Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 12, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Monday, Jane 12, 1916
FACT TOO JWUu u,,u, ;
: c. . i
Ashland Tidings
Bert R, Gmr, Editor and Manager.
Lrna Mowat, . . News Reporter
: Issced Mondays and Thursdays
Cllicial City and County Paper
Ob Tear $2.00
III Months 1.00
Three Months , 60
Payable in Advance.
President Proclaims
June 14 Flag Day
President Wilson has Issued thfc
following proclamation calling upon
the people of the United States to cel
ebrate FlagDay, June 14, with patri
otic exercises, giving expression to
"our thoughtful love of America":
"My fellow countrymen: 'Manycir
cumstances have recently conspired to
turn our thoughts to a critical exam
ination of the conditions of our na
tional life, of the Influences which
have seemed to threaten to divide
our interest and sympathy, of forces
within and forces without that
seemed likely to draw us away from
Advertising rates on application.
Flr6t-class Job printing facilities.
Equipments second to none in the
, i been so proud.
No subscriptions for less than three "it has, therefore, seemed to me
1 fitting that I should call your atten-
Ask Co-operation
To Regulate Jits
Miss Fay Carver, of Phoenix rlslted
friends In the city Friday and attend-
1 The Oldest National Bank in Jackson County i
The Medford council has decided to
ask the Ashland, Talent and Phoenix ed the pageant in Lithia Park. ,
authorities and the county court to j Dr p A wall has encased Dr. A
co-operate In regulating the number ;c CaWweH t0 blm in nls ot.
of Jitneys which ply over the Pacinc ices dur)ns the month of June 44t
Highway, limit the number of pas-j
sengers which each can carry, time of j The contract for building the high
arrival and departure, and other jway round Blackwell hill has been
features which have caused trouble. , completed by Contractor .Chris Nat
Many complaints have been made of. wic&-
overloading the Ford Jitneys. Onej For concessions for the Roundup
man claims to have ridden from Med-1 see W. S. Voorheis at Sus'e Allen's
ford to Ashland with fourteen pas-'real estate office or write P. O. Box!l
sengers on a five-passenger Ford. '94. - 6-tf
Member Federal Reserve System j
The only serious accident which has! The macadamizing of a half milei
the happy traditions of united pur- j occurred was wnen an ovenoaoea i-'of the Eagle Point-Bronsville road
pose and action or wnlcn we oaveiney u v& " i was qruerea uy me uuiiuiy tuuri ui
Ashland was tnrown irom tne fora,!a meeting held last Thursday.
months. AH subscriptions dropped at
expiration unless renewal is received.
In ordering changes of the piper
always five the old street addresser
poitoffice ?.s well as the new.
Entered at the Ashland, Oregon.
Postoffice as second-class mail mat-)
Ashland, Ore., Monday, June 12, 'Id
A very pretty young lady, spying
one of the signs forbidding throwing
stones at squirrels in Chautauqua
Park, remarked to her mother as we
wero passing: "AVhat's the use of
that sign? I don't see any squlr
rels." We indiscreetly giggled and
she added, "Although there are plen
ty of nuts for them to eat." ,
' V. O. N. Smith, who was one of the
bitten, suggests: "While the ladies
are collecting paper, why don't they
gather up all the perfectly nice bond
paper used for shares In the broom
factory? It should not go to waste
A certain Miss M. A. of Medford
was heard to remark, being shown
the lithia water fountain In the park:
"Why, I didn't know there was water
In those cages. I thought on,e of
them was for monkeys and one for
birds like they have in all parks."
Somebody pnt two dimes and a
nickel Instead of a quarter In the gas
meter at the "auto camp last week.
The meter calls for a quarter and
ndoubtedly the unlucky camper
thought it made no difference wheth
er the two bits was in pennies or a
money order
tion to the approach of the anniver
sary of the day upon which the flag
of the Un'ted States was adopted by
the congress as the emblem of the
Union and to suggest to you that It
should, this year, and In the years to
come, he given special significance as
a day of renewal and reminder, a day
upon which we should direct our
minds with a special desire of renewal
to thoughts of the ideals and princi
ples of which we have sought to make
our great government the embodi
ment. "I therefore suggest and request
that throughout the nation and, If
possible, In every community, the
14th day of June1 be observed as Flag
Day with special patriotic exercises
at which moans (shall be taken to
elve senlficant expression to our
thoughtful love of America, our com
prehension of the great mission of
liberty and Justice to which we have
devoted oursqlves as a people, our
pride In the history and our enthusi
asm for the political progress of the
nation, our determination to make It
greater and purer with each genera
tion and our resolution to demon
strate to all the world its vital union
In sentiment and purpose, accepting
only those as true compatriots who
feel as we do the compulsion of this
supreme allegiance."
Wak'ng his collarbone.
Council Votes
To Light Park
After an argument of some length
over the means, the city council vot-' day.
Hodgson & Reed have a special
piece of improved property on Gran
ite street, fronting the park, for sale
at a bargain. See them at their of
fice, Hotel Oregon building. 4-3t
Editor Ruhl of the Medford Sun
Is the proud father of a nine-pound ,
haby boy which arrived last Thurs-1
Capital and Surplus $120,000.00 x
City of Ashland County of Jackson State of Oregon
Untied States of America
M I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t f f ' " '
Fishermen Strike
On Lower Rogue
All fishermen fishing on the lower
Rogue river went on strike last Tues
day. They demand that tho price of
aalmon be raiBed to $1 pe fish or
11.25 where the fishermen furnish
their own gear. Rod Macleay, who i
.was In Ashland a few days ago, Is
expected to arrive at Gold Beach and
settle the strike
As an act et retaliation the Wed
jjerburn trading Company is reported
td nave ordered their stores in Wed
derburn and Gold Beach to refuse
credit to all fishermen.
San Diego Fair -.
Attracts Crowds
The half-million mark has been
passed in 1916 attendance at the
Panama California International Ex
position. In view of the fact thai
the early months are considered low
from an attendance standpoint along
the coast, the showing Is highly grat
ifying to exposition heads. President
G. A. Davidson points to the fact that
the attendance is greater than for the
tame period last yea, and is firm in
the belief that July, August and Sep
tember will bring the biggest months
enjoyed by the exposition.
D. L.' Greenman returned home
Thursday from Rosebiirg, where he
was called by the serious Illness of
his cousin, Charles Greenman. His
cousin Is Improved somewhat.
Dun's Agent Says
Conditions Improved
O. L. Lasslter of R. G. Dun & Co.,
the company that fixes the financial
rating ef all firms and merchants,
was in the city last week on his regu
lar trip. Mr. Lasslter's territory In
cludes all of western Oregon,
Speaking of business conditions in
Ashland, Mr. Lasslter said that be"
found business so far this year to be
a great improvement over the same
period last year and conditions to he
much better. All throughout western
Oregon he reports finding conditions
picking up, and while In many places
the actual conditional are not much
better, everywhere the feeling 1 won
derfullf luore optimistic and good
liiues are felt to be on the way. In
Ashland this feeling is exceptionally
apparent,, according to the visitor,
and a co-operative spirit is becoming
evident here which should mean much
for the future of tbe city.
Mr. LasBiter Is a great admirer of
Ashland as a borne city and is in love
with Ashland park. He says he has
beard rndfre comment oh Ashland's
park and chiefly the automobile camp
ground everywhere that he has been
than of any other tourist attraction
In Oregon. He gave as an Instance
of the widespread advertising which
Ashland Was receiving from the auto
camp the query concerning Ashland
which he had received In a letter from
a friend in the far east concerning
Ashland. He says this friend, who
has never been west, was told by an
eastern acquaintance, who had toured
the coast In an automobile last year,
of Ashland's auto camp and beautiful
park, and wrote to him, asking if
Ashland was one of his stopping
places. The writer of the letter win
Include Ashland In a tour of the coast
this summer..
The Hotel Oregon, Mr. Lasslter re
marked, was a very comfortable
place and a great improvement over
the old hotel accommodations. He
says that heretofore he always stayed
In Medford and came up daytimes to
do his business here, but that this
trip and hereafter he would stay at
the Oregon. '
ed at Tuesday evening's meeting to
light Lithia Park and Park avenue
from the Peil corner to the park en
trance according to plans submitted
by the electrical committee and City
Electrician Strickland. The path
through Chautauqua Park will be
lighted by the springs commission at
a cost of approximately $70, the
lighting being done on the theory"
that this path, being the' only foot
entrance to Lithia Park, is in reality
a component rart of the system. The i
cost of lighting Park avenue and
Lithia Park will total about 1600.
I .: ft - :jr"S. - vw;;:
WW r :v-;
Juvenile Court Judge Charles B.
Gay was a visitor in the city Tues
day, coming up from Medford to at
tend to court business.
. jliss Alice Thompson, one of the
West school teachers, has with her W. S. Voorheis, a newcomer from
mother left for Berkeley, whgre she 'Napa, Cal., will open the Park pro-
The 'great Northwestern roofing for
mills, factories, barns in fact every It It nuklnr eood In tvry wmr. Fretiample.
-A. ... n.h.hi and literature oorequert.
tatalbuldiac. BtadfaalWelthebw , of your deJer or write M direct
Portland, Oregon
tructuree it U now covering-end where
E. C. Payne
will attend summer school.
The'Phoenix high school has pub
lished an annual, this being the first
publication of the kind issued by the
schools of that little city.
Fined $27.50 As
Aftermath of Smash
Tom McEnery, a Southern Pacific
locomotive fireman running out of
Ashland, was fined $15 and $1,2.50
costs, or a total of $27.60, in Justice
Taylor's court at Medford Tuesday
afternoon for alleged violation of
rules of the road. McEnery, driving
a Dodge car, collided with a Ford
driven by E. R. Oatman of Medford
Sunday, doing considerable damage
to both cars. McEnery agreed to pay
th rinmne to Oatman's car. The
accent occurred near Talent
Strike Causes
Heavy Traffic
The heaviest business of months
resulted beginning last week over
the Southern Pacific, both freight
and passenger, due to the longshore
men strike which tied up, all coast
boating traffic. The. passenger
trains are filled to capacity and be
ginning Sunday have carried fourteen
cars In many cases. A rumor Is prev
alent to the effect that trains 53 and
54, which were recently taken off,
would be placed back on again.
vision store this week in the store
building located at the entrance to
the auto camp which was recently
H. R. Palmer of Los Angeles Is the
For concessions for the Roundup' possessor of the Brush ranch on Wal- an 18 months interueshlp in the
ker avenue as the result of a trade uwisvuie city nospuai. e nas Deen
Involving California property. The I practising on the coast in Oregon for
the past 18 months.
Dr. Xanse Briscoe, son of Superin
tendent of Schools G. A. Briscoe, of
Ashland, will enter the practice of
medicine' in Talent this week and will
open offices In the Ames building.
Dr. Briscoe Is a graduate of the Ken
tucky College of Medicine and served
see W. S. Voorheis at Susie Allen's
real estate office or write P. O. Box
94. N 4-tf
J. H. Basler of Portland arrived in
Ashland last week and has accepted
properties involved were each valued j
at about $10,000. j For concessions for the Roundup
Twenty teams and three auto! see W. S. Voorheis at Susie Allen's
a position with Briggs & Elmore. He! trucks are engaged in the work of ( real estate office or write P. O. Box
is an expert shoeman and will be a 'hauling gravel ou the, resurfacing or . 94. x 6tr
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy and daughter
have Just arrived In Ashland from
their home In Athol, Mass. Tbey are
stopping with Mr. Stacy's sister, Mrs.
E. Grant Emhree, and "niece, Miss
Maye Glover, also with his step-
valuable addition to their sales force. . the Jacksonville road. The contract
Mrs. O. H. Coffee and daughter,!'8 hcl by Carlton & Schultze. The
Miss Georgia, left laat Saturday onjrk N finished by the middle
tra'n 13 on a three months' trip back of Julr-
to the middle west. They go by the V. O. ,X. Smith of The Citizens
Ogden route and will visit friends and j Bank of Ashland was elected a mem-
relatives first at Columbia, Neb., later j ber of the executive committee of the ' mother, Mrs. A. E. Stacy. They ex-
at Elgin, St. Charles and Chicago, J Oregon State Bankers' Association at j pect to remain in Ashland quite a
111., then back to Denver and then to j Portland Wednesday. E. V. Carter i while, as he'has a long vacation. Mr.
southern California, where they will . and J. W. McCoy of Ashland were Stacy holds a very responsible posi
visit Long Beach and Los Angeles. ' also in attendance at the convention, tion with the B. & M. Railroad Com
They expect to be gone about three j which was attended by bankers from j pany, having many clerks in bis of
months. practically every city in the state. flee.
1 I
Vining Theatre, Mon.-Ttiesday, Jam J2-J3
k. u. nouaom presems we
. 7
Drys Initiate Bill'
To Clamp on Lid
Secretary of State Ben W. Olcott
at Salem Monday approved, as to its
form, a petition for the initiation of
an amendment to the Oregon con
stitution prohibiting the importation
of liquor into the state for beyerage
The existing prohibition law per
mits ' the importation of a limited
amount of liquor. The amendment,
which will be voted upon at the elec
tion in November, was filed by the
Oregon State Prohibition committee.
When you nave 'money to Invest,
the officers of this bank will be glad
' to have' yoi confer" with them ' and
receive the benefit of their experience
in determining 'the kind of invest
sent best suited to your seeds.
First National Bank
Old ft ffatltnuxl Bamkimjatkion
Dealers In
KooJing Papers, urjwooa, .
factory Clock Wood
I "t -T -rf- s:Til
o o
Formerly ol the Panama-Pacific ExposiliHn
1 1
With the Ford
It reduces the
cost of delivering
goods to a
ridiculously low fis
The load Is
'on the truck
not In 1U
Look it
before buying
' I it fit t n v.-.- ..
Light weight - Strong construction
Timkey bearings Steel castings
For sale by;; fll ,h
Central Point Autrf Co.
Central Point, Oregon
Sole Arents
Players and
Princess Annie Kealbha
Hawaii's Most Fanlaslic and Sensational Danscnse
David Nahea
The Sweet Toned Hawaiian Tenor
Tiie Royal Hawaiian Sextette
Refined and Still Sensational
Singing Dancing Comedy. A night on the
Complete Change , ol program fach.Bay. , Also
Monday Night, EOiel Batnmore in "The Kiss ol
Hate", 5 reels,; Icesday Night, John Barrymore
In "Nearly a gf, Areels.
Don't miss this unusual high,
class' a tirac tion
AdmisJiOn 1S-2S.
Children under 12. lCc