Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, May 08, 1916, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Monday, May 8, 1916
14 1
i f Opens
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This sale will give the women of Ashland and vicinity an opportunity to supply f
their needs for the coming summer at a great saving. We have spent considerable f
time preparing for this sale. Most of the goods offered in this sale were bought be- i
fore the recent rise in prices and we can assure you that it will be some time before I
you will be able to duplicate these bargains.
I piece
it fi f J il in1iitirn1iitiifnltJiA4jJliiliAifiAAAJiiVJnLJiAilit.t.A lAAiiAAl Al. AAAAAAAA1
Great Bargains inlDomestics
Good quality linen finish, 22c
values, sale price, each 18c
42 and 45 inch Pillow Slips,
good 18c grade, sale price,
each 12c
3(5 inches wide, fine quality,
worth 12c, sale price, yd. .9c
For underwear, good quality,
worth 20c, for this sale only,
yard 15c
36-inch fine Bleached qual-
lty, worth 10c, sale price, yd. 8c
30 inches wide, fine quality,
worth 10c, sale price, yard, ,8c
Large size, good quality, $
worth $1.25, sale price, ea.89c
Bedspreads, large size, both t
fringed and scalloped, large
size, $1.75 grade, sale price, t
each $1.48
Marseilles Bedspreads, full
size, worth $3.50, sale price,
each $2.48 X
Undermuslins' Under-Priced
12-yard piece, worth $1.25,
sale price, piece 98c
X Longcloth, 12-yard piece,
worth $1.50, sale price,
It 72x90 Seamed Sheets, worth
(50c, sale price, each. 39c
t Snowdrift Seamless Sheets,
f 81x90, worth today 80c, sale
price, each 69c
Children's Shirts and Draw
ers, worth up to 25c, sale price,
each 10c
Crepe Gowns, new styles, all
sizes, cheap at $1.25, sale price,
each 98c
w-W'v Chemise, fine quality, nicely
t trimmed, worth $2, sale price,
each $1.48
Teddy Bear Combination
Suits, new styles, very special,
f each $1.75
Gowns, all sizes, very fine
t quality, worth 85c, sale price,
each 1 69c
f Envelope Chemise, fine qual-
J it s-N i
t ity, worm $i.-jd, sale price
each 98c
I Flesh Colored Gowns, worth
I $1.75, sale price, each $1.25
X Crepe Gowns, made of fine
. Pleisse crepe, all sizes, very
! special, each $1.75
; Corset Covers, made of fine
cambric, all sizes, new stvles.
t "Korrect" wash Skirts, best tittmg and t worth 35c, sale price, each.. 29c
Prelly New Blouses For
Our White Sale
100 beautiful new Waists, all well made, new
styles, up to $2 values, this sale, each. . .$1.00
100 Women's Lingerie Waists, all sizes, nice
ly trimmed, all new styles, up to $2.50 values,
this sale, each. . ; $1.48
Women's andlSliildren's Middy Blouses, all
sizes, good styles; real $1 values, this sale at,
each i 79c
New White Wash Skirts
i : New White Goods at Low Prices I
Pique for summer
X skirts, up to 35c values, per
X yard 25c
36-inch Gaberdine, fine qual-
ti ify, for separate skirts, 40c
grade, now, yard -soc
Organdies and Voiles for
graduating dresses, fine qual
ity, from 25c up to $1 a yard.
Palm Beach Cloth, 36 inches!
t wide, for skirts and dresses,
very special, yard. 28c
36 and 40 inch Fancy Voiles
and sheer white materials, up
to 75c values, now, yard. . ,48c
1000 yards new White Goods X
in fancy checks and stripes,
real loc values, sale price,
yam luc
Pajama Cloth, 36 in. wide,
used for making men's under
wear, worm lec, sale price, x
yard .. 12y2c
1000 yards Fancy White
Goods, slightly soiled, worth up
to 35c a yard, to clean up at, t
yard 18c t
1000 yards Checked' and ::
Striped Dimity, for children's !!
dresses, up to 20c values, sale ! ',
price, yard 12 c
Bargains in Table Linen and Towels
wearing skirt made, good grade linen finish
suiting, all sizes, very special $1.98
Wash Skirts, made of Oxford cloth and gab
erdines, all sizes, good styles $3.98
Wash Skirts, made of Palm Beach fckth,
very special, each $5.48
Extra Specials For
White Sale
Women's White Handkerchiefs, very special,
each 2c
Drawers, fine quality, nicely
trimmed, worth 75c, sale price,
each 59c
Underskirts, made of fine
cambric, nicely trimmed, worth
$1, sale price, each 79c
Envelope Chemise, good
quality, worth $1.50, sale price,
each $1.19
Skirts, made extra wide,
nicely trimmed, worth $1.25,
sale price, each 98c
Combination Suits, many
styles to choose from, $2 qual
ity, now .'. $1.69 Ir
Children's Nightgowns, all
sizes, very special, each. : . .69c 1
Nightgowns, made of fine lin- ft
gerie cloth in white and flesh,
special, each ..$1.48 J
Embroideries and Laces (or Less
Embroidery Edges, fine qual
Women's White All -Linen Handkerchiefs,
very special at, each 5c
Women's White Lisle Gloves, very special i ity, values up to 15c, sale price,
at, pair 25c I yard 5c
Children's White Hose, all sizes, good as 18-mch Lmbroidery llounc-
15c inSs wortn up to toe, sale
most 25c ones, per pair
72-inch Mercerized Table
Linen, good patterns to select
from, worth 65c, now, yard. 48c
100 dozen good Cotton Tow
els, very special, each 4c
25 dozen lluclc Towels, linen
?t and cotton mixed, fancy blue
TT . .. 1 11 1 ! C"
ana red noruers, regular ;jc
values, each 19c
Bath Towels, extra large
size, 35c values, sale price,
each 25c
Good ITuck Towels, worth
12K:c, now, each 9c
Just received, a large ship
ment of Bath Towels, on sale at
19c, 25c, 30c and 35c each.
worth up to
Women's White Fiber Silk Hose, special at, I F ' J
n a ' ; i. t i : .1 . tt'i
, vr . " , -Tit ings, up to $3.50 values, this
each 25c
Kayser's Silk Gloves, special, pair 50c
Women's fine Lisle White Hose, special at,
pair 25c
i.4..t4MH--M'4''M' ues this sale, yard 15c
f- - -1- -T- J. J. .1. J.J, t- .- 1- M
:: sale, yard $1.69
i i
; ; 27-inch Lace Flouncings, up
; ; to $1.50 values, now, yard. .79c
! I Filet Lace Edgings for trim-
i ming underwear, up to 25c val
The Woman's Store
Medford, - Oregon
Corset Cover Embroidery, fi
fine Swiss quality, worth 75c,
now, yard 39c
18-inch fine Swiss Embroid
ery Flouncing, up to $1.25 val- t
ues, now, yard 69c ti
18-inch Corset Cover Em
broidery, good' quality, 50c
grade, now, yard 29c
Val. Laces, fine aualitv. un
to 15c values, this sale at, per if N
) mu
27-inch fine Net Lace Flounc- it
"'h'1) xttn ipi.uu values, iiutY)
yard 79c
: 42-inch Embroidery Flounc-
'mg, up to $1.50 values, this
sale, yard .'98c t
t Lace Flouncings, 27 inches J
jwide, fine quality, $1.75 values, J
I sale price, yard 98c
. t - .. .m . . .J.J..1.J i m "
ti 1 1 un im it ni n 1 1 1 1 ntnmfHfi i ,tw!a
1916 High School
Annual Is Artistic
The 191 issue or "The Rogue",
the high school annual, is out and
t&e edition, which vas limited to 200.
ia sold, the demand far exceeding the
apply, eo far did the booklet exceed
Ul anticipations.
The annual H the most ntlitte
ppearlng pohlieatioa ever pat oat
ftg t ittfi Khod. s4 t$ Call tnm
cover to cover with "live" material,
interesting articles and replete with
fine cuts. The cover is of a deckled
edge material of gunmetal color em
bossed with the name and year in
gold letters. A view of the en
trance of Ashland park adorns the
Through the courtesy of the Ash
land Business Men's Association, who
donated $100 to the annual, all ad
vertising features were eliminated,
thus giving an opportunity for the
entering of tlx students' efforts
upon the artistic features without re
gard to the disagreeable features of
the financial end.
The annual is dedicated to the
faculty. Every department of school
activities is given space, departments
devoted to short stories, chronology
of the seniors, snap shots, personals.
Jokes and classes, and, in fact, the
entire life of the student body la
folly covered without a tingle page
of uninteresting matter.
Mies Fern Murphy , ts edltor-ln-Wef,
Mies Altoa TaBOeralala aaaisv-
ant editor, and Elbert Farlow busi
ness manager. The annual was
printed by the Ashland Tidings.
The territory in which the South
ern Pacific company can eell liquor
on its trains la constantly -being de
creased. The latest restriction la the
prevention of selling liquor between
Dunsmntr and Bissos fn northern
California, a this la dry territory.
The Kaklyan aonatjr nperrteofs bat
also decided that if the company
wishes to sell liquor on its trains
between Weed and the Oregon line
they must take out a license from
the county to do so. Since It is
against the law for liquor to be
brought into the state, except by a
common' carrier each as the express
company or freight department, It Is
questionable whether the railroad
ompany will not have to either dis
connect their buffet can or unload
the liquor before coming into Oregon.
In view of the apparent unavoid
ableness of the collision which oc
cured on Beach avenue recently when
Agent Kramer at the throttle of hla
Ford suffered a head-on collision;
with a runaway team, the interstate
commerce commission . will probably
not demand an investigation by a
board of Inquiry, as is the usual pro
cedure when a a P. emnlora la diItm
np la a wreck.
CUf Pays makes wardrobes.