Every other car on the road is a Ford; more than half the cars bought this year will he Fords. There' a mighty good rea son. Ford ca's are filling a place in every field of human activity. C t-ts about two cents a mile Jo operate find maintain. Better order yours today! Kunabout $390; Touring Car $440; Coupel-t $590; Town Car $040; Sedan $740; All pri.es f.o.b. Detroit. On sale at F. L. Gamps' Garage RtSntratnnnmnanKnrowasicmniw i LOCAL AND PERSONAL J? e I). R. Connor transacted business In Medford Saturday. I Miss Grace .Wilson visited friends J in Medford Saturday. F. C. Smith of Jacksonville was a ' visitor in Ashland Saturday. j G. S Dutler transacted business In i Portland several days last week. For paperhanglng call Maynard, with Beaver Realty Co. 92-2t A crew of thirty men Is now at work at the Gold Hill cement plant. C. M. Thomas and family of Med ford were visitors to Lithia Park Sunday. Virgil Rush left Saturday evening for Alberta, Canada, where he will locate. Mrs. C. Harrison and child of , Dunsmulr were visitors in the city last week. George Ketchum and wife spent last week visiting in Redding, Sis son and McCloud. Still 3elllng at greatly reduced prices. Baughman's, 227 Fourth street. It Medford anglers are again agitat- j ing the closing of the Rogue river to i commercial fishing. Mrs. A. H. Weber and son Bernard of Fresno, Cal., are visiting Mr. and ! Mrs. Sam McXair. Mrs. C. D. Schell of Wellen, Ore., visited her daughter, Miss Margaret. In this city last week. Mrs. J. R. Lilly was over from Weed, Cal., the last of the week, vis iting friends and shopping. Mrs. Kate Stanley visited last week at the home of her brother, Fred Bloomingcamp, at Hornbrook. J. D. Smetzler of Minneapolis has been In Ashland during the past week, accompanied by his wife. A. S. Rosenbaum, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bardwell of Medford made up an auto party which visited Ashland Fri day evening. The Result Of Economy The man who Is pros perous is pleased to trace the source of his success it often goes way back to the habit of economy which was formed eaifly in youth. Be wise start an account with us. 4on SAVINGS DEPOSITS, yaciTizENs(4 W BANK 53 LP FASH LAN DA Henry Thomasen of Ashland visit- T'n Th"rsday- ! The Christian Endeavor Society of .the Congregational church held a meeting with Ella Bunnell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. S. T. Hodges visited her home at Gold Mill over Friday and Satur- day, returning Saturday evening to Ashland. Judge L. U. Watson will lecture j on "The Geology of Southern Ore J gon" at Gold Hill next Thursday i evening. Johnson the Jeweler tor fine watch i wo'k. 97-tf ! George Soranson returned to his home at Grants Pass Thursday even : ing after a several days' stay In Ash I land. Miss Lucy Shearer of Dunsmulr ar- rived last Tuesday In Ashland to spend a few days as the guest of Mrs. Frank nirkev Mrs. S. E.' Miller returned Sunday from a visit of several weeks' dura tion with friends and relatives in Washington state. Murphy Motor Company has a bar gain in a used Ford. 7 Plaza. 91-2t Mi's. Will Stansbury returns to her home In Portland this week after an extended visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Morgan, Mrs. Mary Cole has returned to Ashland after several weeks' visit In Douglas county. She reports much rain In that part of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith of Horn brook were in Ashland last week to attend the funeral of Mr. Smith's mother, Mrs. Mary Jacobs. Marguerite (Brown) McMichael, who has been to the hospital for treatment, we are glad to note is able to return to her home. The Trinity ladies will hold an Easter bazaar at the parish house April 23 from 2 p. m. to 11 p. m. It Mrs. -I. J. MacMahon and children returned to their home at Rogue Riv er Thursday after spending several days visiting friends In Ashland. Mrs. Mary Murray returned to her Ashland home Friday after spending several days visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Croxton, at Grants Pass. Isaac B'anton and family have re turned to their home at Eugene after spending a month In Ashland, drink ing lithia water and reveling In Ash land's parks. State Deputy Engineer T. M. Davis arrived in Ashland Saturday from Portland, making the trip down by auto. He made a trip over the Sis kiyou grade Saturday. R. L. Burdic motored up from Grants Pass Saturday. He brought with him a sample of the tungsten ore which was discovered near Gold Hill and created such a sensation among the mining fraternity of southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bush returned Sunday morning from a three weeks' vlsit.at Riley. Kan. They report con tinual storms and unpleasant weath er in the middle west and were "only too glad to get back to Ashland." On the return trip they Bpent a few days In Portland. O. O. Allendenfer of the California-Oregon Power Company at Med ford was a visitor In the city Friday. Mrs. T. R. McClain and son Howard of Tacoma. Wash., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Barrett. Klamath Falls citizens have Insti tuted recall proceedings against i three councilmen, the recall agita tion having arisen out of discontent over the reorganization of the fire department. The councilmen named In the recall petitions threaten to bring a libel suit against the inltiat ors of the petitions. J The Auxiliary's big annual May dance, May 5, Natatorlum. Reserve date. 92-lt In connections with Knights Temp lar triennial conclaves in Los Angeles and Shriner imperial council cere monials at Buffalo, W. H. McN'air will mix pleasure with business by i accompanying the Rexall contingent of retail druggists in Its cross coun try excursion clear through to Bos ton. Mrs. McXair will accompany i him. ! M. D. Bousman, the man who killed Mr. and Mrs. Luther B. Akers 'at W'ildcrville on February 27, was found guilty of murder In the second degree In the circuit court at Grants Pass last Friday. The killing oc curred as a result of a series of quar rels between the murderer and his victims. One of the primary duties of our county school superintendent should be to come into personal contact with our rural schools. Whether he Is provided with one or a dozen super visors, G. W. Ager, republican candi date for county soiiool superintend ent, maintains that certain days of the week should be set aside for act ual supervision. 92-lt The Rosenberg brothers shipped a trainload of fine California sheep of high class Into the valley recently. Most of the sheep were purchased by the Roguelands company. Medford Tribune: David Stenwell, of The Dalles, this state, who has been visiting with relatives in the vicinity of Ashland for a week' de- Get "Busy CLEAN UP and PAINT UP! CLEANLINESS HELPS THE BABY. Dirt fattens flies and kills bablps. Baby needs pure air and clean food. He can't get It if there Is dirt around bis home. Is your back yard littered wltb rub bish? Clean It out so baby can play there. Is your stairway or hallway dlrty7 Make It a fit place for baby. Don't throw things In the street Baby plays there. "' Don't throw garbage where yon think no one will see It The flies will find It Don't leave dirt In your sink. It may get In baby's food. Don't leave dirty rags, bottles and cans around for baby to play with. i voted .Sunday to making acquain tances In Medford and vicinity. Mr. Stenwell "says that he will return home, pack up and return to this valley in time for the big celebration of the Fourth of July and the dedi cation of Lithia park at Ashland. He declares that It is a source of re gret to him that he neglected to find Rogue river valley years ago. Miss Ruth Walter of Portland stopped over between trains Thurs day and had dinner with frlonds In Ashland. She is enroute home from Los Angeles, where she spent the winter. Kenneth Lilly, former Ashland high school all-around athlete, is playing on the freshman baseball team at Stanford University, being barred from the varsity team by the freshman rule which has been put Into effect this year. He has main tained a hatting average of .400 to date In the several games played this year. The first opportunity for Ashland lovers of track and field sports to see the material which is being devel oped from the Ashland high school students, in action, will be next Fri day afternoon, when the junior class athletes will compete with the track men from the rest of the school. Later in the spring a valley field meet of huge proportions will he held, probably at Medford. On? of the jitney drivers who op erates on the Pacific Highway had an exciting experience on the Siski you graile Wednesday. Ho took a party of s'ghtseers up the grade, and through some mishap or mismanage ment the car started backing down when he had stopped for some reason. The passengers jumped and the driv er, Jack Stevens, ran the machine into the hillside, upsetting It. Yreka News: Mrs. Harry Orr re ceived word the first of the week that her mother, Mrs. E. S. Orr of Neno, New, was in a very critical con dition and not expected to live. On receipt of the news Mrs. Orr left for Nevada but was unable to arrive be fore the end came, her mother dying Tuesday morning. Mrs. Orr never recovered from the Injuries she re ceived In the automobile co'lision on Butchel hill, near Yreka, on the even ing of December 24 last. Wilhier Poley, of Poley & Elhart, druggists, snent part of last week at Spokane, where he attended the con vention of the Curtis Publishing Com pany's, agents of the northwest. Agepts from Oregon, Washington and Idaho were In attendance. On the VJ? home Mr. Poley stopped in Port'and for a few days to get some ideas and to vis't friends. Grants Pass Courier: Another run of Chinook salmon is appearing In the river, two of the big fellows hav ing been taken on spinners Sunday near the Golden Drift dam. Only a few of the fish have ascended the river thus far during the spring though the rise In the river of last week should have started them u from the sea. Leonard Property Sold. The Leonard property at the en trance to Lithia Park has been op tloned to the Ashland Printing Com pany, the price named being $3,000 It comprizes 2G0 feet on Park Boule vard and runs back to Granite street, The purchase was made for a client who will build a pavilion suitable for dancing and refreshments. The pur chaser will take the property over April 20 and begin to build at once, Classified Advertisements FOR SALE My 6 Ms -acre free lrri gated, fully equipped dairy and chicken ranch. M. Jacker, 375 Otis street. 92-4t FOR SALE Modern 7-room house with barn, other outbuildings, gar den and fruit. Will sell several adjoining vacant lots separately or all with house. Phone 275. In quire 75 Winter. 92-0. FOR RENT OR SALE Modern six room house with barn, other out buildings, on 2 acres. Every thing in first-class condition. Ten minutes' ride from town. Address rinv US n P n nttv 91.1mn FOR RENT Seventeen acres for pasture at 369 Granite street. Call atjlie place. 92-2t FOR RENT, FURNISHED Two small houses on Granite street near fountain. All modern conveniences, Including gas for cooking. Inquire at 153 Granite street. 92-lt FOR SALE Good heavy work mare with foal, very cheap. C. H Harms, Talent, R. D. 1, Box 124. 92-4t FOR SALE Baby chicks hatched with hens or in Incubator lots. Also one hot water brooder. Mrs. W. D. Booth, 996 Oak street, phone 291-R. 92-lt FOR SALE Feeder pigs, average weight about 80 pounds. E. C. Weaver, R. 1, Box 115. 92-2f WANTED TO TRADE Four lots, corner, In Klamath Falls, two blocks from Main street, one block from paved street, 4-room house, good barn, for Improved acreage near Ashland. Address Harold H. Millican, Ashland, Ore. 'fTTTTTTTTTTTI'TTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTvTTTTTTWFI I EASTER A BIGGER, better and more varied showing than ever. All the staple goods as well as the new, novel and different are shown. We've combed the mar kets to give you the better kind of merchandise at saving' prices. See Us This Fancy and plain Ribbons. Velvet Ribbons all shades and widths. Striped Crepe de Chines. Plain Taffetas, BlacK Taffeta, Fancy Taffetas. , Striped Summer Voiles in darK patterns. Summer Printed Silks. White Goods for SKirts, Waists and Dresses. Lawns of every shade. Tub Silhs, Georgette Crepes, Pongees, Dimities, Percales, Crepes, NainsooKs, Plain Voiles. Seed Voiles, Colored Voiles. The store where Easter Goods abound VAUPEL' Ashland's Shopping Center The Quality Store Belkview Notes (By the Language Classes of Belle- view School.) C. L. Moore Is up and around but i not fully recovered from the effects of a cracked rib which he sustained over a week ago from being thrown from a wagon-load of dirt. The spelling contest at Bollevlew was well attended Wednesday even ing. The visitors wore too numerous and spelled too well for the school. We took our defeat cheerfully be cause our main object is spoiling, not winning the doubtful glory of defeat ing someone else. The ilrst of the county contests was hold Thursday. The entertainment and the refresh ment committees are busily engaged preparing for the Parent-Teacher Cir cle meeting which occurs Friday evening, April 14. The program Is expected to come up to the standard and probably go somewhat beyond. Tho Belieview Growers' Associa tion held an Interesting meoting at the school house last Tuesday even ing. The object of this meeting was to nominate trustees to be voted for at an election to be called soon to take charge of tho matter of Irriga tion. Two gentlemen who live he low here and J. E. Millner of this neighborhood, nominated by the Tal ent meeting last week, were en dorsed. Resolutions of thanks and appreciation for the work done by the Talent Farmers' Club were voted. The report on one survey already made was read and the matters per taining to Irrigation generally were discussed. The consensus of opinion is that we must have irrigation if it can be had at a reasonable cost. ThlB meeting was noted for the har mony and Interest manifested. C. L. Moore, a director, visited school Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ed Gowland and her mother-in-law visited school Friday after noon. DEPOT DOINGS "On again, off again, gone again," seems to be the favorite occupation of the powers who run the "board" at division headquarters. One day four men will be put on and the next day, six cut off. J. N. Linn, a Southern Pacific 4-4 A Card Will bring you a sample book of twenty-four patterns of wall paper. These are a few patterns from our large stock and if not suited we will send you other samples. We have the largest, newest and best assorted t stock of wall papers ever displayed in Jackson county and our prices are the lowest. We have arranged this country trade and those come in. Send for a Book Today Everything to decorate the home, paint, varnish, I wall paper, building and roofing papers, nothing else. Wm. 0. Dickerson Ashlands' Exclusive Paint and Wallpaper House MIIIIIHIIMIWHIIHMMHHHIIIIIHM i I GOODS WeeK for Best in Price, Qual ity, Slec(lon brakeman, was seriously injured last Monday at Diinsniuir when he crossed the tracks In front of train 53 and ! was struck, lie suffered bad cuts about the head and a badly fractured knee. He was taken to tho general hospital at San Francisco for treat ment. F. W. Hitchcock, switchman at Weed, was badly hurt Sunday when a brake handle struck his iu the faco. His Jawbone was broken, several teeth knocked out and deep cuts and bruises inflicted about his head. Ho was taken to the Southern Paclfio hospital at San Francisco. Stockholders Meeting. To the 'Stockholders of the Rogue River Fruit & Produco Assn.: Notice is hereby glvon that the regular annual meeting of the stock holders of the Roguo River Fruit & Produce Association, for the election of directors and tho transaction of itich other business as may properly como before such meeting, will be held in the public library, Main street, Medford, Ore., on tho 9th day of May, lftlfi, at 10 o'clock a. in. ROGUK RIVER FRUIT & PRODUCE ASSN., By R. C. Washburn, President. A. C. Flero, Secretary. Dated Modl'ord, Ore., April 8, 1916. 92-3t-Mon. The Portland Gas & Coke Co. has been held not responsible for typhoid germs In drinking water used by em ployes. Phone news Items to the Tidings. Big Business You give your business just as con scientious attention as the president of the largest railroad gives his busi ness. He uses a bank always. You should do the same. Use this bank. First Rational Bank ASHLAND, OREGO.N'. Oldest Kattonal Bank In Jackson County TTTTTTTTTT rTTTTTTTTTTT book especially for our who cannot conveniently