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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1916)
Monday, July 17, 1010 ASrfLAOT) TIDI.VGS PAGE FIVy txttttta I LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Grace Collins of Belllngham, Wash, Is visiting at the F. J. Shlnn liome. Rev. E. C. Richards and family of Klamath Falls are camping in Chau tauqua Park. , fMrs. C. D. Cain and slHter have gone to San Francisco, where Mr. Cain Is employed. Agent Walkerof Medford has de livered a Chalmers car to Mrs. R. C. Morris of Ashland. W. H. Sams of Yucca, Ariz., Is liere for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sams. Karl NIms and family of Tracey, Cal., are visiting here during the cele bration and Chautauqua period. John Hughes has gone to Grants Pass to accept a position of meat cut ter In a leading meat establishment. According to Sacramento papers, Clair P. Bowling and Mabel Stanley, lioth of Ashland, were married at Yreka, July 1. Rolled barley and oats $1.30 a sack. Ashland Mills. Phone 49. 16-tf Leslie Stansell of Jacksonville Is doing deputy assessing In the city, the work which 0. Winter has han dled for several years past. Miss Inez Coffin of Medford at tended the band concert Wednesday evening and was the guest of Miss Nona Greer for the remainder of the week. Crater Lake and other trips. See O. Winter. Chalmers Six. 16-2t Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gable and lit- tie Luclle of Hubbard and C. B. Hays of Multnomah visited home folks, A. II. Hays and family, on Scenic Drive, last week. Job Tozer left last week for an ex tended stay with the family of his son Bert, at Petaluma. D. P. Blue lias rented the Tozer residence on Laurel street. Oscar Bergner, lessee of the Vin lng Theatre, has also purchased the Lyric Theatre and will be enabled to give a higher class service to the pa trons of both by reason of the acquirement. Who's Guilty? Wednesday night at the VInlng. Mrs. Nan McCormick of Oakland, Cal., sister of Andy McCallen, is among the campers in Chautauqua Park, accompanied by her two chil dren, x ... CITIZENS 71 W BANK OFASjaANDjj Stored Energy The money that you save and place to your credit with us is like stored energy a reserve fund for any time, when you need cash quickly. Your account is invited. SAYINGS DEPOSITS, Bert Presley of Grants Pass was a visitor In the city Thursday. Mrs. Gus Edlund returned to Rose burg last Wednesday after a ten days' visit In the city. Lloyd Dyer of Grants Pass was up the last of the week, taking In Chau tauqua attractions. Benton Bowers transacted business in Medford Friday, as did also Dis trict Game Warden Drlscoll and George Barron. Miss Maud Barnes, who Is librarian at Grants Pass, came up last Wednes day and stayed over Friday enjoying Chautauqua attractions. Mrs. Pearl Storm Heath and son of San Francisco are here for the sum mer vacation, occupying the family residence on Beach street. Mrs. T. B. Kinsman of Medford, who has extensive property here, is making arrangements to return to Ashland for permanent residence. Cupid and Mt. Pitt flour In five barrel lots $5.50. Every sack guar anteed. Ashland Mills. Phone 49. 16-tf Ben Sheldon was up from Medford Saturday afternoon. Mrs. M. C. H. Day of Grants Pass spent Sunday at Chautauqua. After several days' visit In Grants Pass, Mrs. Fred Knott came up to this city Sunday. Wig Ashpole and Doc Helms were among the Medford business visitors in the city Saturday. Mrs. M. E. Abbott and daughter are among the Jacksonville people attending Chautauqua. Moxey Dougherty has accepted a position In Grleve's confectionery and cigar establishment. Mrs. Joseph Morcom and children have returned to their Jacksonville home after a visit with friends In this city. Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64 Misses Mollle Britt and Issie Me Cully of Jacksonville spent last week in attendance at Ashland Chautau qua. Miss Clayre Johnson, who edits the society columns of the Medford Sun, was a visitor at the home of her par ents Sunday. W. H. Hodklnson came up from Grants Pass Saturday evening to spend Sunday with his family, wh are camped in Chautauqua park. Try and see Fannie Ward In "For the Defense," Vining, Tuesday. Mat inee 2:30. John Enders left Sunday morning on a two weeks' vacation trip, dur ing which he will visit at Portland Seattle, Tacoma and other northwest ern cities. The rain of the past two days, un usually heavy for July, was welcomed by the fruitmen, and although catch ing some of the hay down, will not do much harm unless the cloudy weather lasts for several days. Mrs. C. E. Johnson arrived Friday from Roseburg and Is visiting her brother in this city. Her husband is employed as foreman of the pipeline construction between Roseburg and Winchester. Crater Lake and other trips. See O. Winters. Chalmers Six. 16-2t D. W. Coolidge of Pasadena, Cal., who has been visiting at the Casey home, returned last week to Califor nia. Air. Coolidge Is Mrs. J. R. Casey's brother. R. L. Burdlc Jr. came up from Grants Pass Friday to make prepara tions for departure Saturday with the First Company, of which he Is a member. The new woolens and new fall styles are now In at Orres' Tailor Shop. Roseburg News: Mrs. C. V. Inslow and children of Ashland, who have been visiting in this city for a short time, left this morning for Goshen, where they will spend a few days'. Irvln T. Bebb was a visitor from Central Point Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Freeman of Central Point are among the campers In Chautauqua Park. James Martin of Grants Pass was a visitor in the city Saturday and at tended Chautauqua. Miss Mary A. Mee is among the Central Point people who make fre quent visits to Chautauqua here. Howard Barrett has purchased a Ford runabout, which under his guidance is living up to its name. The clothes we llulld for you must satisfy. Orres' Tailor Shop. Tourist parties from the east bound for Crater Lake are arriving dally In Ashland and Medford. Many parties make Ashland their headquarters for trips to the Marble Caves, Crater Lake and other points of Interest. Mrs. R. H. DeWItt and son Robert, Mrs. R. R. Walsh, Mrs. R. O. DeWItt. Minnie DeWItt and Alois Turner mo tored over from Yreka last week, vis. Iting in Ashland, Medford and Jack, sonvllle before returning to Califor. nla. Mr. and Mrs. George Sabln and daughter Marian and Mrs. Sam Baker and children of Grants Pass came up last Wednesday for Chautauqua. Mr. Sabln returned Wednesday evening; the others remaining for the rest o? the session. Try and see Fannie Ward in "For the Defense," Vining, Tuesday. Mat inee 2:30. Harry Hosier Is piloting a party consisting of W. H. Paul, Bob Good year and Bob Rice of Berkeley, Cal., and Wesley Mann on a fishing trip down the Rogue river to the Galice neighborhood. The party expe'ets to get some real fishing. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Donnelly of San Francisco are visiting Mrs. Donnel ly's mother, Mrs. Ellen Glddlngs, on North Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly were former employes of the Western Union office here, the former as manager. Hair work. Switches made from combings. Phone 419-Y. 16-2t Miss Emma Jenkins, a candidate for Queen Lithla, desires to express to the public generally and to the Elks lodge in particular her thanks and appreciation for their generous support in the recent contest. W. H. Morgan arrived recently from Martinez, Cal., to Join his wife, who with a sister, Mrs. C. H. Hay den, also of Martinez, had been in Ash land for a month visiting two oilier sisters, Mrs. Win Crowson and Mrs. B. H. Morris. We make suits In Ashland at Orres' Tailor Shop. High-grade workmanship. Arnett Grlggsby, who has a good position with a manufacturing com pany in Fan Diego, Cal., drove up in his car and was a guest of his sister. Mrs. Herman Purucker, In Ashland. He will spend part of his vacation in Medford visiting his many friends. John II. Scott and wife, who came up from Modesto, Cal., recently to visit a daughter, Mrs. H. Soren, at Talent, found this section so attrac tive they have taken rooms In Ash land and will spend some time enjoy ing the beauty and comfort of the valley. Try and see Fannie Ward In "For the Defense," Vining, Tuesday. Mat inee 2:30. Crater Lake and outing trips. See O. Winters. Chalmers Six. 16-2t Abraham Cochen of Seattle re turned home this week after a month's stay here on a lithla treat ment, with which he expressed him self as highly gratified. He lias a son running out of Ashland in the S. P. train service. Wednesday night I ANNUAL SUMMER Clearance a I e One lot Ladies' 39c and 50c UnlonSults, mostly small sizes, .25c ' 10 per cent Discount on all Summer Underwear. One Lot Crepe Gowns, pink or white, with flor-, al pattern, 89c All $1.00 Long Silk Gloves 89c $1.50 ow 1.35 All $1.50 val ues now About one doz en Ladies' Dress Skirts t o close out. 15c to 50c Wash Goods of fered la one lot at 9e $1.50 values lu Cotton Bathing Suits 1.35 Nine Corduroy Skirt s, white, blue and coral. $6 values. .$4.85 $5 values. .$3.0.1 10 percent Discount on all Scrlnls and Curtain Goods. Begiafljg g Tuesday , July 1 8 Summer Wash Fabrics, Silks, Wool Dress Goods, Parasols, Embroideries, Laces, Curtains. Scrims, Underwear, Waists, Middy Blouses, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Dresses and many other lines 50c Sport Stripe?, blue and black 33Jc 35c printed Voiles, 40-inch 28c 1 lot 25 to 50c Wash Goods .' 19c 1 lot 15 to 50c Wash Goods 9c G5c 36-inch Mercerized Crepe 49c 1 lot 10 and 12Jc Ginghams 9c Several Special Lots of Wool Dress Goods 1 lot 35-inch Fancy Taffeta, special 1.12$ 10 per cent off on all curtain goods. Samples Gladly Furnished to Out-of Town Customers Prompt Delivery by Prepaid Parcel Post. End-of-Season Sale oi Coats and Suits 10 Spring Coats, $12.50 to $16.50 values $ 7.50 5 Spring Coats, $22.50 to $25.00 values $12.30 4 Spring Coats left from last season 9 2.49 3 Shepherd Check Suits, Bmall sizes $ 0.75 6 Fine Suits, Taffetas, Poplins and Wool Suits, $25.00 to $30.00 Suits, at the final low price. .. .$14.75 Outing Suits of Sllverbloom cloth now $0.50 up Buy Muslin Underwear Now at Clearance Prices. All Knit Summer Underwear Less Now. Waists 49c-85c-$L00-$1.19 Special clearance lots .10c, 83c New arrivals to sell at $1.00, $1.10, $1.50 Crepe De Chine Waists specially priced. $3.75 Silk Pongee Middies now .' $:1.23 $2.50 Pongee Waists now $2.10 $ti.00 Summer Wash Dresses $1.73 Half dozen SUk Dresses to close out Pictorial Review Patterns One lot of 35 inch Fancy Taf feta Silks 1.12 One lot $1.50 40-lnch Silk and Wool Crepes 49c One lot 10c and 12 c Clng-liaras 9c $5.00 to $6.00 Goodwin Corsets, mostly small sizes, 2.95 10 per cent Discount on all regular stock of Laces and Embroideries. Greatly reduc ed prices on spec ial lots Laces and Embroideries. Taffeta Silk Petticoats, $3.75 value, 2.95 Middy Blouses, several styles In I $1.19 values, 98c A clean-up In Parasols, 69c--98c Cotton and lin en covers. Who's Guilty? at the Vining. William S. Murray, an Iron molder who had been employed at the Ash- Gossard Front Lace Corsets land Iron Works for some time, died of pneumonia at Granite City Hos pital Sunday morning of last week, after a brief illness. He was about 40 years of age and a member of Molders Union, No. 139, Portland. Crater Lake and outing trips. See O. Winter. Chalmers Six. 16-2t According to Fruit Inspector Jack Aitken, .there will be 1,000 cars of first-class fruit shipped from the val ley this fall, which, considering the early frost damage, is good. The Bartlett pears are In excellent shape. What little blight there is In the val ley is under control. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Butler now gaze out upon their less fortunate friends from the highly upholstered seats of a beautiful Buick Six which they purchased last Friday. Every body around the Plaza has a bid In for a ride, and Mr. Butler has a busy month ahead of him if everybody is to be satisfied. Albany Democrat: Dr. W. P. White today returned from Ashland, where he delivered a lecture on Sat urday afternoon and the morning ser. mon yesterday. In the former he was a substitute for one unable to be present. Sunday morning the audi torium was packed. He received splendid treatment and was greatly pleased with Ashland and the people there. Dr. Jarvls, Will Dodge, Father Dol phin and Professor Vining returned last Wednesday evening from a fish ing trip to Jenny creek. Considering the variety of professions represent ed, the trip could hardly have been anything but a bucccss, and had a lawyer accompanied the doctor, un dertaker, minister and lecturer, Jenny creek would be barren waters for future fishing expeditions to head for. ' Xotlre of Dissolution of Partnership. To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween S. R. Morris and B. H, Morris, partners uuder the firm' name and style of Morris Bros., operating the Park Garage, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, B. H. Morris retir ing. S. It. Morris will continue the business, collect all bills and pay all accounts of said firm. Dated July 14, 1916. 16-tf S. R. MORRIS. Second Week of July Clearance at Vaupel's THE STORE OF QUALITY- Hundreols of customers have realized on the hundreds of bargains offered in this month in clean, up-to-date merchandise. In many wash goods it means a saving to you of 50 per cent. Your dollar buys 1 Jl il. il more this month than ever. (t j a a Pneu Form Dress Form at (tji a r a u) 1 D.UU the astonishing low price p 1 U.DU ISc and 20c Lawn Dimities, yard 12c 35c and 40c Summer Dress Goods 2."c 50 Flowered Summer SUk, 36-inch 39c 36-lnch Satin Finished Cretons, yard 10c 36-lnch Drapery Cretons, 50c value SWc 1.75 Washable Striped Crepe De Chine 1.23 AH 3.50 and 4.00 Low Shoes at $3.00 tyfose ofUpcite Along with this beautiful new Hose for men and women, we announce that beginning with this date every pair of Holeproof Hose will be guaranteed. You do not need to buy a whole box, but buy as you need them. ) Mon'c Zftl Two-piece Underwear in on iUCIl 3 JUL ecru or flesh color.. jJJc 35c and 40c Linen Suitings, yard o-j All 27-lnch White Goods off Dreadnaught Work Shirts, 75c values '50c 31-inch Romper Cloth, fast colors, yard 7. .7.7 lHc 25c Water Shrunk Poplins, yard me Children's Sleeveless Union Suits .'!!!!!! 2."5o Boys Porosknlt Union Suits !..!!!!!!! iwc All white IVubuck Button Shoes $3.00 jffiseof luxlte Vaupel's EsSr Vaupel's THE ONE BEST PLACE TO BUY yfose of Utocite