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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1916)
Monday, August 14, 1916 PAGE TWO Ashland Tidings By IHS ASHLAXD FRIXTIXCI 00. (Incorporated.) SEMI-WEEKLY. ESTABLISHED 1876. alert R. Greer, Editor and Manager, iynn Mowat, - . Xewg Reporter Issued Mondays and Thnrsdays CIticia! City and Connly Paper 6UHSCRIPTION RATES. One Tear 12.00 111 Months 1-00 ffkree Months .60 Payable In Advance. TELEPHONE 39 Advertising rates on application. First-class Job printing facilities. Equipments second to none in the f-uterlor. No subscriptions for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped at expiration unlesgTenewal U received. In ordering changes of ttie paper always give the old street address or yoitofflce aa well as the new. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Poatoffice aa second-class mall mat ter Ashland, Ore., Monday, Aug. 14, 16 THE EDITORS AND LITHIA PARK. Ashland can not realize the amount of interest which was aroused and publicity gained ty the recent visit of the editors of the state to southern Oregon, and especially to Ashland. The results are becoming apparent In such an overwhelming manner as to be almost incredible. Ashland's Llthia park made the greatest Impression of all on the vis iting newspaper men. Crater Lake they knew was to be the most impres sive sight that most of them had ever seen They anticipated the lake and also the beauties of the Siskiyou Highway, but Lithia park, brought from a tangle of backyards into its present wondrous beauty within the short space of two years, simply cap tured them. These newspapermen are alive to beauty, but to them the beauty of Llthia park was secondary to the fact of achievement. . It was the building of the park more than the park itself which has caused them to fill columns of their papers with descriptions and praise. The visit of the editorial association is the great est 6ingle thing which has happened to Ashland in the forwarding of the city's ambitlonB. Were It possible for every reader of the Tidings to read the columns of praise of Ash land which have appeared in prac tically every paper in the state dur ing the past week, or were it possible for the Tidings to publish even a portion of the description and praise which has been read by the people of Oregon, realization of what the past visit means to Ashland might be attained. Jackson County Registration The following is a complete list of registrations showing the number registered in the various parties up to week ending August 12, 1916. Republican Male 2,,914, female 2,059; total 4,973. Democrat Male 1,474, ' female S20; total 2,394. Progressive Male 28, female 10; total 38. Prohibition Male 47, female 117; total 164. Socialist Male 144, female 61; total .205. Miscellaneous Male 176, female 142; total 318. Totals Male 4,783, female 3,309; total 8,092. HSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co C. F. BATES Proprietor. , Two warehouse near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs CoaL Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, ASHLAND, OREGON. NEAREST TO EVERYTHING Hotel' Manx Sanfrancisco 'PowellSLatOfinell Oregonians I lead quarters while in San Francisco "Meet me at the Manx moderaterates Running distilled Management of Chester W. Keller ice vater in every lion given to ladiet traveling unacor- tti A la carte dining room. t2Zi WW 7 m !l: ill Talks With Screen-Struck Girls I wrote re cently about the motion picture ac tress person ality. I may now supple- ,4 ment that! ! "talk" with a i I few observa- ML 1 1 o n s about individuality. Beatrix MichelenaA I "brlns these two "talks" together in this fashion since there is onen considerable confusion between the. two terms. Both are used rather loosely and the one frequently em ployed for the other. I However, they do not mean at an the same thing. It is true that indV j viduality cannot amount to a great deal unless there Is the strength of good personality to enforce it, andj Dersonality is usually most striking i when of an individual or distinctive type. Personality, of course, is what we usually mean when we say a man or woman has magnetism. It is that in his or her makeup which makes It felt bv others. In the case of the orator it holds the people spellbound and makes them believe with him ir respective of the soundness or falla-j cles of his reasoning. In the casej of the actress It causes them to laugh or weeD with her. While I have. never known a case, it is possible that two or more people might draw this power or magnetism from quali ties that are identical in each of their persons. Individuality, however, belongs to Extracts from Pages of Praise For LithialPark in State Papers Following are a few of the impres sions voiced or rather penned by the editors of the state upon their re turn from the convention in Medford with the entertainment at Ashland and other valley points and at Crater Lake. To print one-tenth of the nice things that have appeared in the newspapers of the state recently con cerning Ashland would require a special edition: M. J. Shoemaker in Roseburg Aews. After the business of Friday afterr noon had adjourned, the delegates and their ladies were taken in autos to Ashland and from there over the scenic Siskiyou Highway to the Cali fornia state line, then back to Ash land, where the ladies of that city and the Commercial Club had ar ranged lunch In their beautiful and soon-to-be-famous Lithia park. The natural beauties of this wonderful place can not be oven-described, and one needs not draw very vividly upon the Imagination to see this very shortly one of the most popular and heavily .visited resorts along the western coast. To do justice to this enchanting spot would require a separate article, and to properly ap preciate its alluring restful shade and quietness, the murmur of its fall ing waters and the glamour of its myriads of electric lights twinkling through the branches, one mmt go there and stay. The kind of progressive citizens in Jackson county can easily be seen when it Is stated that Ashland voted 175.000 in bonds to buy and keep up and adorn this beauty spot for a park, and that the county voted $500,000 to build and hard surface roads, a splendid example of which is shown in the continuous stretch of boulevard between the two cities of Medford and Ashland. Roseburg Review. Charles H. Fisher, editor of the Canltal Journal at Salem, and one of the owners of the Eugene Guard, accompanied by Mrs. Fisher, arrived here last evening from Medford and Crater Lake, where they attended the annual meeting of the State Ea itorlal Association. Mr Fisher, like other editors who have passed through Roseburg en route to thdir homes after attending the convention, says the meeting was probably the best ever held by the association. In addition to the business sessions, which were in structive as well as entertaining, the editors and their families were en tertained quite extensively by the people of Medford and Ashland. At the latter city the editors were ban queted in Lithia park, as well as being treated to a sightseeing trip about the town. A banquet was also one of the features arranged by the people of Medford for the entertain ment of the editors and their fam ilies. Oregon Observer (Grants Pass). The city of Medford proved herself matchless as an entertainer of guests. Medford is a beautiful city, worthy as a pattern for other cities and Ashland is on a par with her. She a person's very own self. It is indi vidual because it is to be found no where else. It is the mark of dis tinction between a man and all the rest of the world. Real superiority in anything Is su perior first of all because it is indi vidual; because It is different, and better in this difference, than any of its competitors. This is particularly true of all art, including most em phatically motion picture acting. Don't ever contemplate becoming a great screen star through apeing some actress who has already won fame. At best you can never do bet ter than become a fair imitation of her, and there is a terrific difference between the money value of an imi tation and the genuine article. I have seen many girls with ,Mary Pickford curls. They have fairly stormed the picture studios in their search for work. Hundreds of ambi tious chaps have developed the Char lie Chaplin walk, and a year or two back John Bunny's doubles were pop ping up from every quarter. But none of these imitations has ever got anywhere near the motion picture Hall of Fame. If ever you become a celebrated screen actress it will be because of talent that Is your own. Unless you now have that talent inside yourself and have it as a distinctive and in dividual factor in your makeup, don't hope to become a star. It may be very latent talent and will doubtless require a lot of developing and hard work; but just the same, such as it Is, it must be there and it must be YOURS. shared Medford's generosity and pro-, vided the guests with her own gen erosity as supplemental to that of the former. These two cities appeared most charming to the visitors, who at the close of the business session Friday afternoon were given a delightful automobile ride over the concrete highway to the summit of the Siski you mountains and the California line. This ride proved a revelation to most of those who made the trip. Ifc was a demonstration of the com mon saying that a country can not be judged by what is seen from the rail road trains. The highway firings one closer to the facts as they are. One can not help but feel that upwards of fifty miles of Jackson county's highways will need very little in cash for maintenance for generations to come. On the return from the Sisklyous the autos landed their loads of edit ors in the famous Lithia park. There was a feast for the eyes and a real feast of viands served in novel style. Several columns might be written to try to mate plain the beauties and delights of this park. Only a visit and a good long one to get a compre hension of improvement that has been wrought in a beautiful natural setting, is the only way to absorb the ideas embodied in the expenditure of nearly $200,000. The special delights of the park are the ripple of Ashland brook, the splendor of the lights and the rich ness of the music that was furnished. Sntherlin Snn. In fact, it is doubtful if a mdre congenial hospitality could have been found anywhere than was ex tended the members of the associa tion by the citizens of Medford and Ashland. Elbert Bede In Cottage Grove Senti nel. ' The editors were most enthusias tic in their remarks about the open handed hospitality of Medford and Ashland, particularly of Medfrd. Both cities seem to be in the wa of becoming Important towns on the coast. There are optimists thers by the score and the pear growers. are beginning to realize upon their many years of hard work. The Lithia park at Ashland is the most unique ting of the kind in the west and is going to make that city a popular watering resort.. Credit for the establishment of this wonderful park belongs en- A FANFARE Arrow Soft -vet Starched i Wafer Thin COLLAR 15c each 6 for 90c CLUETT.PEABODx &CO. If.'C tirely to an editor Bert R. Greer of Ashland. ' Oregon City Courier. Ashland, with its magnificent Lith ia park, was also host to the editors on Friday, after an Interesting trip over the Siskiyou Highway. The tone of hospitality pervaded the en tire period of the convention and the two cities literally outdid themselves to make the convention a record breaker. An operi air banquet at Lithia park was a feature of the trip to Ashland and an address of wel come was made by the chief execu tive of the city. A.storin Evening Rndget. Ashland, now famous for its Lithia park and its multiplicity of mineral waters, was the center of attraction after the first day's session. ' Here the citiz2ns provided an open air luncheon of the daintiest character after the editors returned from an automobile trip over the Siskiyou mountains to the California line. The park jtself has been converted into a fairyland with its twinkling electric lights artistically placed among the trees and along the paths leading through the natural forest. In the development of the park noth ing that nature provided has been disturbed, but the landscape beauti fied wtih bubbling fountains, running cascades, various colored flower beds, camp grounds, winding roads, chil dren's playgrounds, bandstands, re-1 freshment resorts, comfort stations all of these things for the enjoyment of the people. The editors stood in amazement at the accomplishment; when they learned that Ashland, a city of not over 5,000 people, bonded itself for $175,000 to give this mag nificent donation of nature to the present and future generations. Lithia water is destined to become famous the world over. It flows in a living stream over the rock-ribbed hills of southern Oregon into the lap of Ashland. Its commercial value has been capitalized by the people. ! In addition to the five distinct qual ities of mineral water flowing into the fountains of Lithai park, the city maintains two large natatoriums. Here sulphur baths can be had both for amusement and restoration of heaith. Ashland has well-paved streets, a good hotel, finely kept business houses and is the home of the world famed Crawford peaches. Eastern Clackamas Xews (Estacada). These auto trips included a forty mile ride over the Siskiyou moun tains, on the newly graded Pacific Highway over the California line, with a bountiful supper served at the famous Ashland Llthia park on the return trip. 'Ashland's Lithia park represents that same spirit of publicity and co operation, the people having raised over $150,000" by bonding, with which, to construct this beautiful at- Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could be is yours to command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette! Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite ever hankered for. That's because it's made by a patented nfoeess that cuts out bite and parch! 'Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer, to give quality I has a flavor as different as it is delightful You never tasted the like of it! And that isn't strange, either. Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga Bay Princ Aibtrt tvery- rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince Sp7r,'5S,! 5c, tired Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try tin, ;oc; handtom pound out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment ntecolnS coming their way ,as soon as they invest in a supply. pound cryttai-giaiM humi- Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story 1 dor with tponge-moittener XwcrX. R J- REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Wimton-Salem, N. C iktSianJard OllforlMor Cars Sold by dealers everywhere and at all Service Stations of the Standard Oil Company ( California F. L. CAMPS, E. V. JONES, THE PARK GARAGE. traction surrounding the gushing! mineral springs. Being on the main auto and railway tourist routes from California, this park will ultimately prove a paying attraction. The feeling of welcome was thrust upon all auto tourists on entering the city limits of Ashland, where large signboards were posted, read ing "'Welcome to Ashland," and in small type below, mentioning the speed limitations. This "welcome" feeling was further fostered on leav ing the city limits to find printed on the reverse side of these signboards the words "Come Again." Every section of Oregon and the northwest might well profit from the example of the Rogue river commun ities, for there c6-operation and pub-llc-splrltedness 'have reached the highest degree, with good substan tial returns as the result. Major Tatton in the Iloquiam Wash- ingtonian. In the first place, I did not believe that any such wonderful thing ex isted as Crater Lake. In the second place, I find it hard to believe there are enough people in the world to eat up all the pears raised in the Rogue River valley. In the third place, I had no idea there was such a beautiful spot in the western country as Lithia park at Ashland. Also, I did not before think that it was possible for two towns the size of Medford and Ashland, situated as they are within thirteen miles of each other, to be upon such friendly terms. In Medford we were fur nished with literature descriptive of the town and county, and at least one-third of the pages were devoted to extolling the advantages and beauties of Ashland. In Ashland we heard only good words spoken of Medford. There are many towns in close proximity to each other which i uffittCrtwttH u its? ?. y. i " On At mcm aid iji,f f 'Vif ;I J hu mid thrm men smok pipes wher the national joy smoke II From Asphalt-Base Crude the crude endorsed by Lieut. Bryan, a U.S. Government Ex pert on motor cylinder lubrica tion, in his statement before the American Society of Naval En gineers. ' Fa might well take a leaf from the book of these flourishing communities in southern Oregon. I wish I could spare about two columns to describe the beauties of Ashland's park. Suffice it to say (Continued on Page Seven) APE YOU INSURED Tes, that is a very burning que- tion sometimes! If you are not fully, protected by insurance against fire, ; NOW is the time to attend to. It j Don't put off until tomorrow what 1 can be done today. How about that I home, merchandise, automobile, etc.? 1 Did you ever stop to think just how little it will cost you to carry your insurance compared to the ben efits which you receive? A few dol lars Invested today may save you a thousand tonight. Billing's Agency N Real Estate and Real Insnranee 41 East Main Phone 211 9U I . Bokd bMonl lOHC BURNING PIPE AND . CIGARETTE TOBACCO , aoth. 1907." .kick. Iij I. JiMfiWi ll I I : r 1 .1 'i ll i.l I, 1 1 11 1 - i