Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 12, 1916, Image 1

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7 Second st
A . i
"Ashland Grows While Llthla Flows'
- City of Sunshine and Flowers
Ashland, Oregon, Llthla Springs j
"Oregon's Famous Spa"
Sunday Crowds
In Park Immense
The Sunday band concert was held
In the new spuakers' stand beneath
the great shade trees In the vicinity
Just below the sulphur cave. Tue
largest Sunday crowd which has vis
ited the park In the past two months
filled the benches which have been
built in that vicinity, and hundreds
were forced to stand. The concert,
was held in the new locat'on because !
of the fact that until the shade trees
around the bandstand proper are de-
veloped more, the hot sun makes that;1 Ul,til after tho l,etition
location rather warm. Hereafter In
all probability the Sunday concerts
will be held In tho shady location,
and the Wednesday evening concerts
In the handstand. The concert was
the lest given by the band this sea-
Hon. Four Medford musicans have!
becnd added to the personnel of the!
band and fill !t out Into a well-balanced
The regular Wednesday night con
cert will be of exceptional popular
appeal. On next Sunday the Duns
inulr band and a trainload of Duns
' mulr people will probably be up, ne
gotiations now being under way to
get that band for a. concert.
Out-of-town people by the hun
dreds were In the park Sunday and
fcores of picnic parties were held.
Many northern California people mo
tored over.
Tho Wednesday concerts will here
after be held beginning promptly at
7:45 so that valley people may catch
the 9 o'clock jitneys.
Warner Meets
Mail Order Houses
To meet mail order prices In a
straightforward manner, allowing
personal Inspection of goods and with
the guarantee of a home firm behind
the goods as features which the mall
order nouses can never meet, is tne Fraley; private home accommoda
ambition which A. T. Warner, the j tions beds, cots and tents, D. D.
hardware man, has realized. He of- j xorris chairman, F. J. Shinn, Tom
fer to take orders of goods selected i H Gowdy and L. J. Trefren;
from any mail order house at their j,'otei and boarding house accommoda
pr'ces and sometimes beats their j tlongi beds, cots and tents, H. G.
prices. Enders Sr. chairman, E. R. Grelve
In order to reduce an overcrowded , and E T staples; eating accommo
Btock and raise ready cash for a big ; dations in downtown district, M. C.
deal, Mr. Warner has decided to offer, Reed chairman. C. B. Lanikin and J.
at a great sale, bargains in hardware ;
which will denand the attention of
everyone who has use tor anything
that lies on the shelves of a hard
ware store. Prices on hardware are
rising on account of metal prices
brought on by the war, but Warner's
prices are falling out through the bot
tom in this sale.
E. E. Killer Will ,
Fix Up Rest Room
E. E. Miller ot the Vienna bakery
and lunchroom has rented the office
rooms next door whlcff were formerly
occupied by the Cunningham real es
tate office and will fit them up as a
Test room for ladies during the com
ing celebration. Toilets and lava
tories will be installed and comfort
able furniture put In. This Is an Idea
which might well be followed by
other merchants. Caring for Ash
land's visitors during the coming cel
ebration is a problem whose Immens
ity Is hardly realized, and upon it
rinnonda n rrpftt deal, as successful
vJlt f ih rnwrta will mean
revisits by all who come in July. The j
lead taken by Mr.
Miller should be
Will Ask Bids
For Paving Hill
At a meeting of the county court
Friday the advertising of bids for the
grading of the Ashland hill section ot
the Pacific Highway was authorized.
Specifications will be prepared and
submitted to the court at Its Monday
meeting and the advertisements then
placed. It is probable that action
will also be taken on the Central
Point-Tolo section.
The final contract for the subway
under the railroad track with the
Southern Pacifio has not yet been'
m ifinii bv the railroad company, but'
the essentials have been agreed upoM
end the court expects tne contract
will be signed by the time toe grad
ing contract U awarded. Action
taken now to expedite, matters;
CHf Payne makes magazine stands.
A telephone call from one of S
the Greer recall petitioners llv- v
Ing on north Oak street an- S
nounces that she and four of
' her neighbors were told by the ?
solicitor that Mr. Greer was
: ready to turn the park bver to ?
j the city and could not do so
i without the petition; that it was
ue,nR crclllalM nla rnenus - j
t0 he,p nlm- Upon that re'":e- i
pcntatiol thev sened tn PetI"
tlon and d:d not know different
J filed.
Accommodations for
PalfiKrif lATI PfAXHTlc i
lClCUIdllUil trlUWUD
Every effort is being made by the
committee on accommodations to be
sure that the visitors who come to
Ashland for the celebration will have
a place to sleep. The reports are
that we will have an enormous crow
of people here, and unless these peo-'
pie get a good place to sleep, it will !
be impossible for us to expect to hold
them here for three days. The citi
zens of Ashland are requested to
strain a point and accommodate as
many people In their homes, or put
up tents with beds or cots, and report
to the committee on accommodations
that they have these to let out.
The'general committee on accom
modations is as follows: D. D. Xor-
ris chairman, F. H. Walker and H. O.
Purucker. The sub-committees are:
Comfort stations, John Volpe chair
man, Warren Williams and C. W
Banta; water supply to camping
places, Earl Hosier chairman and P.
L. Ashcraft; auto camping places, J.
0. Hurt chairman, W., Y. Crowson
and A.-L. Strickland; camping places
for parties with teams, 0. F. Carson
chairman, John H. Dill and C. W.
Di MxRae.
There will be a meeting of the gen
eral and all sub committees at the
city hall this afternoon and every ef
fort will be made to house the people
who come here. We must depend
upon the help of the citizens to do
If any one in Ashland has any
doubts or is lukewarm on this cele
bration, Just take a look at the stand
being erected at the Roundup
grounds. It will seat ten thousand
people. We must furnish them ac
commodations. Ashland Knights
To Los Angeles
ABhland will be represented by sev
eral Knights at the Grand Command
ery of the Knights Templar which
will be held In Los Angeles June 17
to 23 Inclusive. The delegations
from northern Oregon will go to San
Francisco by boat The southern
Oregon members will go down by rail
and join the rest of the Oregonians
at San Francisco, continuing the trip
ll. At present those who nlan to
go from here are Mr. and Mrs. C. W,
Nims, Mrs. Ella Mills, T. K. Bolton,
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Simpson and Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Newcombe. This
party will leave on the 17th of this
month. Mr. and Mrs. Stone intend to
motor down with Grants Pass friends.
The Grand Commandery will have
thousands of Knights from all over
the United States in attendance and
entertainment and ceremonials will
be staged upon a stupendous scale.
The fare from Ashland is exceeding
ly low, and the fact that this is prob
ably the only time in many years that
the Grand Commandery will be held
on the coast will no doubt add others
to the list of those who will attend
from here.
You 'nee an electric, vacuum clean
er1. 'Why' not get it .now T JoWan
fifte'ciric Co! ' ' ' .1A ' ' -'"It
Hi .10 ...!' '""
Panamas cleaned and blocked at
h Mrsifsora Hodges of Gold Hill is
tMlng,KhV ;,Mrs. 'William
Myer. . .,;
.vt'; r ',
II B Ifl "9 ffl f 5 I! A ll m ::i
Twelve Days
aly 748.
Great Attractions
New Yot k City Marine Band !
ilist of Names Which Were Affixed
To Petition Recalling B. R. Greer
Following is printed all the names
that appear on the Greer recall peti
tion. On looking over the signatures on
the original petition filed at the re
corder's office Mr. Greer thought
about one hundred and fifty of the
names appeared to be written by the
same hand. That did net look good
to him. It would indicate that many
of the names had been "faked" and
were not the genuine signatures of
the purported signers.
In order that citizens, may be able
to ascertain whether their names are
properly there, the list Is printed
If you signed the Greer recall peti
tion you will find your name in this
list. If you did not sign the petition
Mr. Greer thinks you are likely to
f'.nd it there. If you did not sign it
and yonr name appears on the peti
tion, Mr. Greer will deem it a great
favor if you will notify him. You will
note that some of the names are on
two or three time8:
C. W. Farrar, 715 Penn. ave. .
A. Dickey, 126 Mechanic.
J.'A. Lemery, 53 Alida.
0. G. Howard, 502 Fairview.
M. M. Wheeler, 131 North Main
H. G. Enders, 328 East Main.
E. H. Bush, 12 Beach avo.
A. W. Thomas, 993 Boulevard-
E. H. Hall, 564 Liberty.
J. R. Maxedon, 977 B.
W. A. Farrer, 715 Penn. ave.
G. U. Hile, 64 Third.
E. M. Reese. Roca.
F G. Swedenburg, Iowa & Gresham.
Roy S. Hale, 60 Fifth.
S. A. Potter, Fourth.
George B. Wilson, 462 Allison.
A. T. Warner, 171 Church.
E. N. Brushwood, 633 Iowa.'
Olive E. Lemery, 53 Alida.
J. T. Sayles, 665 East Main.
O. B. Turner,. 256 Slxtn.
G. R. Wiley, 126 First.
Allen Davis, 137 First.
Mary Burkman, 1360 Qulncy.
Walter Hash, 124 Ohio.
T. B. Wright, 124 Nob Hill. .
J. H. Hardy, 126 Bush.
H. G. Enders. Jr., 123 B.
D. F Weimer (?), 668 North Main.
B. E. Smith, Nutley.
C. V. Beeler, 842 Boulevard.
Walter G. Tucker, Atlas Rm. House
Louis Hilty, 48 Gresham.
P. C. Stratton, 968 East Main.
Mrs. P. C. Stratton, 968 East Main.
H. Bachtell, 968 East Main.
Geo. C. Yates, 985 East Main.
J. F. Blair, 924 East Main.
L. D. Pr'nce, East Main.
Thos. Leffler, 66 Mountain ave.
A. W. Storey, 60 Alida.
S. Morehouse, 56 Third.
Mrs. R. Potter, 30 Second.
W. R. Potter, 30 Second.
Caribel Morehouse, 56 Third.
Mrs S. Morehouse, 66 Third.
Lillian F. Potter, Fourth.
C. Potter, Fourth.
Wm. I. Humphreys. 161 Fourth.
Harry A. Sayles, 39 Union.
John A. Ruger, 348 Hargadine.
E. E. White, 167 Mountain ave,
J. W. Bailey, 119 Seventh.
J. E. Baughman, 525 East Main.
Walter A. Foulk, East Main.
J. G. Cozort, 685 B.
Hettie Cozort, 685 B.
J. A. M(! (?), 685 B.
Geo. W. Monroe, 90 Sixth.
Mrs. G. W. Monroe, 90 Sixth.
B. Danford, 188 Second.
R. M. Parr, 225 Ohio.
H. L. Taylor, 450 A.
C. R. Clark, 1114 Iowa.
J. M. Slack, 916 East Main.i
T? A riAnfnn. 772 B.
e! p. Jennings, 116 fo
t t. Pnwall Mechanic.
MrsV L'E. F. Alien, 820 Palm nve
Frank SalsbtiryV 77 OaV.j ' ) ' .. '
A. 0. MeGee, 78 Pin '
O. E. Crews, 40 Granit U I
Q. V, Crews, 40 Granite, f - ...
A.,Butler;-S4 'Unjon; !
Mary B3: O. Butler,' 8 4. Vnlon.
Florence N. Stratton,. Iowa,
H. A. Autry, 26 Morton, !.,.
Mrs I. M, McGee, 37. Firft.
' .AH'
- i
International Operatic Company,
Skibinsky, the great Russian vio
linist, Banner's Kaffir Boy Choir,
Comua Players, Ju Ige Wannamak
er of tho Ohio Supreme Court, Lou
Hoauchamp, known by millions,
who says things of worth in a way
which compels you to laugh.
Many otlnr attractions, Includ
ing Prof. I.arimore and his two
Tlcke!s $2.25 if Bought Soon J
24lh Annual Session, Ashland f
Miss Myrtle MeGee, 137 First.
F. H. Sanger, 657 C. (
Mrs. Wilborn, 190 13.
Mrs. N. M. Ha'nos, 126 First.
Mrs. W. E. VanVactor, 107 Second.
M. F. Chambers, 2CC Sixth.
Mrs. L. A. Phillips, 10GS East Main.
Mrs. B. Decker, 1019 East Main,
Mrs. E. E. Roberson. Garfield.
Jessie M. Silver. 4j7 Talm ave.
Mrs. B. F. Shaffer, 167 Garfield.
Mrs.' L. Dart, Garfield.
M. Shaver. 1111 Iowa.
Helen Shaver, 1111 Iowa.
Lee McMkhael, 132 Elizabeth.
Maud Duty, 1375 Iowa.
Mrs. M. E. Duty, 1375 Iowa.
Chas. A. Gray, 1372 Iowa. '
Mrs. Chas. A. Gray, 1372 Iowa.
Mrs. M. M. Decker, 303 Avery.
W. G. Tucker, 351 Avery. .
Mrs. L. B. Tucker, 351 Avery.
Mrs. J. B. Harrell, 1177 Iowa.
Mrs. M. E. Rowley, 115 Lincoln.
M. C. Grubb, 160 Mountain ave.
Mrs. Susan Butts, 172 Mountain ave.
Mrs. E, JJennlngfi, 1116 Iowa. ,
A. F. Abbott, 108 Alida.
Mrs. A. F. Abbott, 108 Alida.
Dennis L." Tyson, 137 Oak. ...i
M. Carlson, 275 Garfield. .
C. W. Winne, 160 Sherman.
Mrs. C. W. Winne, 160 Sherman.
Mattle Atterbury, 349 Sherman.
Florence Young, 349 Sherman.
A. W. Attebrury, 349 Sherman.
Clay E. Saunders, 633 Iowa.
Mrs. E. D.. Stephenson, 84 Dewey.
Mrs. E. Shroyer, 84 Dewey.
W. H. A. Smith. 356 Granite.
Edna Brown, 311 North Main.
Myrtle Johnson, 311 North Main.
Ella Brown, 311 North Main.
James Boyd, 317 North Main.
John H. Baron, 304 Mechanic.
Mrs. Ella Baron, 304 Mechanic. ,
Mrs. E. M. Penter, North Main.
Mary F. Trefren, 438 North Main.
Mrs. Minnie King 496 North Main.
Mrs. C. T. Payne, 508 North Main.
C. T. Payne, 508 North Main.
Mrs. A. A. Marske, 495 North Main.
Mrs. Eliza Hicks, 551 North Main.
Mrs. Ida Perry, 563 North Main.
T. E. Hadfield, 151 Coolidge. .
Mrs. James Boyd, 317 North Main.
J. M. Casebeer, 803 North Main.
C. Ganlere, 148 Wlmer.
E. G. Owen, 166 North Main.
Mrs. Ira Johnson, 476 North Main.
Otto E. Olsen, 699 Walnut.
Minnie Casebeer, 803 North Main.
Mollie Woodward, 244 Grant.
Rosa Peffly, 264 Grant.
Emma B. Adams, 296 Grant.
E. C. Smith, 711 Grover.
Chas. L. Morse, 632 Grant.
Caroline S. Olsen, 699 Walnut.
C. J. Olsen, 699 Walnut.
Mrs. J. H. Morse, 632 Walnut.
W. J. Crosslin, Maple.
Lizzie Crosslin, Maple.
Mrs. C. I. J. Porter, 267 Maple.
Fred E. Porter, 223 Maple.
Mrs. J. Mathes, 112 Maple.
Mrs. Belle Yarbrough, 532 Scenic D.
Mrs. J. B. Hurt, 531 Scenic Drive.
I. F. Porter, 95 Coolidge.
Eunice HayB, 244 Mechanic.
J. O. Marrett, 126 Nursery.
Bessie D. Caldwell, 447 Rock.
Mrs. A. E. Hensley, 140 Nursery.
J. F. Koehler, 447 Scenic Drive.
M. W. Smith, 464 Scenic Drive.
Lucy Smith, 464 Scenic Drive.
M. W. Hays, 487 Scenic Drive.
M. I. Barnhill, 260 Wlmer.
Bartha Barnhill, 260 Wlmer.
H. J. Carter, 821 Alta ave.
H. N. Carter, 321 Alta ave.
C. A. Roberts, 400 Beach.
Arretta E. Zana, 544 A.
F. Zana, 644 A.
Morris Plymate, 563 North Main.
David A. Smyth, 236 Fifth.
George Larder, 323 Laurel.
Edw. Forgie, 266 Third.
Geo. C. Cyester, 74 Granite.
F. S. Folts, 268 B.
L. R. Coder, 887 Lanrel.
D. B. Lyons, 192 Mountain ave.
C. H. Harris, 660 B. .
Mrs. C. H. Harris, B. . .'I
Clara Loom is, 662 B.
Sadie Denton, 773 B. fil
Mary A. Torrence, 848 B;
Giles . Parman, 848 BE. !
Mrs. C O. Porter, 148 Higstn.
Mrs. A. A. Rowley, Izl-EbjhtB.
Mrs. p. W. Long 117 Wghth,
i-A. V. j Whitney, 4280) East JJatn. .
(jppntlnned ow Tc Eight.)
3 i s $ $ $ $ $ 1
$ All parties having
against, the Springs Water Com-
mission will please present
them on the 13th or 14th. of
, iv jiine up iu uiiiu. nts ciwtuj uiii v
J books on tlie park development
" the afternoon of the 4th.
i ft s
? $ $ fc s s s $ ? ij- J' . Q
i A T t - r ..1
They Are Off
In Great Contest
Tho first counting of the ballots
for the King and Queen have been
made, and with the following result:
Pr'scilla Carnnhun .1 . 0
Emma Jenkins 400
(lien Roberts '300
Lucile Harbor 1 00
Nell I'enchey 2.10
Mary Welseuburger 800
Lillian Patterson 150
Jennie Holt , 150
Edith Colo 50.
C'layre Johnson 50
O. T. Bergner . . '. S.'O
C. V. Heeler 2 Oil
E. V. Carter 750
Jean Hastings 1 00
C. B. Wolf j. . . .' 150
W. W. Ussher 100
R. P. Cornelius 50
Earl Burnett 50
H. G. Enders, Sr '. 750
C. W. Nims 100.
Dr. D. M. Browcr 50
Emil Pell 60 '
Alex Livingston 50
Further nominations may be made
for both king and queen by purchas
ing votes and writing the name of
your favorite candidate on same and
depositing in one of the ballot boxes
which are located at the following
stores: E. N. Butler, E. R. Grelve,
McXalr Bros., W. P. Poloy, Rose
Bros., Win Crowson, H. G. Enders &
Son, Depot Drug Store, C. H. Van
pel's, White House Grocery, Ashland
Trading Company and (he Vlnlng
Theatre. . No further nominations
will be allowed after Thursday night,
June 15.
The young ladies eligible to he
elected as Queen Lithia must live In
Ashland, be unmarried and over sev- i
enteen years of age.
Any man who Is at peace with his
wife and spends all of his evenings at prnic of FluR y in the park. Tho
home, and also that he Is not consid- j parent.Tca(.hers will have a valley
ered a particularly handsome man, Is . pcnic on tD(U day and a crowd ot
what would make a man eligible to geveral thousand will probably visit
be elected as King Sulphur. ,tlle park
The funds derived from this vot
Ing contest will bo used to furnish'
the queen's gown and such costume yj 3Ilt DlUin S
as necessary for the king, and will
also defray the expenses of their re
spective floats.
Get Into the game.
Royal Hawaiians
At Vining Theatre
R. G. Holldorff's Royal Hawaiian
Serenaders, who have been the head-
liners at the San Francisco Hippo -
drome and have played to capacity
houses through California, will ap
pear at the Vining Theatre tonight
and Tuesday. This troupe of seven
people are giving two big acts of ex
traordinary quality. David Nakea,
the sweet-toned Hawaiian tenor, and
Princess Annie Kealoha, In her most
refined native dances, are two of the
features. Dick Router plays a ukale-
lee solo which brings him great ap-
plause, and mueic lovers will listen
with amazement to the Bweet tones
of the steel guitar when John S-
Kalama and Nakea will master this
wonderful Inntrument. George D.
Kalanl, the famous baritone, and The Amercan pc0pie today are al
Wllllam Aylott in his bass solo are wayg lookng for someone to do their
mucn aamirea, wnne nenry .ane.
makes a great hit with his unique
dance and comedy.
The Royal Hawaiian Sextette, who i
have been the feature at the San
Francisco exposition, will offer selec
tion! of great variety and most won
derful harmony.
In addition to this big vaudeville
bill, a five-reel feature is also Includ
ed in the program; and we advise to
get your tickets early, as a capacity
house ' 14 expected to heat and see
these wonderful Blngers and players
front the Isle of Paradise, I , ,.'
hone..Aiaiid,,TrfdInt Co., 122.
for UxC,r Residence iplrope 280-B.
u OrreB cleans clothes.' Phone 84.
Old Ashland Firm
Will Quit Business
Beobe & Kinney's, one of Ash
land's pioneer mercantile establish
ments. U going out of business and
will close out their stock beginning
next Thursday.
This is one of tho old fltores ot
Ashland and one of the most firmly
established and reputable concerns in
tho valley. It was established twen-
i ty three years ago under the firm
I name of Vaupol, Norrls & Drake, tin
J der which name It continued fur ten
Knnn ll.fln ..l,nnt.. , IT 1
Drake & Kinney for two years, then
Vnupi'l, Heche & Kinney for two
years, ami finally Heche' & Kinney
for the past nine years.
Mr. Hoebe and Mr. Kinney have no
definite plans for the Immediate fu
ture, but both own beautiful homes
In Ashland and have extensive busi
ness interests here and In the valley,
and will probably continue to make
Ashland their home. They will not
re-enter the mercantile business here.
The store will bo closed .this weelc
until Thursday In preparation for thn
commencement o a closing out sain
which will be the most sensationally
low-priced sale ever held In tho val
ley. Everything will bo sold at less
than wholesale cost despite tho fact
that prices on nearly everything nr
'advancing by leaps and bounds. Thn
values offered should attract crowds
from all over tho valley and should
! close out tho immense stock in a few
' days.
Flag Day Exercises
At Lithia Auto Camp
Flag Day will be observed by tho
Ashland Elks lodge as it is all over
the United fftates. with a. great nub-
; ther! alld cxer,..lse8. The ex-
erclses In Ashland will
be held in
Llthla Park auto camp at 2:45 on
Wednesday, ot tliis week. The niera-
,bcrs of the Elks lodge will gathor at
the Elks temple at 2:30, where they
will be Joined by the O. A. R., W. R..
C, militia company and led by th
Ashland and to the park. Tho com-
j mittee In charge consists of E. N.
! Butler, A. L. Strickland and F. F:
Whittle. Hon. Bob Nixon of Yreka,
Cal., will be the speaker of tho day
and an Interesting program will be
rendered. The public is Invited to
,, Mnn ,, mnVo on ,, ,inv.
On Recall Ballot
About fifty Interested voters from
all over the county met at Medford
lust Saturday afternoon to put forth
candidates to oppose the present
members of the count court on the
recall petitions now in circulation
W. W. Gregory was named to run on
the short term for commissioner
j a(,ainst Wi c i,eever. Several are
1 bong conBdercd ftg available to run
agaln8t Franl H. Madden. The gath-
erlng of voters seemed Intent upon
having Judge G. W. Dunn of Ashland
fun for Judge de8pite the fact
that Mr. Dunn had declared that he
could not run on account of business.
Finally a committee was named to
endeavor to get Judge Dunn to re
consider his decision.
Remember the Teacup Clnb pienfo
, TueSlay( the 13th, at 4 p. m. In
j Lithla Park. Bring your plate, cup.
J saucer, disti, fox-k and spoon. Supper
at g m
rrrsJ ,' ,
work Jordan Eiectrlo Co. have a
waBh!nK nmchlne that will wash for
vnlI Ron lt it
The Sons of the American $
Revolution have Inaugurated a
movement to have every auto-
mobile in the nation display. thet
4 American flag en flag .. Day,, 4
June 14, which s next Wednea-
day. '" ... , : - ,
$ Every automobile owner. In. & .
4 Ashland la urged to display a. $
flag 6n Bis njaehlne aeit Wed- .
Wiy.'1' "' ;,;;v ; ....
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i':r .'i v St.-.-v-Sa
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