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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1916)
Thursday. M7 4, 1916 Where Your Goes Furthest 50 Hatchets, bought to soil at 25c, each 10c CO Hammer Handles, well worth 10c, each 5c 200 pairs 3Hx3H heavy Door Butts, pair ...12c Wood Screws, all sizes and kinds, at Cut prices 50 Lanterns, worth $1, used few months, each 45c 50 Lanterns, worth 85c, used few months, each 85c Here's Your Chance to Get a Good Lantern We have the agency for a new Oil Cook Stove which we believe is the bent we have ever seen. Cheaper, cleaner and safer than gas. We will hve a demonstration on Saturday May 6th showing how the stove works. Two. burner, mounted on legs, complete $10.00 Three-burner, mounted on legs, complete . . $12.00 SjMsclal sale on Brown Daisy Floor Brushes and Furniture Brushes on Saturday. A bottle of floor oil with each floor brush. On Monday and Tuesday next we will offer every piece of Aluminum Ware in the house at gpeclafl prices. Supply your wants at tills sale. Don't Worry With That Leaky Hose 600 feet new Garden Hose (come early), the foot Mc 600 feet Cotton . Jacket Hose (come early), the foot Oc Lower prices on medium and high. est grades. Lawn Mowers A well kept lawn a beautiful city They always go together. See the lawn mowers we are offer big at $2.50. For one week, begin ning on Friday, the 5th, we will price lawn mowers (the Coldwell kind) lower than they are solid in the east. Be convinced by coming in and seeing or yourself. amen w The Low Price Hardware Man Phone 146 375 E. Main LOCAL AND PERSONAL I B. K. Potter attended to business matters In Medford Monday. Loveland's orchestra will furnish music for the Auxiliary ball. 98-2t Chief Game Warden J. H. Drlscoll returned recently from an official trip to Klamath county. Johnson the Jeweler tor fine watch work. 97.t( Joseph Poloy Is making extensive Improvements to his residence prop erty at tbe corner of Third and B streets. Evangetist Frank Mathls Is mak ing arrangements for a series of evangelistic meetings to be held In Grants Pass this autumn. H. L. White left the last of the week for Calexlco, Cal., where he will visit his son, Harry, who Is en gaged In a successful ranching proj ect In that vicinity. Remember the date, Friday, May B, Auxiliary ball at the Natatorlum. Tickets $1, spectators 25 cents. Light refreshments 15 cents. 98-2t Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kinney re turned the last of the week from a two month's tour of California, dur ing which they visited relatives at various southern cities. The Union Oil company Is Invading southern Oregon and is establishing a station at Medford. Heretofore the Standard company has furnished most of the oil for the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Martz, friends of the Beaver family of Ashland, who recently arrived from Ohio to make their home in the valley, have lo cated on a ranch near Eagle Point. Don't miss the garland and other special dances at the Auxiliary ball at 8:30 at the Natatorlum, Friday evening, May 5. 98-2t Fruitmen of the valley are most optimistic over the outlook for the fruit crop this year and predictions which approach 2000 cars are made for tbe valley crop. This would be a record. Helman's Baths open Saturday, May 6. Open from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. It Rev. H. J. Van Fossen, district superintendent of the Methodist church, journeyed to Grants Pass Monday where he presided over the quarterly meeting of the Newman M. E. church In' that city. To be sure of satisfaction, wear a made-to-measure suit from Paulserud & Barrett's. it Under the direction of Woodward and McFarland, carpenters and paint ers, the residence of Homer Billings on North Main street is being com pletely overhauled, new Improve ments Installed anj the house turned Into one of the "homiest" bungalows in the city. August Schuerman of this city and E. T. Simons, of Gold Hill, have be come associated in a general ware house and commission business with headquarters at Gold Hill. Mr. Schuerman goes to the lower valley city this week. His famliy will re main In Ashland for the present, his son, Rilling, being enrolled at the local high school. C. H. Metcalf has traded his resi dence ranch property on Holly street, to J. C. Craig, of Oakland, for Oak land property. Mr. Craig came to Ashland several weeks ago with his famliy and decided that Ashland was the place for him. Mr. Metcalf and family will remain in Ashland for the summer at least and are moving today to tho Dean place on Vista street. Gas Range Week from May 6 to 13. Helman's White SulphurPhmges and Baths Open for the Season Saturday, May 6 Hours: 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. ADrawnworkTable Cover & Split Lace Curtains given with Eagle Lye Call and see them Los Angeles Head Lettuce, and all other kinds of fresh vegetables. Bluehill Cheese plain, and Pimento, and Green Chili. HOLMES' GROCERY E. D. Staples spent Tuesday at tending to business matters in Med ford. H. F. Pohland was among the Ash landers who transacted business In Medford Tuesday. The swimming season has started at Helman's. Opening Saturday, May 6. It E. D. Brlggs has gone east on a business trip and will look after property In New York state. The warm weather Is increasing the size of the week-day crowds which visit the park, several fold. When In doubt as to where to have your suit cleaned and pressed, take it to Paulserud & Barrett, the expert cleaners. It Several hundred Medfordltes at tended the Mathls revival meeting held last night. The evening was dedicated to Medfora. There will be a food sale at Dennis' store Saturday morning, May 6, be ginning at 10 a. m., given by the Lady Maccabees. It Miss CI ay re Johnson, who has been presiding over tbe public stenog rapher's chair at the Hotel Oregon, has gone to Medford to accept a po sition as stenographer with the Med ford Sun. U1CITIZENS BANK 0 FASH LAND What Prudent People Want Safe investment that is what prudent people desire for their funds. You can accomplish good results by starting an account with The Citi zens Bank of Ashland. fltfvu SAVINGS rAvn DEPOSITS mil it Now In the new location, doors east of Hotel Oregon Ashland's For any Silk Suit up to $35,00 For any Wool Suit up to $35.00 This lot now includes every one of our better suits. Those that were $22.50 and $24.50 last week. Too Many Suits Lett -That's Why Other Suits $12.50 up Underwear We believe we have assembled the best values in knitted vests and suits we have yet shown. Vests 15 to 60c Suits 35c to $1.50 Niagara silk vests and suits. Niagara silk en velope chemises. Crepe de Chine $3 to $5 Waists In spite of the scarcity of this favored silk a recent shipment brings to us a goodly quantity, (3.00 to $5.00. Corduroy Sport Coats in all the Original Southern Oregon best new shades for spring from $5 op. Agents lor Pictorial Review Skirts to match, $4.50 and $5 Patterns and Publications Fred Rolfe, the engineer in charge of the survey of the Oregon-California state line, has arrived in the val ley and will resume the work where K was left off last fall. Mrs. Viola Stone, proprietor of a Medford rooming house, and Arthur DilU of that city were found guilty of bootlegging and fined $100 each In the Medford justice court. M. M. Sheldon, local contractor, has received word from Flagstaff, Ariz., that his son Is suffering from mental derangement as a result of goiter and has to be confined. M. S. Voorhels of Napa, Cal., Is here looking over the town and Is very much pleased with Ashland and expects to go Into business here pro vided he can find a suitable opening. A number of Ashlanders attended the formal opening of the new Hotel Barnum at Medford Tuesday night. Medford's new hotel Is up to date in every respect. About 1,500 people attended the opening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teft, who have been conducting the Royal Cafe, closed that place of business Tuesday evening and have gone to Hornbrook, where they have accepted positions at the Hornbrook hotel. Mike Womack, prospector and min ing man, Svell known In Ashland, is Jubilant over the passage of a bill granting him $1,000 as compensation for Injuries received while working on the Crater Lake road. Mrs. J. B. Ware will leave In the near future for Grand Rapids, Mich., where Mr. Ware is now connected with the Grand Rapids Trust Com pany. Mrs. Ware is closing their house on Granite street. Ray Sayle is busy as a cranberry merchant as local representative of the California-Oregon Power Com pany. He is putting In new equip ment at the company's local sub-sta tion, service lines for farmers In the Dunn neighborhood, electrical equip ment for the big hotels at the Blair granite quarry, etc. Take a few moment to see bow much real good clothing value there la to be bad in our 1 uind-tailored suits made In Ashland at Orrea' Tailor Shop. Exclusive Ladies' Store Gaiety Waists 1.00-1.19-1.50 They are here, and they are splendid! You will be pleased to find that, ydu can buy such pretty waists for so little. 108 of them at 1.00, 1.19, 1.50 Scratch! Scratch! Blot! Splatter! Yes, but that was with an old steel pen. Try one of the Gold-Pointed Conklin Pens It is SELF-FILLING. See that your GRADUATING son, daughter or friend begins the battle of life with one. It wins where the sword falls. For sale at Foley's Drug Store Poley & Ellinrt, Druggists. ' C. H. Willlson left last week for the east, having recently sold his patent on a nut-locking device which he Invented and patented. During his eastern trip he will visit several of the metropolises of the east. I Wall Paper I 7c Per Double Roll Up I Our stock is new and complete, comprising many patterns that cannot be replaced on account of scar city of dyes. See these papers while you have a large assort ment to choose from. Paints are still advancing with no indication of a drop this year. Our price has not advanced with the market. We can save you money on your requirements. A full line of paints, oils, varnish, shingle stains, glass and building paper always on hand and prices the lowest. Wm. 0. Ashland's exclusive Taint, Wall Paper, and Glass house. Now In the new location, a few doors east of Hotel Oregon Now Is a Good Time to Buy Silks A lot of new shades in plain Taffetus green, navy, Belgian blue, roHO, wine, grey. 30-inch Striped Taffetas, latest novelties. Summer Wash Goods Printed Flaxons, Tissues and Voiles, 15c. Printed Voiles, 30 to 40 Inches, 23c to 33c. Tho assortment of wash goods Is alxmt at its best now. Will you get yours white the choosing is good? Undermuslins Envelope chemises and drawers, corset covers, combination Princess slips and gowns. Middy blouses and Middy suits, Bungalow kimonos and aprons. ' Jim Bowers, who Is engaged In stock-raising on the home place east of Ashland, has bought 36 head of grade yearling Herefords from Hock eramlth Bros, at Medford and will graze them In Dead Indian this sum mer. Mayor Johnson states that on last Sunday he met Jim Bradenberg, a boyhood friend, In Ashland park. The remarkable part of the affair lies In the visitor's statement that he had lived in Medford for thirty-five years and that this was his first visit to Ashland. This provides a convincing argument for the attraction which Lithla Park holds for the valley peo ple. lie true to yourself. Get uliat you uy for. Our lwnd tailored suits for $:i( and up nro equal to what you pay $ 0 mid iiji for in the cities. Made in Ashland at Orros' Tailor Shop. Dicfterson