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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1916)
.tin .m' MM PAGE SIX ASHLAND TIDINGS Moudajr, August 7, 191g I . Lffe Vacation Tal!: V HE time for a vacation is ' now. vacations to, many moan more work and less comfort than any other time of the year. Let this year's vaca tion be different. Secure a real rest. Down at Newport you can rent a comfortable bungalow n,vir th n.v in and within sound of the roaring breakers. You wi'l be agreeably surprised at :!v low cost and the real benefit to be derived from this kind of a vacation. Write for booklet "Newport" or ask your local agent for copy also information" regarding low round trip fares. Joha M. Scott, Gen. Pass. At- Southern Pacific PORTLAND, OREGON Hughes May Speak Here August 17 From dispatches reaching this city, Charles E. Hughes, republican ! nominee for the office of president of ! the United States, will pass through I AalilunH i Anirnut 17 TUn It!..' . as announced provides that he shall leave New York on the evening of August 5, coming west by way of De troit, Chicago, St. Paul, Grand Forks, Helena and Spokane. On Monday, August 14, he will take an auto trip to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and In the Twenty-Five Years j Ago in Ashland' (Taken from the files of the Tidings of August 7, 1891.) The track Is being put into flue shape for the races to be held this fall at the county fair at Central Tolnt. Special engagement Is announced' of the distinguished actor, Newton Beers, at Ganlard's Opera House, next Thursday, August 13, in the evening speak at Spokanp. leaving on! Kleat melodrama. "Lost in London,' the following day for Taconia and Seattle. On Wednesday, August 16, he will supported by a company of unusual excellence. All the magnificent seen ery carried by this company will be speak at Portland, and remaining ror j "sea 11118 lriuin. maKing it a several hours will leave on the early ' Performance heretofore unequaled in FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE SPRINGS WATER COMMISSION' For the Week Ending August 4, 1910. Date. 7-29 2261 2262 2263 2264 8-1 2265 S-3 2266 Vo. No. Name of Party Issued To. Amount. 2260 F. E. Rosencrans, 49 hrs. labor repairing trestle on soda Una at $3 per day less 6 cents state insurance. 18. 31 Frank Crowson, 49 hrs. labor repairing trestle on soda line at $2.60 per day less 6 cents state insurance, $15.25; for filing three hand saws, 70c 15.95 E. C. Burt, 47 hrs. labor repairing trestle on soda line at $2.25 per day less 6 cents state insurance 11.47 Ashland Iron Works, 4 prs. (8) pes. 4 in. C. I. coup lings for wood pipe at $4.75 per pair, $19, less 2 per cent cash discount 18.62 Joe Kerr, 40 hrs. labor cleaning up and work on foun tains at $,2.00 per day less 6 cents state insurance. . 9.94 D. D. Good, freight and cartage on two cases of coin operated machines .. 7,28 The Ashland Tidings 4oo0 Weekly statement, July 10, 17, 24 and 31, 430 lines at 5c line $22.50 5,000 double post cards 17.50 2267 Western Union Telegraph Co., message to Portland, Oregon 5! 2268 Individual Drinking Cup Co ..!..! 13794 8 cup vendors at $16 each, less 2 per" cent cash' discount $125.44 5,000 health cups at $6.50 per 1,000 (net) . . 32.50 2269 $157.94 E. F. Smith & Son jg 59 7-8 Surrey and team '. .'j Y.SO 7-9 Three saddle horses e!oO Team and auto 5 'no 7-19 Auto to springs 5 00 2270 2271 2272 2273 Ashland Iron Works .V..'!? 3.00 Repairs to cooler, three brass nipples' for coil connection at 23c $ 75 3 hrs. machine time at 73c !'.'.'.!!!! 225 $3.00 L. O. Van Wegen ' igi 42 Services for the month of July, 1916 ".$" 91 67 23 days' drayage with auto at 53 per day. ... 69 00 Turniug down computator on lithla motor. . .75 morning train for San Francisco, He will horVl an evening meeting In San Francisco on the 18th, going back to New York by way of Reno and St. Louis. He will rest on Sun days Instead of traveling, and in tends to make the entire trip by reg ular trains with only a very few ex Although no definite arrangements have been concluded, It is most prob able that Mr. Hughes will deliver a short talk while in Ashland. His car will be attached to train No. 15, ac cording to present plans, and will arrive in Ashland at 4:50 in the af ternoon. During the twenty-minute stop here the presidential candidate will either make a short talk from the rear of the train, or arrangements may be made to take him to Lithla Park for a brief address from the stand. No doubt arrangements of a definite nature will be made before lond. A crowd of 10,000 would prob ably gather in Ashland to hear Jus tice. Hughes whether he speaks in other valley cities or not. . The republican campaign commit tee of the state will meet the republi can leader at Portland and accom pany him through the state. our city. Engineer Mellis has had charge of the ' unlucky 237 between Ashland and Hornbrook since Engineer Roch ford's death in the tunnel The en gine has been decked in mourning 1 for the past week. The latest novelty at McConnell & Winter's grocery store is a large, re volvlng fan twenty feet in. length which is operated from the little Pel ton wheel which also operates the coffee mill. The Ford Sedan is a useful as welf as a classy car for family service every day cool hi summer, warm in winter. The delight to women who drive became of ease in control, luxury and low cost of operation. A regular member of the Ford family. Sedan $045; Town car $595; Couplet $505; Touring' Car $300; Runabout $345; Chassis $325; f. o. b. . Detroit. Add freight $53.25, on sale at F. L Camps' Garage Wm. 0. Dickerson . , Two glass (oval) In fountains 1 wo nrs. labor . , $161.42 ,'.'.'$".50 1.00 $1.50 1.50 B. R. Greer, paid to Julius Hart for auto hire In con nection with railroad officials during the month of July, 1916 .00 Tota $467.44 Special Physical Physical Plant Plant Operating S-TVt! re',0II'ted $11,868.78 $2F633:92 Received from sale of cup3 9 65 Total Disbursed as per statement .$11,868.78 114.73 $2,663.57 352.71 Balance this date ...... $11 754 05 19 11 n sr J. P..DODGE. Secretary. BERT R GREER, ctfrman.' September Mora On August 11th An unusual attraction is coming to the Vinlng Theatre on Friday, Au gust 11 "September Morn," a musi cal comedy, which has taken the country by storm. The company which plays Ashland is not, however, the entire company, but the princi pals only. The eight people who will bring "September Morn" to Ash land are the leading people, and the show which Ashland will see Is the comedy with the riff-raff chorus left out, thus giving the very cream of the show, the catchy songs and the ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Dealers in LUMBER Shingles, lath. Sash. Doors. Roofing Papers, Cordwood, Factory Block Wood brilliant comedy, with the unneces sary left out. The show is condensed into a forty-five-minute rollicking musical farce which is one big laugh and song. And the most attractive part Is the'fact that Ashland will see this production for a price about one fifth that charged for the same show with a few more people. Prices will be 35 cents for adults and 15 ceuts for children. The company which Is coming will bring the complete scen ery of the big company and the pro fusion of electrical effects which add so much to the show. Remember. this is a concentrated musical com edy of high class at a ridiculously low price. The eight members of the company, five ladles and three men, are taking the company to San Francisco, where a chorus will be added and the same show blossom forth as a full) fledged musical com edy with prices In proportion. The musical farce will be given here by the original company, with all the beautiful costumes and scen ery used in the presentation of the play at the LaSalle Opera House, Chicago, where it enjoyed a run of 236 consecutive performances. . It is pronounced by those who have seen it as a veritable tangle of farce frolic, tango and one-step, plentifully Interspersed with fetching melodies. Wouli'Race Wade Hampton Again The owners of Bessie Mills, the Medford horse which waa beaten by Jim Bowers' Wade Hampton a week ago Sunday, are trying to arrange another race between the horses. The Bessie Mills people claim an unfair start. According to the Wade sup porters, J. Arant beat the Bessie Mills crowd at their own game at the last race. Dick Turpln brought Bes sie Mills out onto the track, and after Hampton came out took his horse back to the stable, apparently assum ing that Wade had a '"shot" in him which would lose its effectiveness by the delay. Such waa not the case, however, old Wade being accustomed to doing his best without the help of "high-life." When Bessie Mills skit tishly pranced back out, Arant jock eyed around at the start for quite some time and Bessie Mills got over her Bkittlshness and lost the race. IX THE COUNTRY COD MADE AND MAN FORGOT. CHETCO COVE CARNIVAL, " SEPTEMBER 2, 3, 4. BROOKINGS, CURRY COUNTY, OREGON. 21-tf Phone Job ordws to the Tlding9. C. B. Watson says he has the fin est cold pure water spring in the county at his place up Ashland creek canyon. He has lately had Ferguson, the stone mason, up there at work f and built a cozy house over the spring ; Dalles. When the midnight sentinel was approached one who kept late with solid floor and walls. The wa ter in the Bprlng is ice cold and per fectly pure. The Siskiyou Stone Company have about thirty-five men at work at their sandstone quarry south of Ash land now, and are loading up about nine cars a week with heavy blocks for the Dekum building in Portland. Messrs. H. H. and W. H. Christo pher, two wheelmen from Aberdeen, Wash., arrived in Ashland Wednes day on their high-wheeled Colum- blas, having made the entire distance (except when they walked) on their wheels. hours in the city he gave out the usual challenge, "Who comes there?" Then the answer, "A stranger with a bottle." ' Then the guard would say, "Advance, stranger, and pull the cork." Yes, the boys had a splendid time. D. S. Agler of the Ashland depot force is taking a layoff for a while. . Robert Vlnlng came home from Tacoma Tuesday, where he has been for several months. v According to the Prlneville News, the militiamen had a grand time at their recent encampment 'at The State Senator Cogswell of Lake view says: "What In the world Is the matter with Portland? . Why does It not reach out for our trade?" Regular monthly meeting of the city council was held Monday even ing, August 3. Present, Mayor Gran ger, Councilmen Kentnor, Sutton, Farlow, ' Ganiard, Patterson and Evans. Ashland Tidings wants ads bring results. tf IXTERURBAX AUTOCAR CO. Leave Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night at 6:30 and 12:20. Sunday leave at 9:00 and 1:00, 4:30. 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p. m. On Sun days at 8:00 and 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Fare between Medford and Ash land, 20 cento. Round trip, 35 cents. X As the acorn grown to be the mighty oak, fo children, when rightly nourished, grow to be sturdy men and women.-j Good flavor and the essen tial nourishing elements for mental and physical develop ment of children are found in the famous food Grapc-Nuls Made of whole wheat and malted barley, this pure food supplies all ti nutriment of the grains In a taot easily di gested form. It does the heart good to see little folks enjoy Grape-Xut and. cream. 'There's a Reason" Sold by Oroceri. IBsnnidl inefit 3 IS i TSwsiay, lops! iOfb AT The H Entire proceeds go to the band. Music by 5-piece orchestra. Ten cents a dance, or 50 cents for the evening will be charged. Everybody Come and Help flue Band