Lydla McCall and Elizabeth Wagner left Sunday for Prospect, where they will Join the camp there established by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Carter and Mrs. Hasty. First National Bank ASHLAND, OREGON. Oldtst National Sank In Jackson County Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR EXCHANGE 8 acres Rogue River Valley Orchard Co. tract, no Incumbrance. Will exchange for property near Stockton, Cal. Ad dress Box 69, Stockton, Cal. 24-8t LOST Blue suit Jacket between Main street and auto camp ground. Return to Tidings office for re ward. 24-2t WANTED Married man who has had ten years' experience in gro cery and general merchandise de sires position as clerk. Will con sider other lines of work. Can prove ability if given an opportun ity. Address C. C. B., care Tid ings. 24-8t FOR SALE Two nine-acre tracts, well improved, near town. A good house, with some acreage. Desir able location on Granite street. Also good houses on easy terms, small payment down. All at bar gain prices. Inquire Beaver Realty Co., 211 E. Main street. 24-2t FOR RENT Barn at 71 Laurel street. Room for three horses an two tons loose hay. 24-3t CAMPERS TAKE NOTICE House for rent, furnished, 29 miles from Ashland on Dead Indian road. H. S. Palmerlee. 24-tf. FOR SALE By owner, best acreage home in Ashland, also single and double harness. Want wood or stock. North end Laurel street, on Cherry Knoll. R. D. Sanford. 24-tf D. P. Blue has sold his quartz mine in Siskiyou county to Honolulu par ties and. has leased his placer mine on Bumblebee creek to L. B. Jamison of Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Yandell and two children, Patricia and Hays, mo tored in from their home at Seattle, reaching Ashland Sunday afternoon. They are visiting Mrs. F. C. Homes, Sr., at the farm south of town. Mr. Yandell is secretary of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. He is rest ing a few days from his labors and enjoying the beauty of southern Ore gon as well. Coos Bay Railroad Jubilee Aug. 24, 25 and 26 Phone Job orders to the Tidings. IS jomm&om Haii. Nt W THE "GREATER OREGON With new bulletined, better equipment, and mnnr additions to I la faculty, the I'nlvcnlty of Orrtnn will begin lt forty-f Irst year. Tubs day, September 1. ! Hpeclal training In Commerce. Journalism, Architecture, Law.Medlclne, Teaching, Libra ry Work, Manic, Physical Training; anil Fine Arts. Large and strong department of Liber al Kducatlon. Library of more than 8.00 volume), flf. teen buildings folly equipped, two splendid gymnaaluma. . Tuition Kree. Dormitories for men and for women. Expenses Lowest. Write for free catalog's, addressing; Iteglstrnr UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KIIOENE, OREGON f A. llpR III! r' " " tie rs. NCW EDUCATIONAL I -a e-J i. fnwr Jj Boost for COOS The Greatest Celebration in Years ""ssMsMsB Coos Bay Country invites the world to celebrate the coming of the railroad. Hospitality is the Keynote of this celebration. PROGRAM NORTH BEND DAY . August 24 Band Concerts Speaking Ceremonies Dedication Simpson Park Street Carnival Water Sports Parades Driving Golden Spike. COOS COUNTY DAY August 25 Trips by rail and boat to Coqullle, Bandon, Myrtle Point, Powers, Coos Bay, Mussel Reef, Sunset Bay, Cape Arago. Sea food dinner at Charleston Bay. Fiehingat Lakeside Launch trips on Coos Bay. , . . MARSHFIELD DAY August 26 Industrial Parade Water Sports Auto Racing Illuminated Launch Parade Fireworks Dancing Horse Racing. Low Round Trip Fares On sale Aug. 21 to 26 inc. Return limit Aug. 31. Ask local Agent. John M. Scott, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES i