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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1916)
AsntAND tidings Thursday, Mar 4 10ta PAGE FOUR Copper Finished Bronze Pumps The new finish in vogue now, and very popular. Made of soft kid leather, flexible turn boles with covered Louis heels on a very new last that will fit. Price $4.00. See Them in Our Window At the Sign Of "Good Shoes' 21 North Central, Medford 'Good Shoes' Built Our Business" Sunday school at 10 o'clock." Wed nesday' evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading room open from 2 to 4 dally except Sundays. Suffrage Worker Passes Through. The Women's Congressional Union's special car passed through Ashland Saturday morning carrying MIsb Ella Rlegel, who represents. the union In Its Susan B. Anthony suf frage constitutional amendment cam paign throughout the country. Miss Rlegel, accompanied by a number of sister workers, Is bound for Salem, where she will hold meetings for the discussion of the amendment. aVINING HmWMMMWWtmmMIMIIIIHtMMMl In the Social Realm tMMmHIMHHtHtftMIMIIIIIIIHIHMMm Chautauqua Park CTub. The Chautauqua Park Club will meet Friday at 2:30 In Chautauqua hall. Trinity KIncomi1 Church. Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond. Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Sun day school at 9:45. Holy communion and sermon at 11. Confirmation study class at 4. Evening prayer and sermon at 8. Strangers and visitors cordially welcomed. Luncheon for Edwards, Mrs. H. E. Badger entertained at luncheon Wednesday In honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Edwards, who re turned this week from an extensive trip in the south to enjoy the beauties of Ashland for the summer.- 'A-'very dainty luncheon was served, those present being Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell and family, Mrs. Emma L. Jack and the guests of honor. Birthday Surprise. Mrs. Arthur Abbott was the happy victim of a most successful surprise party Tuesday evening when a num ber of friends descended upon her at her Alida street home, bearing good wishes and the wherewithal for a bounteouB luncheon. Music and games of various sorts were enjoyed and a jolly evening spent. The occp slon was Mrs. Abbott's birthday. Attoiid Medford Ball. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Nate Bates, In the former's car, and Mr. and Mrs. Monte Brlggs motored to Medford Monday evening and attended the May day ball given by the Medford Elks lodge. They report a delightful evening and are loud In tholr praise of the Medford lodge's hospitality. The decorations were exceptionally elaborate and a big banquet was served. Mason and Stars. A gala event in Eastern Star and A. F. and A. M. circles Is schoduled for next Thursday evening, May 11, when the Star ladles and the Masons and their wives will meet In a joint social session. A literary and musical program and a joyous social time are promised. Refreshments will be 6erved. This" is regular meeting night for the Masons, but docket business will be cleared with a rush to make room for the social gathering. Willow Springs Children Picnic. Due to the efforts of R. W. Elden and several other Ford owners of Willow Springs, among them being Messrs. Blackford, Iloagland, J. W. E'den and Leslie Davis, the children of the Willow Springs School were motored to the Ashland park, where they enjoyed a most delightful May day picnic. During the afternoon at Ashland the children, as well as the grown ups, were treated to Ice cream by Mrs. W. L. King, mother of Mrs. R. W. Eldon, who is In the valley on a visit from Illinois. The old vault in the building at the corner of Oak and Main streets, which is to be occupied by F. H. Mann, of Napa, Cal., was torn out this week and proved to be of very Bolid construction. Reinforced con crete Is harder to take out than to jiut In, according to the workman on the Job. The vault was put in when the Citizens Savings bank occupied the building. Human opinions almut you are largely influenced tty the clothes you wear. Have a fit at Ones' Tailor SIm. Suffrage Workers Pass Through A special car carrying the Wo men's Congressional Union passed through Ashland Saturday morning In which was Miss Ella Rlegel, who represents the union In Its Susan B. A n t h ony suffrage constitutional amendment campaign throughout the country. Miss Rlegel, accompanied by a number of sister workers, Is boundtfor Salem, where she will hold meetings for the discussion of the amendment. ' Erickson-Hanna Martin L. Erlckson, head of the government forestry service for southern Oregon with headquarters at Medford, was married In San Fran cisco at the home of the bride's par ents on last Friday, to Miss Gertrude Hanna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanna of that city. The wedding was described by San Fran cisco papers as "one of the hand somest seen in San Francisco for a long time". The couple will make their home at Medford. Mr. Erlck son is well known and liked through out southern Oregon. Crowson's Opening. Big crowds attended the formal summer opening of Crowson's confec tionery Wednesday afternoon and evening. The popular confectionery parlor was turned into a bower of beauty with white carnations In pro fusion everywhere. Punch was served to all the visitors. Loveland's orchestra furnished music during the reception hours and Mr. Loveland, Earl Rasor and Lloyd Stratton sang several solos. The fountain at Crow son's is now under the management of Mr. Wicker of the Hazlewood con fectionery of Portland and a great variety of new confections are offered to Crowson's patrons. Auxiliary Ball. Tomorrow evening the Ashland Natatorium will be the scene of the premier social event of the month, the Auxiliary Club's May ball. Love land's orchestra will furnish music. Dancing will commence at 9 o'clock. At 8:30, under the direction of Mrs. Shirley Keene, several young ladles of the city will present two beautiful exhibition dances in costume. The young ladles who will take part have been working hard for the past month and the features will be the best of their kind ever presented in southern Oregon. Mrs. Henry Provost is in charge of the general committee. Mrs. Bos lough and Mrs. Hal McNair, commit tee on music and hall. Mrs. Sam Mc Nair, Mrs. Tracy, Mrs. Frank Jordan and Mrs. E. H. Bush have charge of the refreshments. Mrs. Sylvan Pro vost is in charge of the decorating; she has a large committee of ladles who know how. Miss Lillian Patter son and Mrs. A. H. Pracht, with the assistance of Miss Nell Snyder, Clayre Johnson, Vivian Greer, Luclle Bar ber, Gertrudo Blede and Mrp. Berg ner, are looking after the publicity and advertising. The reception com mittee is composed of the following ladies: Mesdames A. D. Graham, Stuart Saunders, E. D. Brlggs, C. M. Summers and D. Perozzl. The ladies are putting forth every effort to make this annual ball a big success. Willow Springs School Picnics in Ashland Park, The children of the Willow Springs school spent Monday in Ashland's beautiful Llthia Park on a May-day picnic. About twenty children and half as many adults were In the party. The twenty-mile trip from Willow Springs to Ashland was made in automobiles, which were supplied for the occasion by Messrs. O. S. Blackford, Joseph Hoagland, Lester Davis and J. W. and Ralph W. Elden. The outing was so unqualifiedly a success that It Is hoped that a May day picnic in Llthia Park may be come an annual event for the Willow Springs school. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Pioneer avenue souths Sunday service at 11 o'clock. SubJecTot les son sermon, "Adam and Fallen Man." The Commercial CluTk requests the names and addresses of parties who are considering coming to the coast his summer. We wish to send them Iterature and give them a good con ception of Oregon. 74-tf Out Pait Your business at this bank entitles you to such assistance at all times as is consistent with sound banking practice. y First National Bank ASHLAND, OREGO.V. Oldest National Bank In Jackson County Music at Federation. The following musical proggram was given Thursday evening by Mrs. E. E. Gore and George Andrews of Medford before the district Federa tion of Women's Clubs: Piano solo, "Second Mazurka" (Godard), Miss Elizabeth Gore; en core, "Valse in A Flat" (Chopin); vocal solo, "Vlsl de Arte," from "La Tosca" (Puccini), Miss Geraldine Thelss; vocal duet, "Oh That We Two Were Maying" (Smith), Mrs. Pro vost, Mr. Rasor; piano solo, "The Last Hope" (Gottschalk), Miss Ruth Warner; vocal solo, "Toreador's Song" from "Carmen" (Bizet), for an encore sang "Mother o Mine" (Tours), George Andrews; address, "The Evolution of Music," Ed Andrews. Baptist Convention. At the concluding session of the Rogue River Baptist Association, held Friday and Saturday at Grants Pass, Medford was chosen as conven tion city for the 1917 conference. The following officers were elected: Moderator, H. C. Garnett, Medford; clerk, Mrs. Hans Homer, Medford; treasurer, V. O. N. Smith, Ashland; to deliver 1917 convention sermon, Rev. A. R., Blackstone, Ashland; state board, Fred W. Mears, Medford. The Jackson county towns were represented at the conference by the following delegations: Medford H. S. Fisber, Frederick W. Carstens, C. E. Johnson, John D. Wylie, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Meadows, Mrs. Hans Homer, Mrs. E. S. Stln son, Mrs. Seaman, Beth Stuart, Beth Blackford, Mrs. William Davis, Mrs. Ida Fryear. Ashland Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Blackstone and two children. Central Point Lucy D. Williams. Klamath Falls Mrs. Morice. Eagle Point Rev. and Mrs. L. L. Simmons, C. S. Painter, Bernlce Sim mons. Sams Valley C. H. Fredenburg. " ""'"""Hn, V Muslin Na ill derwear Sale Y I Still Continues I j Also many bargains in other III lines at III LA Thursday, May 4th Roscoe Arbuckle and Mable Normand in Fatty and Plaliel Adrift This is Fatty's latest and absolutely his best comedy. Was shown for one week at the Columbia Theatre, Portland, recently. Also Willard Mack-George Fawcett ID The Come? A story interesting to all sorts and conditions of men and women Admission I5-I0c; Children under 12,5 cents Coming Friday-John Mason in tmf The Penman New Civic Club Home Near Park The members of the city council seem favorably Inclined toward granting the request of the Civic Im provement Club for land for a club house, tennis courts and the like. The club will be asked to definitely outline the amount of land wanted and the city attorney will Investigate the legal phases of the matter. The location considered by the council and favored by the clubwomen Is a part of the newly purchased land on the west side of Park avenue to the. west of the city park. At Tuesday's council meeting the councilmen en gaged In a lengthy discussion over whether the land should be deeded or leased to the club, and this phase of the matter will be Investigated. It is understood that when the land Is obtained the club ladies will start an energetic campaign to build a beauti ful home. As yet plans for financing the building are Immature, but with the well-known proclivity of the club ladies to get what they go after, a Civic Improvement Club home looms as one of the coming additions to the park vicinity. HSHLHND Storage and Transfer Co 0. F. BATKS Proprietor. Two warehouses near Depot Goods of all kinds stored at reason able rates. A General Transfer Business. Wood and Rock Springs Coal. Phone 117. Office, 99 Oak Street, ASHLAND, OREGON. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals, addressed to the undersigned at Jacksonville, Oregon, and endorsed "Sealed Bid for Repair ing Road" for repairing a county road between Medford and Jackson ville, Oregon, In accordance with the plans and specification! on file In the County Surveyor's office, over the Medford National Bank building, Medford, Oregon, will be received and filed until 10 o'clock a. m. May 12, 1916, and at that time the County Court will publicly open and read all bids. Each bidder shall be required to deposit with his bid five per cent of the amount of his bid, which shall be forfeited to the county la case the award Is made to blm, and If he falls, neglects or refuses, for a period of ten days after such award Is made, to enter into a contract and file his bond In the manner required by and to the satisfaction of the County Court. A corporate surety bond will be re quired for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum equal to one half of the total amount of the sum bid. The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to accept the proposal deemed best for Jackson county. Dated this 18th day of April, 1916. G. A. GARDNER, County Clerk, 95-6t Jacksonville, Oregon. At $13 and $20 we offer you suits tailored with thorough, ness and beauty. The quality of the fabric is equal to those shown in regular $25 suits. Orres' Tailor Shop. Good Shoes Out Specialty Watch ottt windows. We have the correct shoe for every member of the family. Remember the place, Ashland's Exclusive Shoe Store. I Bs?iggs & Elmore Successors to Brlggs & Shinn H ! I HIIIIUHI HI H H II HllHWi