Monday, June 12, 1916 Result-Getting Classified Columns THE ONE-ATTEMPT MAN OR WOMAN who, 'for example, publishes a Want ad once, and if It does not bring tbe result desired decides that "advertising does not pay," should study vud o'-uuai results, in an lines or of try again" Is as potent in want or enterprise. Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word ror.each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertise ment Inserted for less than 25 cnts. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. PROFESSIONAL. riaiNu ussuiNS Mrs. A. L. Strick land, formerly MiS3 Swlgart. Phone " 79-tf DR. P. A. HALL Dentistry and all Its branches. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. Phone J57. 6-tf OK. J. J. KMMENSFh'ySclanand' surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurist for S P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postofttce, Medford, Ore. Phone 5H7. C. B. WATSON, ATTORNEY AT IjAW. Consulting and General Practice. Pioneer Building. Of fice with E. D. Briggs. Ashland, Ore. DR. GORDON MacCRACKEN, HO MEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. AND SURGEON. 71 Gresham street (Dr. Reeder'g office). Tuesday and Friday, 10 to 12 a. m. Phone 297-L. . 68-tf DR. ERNEST A. WOOD Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg., Ashland, Ore. 73-tf DRS. SAWYER AND ANDERSON OsteopatQlc physicians. Women's and children's diseases a specialty, Office hours 9 to 12, 2 to 4. Calls answered ,day or night. ' Office phone 208, residence phone 267-R. Pioneer Bldg., Ashland. Ore. 85-tf CONTRACTING AND BUILDING Frank Jordan, general contracting. New and old work; cement walks, cemetery copings, brick,, cement, woodwork, lathing and plastering, cobblestone and general building contracts. 4-tl CHAIR DOCTOR R. II. Stanley, ex- pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid and repaired, bedsprlngs restretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies, window cleaning, house cleaning, and furniture packing done expertly. Call at 386 A street or phone 403-R. 91-tf MI9CELLAXKOC8 FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING.. Miss Rutnsey, 102 Oak street. 4-3t BILL POSTER Will 8tennett, 116 Factory St. BUI posting and dis tributing. ' 64-tf AUTOS FOR HTRE by day or hour. Careful drivers. Prices reason able. Ashland Livery Stable, Mill street. Phone 69. 4-lmo. CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays ot each month at ?:30 p. m., at the Carnegie Library lec ture room. CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Regu lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m Mrs S. Patterson. Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett Greer, Sec. FOR SALE $5,000 of the capital stock of an Ashland corporation that paid 12 per cent net last year on its capital, and earned more than 6 ner cent net the first four months of 1916. Old established and solid business, and has no debts. Can show you. No better Investment can be found. Address A. L. S., care Tidings. 2-tf FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Choice Belgian hares. C. P Good, Northwest Ashland. 3-tf FOR SALE Fresh" Swiss miich goats. C. P. Good, Northwest Ash land. 3-tf FOR SALE A team of young mares, harness and wagon. Call at Ash land Mills. . 101-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Small herd of Angora goats. Inquire 261 Oberlln street. 3-1 mo. T, P. DODGE & SONS Undertakers State Licensed Emfcalmet Lady Assistant Deputy Cotfnty Coroner CLEANLINESS, PERSONAL ATTENTION AND COURTESY COMBINED TO MAKE THE Eagle Meal Market Popular Inspect our market, and your confidence will be behind the pleasure of eating our meats. The knowledge of cleanliness and a sanitary workshop will aid your digestion. L.SCHWEIN 84 N.Main endeavor, of perseverance. The law advertising as In any other effort WANTED WANTED Dressmaking at home or by the day. Inquire Mrs. Lulu Deal, 151Gresham street. 94-tf WANTED Teamster with logging outfit. 'Inquire at Tidings office or write Emil Gullenpfennlg, Hilt, Cal.. : 3-7t THE BUNGALOW wants to buy fresh eggs, strawberries and fresh vege tables from local producers. Call at The Bungalow. 6-tf WANTED Infants and children to board by day, week or month. Mother's care. Good references. Inquire 366 B street. 103-tf WANTED Several candy show cases and some popcorn poppers and pea nut roasters. Second hand ones will do If in good shape. Address Walter Keene, Ashland, Ore., or phone 39. Ashland. 102-tf Tue Commercial Clut requests the names and addresses of parties who are considering coming to the coast his summer. We wish to stnd them lterature and give them a good con ception of Oregon. 7 4-tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Transplanted tomato plants, $6.60 per thousand. ' C. Carey, Talent, Ore. 104-lmo. FOR SALE Jackson county war rants in the-sum of $744.58, regis tered February 4, 1916, drawing 6 per cent interest from date of registration, at par and interest. Call at Tidings office. 4-tf FOR SALE--One Studebaksr wagon with half truck wheels; one Mo Cormlck mower, five-foot cut, sec ond hand; one set new team har ness with breeching. Apply to G. . S. Butler, 41 Granite stret. . 104-lmo. LOST LOST On May 1. in Commercial Club rooms, at fountains in park; seeighth carat white diamond out of ring setting. Finder leave ; at Tidings, office and get reward, j 99 - tf - JX)R SALE REAL ESTATE : rr FOR SALE 175 acres, eleven miles : from Ashilnd. For particulars in- J quire Ore. of R AoDleeate. Asniana, 2-lmo. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 174 Oak street. Phone 274-R. 79-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished five room flat, close in, cheap. Hodg son & Reed. 79-tf FOR RENT OR SALE Four-room bungalow with two lots. Sightly inmtinn. This Is a bargain. In quire at 115 Granite street! 96-tf TO EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Twenty acres land on the Deschutes river. Want car. Address O. E. Deibert, 322 WImer street. ' FOR TRADE Five acres, good house, barn, etc., one mile from postoffice, part planted to alfalfa, all level, plenty waier. win uuw house and lot in city fairly close in. Will either give or take differ ence In price. Aldress D. M., care nf Ttilinzs. 4-tf HSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co C. F. BATES Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. ' A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs Coal. . Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, ASHLAND. OREGON, Phone 107 ASHLAND Tahiti Charles Tryer, son of Marion Try er, is the guest of his father for a few weeks. Charles arrived from Doris, Cal., Tuesday, where be spent the winter. . Mrs. Frank Snooks and children, Helen and Roy, of Wagner Creek, spent Friday shopping and visiting friends In Talent. Mrs. Charles Kerby and daughter of Wagner Creek visited here Friday. Mrs. Thomason, who lives at the Ashland mine, spent Friday shopping In Talent. . , Mrs. Allen Abbott of Wagner Creek met with a painful accident last week and Is suffering with a sprained an kle. Mrs. Charles Lacy of Talent has a badly sprained ankle. M. S. Glenn spent three daystbls week near Galice, Ore., where he and two men from Ashland were Inspect ing some mines. Miss Ruth Campbell of Medford was the guest of Miss Naomi Wilson the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mattheson were very agreeably surprised on Sunday, June 4, 1916, when a large number of relatives and noighbors came in and helped them celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary with a rose shower and congratula tions. William Harrison Mattheson was born in Chenango county, New York, February 13, 1842. He moved to Cortland, 111., in 1856 when four. teen years old, residing there until coming to Talent October 17, 1910 He was united in marriage to Martha Anna Holdridge June 4, 1866. Mrs. Mattheson was born in Chenango county, New York, September 18,' 1841, and came to Illinois March 7, 1864. To them was born two chil dren, Bertha May, who diod in In fancy, and Clark Grant, born October 11, 1873, and died April 21, 1894. A postcard shower and the best wish es from tneir irienas in weir oia home made Sunday a day of pleasant memories. Hubert Bentley, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bentley, Is spending the summer at Springfield, Ore., near Eugene Hubert has a fine position In a hardware store up there and he enjoys his work there Immensely, The members of the Community club entertaine(i the Elder Ladles of the Community on Wednesday, June 1. About forty ladies were present. A very pleasing program was ren- aerea as iohjwb: viuim buiu, a : Vandersluls; address of welcome, iMrs. H. R. King; violin duet, Carmen I Paco otM AlfpA Vn n floral n lu nrlriraaa Marian Towne of Phoenix; recitation, Grace Purvis; recitation, Ruth Nor man; Hawaiian music, Mrs. E. Mi nuth, Margaret Ames and Alice Van dersluls. At 4 o'clock the ladies were seated at long tables beautifully dec orated with pink roses and were served with delicious refreshments. A social time was enjoyed until 5 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UN DER EXECUTION. H. M. McFar land, plaintiff, vs. Henry. Hum phrey, Elizabeth Humphrey, his wife, W. H. Humphrey and L. Emma Humphrey his wife, Ladd & tilton Bank, a corporation,' also known as Ladd & Tilton, C. W. McDonald ari Grace Barrett Tar bell defendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Jackson, to me directed and dated the 3rd day of May, 1916, in a certain suit therein wherein the plaintiff, H. M. McFarland, recovered a judg ment againBt the defendants, Henry Humphrey and Elizabeth Humphrey, his wife, for the sum of Two Thousand One Hundred Eighty-seven and 67-100 ($2,187.- 67) Dollars, with Interest thoreon from said 20th day of February, 1916, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, for $225.00 attorney's fees and the further sum of $42.26 . with Interest thereon from Febru ary 20th,, 1916, at 10 per cent per annum, and for the further sum of $25.00 attorneys fees and $19.00 costs, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's office of said Court In said County on the 29th day of April, 1816. Public notice is hereby given, that in compliance with' the com mands of sale1 execution and order of salo I will on Saturday, the 10th day of June, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in at the front door of the Court House in Jacksonville, Jackson County, Oregon, offer for sale and will sell all of the right, title and interest that the defend ant herein had on the date of the mortgage herein foreclosed or have since acquired or now have in and to the following described real property, to-wlt: Lot numbered eight (8) In block number one (1) of the Humphrey-Knight Addition to the City of Medford. Said lot will be sold at said time Nand place In the manner provided by law for the sale of real prop ertyundor execution to satisfy the Judgment, attorney's fees, costs and accruing costs of sale. Dated this 4th day of May, 19f6. W. II. SINGLER, Sheriff. By E. V. Wilson, Deputy. 100-5t-Mon. TIDINGS limnas o'clock. This1 party was .one of the social events of the summer and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Albert Bruloy had a tumor re moved from his eyo last week. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Elmore and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Reed of Ashland ! .visited the Fuller ranch Wednesday I evening. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owens ro ttinied from Portland Wednosday; evening, where they spent a week. They went in their car. I Earl Withrow has resigned his po- s!tion at tho Buckeye orchard. Mrs. Withrow expects to leave soon for j Wisconsin, where she will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Wolgamott have ac cepted a position at the Buckeye or- chard. Mr. and Mrs. John Robison and Mrs. Coleman attended the theatre In Ashland Tuesday evening. Ben . Inman Is home from Neal Creek for a few days. Mr. and ' Mrs. John Nyswanner leave next week for California. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church met with the MlBses Neithers on Thursday. i Master Frank Denham has the whooping cough. Henry Goddard left for Bly, Cal., where he will spend the summer. William Kerby and small daughter Eva of Wagner Creek were Talent visitors Friday. Mrs. Coleman, wife of the depot agent, arrived this week from their former home near Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman have moved in the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lehman. Mr. and Mrs. John Beeson and fam ily are visiting relatives here from the Willamette valley. Mr. and Mrs. Beeson will soon make their home in Medford. Monday evening the eighth grade commencement exercises of the Wag ner Creek school were held. Four pupils received diplomas for the com pletion of their eighth grade' work. They were Mildred Ward, Mabel Ker by, Eva Davis and Gene Davis. The program was opened by a violin solo by Miss Alice Vandersluls and accom paniment by Miss Callie Vogeli. The address of the evening was given by Prof. G. A. Briscoe, superintendent of the Ashland schools. "Dick Posey" Campbeil of Ashland gave two splen did readings. A dialogue, "Dr. Cure all," was well given by Frank Davis, Eva Davis, Thelma Kent, Mabel Ker by, Mildred Ward and Mrs. Wardrlp. The diplomas were presented by Prof. Briscoe and the graduates were pre sented with many beautiful flowers. Miss Andres arrived lasf Saturday to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry Frame, for several months. Dr. Lance Briscoe has secured two office rooms in the Ames building and will start practicing here in a week or two. Dr. Briscoe is the son of Prof. G. A. Briscoe of Ashland. He graduated from the Kentucky Medical School three years ago and since then assisted In the surgery de partment at a hospital, and the past year practiced at Seaside, Orel, but because of the climate there, which affected his health, he was obliged to give up his practice In that place. Mrs. Henry Frame, assisted by her sister, Miss Andres, entertained about fifty, ladies at a shower in hon- "SPEAR HEAD" Ad OLD TIME FAVORITE The Most Popular Chew for a Third of a Century PURE, RICH, FRUITY-SWEET The man who chews gets by far the most wholesome enjoyment and satis faction out of tobacco, especially if he chews plug tobacco. Tiic rich juices of the leaf arc retained in good plugs Letter than in any other form. For more tliaa a generation Spear Head lias held first place as the favor ite high-grade plug chewing tobacco. This unique distinction is due solely to the .wonderful quality and flavor of Spear Head the richest, mellowest, tastiest chew in the whole w orld. Spear YlcaJ is the choicest of all red Burloy, hand-slcmincd and made into mtl!ow-svcet pluas in a perfectly clean, most sanitary factory. You can't chew the flavor out of Srcar Head, because it's a part of the tobacco. That rich, ripe, red Enrley taste keeps on pleasing you as long as you keep on chewing. Giew Sncar Jlead and you'll be chewing the purest and most satisfying tobacco that it's possible to make. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper. Vaudeville !!Tone- Photoplays Tuesday, Jane 13 fg 4Big Acts of Class4 Jerome & Lewis in a Singing Surprise Bert DeVoe & Co. Corned)' Novelty Sketch "The Wife" The Melro IVondcrpIay stars Ethel Barrymore in 'The Kiss of Hate Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c; a few reserved seats at 35c : Phone 418 or of Mrs. Sheets of Phoenix. The event took place on Thursday after noon. A very pleasant afternoon was spent. Delicious refreshments were served. Roy Morse was the guest for two days this week of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Morse and Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Mi- nuth. Mr. Morse Just returned from China, where he has been with a sur veying party. While traveling he visited the Philippines and Hawaii He left Wednesday moi'nlng for Oak land, Cal., which Is his borne. Miss Ruth Wilson will return Mon day from Eugene, where she Is at tending school. R. L. Burdlc and son "Bud" were business visitors from Grants Pass Wednesday. A large corral Is being built near the Southern Pacific depot. Mrs. Deeter has guests visiting her for a week. The young people of the Christian church had an Ice cream social which was very successful, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brlstow of An derson Creek transacted business here Thursday. Frank Elliott and George Brlstow of Anderson were business visitors Friday. Mrs. Eva Mays and son James of Anderson Creek visited friends and transacted business here Thursday. Mrs. Hurley of South Talent was a business visitor here Friday. Mrs. Leach of Bear Creek was an Ashland visitor Wednesday. Johnson the jeweler for fine watch work. 103-tf Executor's Notice. Louisa C. Freeberg estate: Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned as executor of the estate of Louisa C. Freeberg, deceased, has filed his final account with the County Court of the state of Oregon, for Jackson county, and that Wednesday, the 14th day of June, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the coun ty judge's office In the county court house at Jacksonville, Oregon, has been appointed and fixed by said Court as the time and place for hear ing objections, If any there be, to the said account and the settlement there of. WILLIAM A. FREEBERG. Dated and first published this 15th day of May, 1916. 102-5t-Mon THIS GIVES THE FORD . , FOUR SPEEDS Iinu art inttruttd in a our ipud mtchanim for tin Ford ear call ui up. One npeed between the Ford high and low ' the other optional, either above the high for good roads or below the low for hard grades and deep sand. You still have the Ford high and low. , MANUFACTURED BY TRUCK ATTACHMENT COMPANY, SEATTLE Fur inle by Central Point Auto Co. Central Point, Oregon sole Agents PAGE THRESH THEATRE JSS E3 Place of Amusements Gene and Katherine King Comedy singing and piano Three Weslons in a beau tiful, artistic and daring posing sensation Five-Piece Orchestra NEAREST TO EVERYTHING 1otel Manx San Francisco 'PowellSt-atOhmit (Oregonians Ilcacl - quarters while in San Francisco moderate rates Rtmnfnj! dijlllted ; ice water In every 4 room. Special alien- (ion given to ladiei (rnvtlinjj tmacor fed." A la carle dining room. When your FIRE INSURANCB POLICY comes from this office you can depend upon it being REAL IN SURANCE, for we would not repre sent a company that would not meet a Just loss PROMPTLY and FAIRLY. You want FIRE. INSURANCE that will not disappoint you; you want aa agent who will look after your Inter ests both before and after a fire. Buy your Insurance at an insurance office. Billings Agency Established 18S3. Real Estate and Real Insurance Hew-Scott Auxiliary TntiwmiiHioa "Meetme at the Manx'' VV Management of Chester W. KeUey y