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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1916)
Monday, August 7, 1010 PAGE! FIVJ ASHLAND TTOrXGS Ashlnud Lodge ' . No. 23 A. P. and A. M. Special communication ot Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., Tues day evening, August 8, 1916. Work In the Second degree. Visiting brethren cordially welcome. STUART SAUNDERS, W. M. W. II. DAY, Sec'y. :::::::::::nn:::nuy::KS:at:amj I LOCAL AND PERSONAL if rnt::n:::::::.:::::::::i:t:u::r.::::::::ti Myron Grover was among the vls ltora from Hilt, Cal., who spent Sun day in Ashland. A marriage license was Issued last week at Jacksonville to Earl Black aby and Miss Bertha KIncaid. "Take a Sunday TrlD to Ashland" advertisements are now Inserted In all the papers In southern Oregon. Spraguo Riegel and Jack Morrll of Cold Hill were up Friday evening and attended the dance at the Bun galow. Postmaster Kaiser visited Grants Tass Friday, returning to Medford, where he took In the State Editorial Association meeting. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Butler have re turned after a two weeks' stay at Newport. They stopped off to visit In Roseburg while en route home. John Anderson made a trip out to Eagle Point Saturday, where he met the school hoard of that place and negotiated for a position in the Eagle Point schools. Tho territory adjacent to Mount Lassen in California' Is to he made Into a national park by virtue of a bill passpd by the bouse and senate at Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rothermel were visitors from Medford Friday evening. Mr. Rothormel states that the directory of the county which he Is putting out Is progressing finely. Wilfred Carr, who for the past three years has been employed in Whited's jewelry store, has accepted a position with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and will take up lils new duties in Ashland Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. X. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Loveland left today In the former's car for Crater Lake, go ing by way of Klamath Falls. They w ill return by the Rogue River route, Ketting back Wednesday afternoon Mayor 0. H. Johnson and family and his brother, J. W. Johnson of Medford, and his family, left Sunday morning for Crater Lake. They will he gone a week and will camp at sev eral of the beauty spots along the route. THE ITIZENS BAN K 0 FASH LAN I For Yotir Convenience The Citizens Rank of Ashland is equipped to supply the highest devel opment in banking serv ice. Do not hesitate to con sult us freely regarding your financial require ments. ' Checking accounts are invited . SAVINGS DEPOSITS, Sheriff Slngler was up from the county seat on official business Fri day. ' ' A. J. Miller of Logan, Iowa, is vis iting the family of his brother, E. E. Miller, of the Vienna bakery. Contractor Sweeney returned to Portland Friday after an inspection trip over the Siskiyou Highway. After using Shoo Fly, animals gain flesh and milk. For sale by Emll Pell. 21-tf Mrs August Goettsche of Grants rass spent Thursday visiting friends who are camped ln-Llthla Park. John Stoddard of La Grande, Ore., combined business and pleasure on a visit to Ashland last Thursday. Mrs. A. W. Fischer, A. L. Fischer and A. W. Fischer of Corvallis were registered at the Austin Thursday. Mrs. Pat Meego was removed from the Ashland hospital to her home in Medford Friday. Her condition is reported to be serious. Ed White and wife, living on Moun tain avenue, are enjoying a trip to Crater Lake this week. They went by auto with Mr. Hart. The fall term of the circuit court will meet Tuesday, September 5, at Jacksonville, for the grand jury, the petit jury meeting a week later. Mrs. Walter Frulqn, Mrs. E. R. Grelve and Miss Angle Walrad are camped for a month near White Point, a miles this side of Colestln. Word comes from Marshfield of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herndon. Mrs. Herndon was formerly Miss Mae Beaver of Ash land. One hundred business men of San Frarnclsco will be in Ashlaifd for sev eral hours on August 26, stopping off while on a tour of the Oregon coast country. John C. Howard of Crescent City, Cal., registered at the Hotel Austin Thursday and transacted business and enjoyed looking over Lithia Park In this city. George W. Kimball of Roseburg Is here to spend two weeks In Ashland. Mr. Kimball has lived In Roseburg many years and has friends all along the line. The new N'azarene pastor, Rev. Ed wards, has arrived in Ashland, and he and his wife are at home to their people in the N'azarene parsonage near the church. Messrs. Edison Marshall and Leigh Swlnson and Misses Marie and Ethyl Eifert were among the Med ford young folks who attended the dance at the Bungalow Friday. Misses Alene Bomar and Edith Cole accompanied Mrs. F. X. Strat ton, sons Rex and Lloyd and Halley Simpson on a, trip over to Marshfield. They will return in about a week. Judge George X. Davis of Portland, trial judge in the case of Sweeney vs. Jackson county, has finished a three days' inspecticn of the highway and left Thursday afternoon for Portland. Donald Dickerson, Dwight Gregg, Will Allen and Dick Campbell are building a collapsible boat which they will take with them on an outing trip to Lake' of the Woods In the near future. A. W. Gray, wife and little son of Oakland. Cal., left last Thursday for their California home after a three weeks' stay In Ashland visiting Mr. Gray's sisters, Mrs. C. A. Cotter and Mrs. C. M. Bomar. Master Mechanic W. T. Small, Traveling Engineer R. W. Cuvelller and Signal Maintalner W. J. McEner ney of Dunsmulr and L. S. Ayer of San Francisco were In the city on official business Thursday. Dave Good left Thursday for the Hapgood mines on North Hungry creek In Siskiyou county, a property which he, in connection with Messrs. Lowery and Watt, capitalists of Butte, Mont., have lately purchased. Good Is an experienced mining man and some active development work will at once be started by him as manager of a promising field. Mrs. Fred Herrin has returned from San Francisco with her daugh ter, who was taken there for an op eration following upon a broken shoulder w hich did not mend correct ly. Miss Herrin is reported to bo greatly Improved. Arthur Webber returned Friday afternoon from an extended trip through the middle went, visiting sev eral of the metropolises of the wheat states. He reports the crops to have been "all shot to pieces" by the wet season and storms. Mrs. Mary Cole, living on A street, was called to Albany last week by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Myra Stokes. Mrs. Stokes lias been troubled with cancer of the breast for some time and her condition is critical. Ed Wolters and family, after re turning from Crater Lake, have gone to Rogue-river for another outing and camping trip. Mr. Wolters' brother from San Francisco is also enjoying the outing and visiting with his rela tives at the same time. Eugene, Zenas and Kdythe Moody, nephews and niece ot the wife of E. P. McCornack of Salem, who died recently, leaving an estate valued at well over $800,000, are beneficiaries to the extent of $1,000 apiece In cash and a life estate in valuable Salem property. E. R. Lawrence, who made a host of friends fn Ashland while managing the Lyric Theatre, is now conducting a circuit of movies out of Grants Pass. ' He operates his machine with power from his car and has a regular circuit every week through the rural districts. A party consisting of Mrs. J. S. Montgomery, Mrs. H. W. Meseer and daughter of Portland. Mrs. Ray Wright and children of Roseburg, Mrs. B. Gregory of Medford and Mrs. Andy McCarthy and children of Grants Pass were in Ashland Tuesday and enjoyed the day in Lithia Park. Roseburg Review: Mrs. C. B. Pat rick and daughters, Mrs. A. C. Spen cer and Miss Clara Patrick, returned this afternoon after passing the past several days at Ashland. While at the latter city they enjoyed an an nual picnic among the members of the family and fittingly celebrated the occasion. Mrs. Cordelia Hagar and her son, Harold Hagar, of Salem, are visiting Mrs. L. F. Brown of Ashland. They came down In their car and have gone on a trip to Crater Lake. Mrs. Xewland, a sister of Mrs. Brown, ac companied them. Harold Is a Har vard student and Is now on his vaca tion. IJ. O. Purucker, George Turucker of Medford and John Purucker of Pennsylvania climbed Mt. Ashland Friday, evening, returning Saturday. The two latter are father and uncle respectively of H. O.'s. They report an enjoyable climb and magnificent view from the summit, weather condi tions being ideal. Verne Milam, son of Prof. G. W. Milam, formerly of Ashland and now of Gold Hill, has been accepted by the naval training school at San Francisco and has left for that place, where he will receive the advantages of the training offered by the school to. young men fortunate enough to secure admission. Mrs. D. P. Blue and her mother, Mrs. Emily Stevens, arrived on Wed nesday from Honolulu. Their fur nished house on Oak street being rented, they have secured the Tozler home, 71 Laurel street, where they will spend their year of vacation, and be pleased to meet their many friends to renew old acquaintances. Tho Ashland band haa been asked to submit a price to the manager of the Chetco Cove Carnival which Is to be held at Brookings, for furnishing a twentyr-plece band. The boys are anxious to make the trip, which would include a stage ride from Grants Pass to Crescent City and from there north into the wilds ot Curry county to Brookings. J. F. Rocho has returned from an automobile trip i:ta northern Ore gon. Mrs. Gillette and daughter, Mrs. Merrick, are visiting friends in Cen tral Point. , Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Miles of Med ford made a trip to Ashland Sunday In their auto. L. A. Pederson and wife of Treka motored over yesterday and spent the i day in the city. Mrs. .T. A. Harvey of Santa Ana, I Cal., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Gregory, of Ashland. ; Owii'i; to the many outside attrac- -tions yesterday, only a few hundred people heard the band concert in 1 Lithia park. J Judge J. E. Dodge of Siskiyou 1 county returned to his home in . Yreka today. He has been In the city for a couple of weeks, stopping, at the Austin. ! A few of the local Elks went down to Kelley's Island on Rogue River i Sunday and joined with the Medford Elks In their frolic and fish fry. The ! Ashlanders report a glorious time. F. li. Farrell, Casslus Garret, Fox tail Vilas, Brownie ' Brown and George Vilas of Medford were in the city yesterday and had a dinner par ty at the Hotel Austin last night. Dr. W, 11. Fry of Honolulu, super intendent of the Methodist missions at Honolulu, will be here tomorrow afternoon and evening and will speak at the Methodist church to morrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Carter and guest, Mrs. Grace Hasty, and Mr. and Mr3. Marsh Wagner left this morn ing in their machines for a camping trip to the vicinity of Prospect on Rogue river. The Dixie Club will meet in Lithia park at the picnic grounds Wednes day from 4 to 9 o'clock. The ladies of the club will serve coffee and picnickers are asked to bring their own cups. All southern people are requested to register. Dr. T. B. Ford, superintendent of the Salem district for the M. E. church, will spend the week in Ash land. Dr. Ford came down to attend the State Editorial Association meet ing, of which he Is chaplain. Dr. Abbott of Eugene will speak Sunday evening and Dr. McGee of Portland will speak Sunday evening at the Methodist church. . Miss Corlnne Keage of Waterloo, Iowa, is visiting with Miss Davenport and Miss Blanche Murphy. Miss Fay Muthis accompanied Miss Keage to Ashland, and after a day's stop here went on to other Oregon points, where she will visit friends. Miss Keage will join her later and they will return together by the Xorthern : Pacific to their Iowa home. j Miss R. Hargrovei Miss Anna Har grove and Mrs. R. P. Neil, all ot Ash land and sisters of Mrs. L. M. Good I win, "have been visiting with Mrs. J Goodwin at her home at 237 Six teenth avenue east. Mrs. Xeil and Miss Hargrove have left for Xew York, but Mrs. Hargrove will re : main in Eugene for about six weeks, i Eugene Guard. I Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Badger and .son Raymond left on Thursday for an extended residence at Oakland, Cal., w here Raymond, who is a i graduate of the class of 1916, Ash j land high school, will enter Oakland i high, taking advantage of studies 'which count as a year's credit in a : university course. The family home I will be at 2048 Rosedale avenue. ! Klamath Falls Herald: Mrs. Emll J Pelf, who has been visiting relatives In Klamath county for two weeks, ' Captain O, C. Applegate and George T. Baldwin left this morning in Mrs. Plel's ear for Ashland. Captain Ap plegate will go to Central Point to look after mining properties there, ' and Judge Baldwin will go to Port jland to attend the state democratic ( conference as a delegate from the i local Wilson and Marshall Club. Clif Payne makes cupboard doors. Ladies' Bathing Salts $t to $4. Children's 75c. r 'iLA ( Liberally Now In Hosiery, Gloves, Uuder- wear, Dress Goods any- j thing in fact that is made of cotton, wool, silK or linen You will make no mistake in getting a few extra pairs of hosiery while present stocks are on hand for it is inevitable that by spring you will not be able to get as good a quality at the same price. The same condition exists in most all lines of dry goods and wearing apparel. Our stock is wonderfully free from any doubtful dyes or high priced goods. But rising prices seem to be a certainty so Protect Yourself Buy Now GOSSARD CORSETS KAYSER GLOVES KAYSER and EL REAL Hosiery and Underwear Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hayden and son Hoyt, who have been visiting in Ash land for the past several weeks, left Saturday for their home at Martinez, Cal. ,Mr. and Mrs. Haden have visit ed Crater Lake, Mt. Ashland and numerous other attractions near Ash land and state that they have enjoyed their visit Immensely from one end to the other. I. X. Skldraore with his wife and, son are recent arrivals from Iowa. They have been on the way for six weeks, stopping off In Wyoming and Idaho and at Baldwin Park, Cal. They were accompanied from Po mona, Cal., by Henry Ullard. Mr. Skidmore Is looking for a location and is more thun pleased with Ash land. He will remain here for the next few weeks and probably perma-j nently. I Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Crowson and wife and daughter Bemice and Mr. ' and Mrs. C. 11. Hayden and son Hoyt; returned Thursday from a much-en-, joyed trip to Crater Lake. They went up by the Rogue river road and re turned by way of Klamath Falls and Ager. The roads to the lake and hack by the Fulls are said to be near- ly perfect. There were about fifty cars at the lake Sunday, according to j Win Crowson, and several cars there ' every day. and Mrs. Keene left Sunday morning for the south, driving in their car. Mrs. Keene will return to conclude the dancing classes which she has been conducting. While in Ashland Mr. aud Mrs. Keene have made a host of friends who regret seeing them depart. Mrs. Mary L. Xewland, a sister of Mrs. L. F. Brown of Ashland, will start a Montessorri school for chil dren from three to six years of ag in the old C. A. R. hall on Monday, August 14, Mrs. Xewland graduated under Montessorri last year after studying in San Francisco and Los Angeles. She has also had medical work for one year and has taught many years in the public schools. In recent months the Montessorri school for children has received consider able attention In some of the best magazines and no doubt many Ash land mothers will be glad to have a school of this kind easily available. Mr. and Mrs. M. I). Mitchell aud 'Mr. and Mrs. Clem Frank with their i grandson, Lybert Frank, ail of Eu gene, reuched Ashland Friday in their automobile and are camped in the auto camp ground in Lithia Park. Early this week Mr. and Mrs. B. B. McKlnney with their two children will arrive from Eugene to join the party, and after a few days In the ! park the three machines will proceed The commercial fishing season ; ou their way to Shasta Springs. closed last night. The river has been open for two months, although the first month yielded very few fish, Klaniath Falls, Crater Lake, on up through eastera Oregon to The Dalles and down the Columbia river The last two weeks have been better, ; t0 Portland. From here the party about a ton being 'averaged each majr g0 up into Brlstlsh Columbia or night. The principal market for the j retura to Eugene for a rest, expect catch has been Portland, but when ! i,lg to make the northern trip later. I the rivers of the north were opened, They plan to be out from four to six part of the fish. The price for Bal mon haa been steady during the sea son, the average price being about 8 cents a pound. Rogue River Courier. Walter Keene has been transferred from the local round-house force of the Southern Pacific to Gerber, the new division terminal which replaces Red Bluff. Mr. Keene accepts the nightforemanshlp at that dlvlBlon point at a much better salary. Mr. weeks. These people made an ex tended eastern trip In their automo biles last summer, so are well sea soned and well equipped for a good time, which they know how to enjoy in the best way. . .No doubt this why they are giving a 'generous por tion of their time to Ashland's Lithia Iporlf Mrs. A. True Lundy, Nu-Bone cor sets. Medford, 47 Xo; Orange street, phone 828. Ashland' Thursday, Au gust 10, Hotel Austin. It MTiiniMir " D P E L S Otlerincis that no one should overlook this week At VAUrtL'S Men's Furnishings Summer weight Fibre Silk Socks, 3 pairs $! 65c Blue Chambray Sport Shirts, each 50c Men's 50c Drawers 39c Every pair of Holeproof Hose except silk are now unconditionally guar anteed, pair 25c Men save 15c on every Work Shirt. We sell the best one made at. .50c Men's Waist Overalls $1.00 Men's Boss of the ftoad Bib Over alls, pair $1.25 Men's Boss of the Road Drill and Khaki Trousers at... $1.50, $1.75 Men's Wide Gunmetal Dress Shoe, a solid leather shoe, pain. , . . .$3.50 Men's best Work Gloves here at , from qoe to $2.0 "' See our $1.00 Outside Seam Work .Glove, i :. -., c ' The Grealesl Direct Mill Shipment ol BLANKETS and ROBES Ever shown outside of Portland or Frisco. The values offered at from $1.00 a pair to $10.00 mark an excep tional mill purchase from the great est Blanket and Robe mill in U. S. The colors and check cannot be du plicated for the same money. We advise you togi our Blanket De partment! first', coMideration. The prices are guaranteed. Choice of 1,000 yards of Lawns, Dimities, Voiles, all this season's patterns, were 15o, ISc and 20c. o 1 while they last, yard : Z Beautiful Pastel Shaded Voiles, Handkerchief Lawns, Colored Striped Voiles, sold at 25c, Sue and 35c, 1 n all to go at, yard 'y.'J.:. Light Background Striped Washable Crepe de 110 Chines, a handsome value, yard.. . 1,1 All 27-inch width White Goods, such as Voiles, Flaxons. Dimities, Novelty White Waistings, values up yj to 40c, yard 36-inch Navy Bhie Mercerized Foulard, yard. ... -2c $15.00 Pneu FormDrFormsrthe kind that gives the best results y yio.ou 50c Canvas AwnlngStrlpes, were 4c, now 20c Ladles' All-Silk Ribbed Vests, $1.50, now $1-00 27-lnch Empress Messalines, our price $1-0 66-lnch All-Wool Striped Serges, yard $2.00 36-irich Taffetas, in checks and stripes. These Taffetas are of excellent quality: Tard t...$lK All Curtain Scrims reduced 20 per cent. ( ( New Broadway Floral Sport Stripe Pongees In Old Rose, Copen hagen and Kelly Green stripes. Fast color, yard 1.00 D 1 (Wfjl P. Mill I V