PAGE TWO ASHLAXD TTDIXC.S Monday, April 10, 101 ft Ashland Tidings TUB ASHLAXM PIUXTIXa CO. (Incorporated.) RKMMVKEK1T. KSTAHMSHKO 1870. TUB KXIGHTS OP LITIIIA. about bard times, and I'll admit that I talk quite pessimistically myself, I but you can bet your boots I'm going ' 67e People's Forum Bert It. Greer, Editor and Manager. Lynn Motrat, Xews Reporter Issncd Mondays and Thnrsdays Official City and County Paper Iretty Mnd. I Editor Tid'ngs: Beautify Ashland, j Your paper devotes columns to this .subject. -The Civic Improvement I Club preaches it. The Commercial . Club advocates it, and other societies ! are busy teliing people what a nice By Leonard Hinton. Portland, finding It Inadvisable to to hang onto my property here." v-J advertise assets that have brought ; That man was a booster-ln spite of ! fame and population to other cities, himself. And there are quite a few! spread the renown of altose Festival lffce him. j nation wide, and organized the order of Kosarians, the official boosting f O-OI'KKATIOX WIX8. clan of the city. Seattle, young giant j of the northwest, reverted to Indian j The' policy which has been fol legend and nomenclature for her pub- lowed In the remodeling and refur- llclty element. Now every year they nlshing of the New Oregon is a splen- town we would have If we would only SIBSCKIITIOX RATES. j hold a Pot-I.atch, under the direction did . example of the finest kind of try. One Year f 2.00 i of the Tiilkums, or Friends. Even municipal lovalty. Believing it the I got that fever OXCE. I say once places of the size of North Yakima spirit as well as the letter of the because I believe that I am Immune have not lagged behind. There, be- trade-at-home principle, the owners from It henceforth. I have put lots cause apples are the chief source of of the new hostelry have unarm! no of time and good money Into the TELEPHONE 39 j revenue, the boosters call themselves effort to place all the busfness Incl- property I rent on Pioneer avenue, to the Pom Poms, whimsically corrupt- dental to their enterprise with local beautify, and anyone who has seen Ing the Latin word for the apple, people. 1 my efforts will agree with me. These cities are representative. In the first place, all work done on Wherever there is a chance to appeal the Oregon has been done by local to the farmer, the homeseeker, the men, plumbers, carpenters, painters business man newly come to the west, and decorators. In every capac'ty In cities have adopted the far-sighted which local labor could be used, it po'icy of spending a few dollars and has been given the preference, much enthusiasm upon advertising. Every foot of pipe and every fix- MMMMMI IIMMMMMMMMMMMl m tlx Month Three Months 1'ayablo in Advance, 1.00 , .50 Advertising rates on application. First-class job printing facilities. Equipments second to none In the Interior. No subscriptions for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped at expiration unless renewal Is received. In ordering changes of the piper always rive the old street address or postoffice as well as the new. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class mall matter. The Oldest National Bank in Jackson County Member Federal Reserve System I Now comes the time when I thought I I could say, "Well, those flowers would repay anyone for the time and effort," but I am deprived of any such enjoyment. Almost as each Individ-! i tial flower comes Into Its bloom It Is pulled up, sometimes bulb and all, by A few more details concerning ture used in the installation nf the the lowest class of vandal known. I FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $120,000.00 DEPOSITORY OF City of Ashland County of Jackson . State of Oregon United States of America Ashland, Ore., Monday, April 10, '10 You Can Trade the Article You Don't Need For Something You Do by Advertising. say the lowest class and I mean It, for money cannot replace that which some petty thieving Ignoramus will pull up In a few seconds' time. Hya cinths that glisten in the morning sun, or tulips, the dew cups of the T. P. DODGE & SONS Undertakers State Licensed Emfcalmer Lady Assistant Deputy County Coroner these "goings-on" among our north- new system of plumbing has been em neighbors may not be amiss. For bought through local merchants, instance, the Kosarians, the Tiilkums, . Lumber, cement and all other raw and the Pom-Poms are only Indirectly materials were scured in the same connected with the commercial clubs way. Furniture was picked out, much of their respective communities. They of It made to order, but all of It are held together by the enthusiasm came through the channels of local gods, it makes no difference. , of the membership. When a pageant trade, apportioned to the different ,' I enjoy flowers, but I object tc I or spectacle is put on at homo, the dealers. Carpets, linoleums, the buying the bulbs, preparing the soil ' Tiilkums, let us say, are there In a sheetings and linens, the curtains, all ; In the fall, take care of them all win- i - - - . body, adding to the Impresslveness of paid their tribute to their local deal-, ter, and train, and weed, and culture of the door an old-fashioned hatrack the event by their uniforms, and In- crs In the interest of trade-at-home, i the blossoms for some low-down .' and stand. On the street side two idlvldually exerting themselves in Perhaps no lttcr Illustration of sneak thief. I would appreciate the pleasant windows, easy chairs, a table .every way to make the occasion sue- the thoroughness In which this spirit ; favor, Mr. Editor, If you would Insert 'and register for guests. The third i cessful. If somo neighboring city was observed can be given than a a notice, for the benefit of these low- side, chair and table for the matron; holds a celebration, then the Tiilkums word or two In regard to the station-1 bred 'scoundrels, to the effect that the fourth, a small desk and chair; i attend In a body, and lend their cf-' ery tables which will be used In the henceforth there will be an abund-' and in the center of the room a good- forts and enthusiasm Just as freely lobby. These have been ma'lo 1n ance of anything that will grow on ' sized round table, well filled with as they would give it at home. Asa Ashland, of ouk, and are examples of j an tmwatored and uncared for piece ' magazines and surrounded by easy ! payroll of 160,000 result, Seattle annually reaps a splen-, the finest workmanship. N0 one of ground In the vicinity of 133 'chairs The small room off of this ! ' j did harvest from this advertising, bo- heed fear the epithet of home-made, j Pioneer avenue. upon something cool, green and at tractive a one-story building for the weary feet, often too tired to climb many stairs. Yours, for the rest room, MRS. BERGSTROM. St. Helens, Ore., has a monthly THE IIOXI) KMXTIOX. The council did the proper thing In submitting to the people the propo rtion of refunding the short time six per cent bonds Into long timo fives. Under the referendum law In force In this stato every Important munici pal mattei should be submitted for the action of the people at the polls. It was strictly In keeping with the referendum that the bond matter was submitted. Councllmon are neither favoring or opposing the issue. The council put the matter In shape to be nubmitted and then called the elec tion In order to give citizens an op portunity to pass upon It. There Is little doubt but that the higher rate bonds should be refunded ; Into a lower rate Ih; ue. That Is good ! business to cancel a six per cent debt with new five per cent bonds I but there Is: a question a3 to whether j a five per cent lusue Is the best that ran be floated under the present stato of the bond market. Just now there Is a strong demand for municipal bonds, and likely if the mutter was offered for bids a more favorablo Ie suo would find a ready market possibly the now Ikbuo would bring par on a four and one-half per cent basis. I'nder the circumstances tho Tid ings thinks it best to vote tho Issuo down and then submit tho matter to bids and Bell the new Issue on con tract to the buyer that would take the issue at rr bearing the least rate of Interest. Bids could be asked for in a contingent basis before the voto was taken. Then citizens would know when they votod that the city was getting the best tho bond market af fords and no doubt would approve, the Issue. Tho council has not laid Itself open to censure by its action. It did tho fair and proper thing In submitting the Issue to the people. Ing especially fortunate in obtaining when these are Installed In the bcau trcniendous convention crowds and tiftil tiled lobby of tho Oregon. j being wise enough to pleaso them well Much of the furniture has arrived, while within the gates. and Is awaiting removal to the hotel, j And this same policy Is true of In examining this furniture one is! Yours very truly, II. O. PURUCKER. I contains the toilets and lavatories, I gas plate, telephone, sanitary paper j towels, and so forth. I The desk looked cheerful and ap- pealed to me, as I have often tried to stand and write a short letter in The Rest Room. To the Tidings Readers: I have every progressive city on the coaBt, Impressed with the high standard of , been interested in the various art!- either postoffice or one of the banks, from Portland to San Diego. I quality which has been Insisted upon cieg for an(j against the rest room, j Also, please, let "Mr. Bantalte" Now let us admit at once that such ( by the new owners In their selections. and though perhaps you might be (or any other friend who thinks like activities are wonderfully helpful to Especially beautiful Is the furniture 1 equally interested In hearing of the ! wise) carry a warm, tired, sleepy, a community, and fuco ourselves with ' for the new ladies' drawing room, the question, "Why can't Ashland This Is of old-ivory rattan, with tap avail herself of this means of adver- estry cushions and pads. The tapes tlslng?" try Is to be matched in mulberry rug And Immediately ninny peoplo an-! for the floor of the apartment, swor that while such organizations! Tho furniture of the upper floors is are profitable and natural to cities of, oak, of beautiful and substantial de-1 patronized all day, exclusively for the wealth and slzfe, they are Impossible sign. The chairs for the lobby are ' jadies, and the men are never permit- n a city or Asniands population and , also nere, ana are or full Hpanlsn ; ted to use it In any way. A plain, ixteiu rtn.w AUTOCAR CO. I leather of the finest pattern. AMOXO THOSE PRESENT. LET'S DRESS UP. Especially this year, Ashland's slo gan should bo "CLKAN UP, PAINT VP AND LIGHT UP." Every citizen ehould make an effort to clean up his premises and, if possible, paint up bis buildings. Tho council this year By Leonard Hinton. J. M. Shelley of the Eugene Mill and Elevator Company, and wife, with Mrs. A. Hobbs, paid Ash land a burdens Why not. North Yakima Is not yet 1 In the hundred thousand class, nor j are towns like Reedley and Sanger, I California, where boosters' clubs, and I good ones, are fixtures of the land 1 scape. These towns contain clubs that have made boosting a habit ! among the citizens, have backed every local project of value, and to their homo after an exten have gained a great deal of advertis-' sive tour of Southern Califor Ing throughout their sections. Bear nia. Resides being a prominent busl In mind, too, that many of these ncss man, Mr. Shelley has lung been towns are exploiting what Is now the a figure In public affairs, being a commonest marketable commodity former member of the legislature an? before the public real cstato In some of the committee in charge of the form or other. They are In the rut Lewis and Clark exposition of advertising, because they are llm- All the members of the party were Ited In their resources, yet they are enthusiastic over the beauties of succeeding In splto of this handicap. I Lithia Park. As they have but re As to the present burdens of Ash-; cently visited famous Balboa Park land. A man is rightly adjudged a 'in San Diego, their praise was doubly fool who calls his opportunities bur-, welcome. dons. There are many fools. Like-1 "Balboa Park," commented one of wise there are many cities in the the ladies, "has the advantage of a United States that have allowed mil- wonderful climate and exquisite care, lions of dollars to go to the European but the San Dlegans can not supply resorts merely because they refused , the beautiful natural effects which to accept their own opportunities, you have here In Ashland." She And if nnyone dared to suggest that pointed to the falls of Ashland creek natural resources utilized to keep, In the park. "The parks of the those millions at home, a great cry 'south," she exclaimed, "would give went up anent tho burdens which that a hundred thousand dollars for those, rest room In this city of Burlington, i teething baby (and several more Vermont. It is called the municipal I "steps" trailing along at their coat rest room, and has its rooms in the, tails) and let him "try" to shop, and municipal building, on the main bus- i he will let the country contributor iness street, handy to stores, electric j and other ladies have all the rest car waiting room, etc. It is well , rooms they'd like. Burlington makes a large bid for the. country trade and puts forth Its j best efforts In the summer when the good folks from the country can come In from far and near. A generous mind will suggest an extra room, cool, dim and cozy, with several cribs for the little tots. And what a delightful, never-to-be-forgot- Leave Ashland for Medford, Talent and Phoenix dally except Sunday at 9:00 a. m. and 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. A'so on Saturday night at 6:30 and 12:20. Sundays leave at 9:00 and 1:00, 4:30, 6:30 and 10:30 p. m. Leave Medford for Ashland dally ex cept Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1:00, 2:00, 4:00 and 5:15 p. m. Also on Saturday at 11:15 p. m. On Sun days at 8:00 and 10:30 a. m., and 1:00, 2:00, 5:30 and 9:30 p. m. Fare between Medford and Ash. land, 20 cents. Round trip, 35 cents. comfortable, homey sort of a matron is in charge and sits thero all day to assist or answer questions. As one enters the main room the eye meets an attractive, homelike as pect. Nothing in It but what could be spared from anyone's well-filled j ten "memorial" could some one give home. On one side of the door a j In memory of a dearly beloved but visit Thursday, en route ; mite-box for the poor or needy of the city. This box and contents might "lost a while" In the form of a small stone building In or close to the park well be looked after by the Sunshine and plaza, where the tired women ladies of Ashland. On the other side and children can rest eyes and body I ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Dealers in LUMBER Shingles, Lath. Sash, Doors, Roofing Papers, Cordwood. Factory Block Wood city would have to Bhoulder. When responsibility Is culled burden, oppor tunity never waits long for an an- swer. As to the practical organization of and for tho background of hills that surrounds this city." The party was further delighted when the conveniences of the mutilci pal camp-ground were explained. If a boosters' club, whether we cull It the fulr motorists of Eugene have the Knights of Lithia or whut you wish, could anythiHg bo more effect-1 Ive as an Initial step than a cornmun- j should strictly enforco the ordinance Ity picnic In Lithia Park? If those ngn'nst weedn on vacant lots and parkways. Already, through the ef forts of Councilman Hunts, tho coun cil has offered freo porch lights to citizens, and every house should see that the proper installation Is mado for tho service Dress up. It Is no Pinall matter that Ashland should look her best thla year. She never had a better opportunity to develop and expand. Thousands of strangers will bo here this summer, and If the city looks her best many of them will Invest and some build fine homes. Ashland Is distinctly a health and tome city. Every effort should be mado by every citizen, by the Com mercial and Civic Clubs, by the park board, by the council and by the Kprlngs commission to make her look her prettiest. There Is as murh charm In pretty dress as 'n matchless form. Nature has given Ashland an exquisite form. It Is left to ng to dress her up. CLEAN UP, PAINT TP AND LIGHT UP. Now Is the their way, Lithia camp-ground will be generously patronized this sum business men who have had tholri W. C. Webb, a prominent mining heads so close to ledgers that they ( man who has made Waldo, Ore., his can hardly remember their old resldenco, was In Ashland Friday, friends could bo lured Into tho park lie expressed hlmsedf as deeply Im for a Blngle dny, with lunch baskets, ' pressed by the general charm of the and wives, and families you see I city, and with the parks. I asked place the accent on tho eats a spirit Mr. Webb for a candid opinion of the of good-fellowship might be obtained future of Ashland, that a year of sharp bargaining could j "Well," he said, "I can tell you my never bring about. And not only j opinion of Ashland In a very few should the merchants belong to the, words. It Is the one city in Oregon booster element Every man, woman In which I would like to own prop and child In Ashland owes tho city a erty." booBt, and should bo an active mom- Many of our visitors express their ber of the club. , Were Ashland a part enthusiasm In regard to our Bprlngs of the great American desert, or, a and environment, but an expression slice of the frozen north, there might be some excuse for disaffection. But with a climato of unparalleled mild ness and surroundings of wondorful natural beauty ail serious knocking must be a pose. In fact, this can be verified at first band. One of the of .confidence in property values should bo of especial interest to those Who doubt the value of resort promi nence to land values. The college boys turned out with the band whfn the wlnlnng football men who have ridiculed the develop-1 team returned last fall, but the fel ment of Ashland's mineral springs ' lows that win the Intercollegiate de- remarked the other day to a friend: bate can walk up unattended from IK. '""Si Prince Albert will show you the real road to smoke-joy! Copyright by R.J. Keynoldi TubuccoCo PRINCE ALBERT was made to create tobacco content where it never existed before I It per mits men to smoke all they want without getting a sore tongue, without any comeback but real tobacco enjoyment I The patented process by which , Prince Albert is made (and controlled exclusively by us) fixes that and curs out bite and parch I CL . A the national joy smoke comes right to your taste fair and square ! And it will do for you what it has done for thousands of men make pipe or cigarette smoking the cheerful est of your pleasures! " - What we tell you about Prince Albert is a fact that will prove out to your satisfaction just as quickly as you lay in a stock and fire-up I X J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winito.-Sil.rn, N. C , Princ Albert U to b haj WMrywhmn tobacco h mold in toppy rmd baga, 5c; tidy rmd tint, lOct handtom pound mnd half-pound tin hmmidort and in that clatty pound tryttal-mlatm humidor with fpongm-moittanor topthat hmrno thm tobacco in much finm thapmalwaym i nrtm aim mi dm lid. nJ fa Will read: "Procen Pat.ntcd Jilj JOti, 1907," wbick iu unit thrmm Mimkl pipo when ou mmkti Mtni .. time and this Is the place. "Well, you can say what you wish the station.