Monday. May 8, 1010 ASHTiAXD TIDINGS , PAGE PITS Ashland Lodge . No. 23 ' A. F. and A. M. Stated communication of Ashland Lodge No. 23, A. F. & A. M., Thurs day evening, May 11, 1916, at 7:30 sharp. 'To be followed by a Joint so cial gathering with, the Eastern Star, to which members of both orders and the wives of Masons are invited, also visiting brethren. STUART SAUNDERS-, W. M. W. H. DAY, Sec'y. 100-2t LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. J. J. Scholer Is In town shop ping for a few days. Mrs. Louise Trusty of Dunsmuir was In town not long since. Mrs. R. W. Farquhar is making a several days' visit In Portland. Miss Ruth York has .commenced her school in the Oak Ridge district. W. T. Grieve and wife of Jackson ville were visitors In the city Friday. R. P. Edgington has been quite ill, but is somewhat Improved ac pres ent. Fred York visited his daughter, Mrs. J. T. Logan, at Waldo, Ore., this week. Cecil Crises was over from Yreka Friday evening to attend the Auxil iary ball. A new line of those good "Cheney" eilk four-in-hand ties at 55 and 65 cents each at Mitchell & Whittle's. Harry Tucker, the Christian church minister from Medford, was In our city last week. Emil Wolters of Medford visited his son, Ed Wolters, on Mountain av enue last week. Rev. J. M. Spencer and wife of Rogue River visited friends In Ash land last week. Mrs. R. P. Watklns has returned home after a few days' visit with rela tives in Medford. Mall Carrier and Mrs. Doran are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl at their home. Mrs. A. L. Carter of Roseburg Is spending a couple of weeks visiting relatives In this city. John Loomis and family have moved to Wilbur, Ore., and will spend the summer In that vicinity. No one can honestly question the splendid values we are now offering you In those $3 hats. Mitchell & Whittle. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Zlder of Talent were In town In attendance at the revival meeting last week. Mrs. Gus Edlund was called to Ash land from Roseburg Thursday by the serious illness of her father. Mrs. Horace Mitchell of Mountain avenue has recently enjoyed a visit from her brother from California. Mr. and Mrs. King of Holly, Ore are visiting the Wright family on Granite street at the present writing. K. Merrill and family moved to Ashland last week from Butte Falls. Mr. Merrill's parents live in Ashland. Mrs. Nels Larson is expecting to go to the hospital soon for an operation. Her friends are sorry that this is nec essary. Arthur Webber hiked up to Pilot Hock last Wednesday and reports the snow practically gone from that emi nence. Roy L. Maule, candidate for the re publican nomination for county treas urer, was a visitor In the city this morning. When we take your measure for a suit of clothes to order it must be right, otherwise we do not want you to take It. Mitchell & Whittle. r THE ATITI7FNS BANK 0 FASH LAND Follow the Lead of successful men econ omize and SAVE. Your money in The Citizens Huns: of Ashland is SAFE and GROWS. Oitcn an account here and receive 4 nor cent on your d!olts. MrtfMj SAVINIO W7oUi deposits, Mrs. Olds, who underwent a seri ous operation at the Granite City hos pital some time ago, Is able to return to her home. Genuine silk fibre socks at 25 cents a pair, in pearl grey, black, white, tan and navy, at Mitchell & Whittle's. Among the many who were up from Medford to the Mathis-Vessey meetings Wednesday night we no ticed John F. Balllnger and wife. Messrs. Ed. Hunt and J. Scholer have purchased a Studebaker car, In which they will travel and sell fruit and vegetables through California. Extra trousers that are cut right and made with tunnel belt loops and new patterns at $2.50, $3, $3.50 and $4. Mitchell & Whittle., Yreka Is In the throes of a radium excitement following the discovery of what Is believed to be a radium mine by C. E. Condrey on Humbug creek. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Mansfield were called to Ashland last week by the serious illness of Mr. Mansfield's mother. They live on a ranch In the Applegate valley. Francis Winter, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Winter, Is dangerously ill at 'the Granite City hospital following upon complications resulting from an attack of tonsil itis. Mrs. Minnie Wright and son Orrin, who came here from North Dakota to visit relatives and look for a loca tion, have found what they were seek ing near Harrisburg, Ore. Miss Louise ' Lennart left Friday evening for Portland, where she will remain for the next two months, re turning, however, to "help celebrate the springs dedication." It takes only one hundred cents to buy a first-class "Silver" shirt, either stiff or soft cuff, and many beautiful patterns to select from, at Mitchell ft Whittle's. "Fatty and Mabel Adrift," featur ing Fatty Arbuckle and Mabel Nor mand, at the Vinlng Thursday even ing proved to be the most comical comedy seen in months at the popular Ashland picture house. The Murphy Motorcar Company re ports the sale of a Dodge car to Mr. Gaines a recent arrival from Canada. According to Mr. Murphy, this Is the tenth Dodge which he has sold In Ashland this spring. Deputy Sheriff "Curly" Wilson, who is a candidate for the republican nomination for sheriff, was a visitor in the city Friday, coming. up to at tend to. official business and inci dentally shaking bands with a few of his many Ashland friends. About twenty auto loads of gypsies are camped near Frederick, below Ashland, today, there being over a hundred and fifty of the wanderers In the party. Their cars are mostly high-powered and recent models. Dr. J. W. Morrow of Portland and Thomas H. Crawford of La Grande, both candidates for delegates-at-large to the national democratic conven tion, were In Ashland Monday, being piloted about the city by Postmaster Kaiser. Mrs. J. H. Farrar Is visiting in the city from Myrtle Creek, where the Farrars have ranched since leav ing Ashland two years ago. She will remain in the city until after high school commencement, when her son Clyde receives his diploma. C. V. Atterbury, a former Ashland patrolman, returned last week from an extended trip throughout the northwest. He reports hearing lots of talk about Ashland in Seattle and in fact all of the northwestern cities visited, and urges perseverance at the publicity work. One of the Rogue River Canal Com pany's engineers recently made a trip In to Four Mile and Fish lakes and reports hard-packed snow to the depth of four feet at the lakes. This Ib unusual at this time of the year. The Fish lake reservoir Is filling fast, according to his report, and will be full to the spillway within a month. H. G. Eastman Is the proud posses sor of a beautiful medal which he received upon the completion of ten years of service In the Ashland com pany of the Oregon National Guard. The medal is of silver and gold, mounted on blue enamel. "Faithful Service" is embossed on the silver and the state seal done In gold. Only one or two other Ashlanders have re ceived one of these ten-year service medals, which are presented Jointly by the state and national military authorities. - ' ' - ' ' - U'4 J ;.:J f ,N xfc. - J Vs a ? ; v v J : $ ' - a fin i ' M j mmtmmmmm I ; ' - f ' 1 1 i v; jj May Rolison in "The Making ner of Mrs. Matt," coming to the Vinlng Wednesday, May 17. F. C. Smith's High Standing. (From Jacksonville Post.) Prof. Francis C. Smith of this city, candidate for nomination for county school superintendent, has been prin cipal of the schools of this city for the past three years, a record which shows the estimate put on his work by those closely In touch with school work. Mr. Smith has excellent rec ommendations from the school board testifying to his success here. It is expected thit he will receive a large vote in this district. Adv. Vining Offerings Of the Week Tonight. This Monday evening a new com pany with a new star will be shown at the Vining. This Is Helen Ware in "Secret Love," a film adaptation of Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's widely read novel, "The Lass of the Lowrles." The scene of the play is laid in the Lancaster coal mining country, and a rugged plot and thrill ing action makes the play outrival the book In gripping the heart inter est. Tuesday. Constance Collier, the internation ally noted London star, in the role of witty, tender, strong-minded grand opera Idol especially suited to her great personal beauty and artistic strength, will be presented for the first time upon the screen by Oliver Morosco on the Paramount program in "The TongueB of Men," which comes to the Vining. Tuesday. The young rector of an aristocratic church denounces from the pulpit the grand opera "Zaporah" and the corrupting influence exerted by the woman who sings it, notwithstanding the fact he has never witnessed the performance. The visit of the outraged prima donna to her own vestry room to dis cuss the attack, the revelation of her really splendid personality and sin cerity, and the sentimental outcome it works with the young rector makes one of the crlspest slories the screen iias seen in years. It is a thing that might have been expected from so clever a title as "The Tongu,es of Men." Forrest Stanley makes a handsome picture as the young cleric who Is broad enough to listen,- to reason. Wednesday. The kind of romance which you used to laugh and cry over. Little touches of real life and a lovable girl as the centural figure, Vivian Mar tin, a charming little star, comes to the Vining Wednesday in "Merely Mary Ann." This picture is a mas terpiece. It Is one of the few really great motion pictures which were written for the screen by a real art ist. The story Is a sweet romance of the beautiful housemaid who became a rich society leader, her trials and tribulations. Columbia Contract Company is de iver'tig 3,000 tons of rock a day on the Columbia Jetty. VINING THEATRE Wednesday, May 17 America's Most Popular Comedienne "Herself" Not a film MY ROBSON and a Splendid Company in the New Comedy Suc cess by James Forbes, author of "The Chorus Lady" "The Making Over of Mrs. Matt" Exuding Sunshine and Lauqhs Autos and Carriages 10:47 a P- M. Prices 50c to f 1.50. Pictorial Review Summer Fahlon I took now on sale, 25c. June Patterns now on Bale, also . Pictorial Review Muguzine, 15c. Ashland's Exclusive Ladies' Store LOT of people got theirs last week. Will you get yours this week while there are still so many splendid suits to choose from at For any Silk Suit up to $35.00 For any Wool Suit up to $35.00 This lot now includes every one of our better suits. Too Many Suits Left-Thafs Why Other Suits $12.50 up Now Is a Good Time to Buy Silks A lot of new shades in plain Taffetas green, navy, Belgian blue, rose, wine, grey. iSO-inch Striped Taffetas, latest novelties. Summer Wash Goods Printed Klaxons, Tissues and Voiles, 15c. Printed Voiles, 30 to 40 inches, 25c to 35c. The as.sortiiient of wash goods Is aixHit at its bet now. Will you ' get yours ivliijo the choosing Is Stood? Underwear We believe we have assembled the best values in knitted vests and suits we hive yet shown. Vests 15 to 60c Saits 35c to $1.50 Niagara silk vests and suits. Niagara silk en velope chemises. Undermuslins Envelope chemise and drawers, corset covers, combination Princess slips and gowns. Middy blouses and Middy suits, Bungalow kimonos and aprons. Crepe de Chine $3 to $5 Waists In spite of the scarcity of this favored silk a recent shipment brings to us a goodly quantity, $3.00 to 5.00. Gaiety Waists 1.0O-1.19--1.5O They are here, and they are splendid! You will be pleased to find that you can buy such pretty waists for so little. 108 of them at 1.00, 1.19, 1.50 Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. t AM A CANDIDATE for the office of Distort . Attorney on the Demo- crat , ticket. If nominated and elected, I shall serve the county as I have served the city of Med ford during the past three years, during which time I have bsen Its city attorney. B. R. McCABE. phrey-Knlght Addition to the City of Medford. Said lot will be sold at said time and place In the manner provided by law for the Bale of real prop erty under execution to satisfy the judgment, attorney's fees, costs and accruing costs of sale. Dated this 4th day of May, 1916. W. II. SIXGLER, Sheriff. By E. V.'. Wilson, Deputy. 100-5t-Mon. FOR SALE OR TRADE Five acres in r-itv limits. Would trade for light automobile. Inquire Beaver Keaity i.'onipcny. luu FOR SALE OR TRADE A good fac tory lot in Richmond, Cal., one block from water front. Would consider automobile. Inquire Beaver Realty Company. 100-2t FOR SALE Two thoroughbred cocks, two years old. 1049 Ash land streeUPhone 432-Y. 100-3t FOR SALE One 1 horsepower Indian motorcycle in first class condition. Equipped with tandem light and horn. A bargain. Jor dan Electric Co. Phone 80. 100-2t Medford Picnic Is Planned WILL. TRADE Clear lot In Ashlnnd for auto. Apply at Jones' Garage. 100-3t NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UN DER EXECUTION. H. M. McFar land, plaintiff, vs. Henry Hum phrey, Elizabeth Humphrey, his wife, W. II. Humphrey and L. Emma Humphrey, his wife, Ladd & Tilton Bank, a corporation, also known as Ladd & Tilton, C. . McDonald and Grace Barrett Tar bell defendants. By virtue of an execution ana order of sale duly Issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Jackson, to me directed and dated the 3rd day of May, 1916, in a certain suit therein wherein the plaintiff, H. M. McFarland, recovered a judg ment against the defendants Henry Humphrey and Ellzabetn Humphrey, his wife, for the sum nf Turn Thnnsand One Hundred Eighty-seven and 67-100 ($2,187. 67) Dollars, with interest thereon from said 20th day of February, 1916, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, for $225.00 attorney's fees and the further sum of $42.Zt with Interest thereon from Febru ary 20th, 1916, at 10 per cent per annum, and for the further sum of $25.00 attorney's fees and $19.00 costs, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk's office of said Court in sa u County on the 29th day of April, One of the biggest picnic affairs of the summer which will be held in Llthia park is the Medford pic nic which is to be put on under the auspices of the Medford Commercial club, co-operating with H. O. Froh bach, special events man for the springs commission. The Medford Commercial club took up the matter at a recent meeting and appointed a committee to take charge of the projected gala day. NATURE TELLS YOU A Sluny an Ashland Reader Knows Too Well. When the kidneys are weak, Nature tells you about it. The urine Is nature's Index. Infrequent or too frequent pass age, Other disorders suggest kidney Ills. Donn's Kidney Pills are for disor dered kidneys. Ashland people testify to their worth. J. S. Ilerrln, retired farmer, 343 North Main street, Ashland, says: "I am more or less troubled by my kid neys and I have trouble retaining the kidney secretions. Occasionally my back feels weak and lame. Doan's Kidney I'ills always regulate the kid ney action and relieve the misery in my back." Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Ilerrln had. Foster-Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. V. Mr. McKee and son of San Fran cisco, T. G. Bradley and P. O. Craw ford of Copco, Cal., rode over the mountain from Copco on horseback and visited in the city last week. 1916. Public Hpa Ib hereby given, that In compliance with the com mands of said execution anu im.c. of sale I will on Saturday, the 10th day of June. 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. at the front door of the Court House in Jacksonville, Jackson County. Oregon, offer for sale and will se'l all of the right, title and interest that the defend ant herein bad on the date of the mortgage herein foreclosed or have since acquired or now have in and to the following described real property, to-wlt: Lot numbered eight (8) in block number one (1) of the Hum- Here's an important fact: one-half of all the cars on American highways are Fords. Because Ford cars have given satisfaction from the beginning. Every Ford owner is a Ford booster, for the car more than meets his expectation. Consider the record of the Ford first and you won't look further when you buy. Runabout$390;Tourine Car $440; Coupe let $590; Town Car $G40; Sedan $740. All prices f.o.b. Detroit. On sale at F. L Camps' Garage