ASHLAJTO TTDIXOS Monday, March 0, 1010 TAQE TWO Ashland Tidings THE AS II LAM) PRIMING 00. (Incorporated.) SEMI-WEEKLY. ESTABLISHED 187fl. Bert K. Greer, Editor and Manager, JLynn Mowat, New Reiortr Issacd Mondays and Thursdays Official City and County Paper srnsciuPTiox rates. One Tear $2.00 fix Month 1.00 Three Months ... i ......... . .SO Payable In Advance. TELEPHONE 39 Advertising rates on application. First-class Job printing facilities, flqulpments second to none In the Interior. No subscriptions for less than three months. All subscriptions dropped at expiration unless rpnewal is received. Talks With Screen-Struck Girls i'tfel, J J- ,. r-.r'V.i.v.awu, Kf,rt.-.."yiS! In ordering changes of the piper always give the old street address or postoffice as well as the new. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as 6econd-ciass mail matter. Aslilnnrt, Ore., Monday, March 0, '10 What's the Use of Carrying a Com plete Stock Unless Folks Know What You've Cot? Advertise! Series Two. Py Rentriz Miclielena. No. 5. (Copyrighted January, 1916, by Beatrlz Michelena.) Every girl who has had aspirations to become a motion picture star has probably some time come upon an advertisement that reads after this fashion: "Be a motion picture performer and earn from $50 to $500 weekly. No experience necessary. Full par ticulars by mail." Maybe she has answered it In a burst of enthusiasm, and then in due time found it to be the bait of some so-called school of motion picture acting. She doubtless received an elaborate prospectus, breathing in naive confidence the secrets to the go'don El Dorado o the motion pic ture profession. Things were paint ed In a brilliant hue, well intended to whet her appetite for a course of instruction, incidentally offered at a moderate tuition fee. And who is to blame for her gullibility? Were not instances, almost without number, cited of women who had succeeded in pictures Just as the prospectus promised she would succeed? Unde niab'y the entire matter had a tone of plausibility. That Is the pros pectus man's business. If she took the course, however, she has by now profited largely in experience, if not In the art of mo tion picture acting. She can tell you better than I bow empty were the sweet promises of that prospectus. They erected for her a magnificent palace of dreams; but it is shattered in-w and her Docketbook has suffered too. Worse still, unless she "ue a j!r! of unusual metal, she is broken in spirit. If she had expected less, she might have accomplished more. But she expected too much and the bit ter disappointment of it has wrung out the ambition that she once had. That is one reason why the fake school of motion picture acting is such a crime. However, like many other forms of crime it continues to flourish. Nearly every city has Its fake schools now. It is merely a case of a lot of scoundrels, more or less shrewd in their vl'lany, trying to capitalize the motion picture craze that has swept the country, and especially the craze, found in some quarters, to become a motion picture actor or actress, Please, my "screen struck" friends, beware of these prospectuses and their rosy promises. They can bring you nothing but disappointments. Uf)Q IRRIGATION CAN TS. We have at hand the Irrigation edition of the El Centro Progress, from the Imperial valley, southern California. To the doubter who thinks irrigation Is impracticable in the Rogue River valley we would rec ommend sending for the Irrigation edition of this newspaper. One edi torially especially caught our atten tion. It is applicable to many things besides Irrigation and is reprinted here for what It Is worth: "No doubt there are many people who recall the numerous quips and Jokes about the possibility of water ing the desert from the Colorado. 'It can't be done' was a common remark. "Which reminds us of a proposed debate 'way back in 1S28 which a few peculiar persons wished to hold in a school house on the subject, 'Are railroads and telegraphs practical?' Permission was asked the school hoard to hold the debate In the school house and the minutes of that august board meeting read as fol lows: " 'You are welcome to use the (school to debate all the proper ques tions in, but such things as railroads and telegraphs are impossibilities and rank infidelity. There is noth ing in the word of God about them. If God had designed that His Intelli gent creatures should travel at the frightful speed of fifteen miles an hour by steam, He would have clearly foretold through His holy prophets. It is a device of Satan to lead Immon tal souls down to hell.' "Of course, the moral to this tale would be, 'Kill the fellow who says It can't be done and go ahead and do it.' " BEX KHELDOX POPULAR. The suggestion of Ben Sheldon for the legislature seems to have met hearty approval in other sections of the county as it has done in Ashland. Our people here remember gratefully bis splendid work for our normal school. In his home city of Medford, for whose interest he has worked early and late these many years, he a'so has many friends. The follow ing clippiug from the Central Point Herald shows how he stands in that city: "Benjamin C. Sheldon, who has announced himself as candidate for representative from Jackson county on the republican ticket, is a man fully competent to fill the position. He is well known, having lived In the county for a number of years, and has a'wayg worked for the best Inter ests of southern Oregon. Mr. Shel don should receive the support of every republican of the county. He Is a public spirited citizen and a very forceful speaker and Is qualified in every respect for a representative." opportunity to elect their man for any office available, irrespective of their qualifications. My experience with those so-called Catholic church men has been most unfortunate as a demonstration of the value of their teaching for making a high quality of Christians. The sole value of re ligion is measurable by its effect in life. Our diocese is entirely dom inated by the Catholic party. I pre dict that the church In Oregon will be a dismal failure under Its Influ ence. "That which counts as worth while In a bishop or clergyman Is the life he preaches and tries to live. He (the bishop or clergyman) must be patient, gentle, humble, self-sacrificing, truthful, charitable; at least make a real effort to possess these virtues. The only apostolic succes sion worth maintaining carries these traits with it, otherwise It Is an eo cleslaatlcal counterfeit of a very pro nounced type. "Sincerely yours, "A. A. MORRISON." EAT AX APPLE. People's Forum Dr. Morrison's Plea for Sound Prot estantism in the Episco pal Church. (By Henry G. Gilmore.) The Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rec tor of Trinity Episcopal church, Port land, Is a well-known ecclesiastic of the broad church type after the pat tern of the late great and good Phl'.ip Brooks, Bishop of Massachu setts. Dr. Morrison, with a some what phlegmatic temperament and a disposition always to call a spade a spade and not a horticultural Imple ment, possesses Intellectual qualities of the highest order and a method of procedure, in most things, thatj render his utterances, upon wat ever subject, palatable to hearers who lay stress upon what Is real and logically conclusive. A sermon recently preached by Dr. Morrison, In his church, on "Natlon aT Preparedness," and an address be fore tho Y. W. C. A. on the savory subject of the "Butterflies of So ciety," will long be remembered for their cogent arguments in the inter est of sound common sense; while more than one sermon preached in Trinity church, Ashland, has been indelibly impressed upon the mem ories of a host of appreciative listen ers. This article is Intended to deal, more particularly, with a contrlbuL tlpn from my pen, suggested by a visit to a Los Angelea church In which great liberties were taken by the injection of practices in the conduct of the services, entirely for eign to the prescribed ritual and spirit of the Protestant Episcopal Church of "these realms." A copy of the Ashland Tidings containing said article was pent to Dr. Morrison, and this is how the well-known rec tor of Trinity church has been pleased to deliver himself upon the subject. It will be observed that the , NEAREST T0 EVERYTHING teverend gentleman striKes straigni. from the shoulder. In no uncertain fashion, upon a matter that, especial ly at this time, Is engrossing the at tention of churchmen throughout the country who have a decent regard for the Protestant teachings of the Prayer Book pure and simple and a settled belief that the 39 articles of religion are neither a snare nor a delusion to any people: Dr. Morrison's Letter. "Trinity Church, "Nineteenth and Everett Sts., "Portland, Feb. 22, 1916. "Dear Mr. Gilmore: Tour article in the Ashland Tidmprs was quite right. Our church is seriously di vided throughout the country. The Catholics are bound to capture it if If you're feeling kind o' blue eat an apple! It will cheer you through and through eat an apple! It will put your stomach right, soothe your liver over night. Operations? Calm your fright eat an apple! In view of the high cost of auto mobile fuel gas, It seems as If the enormous quantities of hot air used In selling the machines should be utilized. Whatever error the income tax payers make in their returns, they never forget to allow for the ten dency of profits to shrink and losses to grow. "feet me at the Manx'- they can. They never overlook an Hotel' Manx San Francisco 'PowellSUlQIomlt Oregonians Head quarters while in San Francisco moderate rates Running dislltlcd "anacemMit ice vater in every J w, keilcy room. Spfria! alien. c ....y lion iivm to ladies Jfj (raveling uncscor- Fr'i!i!!$;!j!i;!j:& f twit umm-' ted. A la carte dining room. Coffee If it weren't for the label on a Schilling's Best coffee tin, you wouldn't know what was in it. You can't smell the coffee. The rich full flavor is all inside sealed in the air tight tin less than an hour after roasting. You get v;h?t you pay for, in Schilling's Best the flavor, the essence that means satisfaction in youi coffee cup I That is eco nomy. Evenly ground; chaff taken out; nunicyhack. - Schilling's Best Voting Precincts Near Ashland WEE That was a cruel jab E. V. took at our George In endorsing Thomas as a candidate for the legislature. Es pecially cruel to do It through the organization organ, the Medford Sun. It was not an unusual situa tion for one to find himself In, how ever, when he attempts to butt Into . a, game where he has no checks. I J. P. DODGE & SONS Undertakers State Licensed Emfcalmer Lady Assistant Deputy Cotmty Coroner For precincts up to No. 12 see back issues of the Tidings. Itnrron Precinct, Xo. 12. Beginning at the northwest corner of section 5, township 39 S., range 2 east, W. M.; thence 6 miles to the northeast corner of section 6, town ship 49 S., range 3 east of W. M.; thence south 6 miles to the township line between townships 39 and 40, said range; thence east along the said township line 1 mile; thence south 1 mile; thence east 1 mile to the northeast corner of section 9, township 40, south of range 3 east, W. M.; thence south 7 miles to the state line; thence west along the state line between the Oregon & Cal ifornia to Its Intersection with the W. M.; thence north along the W. M. to Its intersection with the line be tween townships 39 and 40; thence east along said township line to its Intersection with the range line be tween ranges 1 and 2 east; thence north along the range line 4 miles to the northeast corner of section 18, township 39 south, range 2 east; thence east 1 mile; thence north 2 miles to the place of beginning. Register at Billings' real estate of fice, Ashland. Dead Indian Precinct, Xo. 1H. Beginning at the northwest corner of section 3, township 38 south, range 2 east, W. M.; thence east along township line between 37 and 38, to the east boundary line of Jack son county; thence south along the said east boundary line of Jackson county to the southeast corner of sec tion 1, township 39 south, range 4 east, W. M.; thence west 8 miles to the southwest corner of section 2, township 39 south, range 32, V. M.; thence north 1 mile to the township line between townships 38 and 39; thence west along said township line to the southwest corner of section 32 in township 3S south, range 2 east, W. M.; thence north 4 miles to the northwest corner of section 17, said township and range; thence east 2 miles to the southeast corner of see tion 9, sa'd township and range; thence north 2 miles to the place of beginning. Registrar, Chester Applegate. Pinelmrst Precinct, Xo. 40. Beginning at the northwest corner section 5, township 39 south, range 3 east; thence south 1 mile to the northeast corner of section 10, said township and range; thence east 8 ml'es to the northeast corner of sec tion 12, township 39 south, range 4 east, W. M., same being the east boundary line of Jackson county; thence couth on said east boundary line of Jackson county to the south east corner of said Jackson county; thence west on south boundary line of Jackson county to the southwest corner of section 10, township 41 south; thence north to the northwest corner of section 10, township 40 south, range 3 east, W. M.; thence west 1 mile; thence north 1 mile to the township line between townships 39 and 40; thence west on township line 1 mile; thence north 6 miles to the point of beg'nning. Registrar, Mrs. C. W. DeCarlow. HMMUMMtlimMMIHimHHMUIHIIIIH The Oldest National Bank In Jackson County J Member Federal Reserve System j FIRST NATIONAL BAKU Capital and Surplus $t0,COO.CQ DEPOSITORY OF City of Ashland County of Jackson State of Oregon United States of America HVdNOIAX STATEMENT OP THE SPRINGS WATEK COMMISSION Meok DmJiiiK March , 1010. Date. Vr. No, 2-26 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 2-28 1712 1713 1714 1715 2-29 3-1 1716 1717 1718 1719 Name of Party Issued To S"d Items. City of Ashland, additional bill for electricity for publicity department I Wells, Fargo & Co., express on fittings from San Francisco J. Galbralth, 6 days labor at $2.50 day R. J. Shaw, 6 days labor at $2 day L. M. Eagon, 6 days labor at $2 day F. Hendrlx, 6 days labor at $2 day F. Babcock, 6 days labor at $2 day H. N. Stratton, 6 days labor at $2 day C. A. Shutts, 6 days labor at $2 day W. A. BIbby and team, 1 days labor at $4 day Ashland Iron Works, 8 covers for valves Wells, Fargo & Co., express on water to Corvallis. . J. G. Kelly, 8 days, two experts and expenses pro fessional services, examination of plant M. J. Duryea, February salary as publicity manager S. Updegraff, board for engineers examining plant Ashland Commercial Club, extension telephone for publicity department Ashland Printing Co., publishing financial state ment 2-28-16, 198 lines at 5c C. H. Metealf, February salary as auditor Nims & Saunders, 14 jugs for water samples Wells, Fargo & Co., express on castings from San Francisco Warner Mercantile Co Balance due on fountain piping at depot. . $37.90 6 door checks 75 4 carriage bolts , .17 6 shovels 3.90 1 stable broom .65 Extra fountain connections: 8 brass nozzles 2.40 8 brass tips 9.60 Sweating brass couplings to pipe 2.00 Temporary fountain connections: 2 1 Inch nipples 20 6 1 Inch gate valves 9.00 4 1 inch galvanized slip nuts 40 12 1 Inch nipples 1.20 6 1 inch unions 2.10 6 1 Inch ells 1.20 29 feet 1 inch pipe 2.90 pound Rainbow packing 60 2 1 inch street el.'s 40 24 inch nipples 2.40 12 Inch couplings 60 4 Inch nipples 40 8 hrs. labor 4.00 Amount. .60 2.45 15.00 12.00 12.00 12.0O 12.00 12.00 12.00 4.00 4.00 1.51 329.95 200.00 24.35 1.00 9.90 40.00 7.00 .60 82.77 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 $82.77 Western Union Telegraph Co., toletrrcms for Feb ruary Ashland Transfer & Storage Co., cartage on shrubs, castings, etc Garden City Pottery Co., 2,100 flower pots G. E. Carpenter, 2 days labor at $3 day J. A. Austra. 1 V days labor at $3 dav C. B. Lamkin. 3 days labor at $3 day Ashland Iron Works, on acct. contract for domes, etc., for fountains W. J. Moore, legal services in connection with plant inspection W. O. riiekerson Taking dome off fountains at depot $ 6. 00 19'i pounds packing 12.52 24 hrs. labor cutting glass 24.00 $4 52 1729 Poley's drug store Mucilage and paste $0.35 Paper basket 65c, pins 0c 75 Shipping tags 5c, pencils 10c, wax 25c... 40 Candles 5c, corks 30c 35 1730 Ashland postoffice, 100 two-cent stamps V. 1731 Hotel Ashland, room rent for engineers Kelly and Phillips 1732 C. B. Watson, damages account springs pipe line! '. '. 6.00 2.00 21.25 6.00 . 4.50 7.50 150.00 25.00 42.53 1.85 2.00 1S.00 2.50 Total $1,0S4 15 Fountain Flnishinc Park Imp. ' Publicity r, , , . . '"d- F,,nd- Fnd. Fund. Balance last report $1,446.16 $3,193.99 $ 517 17 11 338 18 Transferred to Park Improve- H.SiS.vs ment Fnud From Publicity Fund From Fountain Fund. 709.15 5.15 709.15 5.15 737.01 $3,193.99 $1,231 47 Jl m OS Disbursed per this report.... 273.12 123.22 mil 202.60 Balance this date $ 463.89 $3,070.77 $ 74fi 9R i ion n All other funds same as last reported. 78.26 $1,130.43 J. f. uuuuk, secretary. BERT R. GREER. Chairman After talking about the extrava gance of the age, a good many men go down to the garage and order their 1915 machine exchanged for a 1916 model. The high price of eges aeain mIsph the question why more people don't keep hens. It is so very inexpensive for them to get their- living- from their neighbors' back yards. The fact that the boys take readily to military drill does not prove that they wlil lower their dignity by marching in with the girls at the Sun day school concert. FOR BRONCHITIS, PAINFUL COUGH, WHOOPING COUGH AND COLDS Cheapest Remedy Slade at Home 128 Teaspoonsful for SO Cenls. When In need of a remedy for the treatment of Bronchial Affections, such as Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, Stubborn Coughs, Colds or Hoarseness, don't simply ask the druggist for a "Cough Medicine " but get the best. Tell him to give you SchifCmann'g New Concentrated Ex pectorant, instead of being induced into buying something else purely on the strength of some testimonials or the exaggerated claims of the manu facturer. The same "Money Back" guarantee goes with every bottle of this remedy sold by McNair Bros.' Drug Store as does with Dr. Schiff mann's famous Asthmador and your money will be refunded, If It does not give perfect satisfaction; In fact, even more, if it is not found the best remedy ever used for these affec tions. In buying this new remedy, besides securing the guarantee these diugglsts give, It will likewise be found the most economical to use, for the reason that one bottle (50 cents' worth) makes a full pint (128 teaspoonfuls) of the most excellent cough medicine, after being mixed at home with one pint of granulated sugar and one-half pint of water. One bottle will probably, tBerefore. be sufficient for a whole family's supply while the same .quant ity of the old, ordinary, ready made kinds of medicine would l Jteen 12 and 3- " 1 Pre pared from strictly harmless plants, contains absolutely no chloroform. Onllim. mnrnhlno .u . cotlc or injurious drugs as do most cough remedies, and It can therefore be given to children with perfect saf ety. It is pleasant to take and chil dren are fond of it. Absolutely no risk whatever is run In buying this remedy under the above positive guarantee R. J. Schlffmann, Prop. St. Paul, Minn.