ASHLAND TIDIXGS PAGE SEVE3I Monday, July 24, tola v Dr. Parson, regular Indigent 8.00 Mrs. Frank Poyser, regular indigent . . . . ; 6.00 H. C. Radel, regular indigent 7.50 G. W. Sorrells, regular indi gent 6.00 Sebastian Schumpf, regular indigent 8.00 Mrs. L. Schleffelln, regular indigent 6.00 Mrs C. Williams, regular in- 1 digent 12.00 Pierce Wilson, regular indi gent '.. 6.00 Z Wolgomont, regular Indi gent 8.00 Pluma Yocum, regular Indi gent . ... 10.00 Valley Fuel Co., indigent sup plies 5.00 Sue Bailey, regular Indigent. 6.00 Faber & McDonald, indigent supplies 10.00 Mrs. SliinKS, jeguiar indigent iu.uu Total $1032.67 Juvenile Court -Reform School Commitments, Etc. Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, regular allowance from . Jackson county $ 10.00 Chas. B. Gay, probation of ficers' compensation 101.00 'Taxi hire for probation of ficer 2.50 Total $113.50 Advertising and County Printing. Ashland Printing Co., print ing County Court proceed ings .....$ 25.95 Jacksonville Post, printing.. . 2.25 Medford Mail Tribune, print ing 267.05 Total ..$295.25 Indigent Soldiers. Geo. W. Hall, for relief of David C. Rose $ 45.00 Geo. W. Hall, for relief of E. D. Morse 45.00 Total $ 90-00 Election Exjnse. Jacksonville Post, supplies.. $ 3.50 .Medford Printing Co., sup plies 33.S0 Total $ 37.30 Registration. G. A. Gardner, stamps $ 5.70 Glass & Prudhomme Co., sup plies 12.4" G. A. Gardner, stamps 80.00 Total $ 9810 M. E. Abbott, supplies for roads 0 Recorder's Office. Chauncey Florey, stamps. .. $ 6.00 Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 2.65 Medford Printing Co., sup- plie .-. 27.00 Medford Book Store, supplies 3.00 Total S8-65 Surveyor's Office. A. T. Brown, surveyor's of fice expense $ 15,00 M. B. Kellogg, chalnman... o.Ou Eugene Dletzen Co., supplies 2.84 D.M. Low, road viewer Medford Printing Co., sup- plies 7-00 T. W. Osgood, deputy county surveyor's compensation. . 7.60 H. L. Speck, chalnman 5.00 Jack True, road viewer. . . 4.00 Z:' Total 50.44 Fred X. Cummlngs, .water- master's expense f. J. L. HelmB, stock inspector s compensation &abu County Attorney's Office. Home Tel. k Tel. Co., tele- phone bill Zl4S Postal Tel. & Cable Co., tele- grams The following bills were disallowed relative to the Current Expense Fund, to-wlt: Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights and power for county... u.1 I John Cameron, indigent sup plies 23.74 Faber & McDonald, indigent supplies 10.00 Fred J. Fick, labor and sup plies for jail -6.50 Granite City Hospital, care of indigents 6.00 Glass & Prudhomme Co., supplies for clerk's' office. 2.00 Medford Sun, subscription for poor farm 7.50 Phoenix Mercantile Co., indi gent supplies 15.87 (Jlrlch & Ryan, indigent sup- plies l.Ou Western Union Tel. Co., tele grams for clerk's office.. .01 CaUOre. Power Co., lights for court house 4.03 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights for Jail 7.73 Medford Book Store, supplies for county offices 4.75 Total .. $109.54 The following bills were allowed relative to the General County Fund, to-wit: Scalp liounty. Grant Builderback ?$ 4.50 William Kelley 1.50 B. Bowers Jr 3.00 R. B. Brophy . . . . , 3.50 G. A. Peck 2.00 G. A. Peck 4.00 M. H.eFreyer 1.50 T. B. Hill 4.00 George Walter 3.50 George W. Harriett 7.50 S. F. Spencer 3.50 C. W. Culy 2.00 L. D. Dollarhide 3.00 Anthony Ring 7.00 Chas. Pennington v 32.00 Carl Hansen 2.00 Carl Hansen , 1.50 Dick Louslgnont 4.00 S. H. Hawk 5.00 W. 'A. Leek 2.00 Robert Watkins " 4.00 C. P. Good 6.00 L. A. Obenchain 1.50 F. H. Titzgerald 15.00 J. L. Ragsdale 2.00 J. B. Short 8.00 Total J $133.50 The following bills were allowed relative to the Pacific Highway Road Fund, to-wit: W. D. Clarke, engineer's pay roll $177.50 W. D. Clarke, engineer's ex pense account 3a. 78 F. H. Madden, attending Sweeney case 39.96 Henry L. Bowlby, engineer's services Sweeney case. .. . 881.30 Herbert A. Brandon, en gineer's services Sweeney case 650.00 Thos. H. Bedford, services in Sweeney case 319.80 M,. O. Bennett, services Swee ney case . 100.00 M. O. Bennett, services in Sweeney case i 300.00 M. O. Bennett, services In Sweeney case 50.00 M. O. Bennett services in Sweeney case ., 371.50 Martha Case, attendance Sweeney case 10.00 George Codding, services in Sweeney case 100.00 W. R. Canton, services Swee ney case 50.00 W. R. Canton, services in Sweeney case 100.00 W. R. Canton, services in Sweeney case ' 276.85 G. A. Gardner, cash advanced and postage Sweeney case 1.01 G. A. Gardner, expenses Sweeney case 40. ,2 5 D. G. Glass, services in Swee ney case 50-00 D. G. Glass, services In Swee ney case 100.00 Roscoe F. Hunt, court re porter, Sweeney case 750.00 Hall Taxi Co.. taking en gineers over Sisklyous, Sweeney case 52.25 Kathryn John, attending Sweeney case 24.00 F. A Klttredge, engineer ser- ' The Fallacy of Paraffine Base: Eastern oil manufac turers have long extolled the superior virtues of paraffine base motor oils. But Pacific Coast motorists have proved that Zero lene, made from selected Califor nia crude, asphalt-base, gave best results. Their experience is now supportedby the testimony of in ternational experts. Lieut. Bryan stated before the Am.Soc. .of Naval Engineers: "Oils made from the asphflt-base crudes have shown themselves better adapted to motor cylinders, as far as their carbon formine proclivities are concerned, than are parat - fine-base Pennsylvania oils." Zerolene received hiehest competitive awards, San Francisco and San Diego Expositions. Dealers everywhere and at service ISns Tand agencies of the Standard Oil Company. the Standard Oil for Mot Cars F. L. CAMPS, E. V.'JONES, THE PARK GARAGE. nip imn FRAD; E at HOME BUY HOME PRODUCTS We. carry the following horoe products: Ashland Canned Goods Ashland Milling Co.'s Goods Ashland Butter Ashland Brooms White House GROCERY fiig Bargains in Drygoods Hats, Shoes, Shirts and' Groceries All this Week Prompt attention given all mail order for anything in onr line. I Agency McCall Patterns J Ashland Trad ing Company Phone 122 ASHLAND Creamery See our new f Cooking Device Provost Bros. I Hardware t We Sell Shoes of Merit Worth and! Value Briggs&Elmore j Successors to Driggs & Sliinn TTTWTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTTI F.LCamps Agent for, Ford Automobile t We carry a full line of Accea- t series and Tires: All kinds of repair work done. Garage, East Main Street. . Phone 160. . manufacturers of Butter and Ice Cream I When Buying Bntter Ask for Ashland Creamery Bntter Phone 24 D. Perozzl. Mgr. TWtTjtTTTTTTTTTtI Park Garage MORRIS BROS., Props. Used Cars lor Sale Automobile Supplies and Repairs Micheiin, Goodrich and Fisk Tires in Stock Other Makes on Short Hotice Phone 152 Park Ave t. . -1. t f J SL A. A. .9. J.J.J.AJ.J.J. rT TTT " f . VTTTTTTTtTttt Jl ARE WE, as a community, pulling together? Or are we pulling in oitosite directions? Organization is the great community need of the day. Without organization men and women are apt to sink below the level of mules. Even mules, in times of danger or panic, have been known to co-operate. They sometimes kick together If it were given to mules to think, they would wonder at the ways of men. That men and women, living and working in the same community, should refuse to co-operate, is one of the riddles of civilization. The only benefits worth having are the benefits we can share with our neigh bors. Individual benefits count for little. It is the co-operative effort that brings ever lasting good. Good roads, factories, better schools, good markets can only be secured when all pull together. Every man, woman and child in this community should give one hour each day to community work. But don't wait for someone else to start it. There is work for you to do. . Begin with yourself. n vlces, Sweeney case 100.00 F. A. Klttredge, engineer's services Sweeney case ... . 100.00 P. A. Klttredge, engineer's services in Sweeney case. . 250.00 F. A. Klttredge, engineer's services in Sweeney case. . 696.96 N. D. Miller, services in Swee ney case 599.70 Medford Sash & Door Co., making survey stakes. .. . 1.65 Medford Book Store, supplies ' for engineer's department 2.30 Delbert A. Norton, stenog rapher, Sweeney case.... 150.00 Oliver Owre, services in Swee ney case 60.00 O. J. Patton, patrolman.... 60.00 Van R. Pierson, car hire, Sweeney case 4.50 A. E. Reames. legal services Sweeney case 87.63 A. E. Reames, legal services Sweeney case 100.00 A. E. Reames, legal services Sweeney case .- 100.00 A. E. Reames, legal services Sweeney case 50.00 A. E. Reames, legal services Sweeney case 150.00 A. J. Rose, services Sweeney case , 100.00 A. J. Rose, services, in Swee ney case 224.40 A. J. Rose, services in Swee ney case 100.00 Elenore Shaw, transcribing notes, Sweeney case 25.65 F. L. Tou Velle, witness ex pense, Sweeney case 60.00 H. M. Teel, expense, etc., in Sweeney case 100.00 II. M Teel, services Sweeney case... 75.00 H. M. Teel, services Sweeney case 270.00 W. U. Tel. Co., messages Sweeney case 1.96 Medford National Bank, in terest on cash advanced in Sweeney case 13.00 D. A. Norton, stenographer work, Sweeney cast? 300.00 Chris H. Natwick, estimate No. 8, contract No. 1, Cen tral Point-Josephine county line section, Pacific High way 1200.00 L. D. Dollarhide, taking en gineers over Pacific High way, Sweeney case 15.00 C. H. Natwick, estimate No. 9 and final on contract No. 1, and cost accounts Of same, Pacific Highway. . .1962.58 Total $11,430.53 The following bill was disallowed relative to the Pacific Highway Road Fund, to-wlt: A. J. Rose, services on Swee ney case $ 90.00 The following bills were tallowed relative to the County Road Fund, to-wlt: Road District No. 1. Jack True, labor $ 503.50 Material 21.76 C. W. DeCarlow, labor 29.00 Uniting Learning and Labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE In its Six Schools and Forty-eight De partments is engaged in the great work of uniting Learning and Labor. Forty-eighth School Year Opens SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. Degree Courses requiring a four-year high school preparation, are offered in the following: AGRICULTURE, 16 Departments; COMMERCE, 4 Departments; ENGIN EERING, 6 Departments; MINES, 3 Departments; FORESTRY, 2 Depart ments; HOME ECONOMICS, 4 Depart ments; and PHARMACY. Vocational Courses requiring an Eighth Grade preparation for entrance are offered in Agriculture, Dairying, Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and Mechanic Art Pharmacy with a two year high school entrance requirement. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Piano, String, Band and Voice Culture. Catalogue and beautiful illustrated booklet free. Addrew The Rkotstrar, 1 W-7-1S1C to K-7-16) COKVAI.UB, OKEOON Road District No. 2. W. R. Nyswarner, labor. . . . $ 206. , Material 60. Road District No. 3. Ed Dutton, labor $246. Material , 5. Road District No. 4. O. S. Welsher, labor $196. Material 8, Rond District No. 5, Nick Klme ..$181. Material 4, Warner, Wortman & Gore, material '. 1 Hubbard Bros - Road District No. 6. C. A! Newstrom, labor $114 Material 14 Road District No. 7. Frank R. Neil, labor $1$4 Material, Von der Hellen Hdw. Co 2 -Rond District No. 8. J. E. Davidson, labor. .. , . $253 Material 2 Road District No. 0. John Grieve, labor ..$151 Material 22 Rond District No. 10. J. D. Adams & Co.? material. $ 8 W. R. Garrett, labor 412 Material. 49 Rond District No. 11. A K. Earhart, labor ......$355 Material 33 Road District No. 12. A. L. Vincent, labor $158 Material 10 Road District No. 13. Carl Beebe, labor $221 Material J Hubbard Bros., material. ... 2, Road District No. 14. D. W, Pence, labor $177. General Road. C. H. Brown, labor $ 6j- p m Rnvon Ashland refund 8. W v' Phnrh. Aahland refund ! Fred J. Fick, labor 8 Mrs. G. V. Gillette, Ashland ,,,,1 t v Uoimpn Auhlnnd refund 50 80 50 65 00 .00 .62 .48 .40 .70 .25 .75 .00 .40 .00 .50 .25 .50 Jesse Houck, Ashland fefund 13.77 Taxi hire 6.00 Walter Kitto, rent of shed for road machinery 60.00 O. J. Patton, labor 50.00 Total labor, material, etc. .$205.57 The following bill was continued relative to the County Road Fund. to-wit: , J. D. Adnms & Co., road sup piles, itoad District No. 2 . . $ G. A. GARDNER, County Clerk, 9.75 50 00 55 .00 30 00 ! 20! Mrs. Morris owes the fact that her car Is intact to a heavy guard which protects the front end from just such accidents . as occurred in the Park garage Saturday when the car smashed into a six-inch post, break ing it square In two but not injuring the car In the least. Without the guard the radiator would no doubt have been ruined. MYSTERIOUS PAINS AXI) ACHES Make Life Hard to Hear For Many Ashland Women. Too many women mistake their pains and aches for troubles peculiar to the sex. More often disordered kidneys are causing the aching back, ' dizzy spells, headaches and Irregular urination. Kidney weakness becomes dangerous If neglected. Use a tlme i tried kidney remedy Doan's Kidney Pills. Hosts of people testlry to their merit. Read an Ashland case: I Mrs. E. F. Wolters, 263 Mountain 00 I avenue, Ashland, says: "I hare been 60 I taking Doan's Kidney Pills off and 50 on for a long time whenever I have felt any need of a kidney medicine and they have never failed to give good satisfaction. I am subject to backache at times and my kidneys act Irregularly. Doan's Kidney Pills soon remedy his trouble." Price 50o, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Wolters had. Foster-MIlburu Co.. ProDS.. Buffalo. N. T. 1