Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, May 29, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Monday, May 20, 101
Last Sunday With
Itlathis and Vessey
The total attendance on the last
Sunday of the Mathls and Vessey
meeting was 2,700 people. But be
fore I go on to describe the day's
meetings I must refer to the sacred
concert and message of Saturday
evening. .
The program was as. follows: Duet
with chorus, Mrs. Kasor and Mr. Ves
eey; solo, Miss Nollie Peachey; duet,
Mr. S. A. Peters and Mr. Vessey;
trombone and cornet duet, V. O. N.
Smith and Uernard Vessey; male
quartet, Messrs. Ewer, Strickland,
Kasor and Briggi, "Sunset and Even
ing Star" and "The End of a Perfect
day;" number by the chorus; duet,
Mrs. Wolf and Mr. Vessey; solo by
Jlr. Strickland, "Come, Holy Spirit;'
number by the chorus, "God Will
Take Ca,re of You."
After tho announcements Vessey
tang "Jesus is Coming." Then the
evangelist arose to speak. His first
remarks were in appreciation of the
musical. Christians are the world's
musicians and singers. "About the
only tune that the devil has is a spit
toon." i
The text was, "There was no room
for them in the Inn." The evangelist
is glad that Jesus came and that
Eome day He is coming again.' And
meanwhile He is with us'"alway,"
The shepherds representing the work'
ing people, just folks, welcomed Jesus
The wise men from the East, repre
eenting the wise and learned of all
cges, welcomed Jesus. And Simeon
and Anna the prophetess, represent
ing all men in their religious nature,
welcomed Jesus.
At the three services Sunday the
matter of the offering for the evan
gelist was presented by Mr. Lamkin
end Mr. Reed. Considering the times
find all, we think that an offering
worthy of Ashland and her people
was given. Some will say he came
and took a bunch of money out of
the town. When you say that re
member this: He has been in our
city a month, speaking eleven times
a week, trying to make it hard to do
wrong, easy to do right. He has
tried to win men from their booze
and tobacco. Ho has pled with them
that they nouor and protect virtue
and womanhood. He has tried to win
women from the card and dance so
ciety life to a life of motherhood
worth while. He has warned our
young women against the young
rakes who sow their wild oats and
then hope to win the hand of good,
virtuous young women for their
wives. And above all, he has ever
pointed to a power that is outside
and above man as the only power suf
f'cient to produce the highest type of
men and women. This power is
Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In
deed, all that he aud the singer have
done has been for good. Then re
member this: We doubt very much
if he took out of town as much money
as is taken every time Ashland, Is vis
ited by a road show. Did you ever
hear very much kicking about the
money taken out by these companies?
The text Sunday ' morning was,,
"Behold the sower went forth to
sow." His seed fell upon four kinds
of soil. "The hard beaten path of ill
temper needs to be broken up and
sowed down with patience and long
suffering." "A man does not need
his temper taken away, he wants it
tempered." "The hard beaten path
Its Rich, Sweet, Mellow Flavor Has
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Try Spear Head, and you'll get a
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that cannot be obtained in any other
lolacco. In 10c cuti, wrapped in wax
of stinginess needs to be broken up
and sowed .with the seeds of gener
osity." "A generous soul grows fat.
Some people are so skinny because
they are so stingy." Many people are
"trying to live an automobile life on
a wheelbarrow salary."
A stingy old man down south sent
a colored boy on an errand. When
he returned the old man feverishly
searched his pockets. "Sambo, I did
have a nickel." "Look again, boBs.
If you everdid have a nickel, youae
sure got it yet."
In the afternoon service the evan
gelist spoke on "The Hours of De
pression." In hours of sorrow and
depression some people grow bitter
toward God. Riches' do not always
produce happiness and spirituality.
"Many people are religious until they
are able to buy an automobile." "A
man's life does not consist In the
abundance of things which he pos
sessed." Why should a man or
woman go about "dragging his lower
lip on the carpet for twelve months?"
A farmer in the path ol a severe hail
stone storm gathered up the hall
stones and with them froze some Ice i
cream and celebrated tne occasion.
Why not?
In the evening and last service the
evangelist first brought up words of
appreciation. "I hope that the re
vival will go on. Never been treated
finer any place than here in Ashland.
There are good preachers here and
it is fine the way they work together.
In this campaign I have been anxious
to preach in a way to please God. If
any have taken exception to me, I
have the kindliest feeling toward
them. Whatever the offering Is, I
appreciate It and thank God for It
and will do good with it."
Vessey sang "There Were Ninety
and Nine." Mrs. Vessey accompanied
him In her beautiful, sensitive way.
One evening the children showered
Mr. and Mrs. Vessey with roses and
rose petals. The people of Ashland
shower them with good wishes as
they go.
The text of the last message was,
"Prepare to meet thy God." When
we come to the evening of death, po
litical influence, social standing, bus
iness power and accumulations of
wealth will not count for' much; but
will we then bo ready to meet our
God? "He Is a great God." There
are 1,500,000,000 people in the
world. You can put 400,000 earths
In our sun and they will have room
to rattle around, bur sun is only
one of millions of suns. Behind all
is God.. We are mighty small. When
we go out from this world what hap
pens? "Nothing. Oh, there may be
a little splash where we fall In."
"Prepare to meet the great God, by
making a great preparation."
Right preparation to meet God
calls for three things: 1. The first
condition is to ropent of our sins.
2. Prepare by witnessing. 3. Pre
pare to meet Him by a life of service.
"What old soldier In Ashland Is
ashamed of the marks ho received in
battle?" "I want to live until I die;
and I want to keep aliving until I
die." s.
While the evangolist was praying
Mrs. Vessey began to play softly,
"Where Will You Spend Hternlty?"
Mr. Vessoy then sang it. During the
after service a number confessed
Christ. One fine looking man went
forward three times Sunday. He Is
after all that God has for him.
Farewell, Mr. and Mrs. Mathls and
Mr. and Mrs. Vessey! May God bless
Varnish Co.
Varnish Co.
Executor's Notice.
Louisa C. Freeberg estate: Notice
is hereby given that the undersigned
as executor of the estate of Louisa O.
Freeberg, deceased, has filed his final
account with the County Court of the
state of Oregon, for Jackson county,
and that Wednesday, the 14th day j
of June, 1916, at the hour of 10 J
o'clock a. m. of said day, at the coun- i
ty judge's office In the county court
house at Jacksonville, Oregon, has
been appointed and fixed by said !
Pniirt net tho rlma on1 rtlona fnv tinai '
vwiov uu www WllliV U11U J. 1 1 V J 1UI 11 U U I w
Ing objections, if any there be, to the
said account and the settlement there
. Dated and first published this 15th
day of May, 1916. 102-5t-Mon
Mrs. A. K. Patterson of Eugene is
visiting the Hargrove sisters, arriv
ing in Ashland last Friday.
Fisher Thornen's
Strictly Pure House Paints
If there are any better lines than these
we do not know of them
CasonFowle Lumbzt Co.
"In the heart of town"
We also handle a complete line of
P. & B. Protective Paints
We believe it will pay you to consult us
.before painting
Varnish Co-
Mrs. Radlfer of Seventh street is
reported to be quite ill and has been
confined to her bed for the last week.
Master Fred Jones with some boy
friends went out for a camping trip
last week to the Barron ranch.
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Ashland Tidings, May 29, 1916