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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1916)
PAGE SIX ASTTLAVD TTOTNGS Monday, May 22, 1919 FIXAXCIAiL STATEMENT OP SPRINGS WATER COMMISSION, For tlio Week KndiiifC May 10, 1010. Bate. Vr. No. Name of Party Issued To and Items. 6-12 2033 Emil Pell $ 1 pump cylinder and bushing $ 9.00 Express, blacksmith work and drayage. . . 2.30 Kelt lacing 15c, assembling $1 1.15 1 walking beam J2.25, use of belt $5... 7.25 Amount 19.70 6-13 6-15 2034 2035 203(i 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 $19.70 Underwood Typewriting Co., machine rent for month S. Updegraff, board for Engineer Phillips for week J. Gailiraith, 32 hrs. labor at $2.50 day K. J. Shaw, 8 his. labor at $2 day V. llendrix, 44 hrs. labor at $2 day H. N. Stratton, 44 hrs. labor at $2 day J. Kerr, 4 8 hrs. labor at $2 day J. C. Ferguson, 40 hrs. labor at $2 day L. M. Eagon, 44 hrs. labor at $2 day O. F. Glick, 40 his. labor at $2 day 11. Dean, 8 hrs. labor at $2.50 day C. A. Shutts, 40 hrs. labor at $2 day W. A. llibby and team, 24 hrs. labor at $4 day. . . . R. E. Rosecrans, 48 hrs. labor at $3 day V. Crowson, 48 hrs. labor at $2.50 day Mrs. 13. ll. Hatch, horse hire H. Dean, carpenter, 8 hrs. labor at $2.50 day M. M. Sheldon, carpenter, 13 hrs. labor at $3 day L. Dodge, 28 hrs. labor at $2.50 day Coleman & Maynaid, painting park house and build ings J. C. Ferguson, 8 hrs. labor at $2 day C. H. Metcalf, 1 valve for fountains ; . , . Ashland Lumber Co 100 ft. 1x4 No. 2 flooring $4.25 1 1x12-14 SIS, 1 1x12,-12 SIS 47 1 1x8-14 SIS, 1 1x8-12 SIS, 2 2x10,-10 85 6-16 2057 2059 $5.57 Ashland Printing Co 24 signs for park $ 2.60 Publishing financial statement 5-15-16, 243 lines at 5c 12.15 $14.65 Ashland Iron Works 1 brass nipple 1 Va In. pipe thread 7 in. long $2.12 Machine time, 2 hrs. at 75c 1.50 Threading and fitting bushing 75 3.00 5.25 9.96 2.00 10.94 10.94 11.94 9.95 10.94 9.95 2.50 9.95 11.97 17.94 14.94 1.50 2.50 5.03 8.71 32.00 2.00 1.00 5.57 14.65 4.37 Many Inquiries About Ashland 2059 $4.37 Swenson & McRae 128 lbs. white lead $15.35 8 gals, oil 9,20 3 qts. paint , 2.00 Wallpaper 2.95 6 lbs. ochre 35c, 2 qts. turpentine 60c 95 1 qt. varnish .90 31.35 2060 $31.35 Emil Peil 123 ft. 8 In. of 1 in. pipe $14.90 6 ft. of 1 In. pipe $1.20, 8 In. bolts 40c 1.60 IT-. 6-17 5-18 2061 2062 2063 2064 $16.50 A. S. Payne, carpenter, 35 hrs. labor at $3.50 day. . B. C. Hubbard, carpenter, 32 hrs. labor at $3.50 day Ashland postoffice, 1,500 twq-cent stamps Provost Bros. 1 5 ft. enameled bathtub, Installed $28.00 1 Roughing In and changing drain 20.00 1 1 in. plug 10c, 12 lbs. nails 60c 70 1 pr. hinges 50c, 1 1 in. tee and bush ing 60c 1.10 1 nozzle 50c, 21 ft. 1 in. pipe $4.20 4.70 4 1 in. ells 60c, 2 1 in. pipe straps 10c .70 2 2 in. plugs 40c, 3 in. sleeves 30c. . . .70 3 1 in. nipples 45c, 2 2 In. couplings 40c .85 1 1 In. tee 50c, 11 in. 45 deg. ell 35c .85 1 1 Vt in. nipple 30c, 1 1 in. plug 25c. . . .65 1 hacksaw blade 10c, 1 1 in. union 45c. . . .55 1 Vt In. coupling 25c, 1 hacksaw blade 10c .35 1 pkg. tacks 5c, 11 lbs. nails 55c 60 45 lbs. powder $8.70, 100 ft. fuse 75c... 9.45 6 in. nipples 60c. 2 4 in. nipples 10c. . .70 2 in. plugs 10c, 2 in. tees 30c 40 2 In. ells 20c, 1 in. union 45c ,. .65 1 in. corporation cock for wood pipe. . 1.50 2 M in. bushings 20c, 1 xYt in. bush ing 5c f 25 1 hacksaw blade 10c, 1 1 in. union 45c. . , .55 5 In. caps 50c, lb. packing 20c 70 2 2x1 In. bushings 40c, 1 1 in. union 45c .85 1 IVi In. nipple 30c, 2 1 In. unions 90c. . 1.20 25 7X blasting caps 75 43 lbs. nails $2.15, soldering 16 faucets $3 6.15 1 2 in. ell 60c, 2 In. bolts 5c 65 2 1 In. unions 90c, 1 2x12 in. nipple 50c 1.40 1 1 In. nipple 15c, 2 1 in. unions POc... 1.05 1 1 In. ell 15c, 1 2 xl2 in. nipple 50c. . . .65 2 4 in. sewer caps 20 16.60 15.27 13.96 30.00 85.75 5-19 $85.75 2065 C. II. Metcalf, on acct. salary as auditor 2066 S. Updegraff, board for Engineer Phillips for week 2067 C. Stevenson, photos for publicity department.... 2068 Studio Ashland', 40 photos for publicity department 6.00 5.00 .90 15.25 Balance last report Cups sold Disbursed per this report. Total .$458.18 Funds. Operating. Publicity. Incidental. Finishing. $ 875.08 $1,233.18 $ 857.11 $ 286.66 14.48 $ 301.14 $ 875.08 46.15 $1,233.18 87.49 857.11 324.54 Balance this date $ 301.14 All other funds same as last reported. J. P. DODGE, Secretary. $ 828.93 $1,145.69 $ 532.57 BERT R. GREER.Thairman. The second band concert given by the Ashland band in Llthia Park last Friday evening brought out a goodly sized crowd despite the chill evening breezes which seem to persist on tho nights chosen for concerts. The pro gram was a very enjoyable aud well arranged one. HSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co C. F. BATES Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reason able' rates, A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs CoaL Phons 117. Of floe. 99 Oak Street, ASHLAND. OREGON. NEAREST TO EVERYTHING Hotel' Manx "Meet me at the Manx' vv San Francisco 'PowellStMQmll Oregonians Head quarters while in San Francisco moderate rates Running disllllt'd ice mater in every room. Special olldi' lion given fo Indies Iruwling miMcor ted." A Id carte dining room. Manocement of Chester W. Kcllcy pi PsS I. P. DODGE & SONS Undertakers State Licensed Emtalmer Lady Assistant Deputy County Coroner Inquiries for information and liter ature have been received by1 the sec retary of the Ashland Commercial Club from each of tho persons listed below. The list Is printed and fur ther lists will be printed from time to time in order that Ashland people who know those from whom Inquiries come or who some from the same lo calities may write personal letters to them. N Many of the writers below listed asked for definite Information con cerning conditions here, many asked for general information, and many wrote to inform the club of their in tention to ";onie to Ashland or Ore gon to make their home. A great number Intend visiting the coast this summer and write for literature so that they may read upon what Ash land has to offer the casual visitor. A big majority of the inquirers, and especially those who have written within the last two weeks, Inquire concerning tho springs and mineral j water and state that they intend to make visits of from a few days to months this summer in Ashland: William H. Field, Port Chester, N. Y. Kenneth McLood, Box 94, Walla Walla, Wash. C. W. Miller, Waurika, Okla. Michael Widhelm, R. F. D. 1, Pierce, Neb. John T. Evens, Monroe, Neb.. T. E. ErwJn, Chelan, Wash. John Herrick, Box 68, Chappell, Neb. William Finical, Valdez, Alaska. Morris H. Crockett, Waterville, Wash. M. A. Staples, R. F. D. 1, Gorham, Maine, Harry A. Wysong, Garfield, Colo. J. B. Hove, Carlos, Minn. F. C. Crockett, Rapid City, S. D. C. H. Welch, 320 Main street; B. B. Montgomery, Broad street; John C. McDowell, Broad street; Dr. L. D. Shafer, Broad street; C. W. Clelland, Liberty street, Grove City, Pa. Alex Carnahan, Fillmore, Cal. A. G. Hoffman, 6153 Piedmont avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Floyd Cummlngs, Fillmore, Utah; E. A. Prentiss, 77 Parkslde avenue, Springfield, Mass. George W. Graham,, Adel, Colo. The following from Flagler, Colo., are going to make their future home In Oregon: A. R. Conway, James Jordan, Frank Lewis, Everett Lomas. Arlo Robinson, Ray Conway, Thomas Potter, Mary Beeches, Grant Gray biel, Samuel Harwood, Adolphus Sparks, Ross Churchwell, Will Churchwell. Charles Conway,' "Wray, Colo. ' Harvey Armstrong, Wray, Colo. Gene Conway, Winchester, Idaho. George Cecil, Spaulding, Iowa. Louis DeWitt, 118 North Third street, Rogers, Ark. L. B. TInsley, 1645 Washington av enue, Huntington, w. va. M. F. Brooks, Alhambra, 111. William T. McCaffray, Palmyra, Mo. George T. Smith, Kiswlck, Iowa. Oliver Clark, 417 North' Tom street, Webb City, Mo. Lucius M. Pierce, Eagle Grove, Iova. T. E. Miller, Box 31, Plummer, Idafio. E. H. Thompson, 494 East 64th street, North Portland, Ore. W. F. Hubbart & Son, 1629 N. W. Boulevard, Spokane, Wash. Mrs. George A. ' Fenton, Lost Springs, Wyo. A. T. Lemon, Newberg, Ore. T. V. Davis, 234 Fremont street, Portland. M. D. Elvers, Goldfleld, Nev. L. L. Smith, Watford CUy, N. D. C. W. Gruhn, 269 St. Andrews boulevard, Riverside, Cal. A. R. Porter, Burns, Ore. R. H. Wilson, 3222 South L street, Tacoma. Mrs. M. II. Sincleton, Alderado, Alberta, Canada. William T. Brown, R. 2. 1525 North Seventh street, Grand Junc tion, Colo. M. L..M. Skelton, V. O. Box 220, Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. J. B. Corbet, 1033 Fourteenth street, San Diego, Cal. William H. Cruikshank, Jr., Elgin, Ore. Peter Conklin, 1109 South Thir teenth streot, Tacoma. Charles Labrio, U. S. Naval Hos pital, Canncao, P. I. John E. Wescott, 2813 Blanchard street, Los Angces, Cal. Simon Ohmart, Box 75, Locmolins, CaL S. -G. Rogers, Box 692, Emmett, Idaho. William Blunienberg, 1595 Sagi naw street, Salem, Ore. W. C. Dawson, 322 North Hill street, Los Angeles. Oliver N. Stratton. Otsego, Mich. N. J. Doyle, 1104 Fourth street, Santa Rosa, Cal. W. H. Boots, Pearce, Ariz, Harry Watson, 429 South Glossel, Orange, Cal. . Amos KIbbee, Forest City, Iowa, Arthur V. Craig, RIdgeway, Colo E. Fogleman, R. F. D. 2, Box 65, Veedersburg, Ind. J. W. Llnzy, R. F. D. 1, Warner, Okla. A. L. Lewis, Box 445, Maiden, Wash. ' v . C. S. Estes, Kansas, 111. M. V. Wenzell, R. F. D. 2, Kil dare, Okla. John A. Walbrun, R. F. D. 1, Brad ley, Wis. H. Beumlap, Douglas, Ariz. Andrew Schmidt, R. F. D. 4, Youngstown, Ohio. C. T. Boyd, 1047 Leighton avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. J. Corwln Jacks, Batavia, N. Y. B. Parker, care Backer, Arapahoe, Wyo. Dr. E. Rosenburger, 2521 W. Jef ferson street, Los Angoles. Mrs. C. A. Eshow, Kingman, Ariz. L. Maxwell, Columbia City, Ore. H. A. Nelson, Tompkins, Saskatch ewan, Canada. Robert M. Jones, Vashon, Wash. Maude Gerald, 231 Eighth avenue, Eugene, Ore. Eugene C. Moore, Gillett Grove, Iowa. Robert A. Ross, Marshfield, Ore. F. S. Rich, Centralia, Wash. Thad E. Miller, Plummer, Idaho. Louis J. Mikota, Napanine, Lewis county, Washington. Robert W. Stramler, Pearce, Ariz. Edna Cox, P. O. Box 71, Sheridan, Ore. Dick Doyles, The Dalles, Ore. S. M. Osgood, Huntington Park, Cal. Charlie Dunn, R. R. 2, Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada. Alice Rauson, 123 West Tyler street, St. Johns, Ore. S. G. Hays, Los Gatos, Cal. Charles L. Dopp, 513 Clevelanh avenue, Jollet, HI. Miss Sarah Herndon, Globe, Ariz. Frank Roberts, Bohemia, Ore. F. J. Durlvage, 718 Fallon street, Oakland, Cal. H. R. Richards, Multnomah, Ori James Lowe, Bend, Ore. Dan H. Johnson, Tonopah, Nev. William Siegol, 109 East Vic toria, Santa Barbara, Cal. J. B. Murray, Tonopah, Nev. J. E. Blakeney, Calepatlng, Cal. C. W. Bower, 1201 Tyler street, Topeka, Kan. W. C. Harris, Diamond, Mo. S. W. Bunting, Tacoma, Wash. W. Fine, Millvilley Cal. S. E. Lane, Canon City, Colo. Jesse Ellis, Sand Point, Idaho. MH IMIttHtH i I ill 'I IH'1 1 1 H 1 1 tH'MI Swenson & IcRae for Paint and Wallpaper -We Carry Ihc Celebrated- ACME LINE OF PAINTS Wallpapers from 10 and 15c f This is the proper time to clean up and paint up a Mrs. J. W. Reynolds of Fort Jones Is visiting her sisters, Mrs. J. M. Wagner and Mrs. George Looseley. Mrs. Reynolds motored over from Fort Jones In the remarkable tinw of three hours and a half, and proclaims the newly completed Pacific Highway in Siskiyou county to be a wonderful boon to the motorist. Land Drawing For Oregon Farms The construction work oa the east extension of the Umatilla project has progressed sufficiently so that water will be available for a considerable acreage this season. Among the lands which will receive water are Bixteen farm units comprising a total of 368 acres, for which, entries will be accepted on June 14. A drawing will take place at the local land of fice in in La Grande, Ore., on June 14. Information concerning the loca tion of the land and methods and terms of application may be oCIaineJ by addressing the register at La Grande or the Proiect Manager, U. S. Reclamation Service, Karmiston, Ore. The republicans have scored an other tellins point against Woodrow Wilson. The Boston Transcript has thought of calling him "Dr." Another pathetic little feature of everyday life Is a man with about fourteen hairs on his bean important ly directing the barber which side to brush 'em on. It's a wise speculator that knows his own war-baby. Favorite sons are complaining that Col. Roosevelt is standing in; their limelight. IXTEROIBAN AUTOCAR 00. Leave Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix dally except Sunday at 9:0(7 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00; 4:00 and 6:15 p. m. Also on Saturday night at 6:30 and 12:20. Sundays leave at 9:00 and 1:00, 4:30; 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland daily ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on , Saturday at 11:15 p. m. On Sun days at 8:00 and 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Fare between Medford and' Ash land, 20 cents. Round trip, 35 cents. When your FIRE INSURANCB POLICY comes from this office you can depend upon, it being REAL IN SURANCE, for we would not repre sent a company that would not meet a just loss PROMPTLY and FAIRLT. You want FIRE INSURANCE that will not disappoint you; you want an agent who will look after your inter ests botH before and after a fire. Buy your insurance at an insurance office. Billings Agency Established 1883. Real Estate and Real Insurance 1 1 Vf&M. .wy ilill.ri'iiii vjll;,,,' i:iih"!!"!I TOBACCO IS PREPARED F0RSMOKERSUNDERTHE process discovered in Making experimentsto produce the most de lightful and whole SOME T08ACC0 FOR CIG- ETTE AND PIPE SMOKERS, PROCESS PATENTED jjil;JULY:30"M907!j II . iiiii.iHivn'Mi n lh Ulli R,J.Re.ynoldsTowCoCokpany !j inilUT0NSALEM.N.C.U.5.AJ DOES NOT BITE THE TONGUE !,; ; h i: n i! il Prince Albert It told iniwbn in (oppy nd bagt. Set tidy rmd tint, 10c: handiom pound and half-pound tin humidortand that clevmr eryttal-flatt pound humidor with tponf-moitfnir lap that kwM tha tobacco in tuch tplcndid condition. P. A. puts new joy into the sport of smoking! YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it's certain-sure you'll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch! You can smoke it long and hard without a come back I Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just answers the universal demand for tobacco without bite, parch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay out a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheer fullest investment you ever made! ml the national joy smoke R. J. Reynoldi Tobeco Co., Wintton-Saiom, N. C Copyright 1916 by R. J. R.ynoldt Tobacco Co. Mmvu