Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, March 06, 1916, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Monday, March 0, 1016
March 13ih
IISJI I r H. 1 I '2-
Cu3 Hill's Enterprises
Road Shaw Never before in Ashland
Prices 50, 75 and 1.00 TickcJs on Sale Wednesday
i J I
Big Victory for
Oregon Potato
variety, are certainly to be congratu
lated. The state of Oregon won practical
ly all the agricultural honors at the
Panama-Pacific exposition. This Is
just another demonstration of north
western superiority, which we at
home are the last to realize.
"Pride of Multnomah" potato won
first prize at the San Francisco fair
for best acre of potatoes grown in
Another evidence of Oregon's agri- ?$&&4&&$$$$$$$$$
cultural supremacy Is a letter and
photograph just received by the Port- J IK) VOL BIXOXG? $
land Seed Company of Portland from , $ 3
the owners of the Boa Vista ranch at j ? If you like the old town best, S
Placerville, Cal. The photograph j ? Tell 'era so! 4
shows a corner of the acre of pota- If you'd have her head the rest, S
toes which won first prize in the! Help her grow!
state competition for the best acre of j $ When there's anything to do
potatoes grown in California. E. H. U Let the fellows count on you! $
Phreaner, one of the owners of Boa! You'll feel bully when It's S
Don't you know!
Vista ranch, writes: j
"We are very pleased with the re-j $
suits obtained from your seed (Pride,?
of Multnomah and Snow), and willj3 If you want to make a hit
be in the market for several cars of $ Get a name!
seed potatoes. Have just received j'?1 If the other fellow's it,
word that our exhibit of potatoes at j Who's to blame?
the Panama-Pacific International Ex-' Spend your money in the town,
position won the grand prize. Boa
Vista ranch also won the competition
for the best acre of potatoes 790
$ Where you pull the sheckels 5
? down; $
? Give the mail concern a frown
bushels of clean, healthy stock ; 3
Pride of Multnomah."
The Pride of Multnomah Is one of
the standard varieties of potatoes
grown in Oregon. It hac been grown
In Oregon for seven years, and many
experts regard it as in every way the
best potato for western Oregon. It
has been shipped to all parts of the
United States for seed purposes, and
only excellent reports have been re
ceived. Its signal honors, won In
California, now give it official recog
nition as the very head of the list.
This potato Is well known among
most Oregon growers, and Is popular
because of its heavy yielding quant
ties, H3 uniformity and Its fine grain.
It is an ideal baking and boiling po
tato. It Is also famous for its keep
ing qualities.
The Portland Seed Company, who
are the producers of this splendid
That's the game!
, $ If you're used to giving knocks, ?
j S Change your style! $
-5s Throw bouquets instead of rocks $
For a while. J
Let the other fellow roast, $
4 Shun him as you would a ghost, S
?' Meet his hammer with a boast S
And a smile. S
3 When a stranger from afar Q
S Comes along, $
Tell him who and what we are $
f Make it strong! S
$ Needn't flatter, never bluff, S
S Tell the truth, for that's enough. $
? Join the boosters they're the S
S stuff,
Let's be.long! $
The Clyde (N. Y.) Herald. fc
Why shouldn't the Stand
ard Oil Company make the
best oil-with over 40 years
experience in refining-with un
equalled plant equipment? And
Zerolene is scientifically refined
from selected California crude-asphalt-base.
Prominent authori
ties have recently declared that an
oil correctly refined from asphalt
base crude can be made not only
equal but superior to paraffine
base oils. Next time you empty
the crank-case refill withZerolene.
Dealers everywhere and at service
stations and agencies of the Standard Oil
Chinese Ways of
Hatching Eggs
How his rival In the egg business
gets the hatching done may be of ln-
terest to the egg- producers of Ore
gon. For the orthodox two ways in
j Oregon those of setting a hen or
! buying an incubator are often too ex
pensive for the Oregonian's rival,
l who thereupon nas recourse to-one of ;
several methods. .
I The rival is the Chinaman, who in
1914 exported 32,874,127 dozens or
fresh and preserved eggs and 16,693,
600 pounds of albumen and yolk, to
all countries. There were received in
Portland, for example, between Octo
ber 3, 1913, and August 31, 1914,
3 0 f , 4 2 0 dozen of Chinese eggs.
There are few chicken farms in
China, but nearly every Chinese fam-
i y keeps hens. The millions of eggs
produced dally are collections of a
dozen or less from each of a myriad
of househo'ds. No special attention
is given to breodlng. Fowls are usu
ally small and produce s,mall es,'gs,
and the following nre some of the
ways the eggs are hatched, as report
ed by consular agents at request of
the University of Oregon school or
Old women sometimes do the
hatching in one poverty-stricken dis
trict near Chefoo. They strap eggs
about their waists under their outer
garments and carry them till the1
chickens, come. This method is to
save fuel.
In interior districts near Amoy un
husked rice is roasted and a three
Inch layer is spread while lukewarm
in the bottom of a tub. One hun
dred eggs are laid in the rice. Al
ternate layers of two inches of rice i
and of 100 eggs are then spread until i
mere are 500 eggs in the tub. After
24 hours the eggs are taken out and
the rice reheated. When put back
center eggs go to the outside and lay
ers shifted. This great labor comes
to a climax when the Chinaman Is en
deavoring to keep the hatching brood
from smothering under the rice.
In the province of Shangtung eggs
are put in earthenware jars, which
are set upon bed3 of brick and clay in
which, slow fires burn. The eggs are
frequently turned.
The consul at Hankow reports a
method he says is thousands of years
old. In buildings 15 feet long and
16 feet wide kongs are placed along
the sides, each holding about 100 doz
ens of eggs. Straw is burned. Heat
in the eggs is kept uniform by re
moval from one basket to another,
those on top of one basket being
placed in. the bottom of the adjoining
Metnods of collecting eggs, export
methods, laws governing importation
into Pacific coast states, and much
other information of Interest to Ore
gon pou'trymen is contained in
Bulletin on "Chinese Eggs," which
may be had free by addressing the
school of commerce of the State L'nl
versity. The bulletin shows, for ex
ample, the following comparison of
transportation rates on Chinese eggs
from Shanghai by water and on Ore
gon eggs from four representative
points in Oregon by express:
Rates per 100 pounds. Freight
rate from Shanghai to Pacific coast
ports $.755. Express rate from La
Grande to Portland, $1.20. Express
rate from Pendleton to Portland
$1.20. Express rate from RoseMjrg
to Portland, $1. Express rate from
Eugene to Portland, $.65.
? Wlio's Daoflhters Feed the Beast ?
ssiraaresKC J-J
tie Standard Oil for Motor Cars
Portland Stock Market.
Cattle A light run of cattle came
forward for Monday's market, with
the bulk of trade remaining steady.
Pulp feds went up 20 cents, making
the top $7.70 for this class of steers.
nay and grain fed steers are going
from $7.25 to $7.50; cows and heif
ers not much in evidence. Quota'
tlons steady1.
Hogs Hogs are not coming in as
numerous numbers as could be han
dled, the aggregate being about
2,700 head for Monday. Hogs sprung
tne market 15 cents and tops are
quoted at $8.15; bulk went at 8
Sheep A limited supply of sheep
found a steady market, with lambs
going at $9.05, yews at $7, yearlings
and wethers at 8 cents. Market
Fire lU-cord.
Perhaps the most satisfactory fire
record of the year Just passed was
that made by the Panama-Pacific In
ternational Exposition. During the
ten months Che fair was in progress
the battalion chief in charge of the
exposition station reports that only
64 box alarms were answered, and
the total loss entailed by the fires
did not amount to $300. Consider
ing the millions of dollars' valuation
crowded into the comparatively small
space, this is certainly a unique rec
Shows Gov. Whitman, of New York, in his
great fight on vice.
If you have a daughter or sister it is your duty
to protect her by knowing conditions tiiat exist
in the large cities.
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw says: "A
greater lesson than my own mother
could have taught me."
1 ran
One Day
Tuesday, ft
March 7
Admission 10-15 cts. I
9 I 1
One Day
C Tuesday,
Match 7
Classified Advertisements
Obituary. j which she was still a member. She
Mrs. F. P. Barnes, born In Jerfer-, was a,s a deaconess in the church of
son county, Iowa, November 13, 1861, Montezuma, Iowa, and was always
died in Ashland, Ore., February 29, we" loved and respected. They came
WANTED Salesman to handle the, 1916, at 11 a. m., aged 57 years, 3 wes' to Ashland five years ago la
finest line of advertising metal, months and 16 days. She was mar- March and has made many friends.
C'r-sMn'otloi brasesdweodogde ried to F' P- B " wo esteemed and loved her
and paper signs, 12-sheet business Orsborne City, Kan., where they re- " the end. She has been sick two
calendars, de luxe calendars and sided twenty years. To their union years. She bore her suffering pa
advertising novelties. Good terrl- were born five children Samuel tlently, while she was ready to meet
rlS ISt? R08emont' Min"-: George herGod Only one thing she regret
tion. Write today for particulars. Barnes and Calvin Barnes of Montff-1 ted was leaving her devoted husband.
The Scioto Sign Co., Kenton, Ohio, zuma, Iowa; William Barnes of , cnuciren and aged parents.
Yreka, Cal., and Mrs. D. A. Snyder of : Funeral services conducted by Rev.
Ashland. j Vallandingham at the Barpes home.
She resided with her father andi
mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Edwards, I Postage on two carloads of cata
815 Oak street, this city. She united ! logues of one eastern mall order
wun me unurcn or unnst in Ors- ' house, distributed from
FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce
my candidacy for the Republican
nomination for Sheriff, to be voted
on at the coming primaries, May
19, 1916.
I feel that I need no Introduc
tion to the public, having been a
resident of Jackson county for 26
I pledge myself, if elected, to
give an Impartial, economical and
conservative administration of this
important office.
I have endeavored to serve the
public faithfully In the past and
agree, if elected, to Btrlctly and
impartially enforce all laws. Hav
ing a very large experience in the
matters of taxation and knowing
Jackson county thoroughly, I
pledge myself to conduct the tax
collecting branch of the office in
such a manner as to serve the tax
payers honestly, promptly and effU
clently. W. T. GRIEVE.
WANTED Single man, 25 to 30
years of age, to travel with adver
tising crew. Good pay, steady po
sition. Address "Travel," care of
this office. 82J2i!
WOOD FOR SALE Good dry wood.
J. N. Taylor, 1150 Oak street.
borne City, Kan., thirty years ago, of 'amounted to $1,780.
FOR SALE by owner, cheap, two
homes on corner Rock and Nurs
ery. Superb scenic view. For par
ticulars write James Chumos, 312
Fulton street, Station P, Seattle,
Wash. 82-2mo.
FOR RENT Five-room cottage with
all modern conveniences; com
pletely furnished, even to gas
range and sewing machine. Phone
41 DR. It
Yout Eastern Trip
Should be arranged via California so that yon can stop over at
San Francisco. Liberal stopovers allowed. The cost is no
more for this privilege on either first or second class tickets.
Ogden Route
WANTED A load of six or eight for
Medford Friday night, for the
show or basketball game. Char
He's Auto Line, phone l-F-23.
Take the big new car. 82-2t
One Astoria contractor will build
When an Initiative petition Is pre
sented for your signature, ask for a
copy of the proposed measure, then
study it, ask questions about It and
finally, after due deliberation, make
known your opinion upon the subjoot
by either signing or refusing to sign
the petition. Lewis County Advocate.
Train service ig excellent. Three dailytransrontinental limited
trains to Chicago and the East. Latest equipment. All steel
observation library cars, through sleeping cara, dining car
service unexcelled. Protected by electric automatic block
Overland Limited Pacific Limited
San Francisco Limited Atlantic Express
Ask your local acent or write
John M. Mcott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific -.--Union Pacific
30 homes this year.