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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1916)
FACE EIGHT ASHLAND TIDINGS Annual Track Meet At Medford May Sth j"'y. me Bprmg atnietics at Asniana high school hare been centered upon track and field events this year and much material developed. The main competition toward which the track men are working Is the Annual Southern Oregon Track Meet, which will be held In Medford on May. 6. A big crowd of high school rooters will accompany the track team to Medford and root for victory. Ashland will be represented In every event and should make a good showing al though this is the first year that ser ious attention has been given to the track. i'!C$CF Atheltes from ten high schools and probably an eleventh will compete for the silver cups and medals. For the first time in the history of the meet a California high school has been admitted. Crescent City which hopes to be soon connected to Medford by a railroad Is sending the pick of her athletes to Medford In hopes of taking the meet Ashland, Grants Pass, Klamath Falls, Talent, Crescent City. Phoenix. Central Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville Medford and possibly Eagle Point will be represented by two or eight men. At the same time the Medford and Grants Pass boys' and girls tennis teams will meet In a tournament and possibly the Ashlnad tennis stars may also participate. AT YOUR SERVICE Miss Nellie Beaver recently re turned from Willamette University where she has been taking a teach er's training and musical course, and began teaching this week in the Greg ory district, souther Ashland. Miss Beaver's sister, Mrs. Walter Hern don, and little son, accompanied her upon her return from the north, and RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SEWER DISTRICT NO. 18. ex. Thnrsday, May 4, 1916 Our Modern, Well Organ ized and Carefully Stocked Prescription Department. Physicians, nurses and patrons favorably comment on our careful work and prompt deliveries. East Side Pharmacy J. J. McNAIR. Prop. Phone 51 303 East Main SI- will visit Mr. and Mrs. A. M Beaver. The Herndons are located at Spring field. pedient to create a sewer district, and io construct a .runF line setpr through the samb and V ii: WhfirpAR." It auupara to tha mild common council from a report of the sanitary .committee, to whom said matter was referred, that in order to maintain the sanitation nf mld proposed district, and the health of the inhabitants residing therein, that it is necessary that said district be created: that a sewer trunk Una ha established leading through and from said district to the main sewer trunk line of said city, located on the west erly bank of Ashland creek, and with in said rltv. and that the WMontnl expenses connected with the construc tion, installation and building of said sewer trunk line be assessed against the abutting property benefited by said proposed Improvement, and the council belne fullv advised In the premises, it is hereby Resolved, by the common council of the city of Ashland, Oregon, in reg ular session assembled this 2nd day of May, 1916, that the council pro- nnnps to crp.ata a sawar dlntrlpt in ha known as District No. 18, the same to embrace and include the follow ing lands, to wit: A Rtrin nf errnnnd 1S0 fanf In rinnth on each side of and extending along the following described center line: Hfiffinnlne on nantnr Una nf T.nnrpl street In the cltv of Ashland. Orm?nn. at a point 200 feet northerly from the center line of the Southern Pacific Railroad track where it crosses Lau rel street; thence northerly on Lau rel street to the center line of Ohio street; thence easterly on the center line of Ohio street to the center line of Hfilman street: thence nnrtharlr on the center line of Helman street, about 725 feet; thence easterly to an intarnaptton with tha main nowar trunk line on the westerly bank 'of Ashland creek, near the old sentic tank. It Is further resolved that the City Parnrdar ha nnri ha la harahv In. structed to publish notice of the pro posed creation of said sewer district, thn construction nf said newer nnd the Intention of the city council to levy an assessment against the abut ting nrnnertv which mav he hanafltari by said sewer for the reasonable and necessary exDenses Incident tWotn said notice to be published for the trlct, tff, appear before the common council-at the city hall in' the city of Ashland, on the 16th day of May, 1916, at the hour of 8.30 -o'clock p. m. of said day, then and there to offer suggestions and objections, if any, to the creation of said sewer dis trict, the construction and lavin? nf sewers as aforesaid, and the assess ing of the expenses and cost of con struction, and all incidental expenses occasioned thereby. The Yeas and Nays were demanded and taken upon said resolution aa follows: Yeas Ashcraft. Root. Banta. Lamb, Ninlnger, Cornelius. Nays Nono. Approved 2nd day of May, 1916. O. H. JOHNSON, Mayor of the City of Ashland. Attest, May 2nd, 1916: C. H. GILLETTE, Recorder of the City of Ashland. "The Church of God," which had headquarters in the room adjacent to Lamkln's real estate office and was shepherded by Rev. Porter, has passed out of existence. The pastor Is now engaged in agricultural pursuits. litem:' Principal Eastern Cities tfm in iha manner rmirAA l I li .. :ili3to? ftr'$fy:.?',yQ'-i- any pareeJLof land within said dis- I anI':1 . "j " frdm Ashland to Next week Is Gas Range Week. It Classified Advertisements TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOST On May 1, in Commercial Club rooms, at fountains in park or at depot, or on the street, one seven-eighth carat white diamond out of ring setting. Finder leave at Tidings office and get reward. 99-tf FOR RENT Furnished house of six rooms, close in, 102 Oak street, next to Hotel Oregon. Inquire at 105 Pioneer avenue. Rent reason able. Also two housekeeping rooms. 99-4t FOlT'SALE One-quarter mi le of -inch cable, six 19 wire strand of best steel, at 4 He per foot. 137 Fifth street. 99-2t VIA CALIFORNIA On sale daily: June 1st to Sept. 30th, 1016 Stopovers allowed Return limit: 90 days from date of sale not to exceed Oct. 31, 1916 "To start right is to end right" THE SHASTA ROUTE Is the right way to start Attractions enroute SEE Alt. Shasta Shasta Springs Mt Lassen SanFrancuco Los Angeles Yosemite Valhtv Southern California Beaches J Panama Calilointo LIMITED TRAINS on all Southern Pacific routes. OGDEN KOUTE -'I he route of limited.' SUNSET ROCTE-'Throngh storylanuV EL PASO ROUTE 'The route of the lowest altitudes.' Call on local agent for furthei information or write JOHN M. SCOn, Oepenl tawnier Afnt, Portland. 0re( SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Mrs. E. S. Gill of Seattle, wife of a former prominent newspaper man, Is here for an Indefinite stay while recuperating from a nervous break down. Mrs. Gill says she intends to let Ashland climate, lithia and sul phur waters do their best. Cllf Payne makes china closets. Don't forget the date of opening, Saturday, May 6. Helman's Baths. It Mrs. Charles Pierce received word of the death of her father in New York state last Friday. Gas Range Week will soon be here. Don't fall to be on hand. All ranees are going at a bargain. it - " ------ " . - - - - " " " . . . T ' " wttt" I 1 1 1 1 1 II t , II I lift 1 1 I 1)1111 iH I Sale Starts Friday May 5th, at 10 a.m. EPAMM I IH 1 1 1 1 1 I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 tu TT'M"1 1 P tn I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I M I I g Sale Starts Friday May 5th, at 10 a.m. Tnn Trm H W ILJl VI JL Wc arc closing out our entire line of Men's and Boys' Dress Shirts, Oafs and Caps, at prices that will surely interest you. This is JV vrv. .um.j v uv uiviivj. ihv villHV 1,5 iv UK, OOU IlltCU. OdlC CUlIIIIIUICtS II lUdY, May 5th, at 10 a. m. Remember the date and be on hand. - in in itiiiMiii ..r. tiiiiiiiimiHiiHinimnnm u SHIRT SPECIAL 75cDre8s Shirts, sale price 49c $1.00 Dress Shirts, sale price 69c $1.25 Dress Shirts, sale price 89c $1.50 Dress Shirts, sale price 98c 60 and 75c Boys' Dress Shirts, sale price 49c Men's Underwear Our line of Men's $1.25 silk finish Under- wear, sale price JjQ (Big lot of underwear specials at a sacrifice) JEWELRY Scarf Pins, Shirts Sets, Cuff Links and Tie Clasps at XPrice HAT SPECIAL BELTS (Genuine leather. All sizes) Regular 40c, sale price 29c Regular 75c, sale price 49c $1.00 and $1.25 Boys' Hats, sale price 69c I 1.25 and 1.50 Men's Hats, sale price 79c 2.Q0 and 2.50 Men's Hats, sale price $1.19 J 2.50 and 2.75 Men's Hats, sale price $1.69 Z 2.75 and 3.00 Men's Hats, sale price $1.98 j 5.uu and 3.5U Men's Hats, sale price $2.19 Boys' Suits Straw Hats $9.00 to $14.00 values, sale price $2.98 Long pants with boys' suits. Sizes 14, 15, 16 and 17. Just the thing for school. for Men and Boys. Regular 65c to $1.00. All sizes. Sale price , BOYS' CAPS, special at 39c 19c ? A Few Pry (Ei Specials Children's Sandals Patent Leathers, Tans, Gunmetal and White Can vass Sandals at 20 PER CENT OFF (A great saving All new stock) Barefoot Sandals Sizes 5J to 12$ Embroideries All 12Jc to 25c Embroideries, special per yard 5c Parasols Regular, $1.00 Parasols, sale price 69c Regular 1.50 Parasols, sale price 89c Regular 2.50 Parasols, sale price $1.49 Regular 3.00 Parasols, sale price $1.98 Regular 4.00 Parasols, sale price $2.39 We have them in different colors, plain and em broidered. All Torchon Laces 4c a yard Silk and cotton mixed Crepe de Chenes, OA regular price 50c, sale price OuC Hour Sale Saturday morning, May 6th, 9:30-10:30, we will sell I Schoolday Cloth Yard 16c (Ten yard limit to a customer) 10 and 12Jc CREPES and Lawns, yard 9c 50 and 60c EMBROIDERED CREPES, yard....43c TURKISH BATH TOWELS 19c X N 1 3IMIIMI i ; REMEMBER THE DATE AsMaumi TifMtof Commpaiiniy . FRIDAY.May 5th, at 10 a.m. Tl 1 11 VV1 V 1 1 1 1 1 1 ..1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 It 1 1 f 1 1 T T T T t T H T ' TTT T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NuVjX