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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1916)
nnnuinu jiiiiaud tktiV. KKYTt mtmmv i, . Li ii V1'iai'' '"i''"'"-' '' -'nlmiii i ,w. 1 i ...... ... . .. ' J L 1 1 Try .The New Universal Tread No Other Tire Like It For AU-'round Service The New Michelin Universal Tread ti an improvement on rubber non kids of both the raiied-tread and uction-tread types, combining the advantages of these earlier non-sklda) AND IN ADDITION thia tire possesses the long life and re siliency that havealwayscharacterized both the world-famous Michelin Rac ing Type Flat tread, and the Michelin Plain tread. Thil it tht New Tira Everyont it Talking About Park Garage Asoiana Drys Question Candidates The following list of questions was Bent to every candidate for Btate sen ator and representative by the Anti Saloon League of Oregon. A sum mary of the replies received by the league will be printed later: Portland, Ore., April 15, 1916. Dear Sir. Believing that every candidate for public office desires to bo frank and open with the public regarding his position on vital ques tions which are likely to come before the coming session of the state legis lature, we are asking every candidate for the senate and house of represent atives in the coming primary to re ply, for publication, to the following questions: 1. What Is your occupation? 2. The dry law now forbids the sale of any beverage contalnlne so newed at the request of the said dis trict attorney? (This would enable the gathering of evidence and the preparation for prosecution In remote districts of a county before material evidence could be destroyed, wit nesses disappear, or an alibi be con cocted by the witnesses in collusion. This would reduce the costs of the district attorney's office to the tal payers, and largely do away with the need for employment of detectlves.- 8. Will you vote for a measure permitting any person or organiza tion, In the name of the state, either through the district attorney or by private attorney, to bring action at the costs of the state for abatement of a liquor nuisance? (This Is the law which finally made prohibition a real success in Kansas.) Each of the above proposed laws is offered for the purpose of meeting concrete situations which have arisen and still exist here in Oregon. All of them have been tested and have KC Bitcuitr 0t wholesome cakes, biscuits and pastry, use K C BAKING POWDER Always safe and reliable. If it isn 't all we claim your grocer will refund your money. JAQUES MFG. CO, CHICAGO 3S ill much as one-half of one per cent of Proven successful in other states alcohol by volume. Will you vote i wnere they are already in force. GASOLINE BUSINESS IS EVERY. BODY'S BUSINESS In times of great prosperity, we're much too apt to "let business alone" even bad business. Gasoline, however, has a war all of Its own of interfering with a good many kinds of profits, big and little. And nobody who uses gasoline, no body who pays to have a bag of flour or a new Easter bonnet sent home by auto, nobody who has watched his own gasoline bills double In the last ten months Is willing to let the gaso line business alone, now that the gov ernment has started to Investigate it Dealers are quick to give off-hand excuses when you pay your astonish ingly big bills. You have undoubted ly been told that the Increased use of autos, motor boats, motor trucks, farm tractors is responsible for an vDurmouB increase in me consump tion of gasoline. And then there's the war, the usnal Your Friends Can buy anything you can give them except Your Photograph H. C. Mackey Main and Cestrsl MEDFORD, ORE. bandy excuse for an advance In the price of anything. The United States exported in 1914 over 6,000,000 barrels of gasoline, and in 1915 over 6,500,000, or nearly five and six times as much as was exported five years ago. Those who believe in "letting busi ness alone" will probably pay their bills without complaining, but the persistent will find out that the mar ket value of the stocks of the 38 oil corporations has increased remark ably In the last six months, while profits and dividends have In same in stances Increased as much as 100 per cent. They will also learn that 15 per cent of the total production of crude oil In 1914, about 45,000,000 barrels, went into Btorage, and that there are now 200,000,000 barrels of crude oil in storage. About 21 per cent of this Is gasoline. Obviously, the relation of supply and demand baa not been such as to boost the price of gasoline. What who has raised the price? The more Interest the consumers show in this question, the quicker the government will find an answer for it. The Bear Creek Logging Company at Astoria has started operations to cut 50,000,000 feet. Albany, Ore., will spend $5,000 on a new city hall. Roseburg is to have a new $15,000 Methodist church. rpYES YOU DO' Need a Typewriter. You Know You Do and You Would Buy One If You Could Get The RightMachine at the Right Price on the Ritfht Terms Here it is the latest thing ia typevvrttcrs-the A Ktt!e gem cf a Fiminrjton in name, in work, in quality, in everything bit woitfht an 'I sizu. , It tolls for f 50 a iri':c novr before crjuulled for an absolutely first-grade writing tr.u hine, Sent on ten d:ivs'7r"c cxam- i nation anywhere within 150 milcsof any Remington office tobereturnndbyyouif you decide not to keep it. You can see exactly what you are getting before you de cide to purcha;. If you like, you enn buy on eaiy payments $5 down and 5 a month. Here is the right combina tion the machine, the price, the terms all three in one. And all three are good reason" why you should (nail this coupon. Remington Typewriter Compiny, (Incorporated) 327 Brosdwsy, New York. Send me I Remington Junior Trpe trrltn, price 50, on free rumination. It ii underMoorJ that I Buy return the machine, if I choote, within ten daj-i. If I decide to purchaM It, I agree to par for it in 10 montlirr pajroeou 0 $$ each. against all attempts to increase this percentage? 3. The present law permits drug gists to sell ethyl alcohol only, and in amounts not to exceed two quarts in 28 successive days, to any one per son or family. Will you vote against all attempts to permit the sale of other uncompounded intoxicants, or to Increase the amount of pure ethyl alcohol permitted to be sold to any one person within any 23 successive days, unless upon the written state ment of a reputable licensed and reg ularly practicing physician that a greater amount Is necessary for ex ternal use or application only? 4. The present law forbids the so licitation of liquor orders by mall. Owing to the common rule of law which deems a sale to be made where delivery is made to the common car rier, we are unable to reach the mail order solicitors who are violating this law. The United States supreme court has granted relief to West Vir ginia, basing their decision on the following words which appear In the West Virginia law and not In ours: "In case of a sale in which a ship. ment or delivery la made by common carrier, the sale thereof shall be deemed to be made in the country j wherein the delivery thereof Is made by such carrier to the consignee." Will you put these words Into the. Oregon law and relieve Oregon mofn- j ers, wives, sisters and daughters 1 from the insulting solicitation by mail for liquor orders? (This does not abridge the right to send for and receive liquor, but would stop mall solicitation.) 5. Will you vote to require that druggists, when selling alcohol not denatured and not medicinally com pounded, sell only to persons with whom they are personally acquaint ed, or who are vouched for In writ ing by some reliable person who is known to the druggist, which vouch er shall be filed with the purchaser's affidavit in the county clerk's office. and forbidding the sale by druggists wben they know or have reason to be lieve that the alcohol so ordered or sought to be purchased Is Intended to be used in violation of or evasion of the law? 6. Will you vote for a measure forbidding the keeping or storing of Intoxicating liquors In any store or other place of business or of public resort, or In any public storage house or warehouse,- except that unaccepted shipments of liquor in the custody of common carriers may be kept In the regular storage room or warehouse of such common carrier? 7. Will you vote for a measure empowering justices of the peace and requiring them, when complaint is made by a reputable citizen or citi zens, to summon witnesses before them; to place such witnesses under oath and question them regarding their knowledge of liquor sales and liquor nuisances; reduce their testi mony to writing, If the evidence ad duced seems to warrant prosecution; require said witnesses to sign their testimony, and to forward such testi mony to the district attorney; and empowering the Justice of the peace, at his discretion, to require the wit nesses to give bond or recognizance for their appearance to testify before tho grand Jury, or to give testimony in the trial before the said Justice or other magistrate as the district at torney may elect, but such bond or recognizance not to run beyond the close of the next regular session of circuit court, unless It shall be re in publishing the replies to the above quostlons we shall list them as "Yes," "No," and "Refuses to an swer." As we desire to publish the Inform ation not later than May 1, we ask for a speedy reply, for which we thank you in advance. Very cordially yours, ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE OF OREGON. With Our Home Poets' IMPROVE THE MIXU. (By Levi M. Eagon.) We should look at the bright side, Make things pleasant as we can; In the home where we abide, Strive to make this our plan. We ought to enjoy our home As the days are passing by; Don't be anxious to roam, To better our condition we should try. Of good things we should partake, And try to cultivate the mind; All evil thoughts forsake, Leave our troubles all behind. Home Is the most pleasant place to rest After a weary day of toll and Btrlfe; We should make our home the best, Make it a pleasant place for our life. A plaee for us the news to read, I That we may improve our time; What we learn take heed To make our lives sublime. Home Is the dearest place on earth to dwell, And we all should try To make the present life excell The days that have passed by. We should do all In our power To learn and Improve our way, Make use of every Idle hour. Make tomorrow better than today. As we travel on through life Make it the desire of our heart To bear hardships without strife And from all evil depart. Our minds should be cultivated In ded. And try to make our neighbors our friends; Kelp them In time of need. On ourselves our goodness de pends. I We should respect those who around us abide, J And make it our heart's content; To be good to others we should de-1 clde, Try to make our lives well spent. ! Learn to do good deeds with pleas-' nre, ; And our work with a will; Cultivate our minds when at leisure. ' And the laws of God fulfill. I When all this we do we should be glad, And cast away all sorrow, : Do good and forsake the bad, Neither any more troubles borrow. Editors oi Oregon Will Visit Ashland The State Editorial Association has accepted the Invitation of the southern Oregon newspaper men and will hold their annual convention in Medford during the first week in August. This convention is consid ered one of the most Important of the year in Oregon and will be of great value in promoting the Inter ests of southern Oregon. During the cenventlon the state editors will be brought to Ashland and spend several hours in Lithia Park and will also be taken over Sis kiyou grade. The Ashland Commer cial Club has been asked by Ben Sheldon, who has charge of the ar rangements, to lend their co-operation in furnishing entertainment. A big effort will be made to make an impression upon the newspapermen upon the occasion of their visit to Ashland, which will send them back to their papers with a new concep tion of southern Oregon and Ash land. The convention comes as the re sult of an effort started by Ben C. Sheldon of Medford nearly two years ago. He visited the convention held in Oregon City and sang the praises of southern Oregon and Crater Lake so strongly that he secured a quali fied promise of a visit to this section by the newspapermen soon thereaf ter. Mr. Sheldon has been appointed chairman of the committee to have charge of entertaining the convention with power to rppolnt his assistants. The entertainment planned Includes a trip to Crater Lake and another to the California line over the new Sis kiyou grade, with a few hours stop at Ashland; a banquet one evening at Medford, a luncheon and special entertainment for the lady visitors f,lr. Went-And -Cut-it -Here'sMr. 'Gets-It' The Few Plan Corn Cue Thaf i as Sure ai tie EWug San. Glad to VMit youl" says tho rasor to the corn. "MJ blw tor you!" says the corn to the razor, lujors and corns love each othur. Coras love tn rny. O W7. Dlrl I D Itt 'Cetj-It' lor M Alter Ti II I LiTet" be cut. ClekM, sous), salved, plas tered and Jerked out, Uir grow faeter. Mr. and Mm. Went-and-Cut-It realize It now, they use "Oets-Il Instead It's the wonderful, simple-corn-cure that never falls. Stops pain. Tou apply it In I sec onds. It drls at once, the corn U doomed. Nothing to stick to the) stocking or press on the corn, it meant good-night to planters, laljea, Writers, razore and toe-bundling. You can wear smaller shoes. Your corns will come right off, "clean ai l whis tle " Never Inflames healthy flesh. The world's blggeet selling corn cure. "Gets-It" Is sold by druggists every where, 5o a bottle, or sent direct by Ii Lawrencs Co, Chicago. 111. QrtU In AaManA anil mnm m An daft as the woild's best Corn remedy bf mc.iBir orus. auq r. . oi -"". DEI'OT IKHXG.S. Move Real Estate Office to Hotel One of the office rooms in the re modeled Hotel Oregon will be occu pied by Hodgson t Reed's real estate office. These enterprising real estaters will move into the new quar ters in the near future. F. H. Mann of Napa, Cal., will establish an art, novelty and music store In the quar ters vacated by Messrs. Hodgson ft Reed. Phone news Items to the Tidings Archibald M. Harrison, aged 60 years, and an inmate of tbe Soldiers' Home at Roseburg, was struck by two engines on the track near Wilbur last Wednesday evening. Harrison was from Gold Hill and since his ad mission to the home ten days ago had been under surveillance, being suspected of being mentally deranged. He made no effort to avoid beln? struck, according to Engineers Hums and Bowers of Roseburg, who wera at the throttles of the engines which) hit him. The freight wreck at Rice Hill last Thursday morning delayed all of tho southbound trains. No. 15 was made up on this side of the wreck. A hobo was badly injured In the wreck, th trainmen escaping with minor shake ups. Tbe wreck was caused by a broken flange. A rich gold vein has been discov ered In tbe Blue river district near Halsey, Ore. A Big' Part . iff nf tho WnrlH vi iiiw ii vi tu ;' i Knows WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS Tbe nervom system is the alarm system of the human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of nerves, bat wbea health Is ebbing, wben strength is declin ing, tbe tame nervous system gives tbe alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a break down. To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul sion is exactly what yon should take; its rich nutriment gets into the blood aad rich blood feeds the tiny nnre-eeEj while tbe whole system responds to its refresh ing tonic force. It is free from alcohol. 7; - Notice?. On or after the 6 th day of May, 1916, I will offer for sale at room 6, Citizens Bank building, the William Greenfield motorcycle. s7-3t g. c. McAllister, Admr. Grape-Nuts I Phone Job orders to the Tidings. ARROW COLL AR Tnr?a stylcmtwohriditil not alone for its delicious, nut-like flavour, but more for its wonderful nerve and brain making, bone and muscle building qualities. Grape-Nuts supplies certain essential elements, abundantly stored in the field grains, but which are lacking in many foods. Especially is this true of foods made from white flour, because in making flour white the larger part of the energizing mineral ele ments are thrown out in the milling process. Made of whole wheat and malted barley, Grape Nuts supplies all the rich nourishment of the grains, is long baked and rendered quickly digestible, and yields a big return of brain, nerve and muscle energy. Wherever you go you will find Crape-Nats. 'There's a Reason" Sold by Grocers everywhere. ... , - -t -. t r TsjaTw"s.'