Monday, July 24, 1016 ASHLAND TIDINGS W. B. Phipps of Medford was a visitor In the city Friday. C. L. Exerson of Weed came up Wednesday to meet relatives here. Mrs. G. W. Benedict has returned from her trip to the mountains. Harry J., Nestle of Lancaster, Pa., was a visitor In the city last week. W. A. Cooper and wife were In from their Dead Indian ranch Sun day. "Bill" Gates of Medford was Friday, transacting business In th city. Mrs. II. Beckley of Elkton, Ore, visited friends In town a few days slnceT Mrs. Ed Wolters was called to Call' fornia last-week by the death of her brother's wife MrB. Nettle Meeker of Elkton, Ore, was greeting old-time friends In town last week. E. Cooke and wife of Dunsmulr ar rived last Wednesday for a few days' stay in the city. Archie Pennington, a former Ash land boy, now located at Tillamook is here for a visit. ?lrs. A. E. Exerson and daughter of, Tillamook, Ore., arrived last Wed nesday and registered at the Hotel Austin. N. W. Smith and wife of Palo Alto and Miss Lucile Smith of San Fran' Cisco were tourist visitors In the city last week. Mrs. H. Johnstone of Sacramento a relative of Mrs. C. Tuttle and Miss Angle MacDonald, Is here for month's visit. The Christian minister from Grants Pass preached last Sunday at the Ashland Christian church to an appreciative audience Roy Gowdy and family, who have been visiting at the W. H. Gowdy home for a few weeks, leave this week for their home In Belmond Iowa. Sheriff Slngler was up from Jack sonville on business Friday and spent a busy afternoon. He remarked that lie never had such a hard time trying to find people, Orville Glick left last Wednesday for Crater Lake by the Dead Indian road, making the trip afoot with Shetland pony to carry camp equip ment and "grub." Frank Betscher, a regular In the IT. S. Army, who has been here for some time past on reserve furlough, left for San Francisco on Thursday to rejoin the colors, 'PAGE YlW BANK i 0 FASH LAND The Promptness Of our service works to the advantage of our cus tomers, enubliug them to save considerable time In the transaction of their banking buKlness. Our modern facilities are at your service. Accounts are cordially Invited. 4on SAVINGS DEPOSITS, The Lithla bakery and restaurant have had a big eight-foot sign oi artistic design hung In front of their place of business. A number of minor Improvements have been made around the bakery. Arnett Grlgsby and George JVilfrey of San Diego, who have been visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. II. 0. Puruclter, left last Thurs day in their stripped down Ford for their southern California home. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stovall and children and Mrs. Stovall's mother, Mrs. Freed, spent the last of the week in Ashland. They motored down' from Philomath and will go to Crater Lake before returning onrth. W. A. Long and family have moved to Ashland from Portland. Mr. Long says that this Is the third time he has moved back to Ashland and that he is here to sta this time. He has been away for four years and was delighted with the changes which have been made In that time. A good-sized crowd gathered In th Plaza before 9 o'clock Friday morn ing and joined In the scramble for the 100 packages which were thrown off the roof of Beebe & Kinney's store. The Big Eon hour bargain sale Inside was well patronized throughout the day. The Klamath Falls Commercial Club has succeeded in having a quarter-mill tax incorporated with the county budget and to be used for publicity purposes by the club. If the budget passes Klamath county will share In the expenditure of the money. Among apportionments in aid of county fairs for 1916, the Jackson county exhibit at Medford Is entitled to $1,753.63, according to figures just made public. The total allot ment throughout' the state is $46,' 724.75. Josephine county will re ceive ..615.02 and Klamath county $867.28. John Hampshire of the Queen of Bronze Mining Company of Grants Pass returned to that city Thursday after a several days' stay in this city during which he partook of lithla wa ter for the benefit of his health. He left announcing himself greatly Im proved and expresses his belief in the curatfve properties of the lithla. C. B. Haney and wife, accompa nled by Robert Haney, all of Elkton Ore., were visiting in Ashland several days last week. They came overland in an auto from Douglas county and expect to visit several California towns before returning. They were delighted with this part of Oregon nd enjoyed our scenery and the park, very much, and hope to return again next year. For what you need to wear on that acation trip it will be no trouble to find at Mitchell & Whittle's store. It F. C. Ilollihaugh and Herbert Da is, two young ranchers who have places east of Ashland, have pur chased a Case threshing and plowing outfit through Emit Peil, who is the local agent for the Case machines. Their machine will handle from 1,000 to 1,500 bushels a day. There is more grain planted in the valley this year than there has been since fruit became the valley's aim. The new owners have already contraciea 10 thresh over 30,000 bushels. A few sizes in genuine Panama hats left which we will sell at greatly reduced prices. Mitchell & Whittle. It Klamath Falls Herald: Fresh with stories of the unexcelled fishing to be had in Odell lake, Ralph Carter, Har din Carter and C. D. Shorening re turned Saturday night from the lake. They say the biggest catch in any one day was 3 2 5. trout, and that the en tire party in the last ten days have caught between 1,500 and 2,000 fish. "Doc" Powell, Frank Olds and Law rence Ezell are still at the lake. Most of the fishing is done with a fly from rowboats, say the boys, but fair suc cess can be had by trolling. The big gest trout caught was a Dolly Var den, which was 26 Inches long. E. J. Garrett of Grants Pass Is spending several days in the city. Miss Edyth Smith is visiting1 friends and ' relatives In Klamath Falls, , i Rolled barley and oats $1.30 a sack. Ashland Mills. Phone 49. 16-tf R. B. Ryan came up from Grants j Pass Thursday to spend a few days In this city. j Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Tierce of Med-' ford are camped In the park for a; couple of weeks. ' i i Shoo Fly, the animal's friend, is the original fly repellant. For sale at Peil's. 16-tf, J. M. Warmoth of Ran Francisco i. spending a short visit at the home of j her niece, Mrs. W. T. Bellus. Miss Lucile Radcr and Miss Anna Hansen of Medford came up Friday and remained over Sunday In the city. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Livingston of Grants Pass spent Thursday visiting friends and enjoying Ashland park surroundings. Ice cream and cake, coffee and cake will be served at the Baptist church afternoon and evening, Fri day, July 28. 18-2t Nell Allen and Harold Rogers of Grants Pass came up Thursday and will spend the remainder of the sum mer in Ashland. Miss Olive Thorne and her guest, Vivian Washburn, of Napa, Cal., spent Thursday afternoon as the guests of Miss Clayre Johnson in Medford. We have white tennis shoes in sizes from 5 to 10 at $1, also the $1.75 quality in all white. Mitchell & Whittle. It D. M. Lowe, who is one of the mainstays of the Jackson county fair and is in charge of the gathering of displays for this year, says more in terest is being taken in the county event than ever before. Phone 64 If you want your clothes cleaned, pressed, repaired or remod eled., Orres' Tailor Shop. It Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fredericks are spending a few days with Medford and Ashland friends, having returned from a trip to Lob Angeles in their car. Mr. Fredericks is shop foreman of the Oregon Journal, Portland. We' have just received a shipment of ladies' tan Neolin sole English walking shoes. Just the thing for outing wear. Briggs & Elmore. It Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevenson and daughter, Miss Margaret, de parted Friday on an automobile trip to Crescent City. They will be gone a couple of weeks and will return by way of Bandon, Marshfield and Rose- burg. Muleskln shoes are made for com fort and service and make a splendid shoe for general use. $2.25 at Mitch ell & Whittle's. It Orange Mattoon and wife of Drain, Ore., visited at the Benedick home Sunday afternoon. They were Just returning from Klamath county and intended visiting at Grants Pass for few days before returning to Doug las county. Special 'alues this week In men's suits tailored to your measure at Orres' Tailor Shop, opposite Hotel Austin. It William H. Bell, sales manager for the Mergenthaler Linotype Company of San Francisco, accompanied by his wife, was In the city Thursday morn lng and stopped over for a few hours to visit the park and have a drink of lithla water. He is touring the north west in his automobile. High-class dinner at the Bungalow every evening from 5 to 8 o'clock. 18-tf J. M. McKinney of Topeka, Kan., who is visiting hlB nephew, V. J. Mc Kinney, in this city, made a trip down through the valley Thursday which strengthened the opinion that he is forming to the effect that the Rogue River Valley is one of the nicest places to live In that he has ever ran across. ANNUAL SUMMER lea panes Sale One lot Ladies' 39c and 50c Union Suits, mostly small sizes, 25c 10 per cent Discount on all Summer Underwear. One Lot Crepe Gowns, pink or white, with flor al pattern, 89c All $1.00 Long Silk Gloves 89c All $1.50 wa now val- 1.35 Ends Monday, My 31 Summer Wash Fabrics, Silks, Wool Dress Goods, Parasols, Embroideries, Laces, Curtains. Scrims, Underwear, Waists, Middy Blouses, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Dresses and many other lines 50c Sport Stripes, blue and black 33c 35c printed Voiles, 40-inch 28c 1 lot 25 to 50c Wash Goods...:. 19c 1 lot 15 to 50c Wash Goods 9c G5c 36-inch Mercerized Crepe .'. 49c 1 lot 10 and 12c Ginghams 9c Several Special Lots of Wool Dress Goods 1 lot 35-inch Fancy Taffeta, special 1.12J 10 per cent off on all curtain goods. Samples Gladly Furnished lo Out-of-Town Customers. Prompt Delivery by Prepaid Parcel Posl. About one doz en Ladies' Dress Skirts t o close out. 15c to 50a Wash Goods of fered in one lot at iL $1.50 values In Cotton Bathing Suits 1.35 ' Xine Corduroy Skirt s, white, blue and coral. . $6 values. .$4.85 $5 values. .$3.03 10 percent Discount on all Scrims and Curtain Goods. End-ol-Season Sale of Coats and Suits 10 Spring Coats, $12.50 to $16.50 values $ 7.B0 5. Spring Coats, $22.50 to $25.00 values. $12.50 4 Spring Coats left from last season $ 2.49 3 Shepherd Check Suits, small sizes $ 9.75 6 Fine Suits, Taffetas, Poplins and Wool Suits, $25.00 to $30.00 Suits, at the final low price. .. .$14.73 Outing Suits of Sllverbloom cloth now $0.50 up Buy Muslin Underwear Now at Clearance Prices. All Knit Summer Underwear Less Now. Waists 49c-85c-$1.00-$1.19 Special clearance lots 4 4Hc, 8.1c New arrivals to sell at 81.00, $1.19, $1.50 Crepe De Chine Waists specially priced. $3.75 Silk Pongee Middles now $n5 $2.50 Pongee Waists now $2.19 $6.00 Summer Wash Dresses 91.73 Half dozen Silk Dresses to close out I Pictorial Review Patterns One lot of 35 Inch Fancy Taf feta Silks 1.125 One lot $1.50 40-Inch Silk and Wool Crepes 49c One lot 10c and 12',c Ginghams 9c $5.00 to $6.00 Goodwin Corsets, mostly small sizes, 2.95 10 per cent Discount on all regular stock of Laces and Embroideries. Greatly reduc ed prices on spec ial lots Laces and Embroideries. Taffeta Silk Petticoats, $3.75 value, 2.95 Middy Blouses, several styles in $1.19 values, 98c In A clean-up Parasols, 69c-98c Cotton and lin en covers. Gossard Front Lace Corsets Mrs. L. Schwein-is now In South Ford, Cal. Raruona, Rosalind and Wanda Wise are with her. She is visiting her daughter and expects to be gone about a month. See the beautiful university Btrlpes, the latest novelty in fall suitings, at Orres Tailor Shop, opposite Hotel Austin. It Orrln Warrens of Hilts, Cal., is over for a two weeks' stay In Ashland He came over to have Dr. Woods per form a minor operation and Is enjoy ing lithla water and the parks while recuperating. High-class dinner at the Bungalow every evening from 5 to 8 o'clock. The resignation of Miss Van Hou- sen, wno taugnt school in Ashland last year, has been received by the school board. Miss Van Housen writes that she Is to be married, but neglected to name the lucky man. Miss Pearl Bovln and little brother of Klamath Falls, who have been vis iting Mrs. Pearl Kearney, left this morning for their Klamath home by automobile. Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. It Agent DeN'yse of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has been transferred to Grants Pass to fill a vacancy there. Ills successor In Ash land will be chosen from among a list of applicants now being considered. Yes, that line of new samples for men's suits to order is here and truly worthy of your careful consideration. Mitchell & Whittle. It City Electrician Strickland Is writ ing all over the country to electrical supply houses in an effort to find globes which will fit on the electroli ers on the Butler-Perozzl fountain. The receptacles are twelve-inch, which seems to be an odd size. Miss Blanche Hicks returned from Grants Pass Sunday after a two weeks' visit In that city and at the Frank Sutton home on Williams creek. We have just received a shipment of ladies' tan Neolin sole English walking shoes. Just the thing for outing wear. Briggs & Elmore. It The Southern raclfic aent two six engine freights over the Slskiyous from Hornbrook recently, this being a weight of train almost without prec edent. , Cllf Payne makes drain boards. Klamath Falls Herald: Mrs. Hmll Peil, Mrs. W. J. Llnd, Mrs. W. O. Smith and children, John McCall and daughter Hillls arrived last veiling from Ashland. Mrs. Peil and Mrs. Lynd left this afternoon for the lava beds to visit with Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Applegate. Prices Here Quoted Should Be Sufficient Inducement to the careful, economical, posted buyer. We are planning for a Greater Ashland, a Greater Store. This Store's and Town's growth means your growth as well. Get in on these bargains during July Clearance. It means more for your dollar II means a greater Store for you to buy from. $15.00 Pneu Forms, July $10.50 House Dresses, to close 50c Children's Wash Suits at one-half. 8 l-3c Light and Dark Lawns 5c Men's Straw Hats 35c Six styles Ladles' Summer Vests 10c 35c and 40c Linen Suitings, yard.... 25c 72x90 Seamed Sheets 50c 35c White Dress Crepe, yard. ...... .20c 50c Canvas Awning Stripes 33c 10c and 12 c Lawns 8 1-Sc 10c and 12 c Crepes 8 l- 25c India Linen . 17c 31-lnch Romper Cloth 18c Just received, all the new shades and makes in the new fashionable Short-Handle Umbrellas from $1.50 to $6.50. All Long-Handle Umbrellas in black and colors off. One lot of Ladies' Pumps and Ox fords, 3.00 and 3.25 values, O OC L.LO now. All $3.60 and $4.00 Ladies' Pumps, Slip pers, Oxfords, July clearance, $8.00. VaUpCFS July Clearance VaUpCl'S Baby Blankets Baby Robes i Baby Kimono Squares Priced at trom 50c to $1.50, Just In. Dreadnaught 75c WofTc Shirts BOo Men's Balbrlggan Union Suits 50c Men's Porosknlt Union Suits 50o Wrist Work Gloves. Tills glove wears good under hard service OOo Men's 60c Drawers in Porosknlt and Balbrlggan weave 30c Men's 50c Summer Undershirts In Po rosknlt and Balbrlggan 80c Boys' Porosknlt Union Suits 25o Children's Cool Comfy B. V. D. Union Suits, made of dimity... 25c Men's Blue Chambray Sport Shrlts, a 75c value 50c The newest In patterns and shades. Just in. Taffetas with 'small leaf figures. Bath Robes in college colors. Bathing Caps, all shades. Silk and Wool Poplin Suitings. All shades in Money Back Taf fetas. Veilings In navy blue, Kelly green. Imported Laces. Imported Organdies. Velvets in the leading shades. Silk Pop lins in cruiser grey and tan. SPECIAL Ladies' all-silk summer Vests, formerly 1.50, July Clearance ribbed 1.00 Vaiipel'S July Clearance Vaupd'S