FAGB SIX ASHLAKD TIDINGS Monday, July 24, 1916 COVXTV COURT PROCEEDINGS. The following is a schedule of ex penditures of Jackson county, Ore gon together with a list of cllaraants and articles or services for which tba claim is made, and which were passed upon by the County Court for Jack son county during the month of April, J916: The following bills were allowed relative to the County Salary Fund, to-wit: County Court anj Commissioners. T. L. Toil Velle, county judge's salary $150.00 II. V.. Tavlor, stenographer hiro ' 2.50 li. .Madden, "irniHsiou- er's eompensiun-ii 30.00 yv, C. I.ecver, cjuiiuisjioiier's complication C3.00 W. C. Leever, commissioner's compensation "".00 F. H. Madden, coniniissioiicr's compensation 15.00 H. B. hire E. V. Taylor, stenographer WllBon, deputy sher iff's salary 2.96 125.00 Total $33C29 Clerk's Office. F. L. Coleman, deputy hire..$ 80.00 G. A. Gardner, clerk's sal ary $166. C6 Flora Thompson, deputy hire 83.33 II ii. Taylor, clerk hire 59. 64 Total $389.53 Treasurer's Offico. Myrtle W. Blakeley, deputy hire Fred L. salary Colvlg, treasurer s 20.00 100.00 Total v $2S5.50 Circuit Court. Frank Kasshafer, Circuit Court crier $ 36.00 A. R. Thompson, bailiff. .... 33-.00 Total $ 69.00 Sheriff's Office. W. H. Slngler, sheriff's sal ary $20S.33 Total $120.00 School Superintendent's Office.. 12. R. Petterson, supervisor's salary . . '. $120.00 J. Percy Wells, superintend ent's salary '. 150.00 May B. Wells, deputy hire. . . 32.50 I. R. Kline, deputy inspect or's compensation 79.10 E, R. Oatman, deputy Inspect-' , or's compensation 87.60 Total $1259.34 Assessor's Office. II. J. Eberly, deputy asses sor's hire . ,i $ 12.00 V. T. Grieve, assessor's sal ary 125.00 Katie M. Grieve, deputy hire 65.00 Etta Purkeyplle, deputy hire 80.00 Leslie W. Stansell, deputy hire , . 108.00 W. T. York, deputy hire 48.00 Total '. $302.50 Fruit Inspector's Office. State of Oregon, payment ou county ' pathologist's sal ary $1000.00 J. C. Aiken, deputy Inspect or's compensation 92.74 RAILROAD' WAGES ' Shall they be determined by Industrial Warfare or Federal Inquiry ? To the American Public: Do you believe in arbitration or indus trial warfare? The train employes on all the railroads are voting whether they will give their leaders authority to tie up the commerce of the country to enforce their demands for a 100 million dollar wage increase. The railroads are in the public service . your service. This army of employes is in the public service your service. ' " You pay for rail transportation 3 billion dollars a year, and 44 cents out of every dollar from you goes to the employes. On all the Western railroads in 1915, seventy-five per cent of the train employes earned these wages (lowest, highest and average of all) u shown by the pay rolls Paoenger Freight Yard Ram Artru Rang. Ataraae Run Atarax ..,.. J S$207l oS$,378 Cn j 187. IMS 1355 Fa..,. . J 1317 1181 973 U . 987 1135 Jg 1107 The average yearly wage payments to all Western train em ployes (including those who worked only part of the year) at shown by the 1915 payrolls were Pauenge Freight Yard EBiineert $2038 $1737 $1218 Conductors 1772 1624 1292 Firemei 1218 973 832 Braltemea 921 1000 1026 A 100 million dollar wage increase for men in freight and yard service (less than one-fifth of all employes) is equal to a 5 per cent advance in all freight rates. The managers of the railroads, as trustees for the public, have no right to place this burden on the cost of transportation to you without a clear mandate from a public tri bunal speaking for you. The railroads have proposed the settle ment of this controversy either under the existing national arbitration law, or by refer ence to the Interstate Commerce Commis sion. This offer has been refu'sed by the employes' representatives. Shall a nation-wide strike or an investigation under the Gov ernment determine this issue? National Conference Committee of the Railways ELISHA LEE, Chairman. t. . ALBIHr.HT, Call Ailaalia CaaM lia Hailroaa. L V. BALDWIN, Umt Maaafar, Oalral ml Gaarpta Railway. C L. BAHDO, Cm1 Maaofar, Kww i ark, flair Ha.aa A Uarlfara RaUraaaV K. . CO ATM AN. r-fea-Ja.ula4 Soaiaara HalUar. S. B. COTTia. Caallfaaafar, fiahaaa Hailirar. r. E. CROWI.EY, AM. rjra-Pmiaaat. Iaw tark taalrai Mailraaa. C. a. EMtBSON, Ctml Maaafar, Craal ftanbara Mall war. C a. EWIMC. Caalafaasfar. ruiadrlpkia A Meadla( M.ll.aa, B, W. CRK.E. AM. M Frmldnt, Cbraapeaka A Oala Ratln;. A. S. GREIC, Ant. tm ftaraiaara, SL Laai. A Saa I'raaelaae Hailraaa, C W. KOUNS. C.V Afawwar, AteaUoa. Taprka A gaula Fa RaUway, a. W. UcMASTKK, Caa'l Waaoaar, Wbtrlio. aaa Uka Erie RallraaA. M J). MAHF.R. ric. Pmid.M. Norf.l. aa ..i.ra Kallvaj. JAMM RU8MLU, Cm'l Vg,,r, tl.a.ar A Hi. Or.ad. Hailroaa. A. H. "CHOTEK, RMloVat rtca-Praa, FrDB.fUaai. Liar. Writ. W. L tU01, lln.fn.ldM, SrakaaH Air Uaa Railway. A. j. WOKE. Cfca-rVaaUaiU. Erla RaUraaa. . I. WAIO. 'Ira-rVaa. Call Mi ftaaaat Caalral Lia.. Total $438.00 Collection of Taxes. D. II. Allaway, labor collect ing ' $ 96.75 Allen Bracklnreed, labor 53.63 W. II. Doweu, labor 93.00 Myrtle W. Blakeley, labor. . . 60.00 D. H. Cronemiller, labor,... 63.00 G. R. Harper, chief tax depu ty's salary 100.00 J. W. Shireley, labor 91.50 Medford Printing Co., sup plies ; 124.40 Ulrlch Bros., drayage on sup plies 25 Western Union Tel. Co., tele grams 56 Medford Book Store, sup plies 7.60 Total $181.56 Treasurer's Office. Ashland Record, supplies . . .$ 4.50 Ashland Printing Co., sup plies 6.00 Fred L. Colvig, stamps 1.00 Home1 Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill 2.50 Medford Book Store, supplies 1.30 Total $ 15.30 Coroner's Office. John A. Perl, coroner's fees.$ 59.40 School Superintendent's Office, Total $557.88 John Blaess, ferryman's sal ary 25.00 J. A. Norris, janitor's salary 60.00 Jail. '.I. W. Wilson, jailor s salary. $ 50.00 Mrs. J. W. Wilson, matron s salary 4.00 Dr. J. F. Hart, poor farm su perintendent's salary .... 203.33 Recorder's Office. Chauncey Florey, recorder's salary '....$166.66 Mildred Nell, deputy hire. . . . 75.00 A. T. Brown, county survey or's compensation 86.90 Chas. L. Hansen, compensa- . tion of sealer of weights and measures 34.30 The following hills were allowed relative to the Current Expense Fund, to-wit: County Court and Commissioners. Home Tel. &. Tel. Co., tele- ' phone bill $ 3.60 Postal Tel. & Cable Co., tele graph bill ; 3.19 Mutual Tel. Co., telephone bill 2.45 M. E. Abbott, supplies City Drug Store, supplies... Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill ' J. Percy Wells, office expense J. Percy Wells, superintend ent's traveling expense... J. Percy Wells, express on of fice supplies J. Percy Wells, stamps...,. Medford Book Store, supplies Martin J. Keddy, supplies. . . $ .40 1.50 3.45 2.50 59.50 6.22 12.00 6.95 17.50 Total a) $110.02 Fruit Inspector's Office. Medford Printing Co., sup plies $ 5.00 Chris Gottlieb, labor 111.95 Total $ 9.24 Circuit Court. Rov AshDole. petit juror. . . .$ 18.00 Frank Amy, petit juror 6.00 Roy W. Ager. petit juror. . . . 12.00 James M. Cronemiller, petit juror .'. 15.00 H. B. Cady, petit juror 18.0U S. J. Evans, petit juror 24.00 C. E. Eads, grand Jury wit ness . . . .' Henry C. Glascock, petit jur or .- D. C. Grim, petit juror J. E. Hesselgrave, petit juror Otis A. Hubbard, petit juror 2.00 C. Hartley', petit juror. Joseph Hoagland, petit juror 18.00 24.00 24.00 18.00 18.00 18.20 Total $116.95 Assessor's Office. The Douglas Abstract Co., supplies $ 9.20 The Douglas Abstract Co., supplies 1-00 Glass & Prudhomme Co., supplies 12.50 W. T. Grieve, stamps 3.00 Home Tel. fc Tel. Co., tele phfine bill 3.10 T. ' V,'. Miles, supplies 25.00 Medford Printing Co.. sup plies 122.75 Ulrica Brothers, drayage on supplies M. O. Wllklns, automobile . list Medford Book Store, supplies Leslie W. Stansell, car hire for deputy assessor J. P. DODGE & SONS Undertakers State Licensed Emfcalmef Lady 'Assistant Deputy County Coroner i l, in turnip. nni'iufM mLMimmjfB'rrrrimtwuiiif!mref A. S. Ames, freight on sup- pllos 90 L. B. Brown, supplies 47.69 Henry Deuer, nursing 10.00 Jhos. T. Merriman, black smithing 5.00 Monarch Seed & Feed Co., supplies 11.50 Medford Harness Co., supplies 5.60 Medford Furniture & Hdw. Co., supplies, 8.20 A. Penwell, supplies 67.69 Talent Merc. Co., supplies. . . 98.53 Medford Pharmacy, supplies. ,37.75 tlricli & Ryan, supplies.... 132.93 .25 5.00 6.60 19.20 Total $207.60 Collection of Taxes. Medford Printing Co., sup plies $ 42.00 Tax Rebates. F. L. Benson T$ 14.88 H. F. Whetstone 110.63 Hatfield, fwtlt juror 24.00 5.80 7.60 2.70 19.00 L T. W. Harriett, grand juror. . W. E. Hammell. petit juror. . Home Tel. & Tel. Co., tele phone bill V H. Johnson, petit juror. . P. M. Janey, petit Juror 18.00 e.uu 13.00 21.00 24.00 18.00 3.00 14.00 6.00 18.00 2.00 24.00 24.00 4.20 Wood Jeter, petit juror George Little, petit Juror... Harry Luy, petit juror .... Wm. Mansfield, petit juror. . W. L. Moore, petit juror. . . Clarence Meeker, petit juror W. E. Mooney, grand juror. . D. L. McNary, petit juror. . . W. A. Nickell, petit juror. . . J. H. Norris, petit Juror. . . . C. C.'Pursel, petit juror... Emmet M. Palmer, petit juror Thos P. Ross, grand juror.. W. H. Slngler, transportation of nrisoner : W. H. Slngler, taking prison er to penitentiary Thos. R. Stewart, grand juror S. Stine, petit juror Ed Soutter. petit juror J. d: Skinner, petit juror. . . Earl S. Tumy, grand juror. . eslie Throckmorton, petit 1nrnr Mrs. A. R. Thompson, Doara of jurors A r Whitwnrth. netit juror 2.00 John Walters, petit juror. . . John L. Winders, petit juror C. Walker, petit juror, . . J. Weeks, petit juror. . . . Robert Watklns, grand juror Medford Book Store, supplies 9.00 18.00 3.00 24.00 4.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 24.00 18.00 8.00 1.S5 .$670.91 Total Justice Court. Geo. W. Beale. witness .....$ Chas. H. Basye, assisting in drawing Jury list z.ou Henry G. Dox, justice fees.. Henry G. Dox, drawing jury list .. J. Hartman, constable fees . . John A. Horn, witness Lena Horn, witness l o Josie Horn, witness 1.90 A. B. Hammond, constable fees W. Ih Hopkins, taxi hire . ... John B. Renault, assisting drawing jury list Arthur Smlth,wltness V. Spencer, witness O. Taylor, justice fees. . . Joe Williams, witness 1.50 7.65 3.00 7.45 1.90 15.70 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.90 55.90 1.00 Total $106.30 Sheriff's Office. Bushong & Co., supplies. ... $ 6.17 City Drug Store, supplies. . . ,2.25 Home Tel. & Tel. Co 9.bt Geo. J. Kunzman, supplies.. 1.05 Postal Tel. & Cable Co., tele grams j 1.78 W. H. Singler, sheriff a trav eling expense 56.50 W. H. Slngler, telephone ex tension, for sheriffs office 2.00 W. H. Singler, stamps 50.00 Medford Furniture & Hdw. Co., supplies 9.00 Medford Book Store, supplies 4.55 Total $125.51 Widows' Pensions. Ernlstine Austin ; $ 17.50 Nellie G. Bush 10.00 Printha Blackburn 32.50 Mrs. J. H. Byrley 35.00 Minnie Bonrdman 25.00 Orpha Betz 10.00 Rena W. Barr 10.00 Dora Belle Cress 10.00 Anna L. Corum '. 10.00 Mrs. II. A. Creighton 17.50 Ella May Kaine 17.50 Lucy May Davis 25.00 May J. Daw T 40.00 Olive Kills 17.50 Mary K. Grisez 10.00 Nettle Green 25.00 Lizzie Heath ,25.00 Lellia Frances Hlldebrand. . 17.50 Jennie Jones 10.00 Idabelle Klum 25.00 Dollle Love 32.50 Amanda Margaret McNeal. . . 10.00 Stella Nelson 40.00 Mary E. Payne 17.50 Emma Paulson 25.00 Rosa AnnRobblns 47.50 Laura E. Stewart 35.00 Catharine E. Silver 17.50 Mary J. Torey 25.00 Virginia G. Raedel 17.50 Total r $627.50 , Court House Expenses. Cahf.-Ore. Power Co., lights. $ 3.57 City Drug Store, supplies... 5.35 Taylor-Williams Co., supplies .35 Ulrich Bros., drayage on sup plies 25 E. 8. Wilson, carpenter work 16.05 J. W. Wilson, cleaning court room 8.50 Woods Lumber Co., supplies. , 1.62 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights. . 4.03 Pacific Paper Co., supplies. . 9.00 Medford Tent & Awning Co., supplies 27.50 .$ 76.22 . 7.80 17.55 Total Jail. Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights.. City Drug Store,, supplies. . . Fred J. Flck, plumbing and carpenter work 20.30 Dr. R. E. Golden, medical at tendance to iumates 2.50 Mrs. Jane Johnson washing for jail 18.75 Medford Sash & Door Co., supplies .i 5.25 Mrs. Aug. T). Slngler, board , of prisoners 122.21 Leslie W. Stansell, taking photographs of prisoners. . 6.00 Taylor-Williams Co., supplies 3.15 Cal.-Ore. Power Co., lights. . i.u Total $463.83 Care of Poor Not at Poor Farm H. Alger, regular indigent. . . $ 10.00 Maggie Bohl regular Indi gent : 15.00 Cranfill & Robnett, indigent supplies ...,. 6.86 Mary M. Chllders, regular in digent 12.00 EHhc Curry, regular indigent 10.00 John Cameron, indigent sup- ' piles 40.00 Eastern Store, Indigent sup plies 2.55 Faber & McDonald, indigent supplies 10.00 J. H. Fattig, regular indigent 10.00 Mrs. Gunn, regular indigent. 12.00 Mrs. E. O. Gard, care of Indi gents . 20.00 Mrs. Catharine Gillette, reg ular Indigent . .'. 10.00 Granite City Hospital, care of indigents 30.00 Hutchison & Lumsden, indi gent supplies 12.00 Mrs. Hudson, regular Indigent 8.00 Mary Jacobs, regular Indi gent 10.00 Etta Jewel, regular indigent 6.00 Martha Jones, regular indi gent ' 8.00 J. A. Kane, regular indigent 15.00 Lena Lee, regular Indigent. . 8.00 Mrs. J. Myers, regular indi gent 15.00 Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regu lar indigent 8.00 Oliver Naedue, regular indi gent 10.00 Olson & Sons, indigents' sup plies s 17.98 Phoenix More. Co., indigent supplies 15.87 The Pernoll Estate, indigent supplies 8.00 Jolin A. Perl, burials, etc... 48.00 Phoenix Merc. Co., indigent supplies 17.58 M. F. Pence, indigent sup plies 8.00 Frank ii. Ray, indigent sup plies 3.25 C. W. Root, transportation of; Indigents 12.20 J. W. Slater, regular Indigent 10. 00 Nancy Sisemore, regular in digent. 10.00 W. H. Smith, regular indi gent : 15.00 T. D. Stafford, regular indi gent 7.00 Mrs. Richard Thomison, reg ular indigent 10.00 Talent Merc. Co., indigent supplies 28.00 Taylor-Williams Co., indigent supplies 52.80 Ulrich Bros., indigent sup plies 8.00 Ulrich & Ryan, indigent sup plies 19.15 Ulrich & Ryan, indigent sup plies 40.18 Lizzie Wolgomont, care of regular Indigent 6.00 Don F. Wilson, indigent sup plies 29.25 Weeks' & McGowan Co., Indi gent supplies 18.00 Warner, Wortman & Gore, in- . dlgent supplies ; . 19.25 A. S. Wells, taxi hire for indi gent 1,25 Dr. J. J. Emmens, care of In digent .5.00 Spltzer & Son, indigent sup- plies , 8.00 Nancy Arosmith, regular in digent 6.00 Mrs. Rena Avery, regular in digent 10.06 Mrs. A. Broad, regular indi gent.,..- 10.00 Mrs. Boyer, regular indigent 8.00 Mrs. I. C. Cabler, regular In digent Mrs. L. Coulter, regular indi gent W.- B. Comstock, regular indi gent Mrs. Kate Copple, regular indigent Mrs. B. A. Dyer, regular Indi gent . . i ', Mrs. L. E. Downing, regular ' indigent 10.00 Dr. J. J. Emmens, care of in digent 5.00 Mrs. R. Grigsby, regular in digent 8.00 Joe Garrison, regular Indi gent 6.00 W. H. Houston, regular In digent 10.00 Martha Jones, regular indigent H. C. Knapp, regular Indigent E. Kimbell, regular indigent J-11 a Mills, regular Indigent P. Mclntyre, regular indigent Mrs. Clara Noble, regular in digent f T. J. Neff.'regular indigent. . 8.00 15.00 8.00 8.00 15.00 6.00 8.00 15.00 8.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 APE YOU INSURED Yes, that is a very burning ques tion sometimes! It you are not fully protected by insurance against fire, NOW Is the time to attend to It. Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. "How about that home, merchandise, automobile, etc.? Did you ever stop to think just how little it will cost you to carry your Insurance compared to the ben efits which you receive? A few dol lars invested today may save you a thousand tonight. Billing's Agency Real Estate and Real Insurance 41 East Main Phone 211 Total $142.95 Clerk's Office. Ashland Record, supplies. .. $ 21.50 Ashland Prlntiug ,Co., sup plies 9.00 City Drug Store, supplies... 1.0 A. Gardner, stamps 9.00 Home Tel. & Tel.. Co., tele phone bill 7.40 Total $211.24 Care of Poor at Poor Farm. Cal.-Ore. Power Co., light and power $ '0i Pacific States Tel. Co., tele phone bill 9.12 It., ."f..g WT1 DRAYTON ARROW COLLAR nnN, LIGHT YET STARCHED AND SIGHTLY 16c each aforVUc ctirtrr. FonT a ro., inc. mtrn The after-cost is the real-cost of a motor car. Because Ford cars are carefully made of the best materials obtainable Ford after-cost is low. A.nd in the mat ter of service, Ford leads. 8,800 service stations injhis country, where you get quick, courteous service at a fair econom ical price. N Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Coupelet $590; Town Car $640; Sedan $740. All prices f. o.b. Detroit. On display and sale at F. L. Camps' Garage . .m . .. Ceo. J. Kunzman, supplies.. .80 (Paid Advertisement.)