Seconrl st "Ashland Grows While Llthla Flows' City of Sunshine and flowers Ashland. Oregon, Lilhla Springs , "Oregon's Famous Spa" fl VOL. XL ASHLAND. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1916 NUMBER 81 IDINGS All Set For The Big Games Basketball Interest Is wrought "P to the highest tension with the ap proach of the Medford-Ashland ser ies. Neither team Is given more than an even chance of winning the series, and a tie which would necessitate the playing of a fifth game on a neutra floor may become necessary. The first game Is played Friday at Med ford, the second game Saturday night at the Ashland high school gymnasi um here. Already near'y all of the reserved seats for Saturday's game are gone. One entire side of the house has been reserved by Medford rooters. Medford will come up 600 strong, bringing their band and some new rooting stunts. Ashland rooters have an entire section to themselves & Q IJiind. ? ? 4 The Ashland band will prac- J S tice at 8 o'clock tonight In prep- ? $ aration for the trip to Medford 4 tomorrow night. The hand will s leave with the special trainload 3 ' of rooters at 7:15 Friday even- $ 4 Ing for Medford. . ? Boys' band practices at 7 sharp for one hour tonight. .?S$S'$5$?$S$5'$!S$SJ Booze Shipments Mo Ashland Twice As Big This Month as Last o)MMi:itc!.L( i.rn. s Keep next Monday night open for Commercial Club meeting. Old Quarrel Ends in Murder t r n t i ..... - Slxtvnlirht Ah'nnHora ,vnrfl .,(, flffift 4 Siworn! Imnnrinnt mnHnr. ..ill a M' "man Mioi ana KUlCd U able tn t ...! ti, (i,,u .i,.Lmi,oui ...u, ..,... , he lirnn.h .... i,..f.,M .h i..i. Akorg a'"1 w:ln s,""'y morning Lion and Lamb Could Not Agree past month, and as a result 13G quarts of the stuff which the mall order houses sell for whiskey was shipped Into Ashland. A'l of this came in by express. The amount of beer which came In through the freight house has not been totalled as yet, but will amount to several barrels. Forty-four quarts of beer were shipped in by express. In February but 70 shipments of Mquor were received In the city and a correspondingly small amount of beer. During March the police pre- tlio greatest efrect from the smallest qnaalty can lie gained from It. The express clerks on the raf'rouM report an amazingly large amount of ont aIs" booze coming into the state. Much of I - Meeting called at 8 sharp it comes from San Francisco and Sac- ne Drought up before the club and a full attendance of mem1- hers Is urged. All who are not members are invited to bo pros- f ramento, but the recently established wholesale horse at Hornbrook is also contributing hundreds of quarts dally. In one cur recently there wore 27 packers of "firewater," each packer being about four feet long by three feet square. And the booze which is shipped Into The lion and the lamb, who are, by all axioms, supposed to take peace-: d'''1 a stt" greater increase than dun-1 Ashland by common carriers is as yet iul turns at governing the March i"e past monin. Later as the poo- hut a small portion of that which Is and wii; stage some unique rooting weather, must have disagreed and P'e wno like to have beer and whiskey I consumed in the city, as a great num- around the house become more accus-, ber of the foresighted '.laid in a suffi tomed to the prohibition Bystem, the cient supply to last several months shipments wiil become greater and . before the first of the year. effects. On Friday night a special j finally met In conflict up In the re train will cary the Ashland fans to Medford, accompanied by the Ashland hand. Every available automobile In town will be In service and about 800 fans will go down. The Medford team Is said to be In prime condition for the contests and hopes to win the games on their own floor easfy. Ashland goes down de termined to upset the dope and win from Coach Klum's team on their own swimming rink. The Medford sport writers have loBt no opportunity to build up an alibi which will come In handy In case their team loses at Ash1 land by constant references to Ash land's "cigar-box" floor. The floor World Next Week glons from whence our weather comes, for a'l the night of the last day of February and all thf first day 1 at.,-..;, i 111.- . i .. . .i down from the sky. March did not 3D16S Will RUl come in with a lionlike roar, but quietly with low hanging clouds and occasional flurries of snow which were soon dissipated by frequent beams of sunshine. The February ralnfalf. was con siderably less than It should be and farmers welcome the outlook for more moisture In March. The spell of warm weather which made the last two weeks of February almost spring like In their balminess, hastened the Empties To Relieve Oregon Car Shortage was carefully measured and was budding of fruit trees and the colder found to be seven feet longer and five feet wider than required by the bas ketball rule book. The Ashland floor is practicably the same length as Med ford's and but a few feet narrower. It is larger than two-thirds of the playing floors In the state, the best lighted in the state, has baskets which are set solidly, and is regulation In every respect except that which re quires three feet of space back of the side lines, and In that respect the Medford floor is worse, having sidings weather came just in time to prevent premature b'oomlng. Civic Club Hears Several Talks The Civic Improvement Club met Tuesday evening at the' library and listened to several Interesting talks by business men of Ashland. W. E. His royal highness the American baby will have the entire nation bow ing before him during the week or March 4-11. For that is baby week, and hundreds of cities and towns will devote seven fully days to the better ment of the country's greatest asset its babies. Baby week begins on Sunday, March 5, which will be observed as baby Sunday in the churches, and I ministers will preach on child con servation. Then throughout the week there will be other features, in cluding a mother's day, a father's day and others. Throughout the week lectures will be given on baby welfare, various on a lonely mountain roatK near WlldovlUo, ten miles west 'of Grants rnss, the resu t of an old feud, nous man Sunday evening, confessed th3 killing, in a detailed statement and la now in Jail In Giants Pass. Tho bodies of Akers and his wifa were found eight hours later Ty James Bennlnger, who works In a sawmill near the scene of tho shoot ing, and he notified the officers, who, when they arrived about dark, found one of Bousman's canes near the " i scene. Hundreds of empties are being As he and his neighbors had been rushed through Ashland to relieve having trouble, the sheriff Immediate the car shortago throughout Oregon. !y went to BouHinan's house, suspoct-Fifty-four cars left here in one train ing him. The sheriff rapped twice on, yesterday morning. An average of , the door of the houso bofore Bous fifty empties a day are going through man answered and then wanted to northbound. One five-engine train of know if the sheriff was alone or It empties was forced to leave about he had a mob with him. twenty-five cars at Hornbrook to be j When Informed that the sheriff was brought over by tho local freight. alone ho lighted a lamp and let tho Banana specials also provide a sheriff in. The sheriff asked him If great deal of the freight traffic at he knew anything about tho shoot present. The banana trains are Iced Ing and Bousmnn replied that he here and rushed through on express knew nil about It and told the fol tlme. For some time the Southern lowing story: Pacific lost the banana trade which ' He said he had pone up tho road was carried on the Great Northern to Akers' place with the Intention steamships, but a contract to deliver of killing the ronp'e when thev drove on fast express time resu'ted in the out to church, but his heart failed resumption of the shipping by rail, him, declaring that he could not One train which passed through yes- shoot a man who was not armed. Mo tprrll.V tlllirnlllir tlnt flftntin '.ne. nf ttlAn att,i.A .1 . 1. 1 o select an Oregonlan to take advan- bamila8 for Sl,attle wpn ,he ... Mrs. Akers called to him to get out Passes Bad Check I He then turned around and shot , j both horses, killing them, shot Mrs. SnU iSlS3DDearS Akprs ,nrolK' the breast, killing her At Militiamen To Learn To Fly Governor Withycombe has been no tified by the Aero Club of America that the Curtiss Aeroplane Company has offered to train an officer of the militia of each of the forty-eight states free of charge. As command-er-in-chicf of Oregon's military forces the governor has been asked tage of this offer, The governor 'has conferred with Adjutant General George A. White, requesting the general to take steps towards the selection of an officer or private whose training will he most valuable to the militia in this connec tion. The training will take place at the Curtiss school at San Diego, Cal. campaigns to raise money for "better .The Aero Club states that such a t ...I. ... ,i . . . of rough boards and no outside lines !-e"coraoe aemwulue general we rare or tne city in an interesting tain. exceut at the end The Ashland boys have it over the i N. Smith gave as his subject babies" work conducted, and an edu cational campaign carried on through out the entire country. In Ashland the Parent-Teacher AsL sociation is having badges printed for sa'e on the streets. They bear thr red and black team by about five "Boom' Boom Boom," the three ; slogan, "Better Babies, Better Par- pounds on the weight average, for,"0""18 De,nB lue preseal Bnu mime. ri. u. rrouuacn psnea wie although Fraley Is by far the lightest on either team, Delsmr.n is the heavi est by a still wider margin. The Med ford team has a defense which notic ing but brilliant passing and phenom enal basket shooting can score over. Ashland can win if the team plays the game of which they are capable. Neither team has an exceptionally endorsement of the club for the com mittee which has the dedication cele bration In charge and received it by a unanimous and enthusiastic vote. Mr. Frohbaeh also told of a distin guished visitor who will be here in July, George K. Watlus. secretary of the National Civic League. All of strong center, Hsrris, the Ashland j the officera of the !eaS"e visit ! man, having the edge because of his ents, and Better CHie's." Several Trainloads Of Factory Material The magnitude of a beet sugar fac tory can be comprehended when it Is known that 74 carloads of materials superior shooting abiiity. Ashland's weak point In the games which they have lost wa3 inability of the for wards to watch the running guards, but this fault has been overcome. During the past week the team has been practicing against a town team and have Improved wonderfully in their passing. Cooper, who gave perfect satisfac tion in the past two series, will come up from the Willamette valley to ref eree the series and will eliminate any posslbVity of jangling over decisions. Both teams are confident of vic tory. So are the rooters. It will be "some" series. the national parks this summer and and niachinery have been ordered out will be here after a visit tn Crater for shipment to Grants Pass to be Instantly; shot Akers through the ,, head, seven shots heing fired In all. i h Stone, alias R. B. Adams, a corresponding with seven empty bad chwk artist wanted In Chiro and sholr8 foun(, nt tho of te ghoot. uuiur v.auiurnia towns, pi ioa nis trade for a few hours in Ashland re1- ing. BniiRninn rlniina that art nr 1m ohit cently and got away with ten dollar. tho ,10rBPa di(, ot know w,mt in trnUl n n rrt rich urh nh hnlnnirn.l In . .. . .... -.u pened. but tells the story of the rest course as will be given the Oregon representative is worth $400. Through the efforts of Emercon MrMI'lIn Of am Vnt-lr iYn A tl K 1 K till T . t.. O Xtl 1 is adding 10 per cent to the $400 .The gentleman put up a plauslblo , , . .m, i. ,in ..iw , . . V. , , , . ,, ness to the shooting is Bousmnn, and which will be contributed towards the story and worked a slick came. He , .. j ' . - ruHn iibuu was a zi-3 win- first visited the store in the morning t.,lr8tflr carlne of Monday, remarked that It was a. .. ,, ., . .. . ... . . , . , . nousmnn his had trouble with tho bad day to move, and stated that he Aknrs fan( fop th had just come from Klamath Fa Is to ovpp ,,,, tcn?cs nnd locate in Ashland and had a road.AltBr8 ,,,,,, to Ule of household goods In the local rail- ,.,. ,., P...... ..... ........... Lucrum ...ill IIU1IHU1HU S oad yard . He said he would be In ,0RH worp rumllnR M ,a 1 I r,e ,t,;n",ngwilh ,the: On Saturday the county attorney nun niiri nni in a lew jii ires left. traveling: bxpenses or the aeronautic student. Dunsmuir Trio in Scandalous Affair Lake. Mr. Watius is a close friend of Mr. Frohbaeh and will spend sev eral days here as his guest. The used in its construction and equip ment. These 74 carloads are in addi tion to the materials that will be oh Booze Powders Are Without the Law Civic Q ub will Invite him to address tained ln this region, all of them them. coming from the east. Two cars, car rying structural steel, have left Min neapolis and are coming through on schedule time, having passed Coun cil Bluffs several days ago. The J. F. Hocho gave the final talk, making comparisons, some of which were very much to the point.' Light refreshments were served and a social evening followed. A powder from which an Ohio company says "the most delicious and mellow whiskey can be made" comes within the purview of the pro hibition law and can not be sold in this state, according to an opinion rendered recently by Attorney Gen eral Brown at Salem for the district attorney of Coos county. The dls'rlc attorney asked tho at torney general If it would be lawful for a firm in Coos county to estab lish an agency for the company. Attorney General Brown held that "Zanol" came within that provision of the prohibition law which says "all mixtures, compounds or prepara tions, whether liquor or not, which are Intended when mixed with water or otherwise to produce, by ferment ation or otherwise, an intoxicating liquor, shall be deemed eo be em braced within the term Intoxicating liquor," aa defined In the law. Boy Killed While Beating His Way The man who was killed when he fell from the Shasta Limited Sunday morning at Voorheis has been iden tified as Fred McArdle, the son of Mrs. Clara McArdle, of 1100 McAl lister street, San Francisco, Cal. The young man was one of four who started from Portland to San Fran cisco. One of his friends was on the same car with him and saw him fall. As soon as he arrived in Ash'and he notified the police and a speeder was sent out from Medford and the re mains taken to that city, where he was later Identified by his compan ions. It is not clear whether he was riding the rods or the blinds. The man was not a professional hobo according to his companion, but was out of money and wished to reach his mother, choosing to "beat" his way. The St. Helens Shipbuilding Com pany have under construction at their shipyard two five-masted auxiliary power schooners. Cazadero, Ore., is to be connected with Garfield by railroad.. . Angwin Appointed Foreman Here '' J. E. Angwin, who wag sent here from the Bhops at Dunsmuir to take charge of the local roundhouse forces of the Southern Pacific foVowing the recent shake-up, has had his appoint ment confirmed and is now round house foreman here. Mr. Angwin has a wife and family ln Dunsmuir who wtll join him here later. shipments of 6teel from Minneapolis will total 15 cars. The sugar-mak Ing machinery will come from Ala bam a, Pennsylvania and Ohio mak ers, and 30 cars have been listed for shipment as they are ordered out by the factory builders. From Pennsyl vania will come two cars of pumps used in pumping the beet juice through the factory, and five cars of piping will be required. The boilers wil". fill eight carat, and the engines two cars. A certain grade of fire brick needed will be obtained In Pueblo, Col., seven cars of which will come. Much of the material for the fac tory will be obtained here, including the timbers, while quantities of crushed rock, common brick, cement, etc., will enter into the building. A local firm has already contracted for the supplying of 3,000 barrels of cement. Rogue River Courier. Fair Awards Are Being Issued In response to inquiry, the secro tary of the international award sys tem has written to H. O. Frohbaeh, who represented Jackson county at the" P. P. I. E., concerning the profr able time at which the awards of suc cessful exhibitors from Oregon at the Panama-Pacific exposition will be made, saying that "they will not be prepared and ready for some months. The diplomas are being issued in the order of classification of tho exhibit department and agriculture and hor ticulture are both toward the end of the list." I Mrs. Rufus B. Williams of Duns' muij-, her husband and 11. K. Moore of the same place figured in a dra matic climax to a calumnious affair at a local rooming house Sunday night of this week. H. K. Moore Is now awaiting trial at Jacksonville and the man and wife are In the same city, where they wiI be called upon as witnesses against Moore. Mrs. Williams, who according to her husband was an exemplary wife up until she became acquainted with Moore some two months ago, has been living at the Allen rooming house In Ashland for the paBt two weeks while her husband believed her to be visit ing friends here, and has on several occasions received visits from Moore, whom she met at skating rinks and dances In Dunsmuir. Mr. WKHams finally suspicioned what was going on, and when Moore left Dunsmuir on train No. 14 Sunday, followed on train 16. At 1:15 Monday morning Williams, having learned where his wife was staying, went to the apart ment in company with Patrolman WImer. The woman at first dis claimed anyone being in the apart ment except her seven-year-old daughter, but search revealed Moore In bed. The womnn cursed her hud- band, slapped him and fought him. Will, lams took the afrair quietly and did not use any rough language to ward his wife, according to reports of the affair. Although it Is understood that he carried a revolver, he did not make any show of it or offer violence to either his wife or Moore. The woman broke away from her husband and ran up into the park while on the way to the police sta tion, but was soon captured and final ly broke down when lodged behind the bars at Jacksonville and confessed the relations which existed between her and Moore. The evidence of the case was presented Monday to the grand Jury and Moore will probably have to stand trial at once. Mrs. Williams Is the mother of four little children and is about thirty years of age. Up until the advent of Moore into her life the Williams fam ily was a happy onf.JHoore Is a machinist and Williams a stationary engineer in the Southern Pacific shops at Dunsmuir. - Ho returned later In tho day nnd ordered about five dollars' worth of groceries to be sent up on the second morning de'ivery the next day to 411 North Main street. The man offered a check for fifteen dol'nrs on the First National Bank, signed by Yockey & Heaver and payable to R. notified Bousmnn to keep his hogs up. Bousmnn claims that at tho last e'ectlnn his precinct had voted to al" low ho;j;s to run at large anil that he was In part justified In tho killing on that nccount. The killing occurred about 9 o'clock Sunday morning, but the bod ies were not found until ft o'clock In Ft Stnnn rnpnlvorl ha tan flnllnwa . . T J, . , " ' th0 evening. Bousmnn had nken a change and disappeared. He to d the ,. , , . ,. 1 u .... "0fie of 'o'son shortly before tho grocerymen that he was a ro ative of .i..,,... ., . n i oinn i . i . ... 8,1,!ri,f arrived and laid down on h s O. J. Stone and wns to move Into tho i,j ,,, . , , , . ,"ed to die when ho was aroused by Stone house.. ,, ,,, A. 7 c. , ... , , the sheriff. On the way to town he Stone is wanted in severa places i..- ,,, , . . .. , . n.,, . . . , ' . became sick, but the poison il d not In California and his description is take flrther effeot on file at police stations throughout; nn . . . ... . ,, .... ..,.,n iiic D lui j VI IIIO KlllinK enf inly and shows no remorso. Me is about 63 years of ngo and hns no family. Both tho murdered people were about 55 years of age and they had no children. At the coroner's Inquest no new facts were brought out, the Jury charging Bousman with the killing. the west. Grand Jury Finds Two True Bills Training Head The grand Jury was drawn Mon day morning and had throe cases! . . submitted to them, from which two Pt7 tTllim ffatlll'll true bills were returned. One, the, 4UV UMUI lUdlUai Stato of Oregon vs. H. K. Moore, of Dunsmuir, Cal., chargod with immor ality, the State of Oregon vs. H. C. Foster, charged with obtaining Ashland frle money undor false pretenses. "Proc" Klum, who taught In tho man- The grand jury consisted of S. S. lial training dopaitment and coached Smith, foreman, of Medford; E. T. athletics hore last year, will be glad Staples, Ashland; E. M. White, Cll- to learn that he has been elected head max; W. F. Hilton, W. H. Jordan, ; or the manual training department at Applogate; W. W. Matnoy, Jackson1-j Medford by the sohooi board. Mr vllle, J. L. Wyland, Beagle. jKlum is a grnduate of Ashland high ine grand jury naving rinisiied its school and Is taking college work and works adjourned until May 15. Phone Flue Fires To Department win receive his degree soon. He has made a decided hit at Medford, where he coached the winning football team last fall and has developed a faster bnskotbalil team than the city has ever known before. Mr. Klum will have an assistant to help him ln the I manual training department n thnt The fire department was called out hn mn , B0 "at ,.,,. . ".e mW S've a goodly portion of "Bis time to athletics. "Proc's" many Ashland friends wish him success ln the manual training work and hope that his team will beat all their op ponents except Ashland. this morning to keep watch over a flue fire on East Main stret. Instead of the customary single ring for a flue fire, someone turned in the full alarm, including the roundhouse whistle, and the entire company turned out. When a flue fire occurg, the fire department should be called up on the phone and the city saved the expense of paying the entire volunteer force. A giant ship-building plant will ha located at P'rtland, officials of the Willamette Steel & Iron . Company and the Northwest Steel Company announce. 1