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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1916)
FRUIT and-pARCQ Codlin Moth Spray. In the Bear Creek Orchard is a screened tree kept expressly for ob serving the. development of the codlin moth. Last fall wormy apples were gathered and placed within the cage and now they are emerging and egg laying has commenced. Because of tho large numbers of all stages of de velopment are found it Is very easy to check up and get a good estimate of the average stages of egg and lar vae and recommendations made ac cordingly. On May 2 fourteen adult moths had emerged and one egg was found. On May 6 sixty-four adult moths had emerged and six eggs laid. The cool spell of the last few days checked the egg development materially so that none will hatch until well along next week. General spraying for tho codlin moth should commence next Monday. Some have already applied this spray and of course this will not apply in such cases. This is the so-called two week spray following the calyx spray. Some added the arsenate of lead in the calyx spray on pears in order to check the various leaf-eating insects. In such cases this spray should also be applied at this time as there has been considerable growth since then. It Is very Important that this spray bo applied at the proper time in or der to prevent the larvae from enter ing the fruit. Other insects liable to give trouble, such as the pear slug, caterpillar, green fruit worms, and several bugs, will be checked by this spraying. Where the aphis are ex pected to become troublesome add nicotine sulphate to control them. Scab. Scab will make its reappearance af ter this cold snap, especially on the Newtown apple. Where it has been found on the pears it Is necessary to apply a follow up spray, and this can be conveniently done In combination with the codlin moth spray. It Is poor policy to omit the scab spray on susceptible varieties where it has pre viously been observed, or when it is known to be In the neighborhood. Combination Spray. For codlin moth and scab use ar senate of lead four pounds to 100 gal lons and lime sulphur one gallon to forty gallons water. If desired, atomic sulphur can be substituted for the lime and sulphur. Where no lime sulphur has been applied this season the foliabe Is more susceptible to burning and in such cases it Is recom mended to use a strength of one to fifty. When atomlo sulphur Is used ten to twelve pounds to 100 gallons of water Is the proper amount. When deemed advisable to add nicotine sul phate for aphis add one pint to 150 gallons of the solution. Make cer tain that the solution is thoroughly agitated at all times. According to the filings of Mr. Gentner last year, the codlin moth Is six to ten days later in Ashland, Sams Valley, the Antelope region and Willow Springs. The , orchardists should be guided and time tho spray from May 15. C. C. CATE, Pathologist. C. A. XOREN, Entomologist. . m m m w high School Notes V r . InuU iL'ttCDCnU , 1 1 1 1 1 n iTi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 mil. ' Monday was speed day in the com mercial department. Ten typewrit ing pupils passed the forty-word test. Thoao uem Ernestine Hicks, Clem For track. Slack, Randalls, Lowe and Abbott. When all the letters were distribut ed. Abbott, who won the half-mile or Clvda Farrar. Violet Her- 880-yard dash at the interscholastic sey, Wlnnlfred Hanratty, Milton Fra- meet at the U. of O., told of the trip ley, Elton Beeson, Reid Harrell, J. G. that he and those who went with him r-iarr nnil Flovd Lane. Several tried had. These were Slack and Winne. fnr the sixty-word test but did not' He said they had a fine time. The TRADE at HOME 1 make it. were taken from the train to the frat ' . .,. u'whn hart to1 houses In which they were to stay . . . .,,... 1. r.nrir)n Fridav afternoon they saw tne many were successful in them Is as yet unknown. There were many very sorrowful faces in the assembly Wed- .aarinv aftnrnnon when the 4V3uu were distributed either from woe at having to leave the old building or from failure to pass. The cards were given out Wednes day afternoon. Before this, however, the letters won In athletics were giv en out. Oregon-O. A. C. track meet. The in terscholastic meet was held on Sat urday afternoon, 167 athletes from cards all over the state participating in the meet. It lasted almost a!l day. Most of the preliminaries were finished in the morning. All the finals came in the afternoon. The other represent atives from Ashland did not place. Jefferson high school of Portland . .Min VriBv was won the meet. They sent about fit- not present, so Junior Vice-President teen men to the meet but were only bui piCTcui, flnin, tan Rnnnlr was the T.w. tui innt the chair. Those XJ. 1 L LI receiving A's were as follows: For football: Delsman, Fraley, Brower, Leavltte, Bentley, Harrell, Cunningham, A. Young, Buck, Jones, Winne and Furry. For basketball: Boys, Fraley, Grisez, Plymate, Hants, Delsman and Buck; girls, Skeene, Eske, Brown, Chappelle, Moore and Mathes. . For 1915 baseball: Harris, Ply mate, Kirk, Flnneran, Lilly, Riley, Morgan, Fraley and Frame. allowed to enter ten. Snook was the high point man of the meet and got a small silver cup for his trouble. Abbott won his race by about forty feet. That evening they went to the Junior prom, where the medals were given out. The students were very busily dis cussing their cards when they were called to order by Professor Moore, who said that LeRoy Ashcraft wished to say a few words. LeRoy told them Paints Wallpaper, Duildino and Roofing Paper, Glass, etc. j . j We are next to the paint garao If in need of paint get next to us. Paint Mixed to Order VfO. DICKERS0N Ashland's Exclusive Paint, Paper and Glass House Park Garage j MORRIS BROS., Props. Used Cars for Sale J Automobile Supplies and Repairs Wchelin, Goodrich and Fisk Tires in Stock ' Other Makes on Short Notice Phone 152 Park Ave J 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 wwwww ONE trial of our 35 cent bulk Coffee will con vince you that there is no need of paying more. Three pounds for $1.00. ASHLAND 11 li Creamery ASHLAND TRADING COMPANY 1 manufacturers of ? Butter and Ice Cream When Buying Butler Ask for Ashland Creamery Butler Ashland, Oregon Phone 122 I Phone 24 ' D. Pcrozzi, Mijr. J 1. 1 Ji Ail.lit.iLAif..t.if itiilufi iTntufi JnAdfi rTT FTT I r W 4' 1' 1 V T T 7 T T f I TTl THERE ARE A LOT OF GOOD S01ND REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD COME HERE FOR YOUR NEW SHOES. Our prices are exceptionally low. Our styles exemplify the very latest style tendencies. Our qualities are so thor oughly dependable that good service and satisfaction are as sured. You'll have no after-regrets if you Inspect our offerings be fore you buy. BEEBE&KINNEY il 1 BWrj-.v.-.'.vr-..i With several hundred makers of auto mobiles in America, the Ford factory turns out more than one-half of the en tire finished product. Because the worth of Ford cars as dependable, money-saving utilities has been demonstrated be yond all question, the demand is con stantly increasing. Order yours NOW. Runabout$390;Touring Car $440; Coupe let $590; Town Car $040; Sedan $740. All prices f.o.b. Detroit. On sale at F. L Camps' Garage Satisfied; Customers! Built our business. Have your suit cleaned and pressed X by expert lanuia. Only $1.00 Paulserud jj & Barrett! HUMfitHHIII ( as long as -- f THIS WAY TH6Y f ' If ifev 'C-'SS THE SIIADOWtOriTIIE BIGICITY i i BUY HOME : niiinwHw THE mall order king with his dark shadow Is tho one FORCE that Is keeping the farmer and the home merchant apart. This is the one big THUNDER cloud ou our country life. This SHADOW of the BIG CITY Is killing our COMMUNITY growth. This GIANT monopoly works NIGHT and day to keep us APART. He knows that once WE GET TOGETHER HIS business is doomed. Where, then, do WE stand? WHAT shall WE do? Remain in the GRIP of the GIANT? Rest CON TENT under the DARK shadow? Rather, -let us broak up the monopoly and the shadow by the SUNLIGHT of co-operation. LET'S GET TO GETHER and scatter that GLOOM. Of O f Medium Zerolene i Merit, Worth and Value $2.35 Simpson's jj Briggs&EImorc PRODUCTS Dodge Brothers T : Motor tars We carry the following ; home products: V. EmphaB,ze tho art of master Ashland Canned Goods : : building, a w production Milllnn fft ' floods ' ' and experience enable them to Ashland Milling Co. swoas .. a car of exceptIonal Ashland Butter .. llty for the money. Ashland Brooms :. . UIUU Wnnro I MURPHY fin nc.FRvl rcar c Hardware J r (1 I I lull I I rt'1-J,M"W''',',t' n tr r t Home-grown Agent for Ford Automobile We carry a full line of Acces- All Vtnda of sones uuu in co. repair work done. Garage, East Main Street. Phone 100. 5 Gallons We Sell Shoes Successors to Briggs & Sliinn You Can Buy I Provost Bros. VegetabIes,Hay j pianos Olid GrSlO J At a low price, cash or We carry a full line of Garden easy terms at Kohagen's and Field Seed. t Music Shop in J-N-DrllSm0CCry 5-10-15 Cent Store Builders' Hardware, pool ing. Plumbing and Heating Majestic Ranges We Compete Give 1?h a Trial. 38-40 E. Main Phone 86 3E mm. 0 H3 that if those who wanted to work this summer would sign some slips of pa per which he had there the Alumni Association would try to find them positions. Quite a number signed. Last of the Seniors. The seniors had another big "wie nie" and marshmallow roast Monday night upon the side hill owned by Mr. Badger, who had been cutting out the underbrush and had left two big plies of. brush to be. burnt. When the seniors arrlred they bad a little music on the nkelelee and the man dolin which had been brought along, and the fire was lit. When the coals wont out, the class went over to the brush pile and lit a cornor of It and roasted "wienies" and marshmal lows. After a few songs they went home, which they reached about 11:30 o'clock. Tuesday night the seniors went to the Vlning to see Mary PIckford. They were to have reserved seats, but as they were late the manager was unable to keep them for them. After the show, part of the class went out to "Charlie" Loomls's confectionery, where they spent the remainder of the evening. v THOROUGH WORK. How an AnIiIiuiU Citizen Found Free dom From Kidney Troubles. If you suffer from backache From urinary disorders Any curable disease of the kidneys, Use a tested kidney remedy. Doan's Kidney Pills have been test ed by thousands. Ashland people testiry. Can you ask more convincing proof of merit? . .. . J. R. Maxedon, 877 B street, Ash land, says: "I couldn't say too much in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills for I have never found anything that does me so much-good whenever I have occasion to take a kidney med icine. I use' Doan's Kidney Pills whenever I have a backache or I no tice my kidneys are not acting prop erly, and it requires only a box to fix me up In fine shape." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Maxedon had. Foster-MUburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. Impressive entry in the mixed met aphor contest by the Minneapolis Journal: "Mr. Cannon .upholds the administration with one hand and gives It a sly kick with the other." The voice of the Colohsl la heard la the land.