Hfatorfc.1 ..... . Ashland Grows While Lithia flows" City of Sunshine and flowers Ashland, Oregon, Lllhla Springs "The Carlsbad of America" ! i ASHLAND. OREGONMONDAY, JANUARY 31, 191 G VOL. XL NUMBER 72 Oregon's Famous Spa" New Ashland Slogan After careful consideration of the matter the springs water commis- Bion and the publicity department havA iU.piiifvi tn dm mm ti -l,,,, iiHPd nn flm aivnriutn.r i-...i..i f,,, ,k ..f...ii..i , ,.. .Jfnrcasts are displacing t'i- bewhisk- "Oregon's Famous Spa" The new slogan has been adopted ' for several reasons One of these ij due to a desire to get a name that! is distinctive and original- one that' has not been or may be used by ai I other resort. The old slogan did not apply to Ashland nnv mnrn fhnn it ni,ri,t n I 0..v !, ply to other resorts In America of a similar character, and did not havojfro"i winter habitat- and stalk the significance that the new one , a')road- Then If lie eei iiU shadow has. The word "Spa" signifies a j PP. ,jack into the hole for six place where mineral springs abound. weeks longer- no shadow is in Those who heard Prof. Anthony evidence, he concludes t stay oik speak at tho Commerical Club on Thursday night of last week will re member he Invariably used this term in speaking of the watering places of Europe and of Saratoga Springs in this country. It tells In one word just what Ashland is, a springs re sort, and will convey to the tourist, the information that we have mineral springs and that we have a resort! city. The use of the word "Oregon's" ' is for the purpose of giving Ash-j land's location in the state, and to take advantage of the present move- ..v uu,.,,, WltHUIl B ailULLlU'lH for the tourist. No state in the Union is doing as much concerted adver tising as Oregon Is doing at the pres ent time. "Letter Writing Week," with I's thousands upon thousands of per lllfinr m Dni'ailuA llrm.nn'n .......... I ' sonal letters sent to every part olj the United States, has done much! to focalize the attention of the na-i tlon upon Oregon. Portland is send ing the wonderful Berger-Jones col-l lection of lantern slides, made by the new method of photographing In ! natural colors, to be exhibited in clKM great cities of the East. They are' to be shown at the White House, at the annual convention of tho Chr.m-I ber of Commerce of the Unite! Statts! of America, where they wl'l to seen L It rl , u COUn;:two teams will practice against each'gree of efficiency and had Indeed PrL! L i" i f J""'"?' ! other frequently from now on in prep- j been reduced to a science. He stat Princeton, University of Pennsvl. , ...... ' ' L. thal ot 0qpo.0 tho arDat Tetrn vania, and In many other places. They will be the means of draw ing the attention of a niil'ion people to Oregon, and will Inspire thous ands of tourists with s desire to come out here and se) fm- them selves what we have to she? them. By linking Ashland wirh the name of Oregon, In the use of this new slogan, we will get the bencMt tf this big campaign of exploitation. Tho word "Famous" Is used because it is the honest opinion of too CDrn;iils eloners and the department that Asli- Jana is to become renowned as a health resort or sna. I Mr. John M. Scott, gmiral Pns- Messenger on February 1. Mr. Pur eenger agent of the Soutnora Pacific dln hag been in newspaper work in company, approves of tin change of the vaIley for many yeara and ls an slogan. In a letter to the department ja around mall( weU Hked every. he says: I where. The good wishes of the en- "Your suggestion of ns'r H"' ; tire city go with him to his new un words 'Oregon's Famous Spa' Is a dertaklng. Mr. Purdin's family will very good one. The word is used in remain here until spring. The Monta the old country and to ver good ef- 'gue Messenger is the only publication iect. i nope you will open a' cam palgn on the new name at once. Resorts Pay Big Dividends To the practical man one of the most pertinent statements' made by Prof. Anthony, who spoke to the citi- zens of Ashland last Thursday, was in regard to success scored elsewhere in a financial wav bv resorts. He stated that ln Europe where nun- dreds of resorts are flourishing, sometimes a score in the radius of a few miles nil worn mnklne a finnn - clal success. In fact, he said he knew nt hut nno whif-h wno nnt nnvtnir nnii this one could be taken as the ex- ception which proved the rule. In America private interests have ac- cumlated huge fortunes from the in dustry. During the year 1915 the Metropol itan Life Insurance Company distrib uted through Its agent. H. 0. Pu- rucker, 3,965 welfare booklets in the The Unlted states forestry service city of Ashland, this being a part of w,n make a Preliminary survey for ft this great company's welfare iwork. j road through the Shasta national for Of these, 200 were used by the public est reserve up Mount Shasta from SIs schools as Instruction books anoV800 8on to Horse Camp next spring. The by the local dentists and physicians. ! road UP the mountain will open the "Fake Consumption CuresJ .VFlrst , Snasta forest to tourists and also Aid In the Home," "The :2h.Hdf "Teeth, Tonsils and Adenoids," "All About Milk," are the titlee.f ebnie of these books, . uwir.rtDj ss Deep Problem May Perplex Ground Hog Many of the old supersJu nt aiv obliterated by the undeviatin and restible march of scienie. Many of 1 the old adages are forgo t-n. I lie rnlted states goveruniTi wcniuer 1 . . i . . ,i. .. ered propnets wno were u;o prou: possession of every community in da'8 6ne by. 0ne ,,ell(!f remains, as firmly en- "conced in the hearts of all bat the moBt Practical as the be'ief in Panta Claus ls In 11)9 hearts of the child - ren- And tnat 18 ground ho? day. On Wednesday, February old .... , mfelor Pfnlinrt hni is flue tit lniei io .......... D.W.. "Vf, W - ...... QW and take a chance on prospective weather. If the ground bog ap'i.'ir, abed sunrise on Wednesday he will sic a shadow on the sun, th'j firs: time in many scores of yeirs that an ' consulting engineer for tho new eclipse has oeeured on ground bog y incorporated Panipadour Mineral day. It is problematical wiiat hj g,, rings company which will develop wl" do ln case he no,lces tlie epIi' Wnat would you do .were you ; ground hog? fjjl, CrTlftnl Boot C tilgU JII1091 DCdLS Militia 33-26 The Ashland high school won the city championship by defeating the . Coast Artillery Corps team In what was easily the fastest and most Inter esting game of basketball yet played on the armory floor. The C. A. C. boys showed some of the effects of ; their recent defeat at Central Point, several of them nursing sprains and bruises. However, they seemed to have the school boys outconditioned and to be faster, but could not locate the basket as well. The feature of the high school team's play was the defensive work of Delsman and the brilliant offensive work of Grlsez. The final score was 33 to 26. The aration for coining games with out - 'side teams. The lineup and points scored were as follows: High school, Fraley 9, Grlsez 16, Harris 2, Ply mate 6, Delsman; C. A. C., M. Grubb S. Rrown 8. Freeman 2. L. Grubb 8. O'Donohue. Local Newspaperman Goes to New Field Lynn Purdin, who for the past five years has been foreman at the Ash- i iana necora. iant over me aioniaKue in the city of Montague, Cal., which is the center of a prosperous farming community. Pioneer Builder Passes Away Baldwin Beach, pioneer Ashland resident, passed away at aDout :iu Saturday evening at his Gresham street residence. He was 78 years of ae - He was a member of the local G - A- R- Post- beinS a Civil War vet- eran - Funeral services will be held rom the residence at 41 Gresham street Tuesday at 2 p. m. G. A. R. and Christian Science services. A full obituary will be published Thurs- day. Will Build Road Up Mount Shasta iraM ascent or me mountain easier i Born to Mrand.Mra. Lee Ci Por ten, tt nine-pound boy, Sunday. Prof. Anthony Proclaims Ashland's Lithia Equal to World's Best "You have In Ashland a mineral their ga3 and properties If kept under water (the lithia) which Is equal in the prop r pressure, every way to those of Saratoga and That ti e liihla water here can and I Mw, P hn iI'M!ll ,."- iiiikb ui " and is in a great many ways super - 1 .. - ,-....1..,- r ... Tlnf AntlmTi.r i.uhuhk uum nui. nijiiui ..u.u uj ic ..cmi. 1 chier engineer of the great Saratoga , lie explained the reasons for the I mineral springs reservation, the clouded appearance and sediment j greatest in the East, this statement j which fo- ins in an Improperly bottled ! was received with uproarious ap-1 mineral .rater. This question, which ' plause by the crowd which Jammed , has worried some of the local people, 1 the Commercial Club assembly room J was dispelled with the assurance that I last Thursday evening to hear Prof, j the Saratoga waters assumed - the Anthony. His talk was a revelation same apr larance unless properly "ban- , ... j ,,. .!, : lO UIU ciuseiis liienuui. mm micubiu- cned tne spirit or commence in I T....1'a .fnliti-a au a trrpnt minprnl land's f uture water resort. Mr. Anthony Is enthusiastic over that Ashland should find an unllmlt- ,' "' a young southern surgeon out- j vlduals are shirking their responsf the waters here and especially the ' ed market for the gas on tho coast j wit the antipathy of the hitter's fath- bilities to their fellow mm, that petty lithia, which he finds to contain : and that Saratoga did not has a suf-. P1" to-tho girl's "northern accent," j thievery Is pracllscd and graft de properties he says are bound to make ficient supply to fill tho demand. j"1"' ''' a clever ruse actually line him ( nounced by the thh vers, that a grow- Ashland famous. President V. 0. Smith Intro - duced Mr. Anthony, who is here as the Silver-Haiiey Lithia spring and other springs in the neighborhood. The speaker first described the agreeable sensations which ho had experienced upon his arrival from the trip across the continent and then launched into a brief description of the great resorts of the Old World and the history of watering resorts. "The first known bathing resort was in England and was visited by the Saxons of England 800 years B. C", said Mr. Anthony, "and at present throughout continental Europe great resorts which are making big divi dends are established at intervals of a few miles in the mineral water dis- tricts." While proclaiming himself to be neutral, Mr. Anthony stated that his descriptions of the resorts of the old world would be confined mainly to those of Germany because it was in Germany that the application of min eral waters for medicinal purposes had been brought to the highest de- ed that at Saratoga the great returns from the waters were found to be In ! their medicinal application, and that i it was toward this end that the Amer - j ican resorts must aim. Mr. Anthony referred to the resorts as "spas," this being the name which has become the accepted usage throughout Europe. He told of the systems at the German spas and said that each resort main tained tthelr own architect, chemist and engineer and were constantly studying and experimenting to fur ther perfect the science. He gave a brief history of the de velopment at Saratoga, telling how huge fortunes were amassed by pri vate interests and the waters wasted until the level of the mineral water in the basin of the valley, which is about seven miles long by four wide, was lowered. In the beginning the water level was above the ground In places, but it was pumped out and wasted until it became necessary to sink wells 300 feet to find water. Then the state condemned the Sara toga region and made It a state reser vation, aud under proper conserva tion the water is now back at its old level and has been so studied and developed that some springs spurt high into the air. He stated that a million and a half had already been spent at Saratoga, that the people of the state had the greatest confidence In the further development, and that providing the powers that reign in Tammany Hall agreed, six million more would be spent. The faking of mineral waters was dealt with, and he told of the meth ods by which unscrupulous promoters secretly injected mineral salts into common water and pumped them into springs. Practices of this sort be came so common that now at Sara toga in order to allay the suspicion of fraud, all the workings of the pumps were glass encased so that the water could be followed through the apparatus. Mr. Anthony then explained several properties of mineral water and told of the Saratoga pumping plants, the system there being practically the same as here, with the exception that some of the automatic apparatus here fs new, He conducted a very Inter esting experiment with apparatus which he had with him to show how the gas is held ln solution as car bonic acid ln the water and ls re leased by -having pressure removed. He states that mineral waters may be pumped any distance, retaining all of I iirl la ottljd and kopt clear and , that it b lest kept clear in the hot , n ,i'ia tlmilst n nln l.ir , I, n ir k'ltnl' ' J!J uicu He then turned to the commercial use of the gas which Is found In' un - limited quantities here, and stated Tho application of the lithia water. 'in baths was next taken up, and he waxed enthusiastic over tho Ashland water, fating that It was even su - nerlor lh manv wavs to th Snrntnirn waters. ' "T!:e immense value of the waters is not for drinking purposes, but for ibath uses, when properlv ap - Plied uadrr the direction of coinpe - tent physicians who have mastered tho scletce of hvdrotheraiiv." stated the spea'er, "and I have found reas - ons to believe that here at Ashland you have the most valuable water for i that pui- Jose in America If not in the world." ' The Saratoga man then explained the use "of a delicate Instrument for ascertaining the presence of radio-j activity ,n waters, and stated that he had fouid this element In the waters to an e:.tent which had amazed him and almmt frightened him. The ex act extent of the radio-activity he had not as yet determined, but from his experience at Saratoga and elsewhero he was vositive that the Ashland wa- ters contain more radio-activity than .here will be only partial, about one any in nierica and rival if not ex- fourth of the sun being obscured as ceed tbL waters of Bath, England, the eclipse starts a few minutes bc which hive no other claim to fame , fore sunrise. The lower part of the than tbt of being the most radio-! Bun disc will be obecured, the obscur actlve in the world. Further expert- atlon passing obliquely downward ments win nring tnis phase of the, w"c ".,, - ments already made have proven the water to be wonderful in this respect . 88 well as others, and Is of paramount import to Ashland's future. Just what radio-activity Is and Its uses In treating heart trouble and other dis eases through baths is too lengthy a subject to discuss in this article. Suffice it to say that Mr. Anthony regarded this phase the most impor tant of all. From the scientific side Mr. An thonk turned to the financial side of the mineral waters, and told of the huge fortunes which had been amassed. He told of the crowds which visited Saratoga, that resort's summer average approaching 20,000 persons a day, and ln three hours on one day a crowd of 15,000 visiting the main water palace. He remarked that there was no great spa west of the Rockies and that Ashland had a wonderful opportunity. He told of Hargate, Europe, where the springs are municipally controlled and where tho people pay no taxes, the Income from the waters and baths paying big dividends to the people. "At Har gate the water is stored in tanks in the winter because of an insufficient supply. Here at Ashalnd with the abundance what could not be accom plished?" He emphasized the fact the psy chological effect must be attained, and compared the resort problem with Coney Island crowds. The peo ple come for pleasure, catch the spirit and believe that the. waters will cure, which is half the battle In any medi cine. He also emphasized the fact that the big returns are made from baths and not from sale of drinking waters. Mr. Anthony then asked that any one who wished to ask questions do so, and for fifteen minutes was busy answering the queries of Interested spectators. One question was asked regarding the efficiency of the sulphur water, I Mr. Anthony stating that he had had little experience with this water, and believed that a great deal of its ef fectiveness in the treatment of rheumatism Came from proper appli cation of heat and cold, but that he was not prepared to go into an au thoritative discussion of it. Dr. Jar vis asked several pertinent questions and discussed several matters mainly relating to radlo-actlvlty with the New Torker, and showed that .he .U making a thorough study, of the me- Five-Reel Comedy At Vining Tuesday Twas Ever Thus," with the! charmlnt! Elsie Janls as the star of liberty, that of ISfil for humanity, a brilliant Bosworth Incorporated nl H't of 19 If. for Kraft and greed, production, Ik the attraction at the ,mt ,llat ,,u' f nt uro would stand for Vining Theatre for Tuesday night.'"1"10 (lf those, was the substance of February 1. No matter what airs n...l .i-li.tf ........... ....... ....... 1 ...1. . uu muL m. 13 nu n nm uuvb laii'-n on siuco the world began, they make love Just the same today as when they lived In caves and wore the skins of wild animals upon their shoulders. " 'Twas Ever Thus" shows the grim, f unusual love affair of a prehistoric pair who dispose of a pursuing, irate ; father by means of the bludgeon at the mouth of the nuptial cave In the1 : ,,lll k of a tribal fight. In vivid con- i trist comes an appealing story of Civil War times when a Iloston beau - i,s l"t Kl" 8 ""m'fi cnnmpion. '"'Hy. ' t'"1 niost dramatic episode T ,ove aKam 1'rpvciis in a stir- iril,f! "'"-'e-porn.-red affair between a I wealthy publisher, his gay young clubman son and Marian Cordon, a ' yo""1! New Yo, k writer- wll- wllPn il,P1" noV('1 '"ejected, enters the j W(a,llly 1'ouse as a do-; , mos,i(' to rxlerience," with some I i ,-v '""lesmiK semmiemai results, very Interesting sentimental results. ! r"MK 'li""H IH hi'"''"u us l"e "'ro.ne of n" tnreo e",l80,lpfi- The picture is in five reels. With It will be shown the Paramount week ly, current events from all over tho world. Eclipse of Sun Visible Wednesday For the first time In many years an eclipse of the sun will be visible In Ashland on the morning of Febru ary 3. 1916. The eclinse as Been from from right to left. The sun will rise jtt i::a pn vt eunesoay aim win ne, Lnck of respect for God was thn half way through the eclipse when It f inrnhator In which all these modern rises. Lvi. lntri-,-i. n.M tl, nvnr .n.l Everyone wishing to see the eclipse should provide themselves with piece of smoked glass or dark glasses, and should set the "Big Ben" for a little after 7 o'clock. Roseburg High' Brings Fast Team But four teams in the state are ac corded chances of winning the state basketball championship. These are Ashland, Roseburg, Medford and Salem. Ashland's first chance at the other contenders comes Wednesday and Saturday evenings of this week when the local high school team meets Roseburg at the local high school gymnasium. Roseburg has won every game played this year ex cept one to Salem on the Salem floor, which was lost by three points. Rose burg has defeated such teams as Eu gene, Corvallis, O. A. C. freshmen, Albany and several others. Basket ball critics of the state proclaim the present Roseburg team to he the fast est In tho state. Come out Wednes day and Saturday evenings nnd help pull through a victory for the locals. Roseburg plays Medford Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday night the Phoenix and Ashland girls will play a preliminary. On Saturday the Phoenix boys play tho Ashland sec ond team. Seats at Rose's. Jackson Woman Out for Treasurer Mrs. Myrtle W. Blakely of Jackson ville has announced her candidacy for the office of county treasurer, Mrs. Blakely Is the present deputy treas- urer and for two years served as dep uty recorded of the county. dicinal properties of the waters. Mr. Anthony has the thanks of every man present for a most en lightening and enjoyable talk. The greatest difficulty which has been met with ln Ashland's development has been the lack of general under standing of the possibilities and great value of-tbe mineral waters, and Mr. Anthony's talk was greatly apprecia- ted. . .-. a -, j.h.M ts.i Judge Alden Has Vivid Message "'at t ho spirit or li.G stood for a led ure delivered at the Methodist I'l llll'fl I' 1111:1. I M IIV I "it . . n 1 .r,.-. famous lecturer, humorist and jurist, Is" Ail,!n "peke for two hours and , no "no person or the lame audlenco ! lIi'L'd. 1,ut rather hoped for , "101". ', "The Needs of the Hour" was tho ' topic, but the speaker covered a widn j range of territory. With keen barbs of humor he opined the way to tho hearts cf the audience, and ' then drove home the steel of his argument, ' the burden of which was that indl- lug indifference toward religion Is at the base of all cvi's, social and politi cal. lie told why the g rafter Is here, and plainly said that tho man who would client in the m all deals of llfo was the foundation upon which thu greater graft was bused. He declared that back of all thliiiaterialisin, thin worship of the golden calf, was tho difference toward the teachings of , Christ, and said that history shows that every nation In the past that turned from (!od to gold has gono down to Ignominious defeat. He shqwed the Inconsistency of the) man who sits by the stove In tho cor ner grocery and wails and howls! about tho grafters In the state and nation and then goes home and mixes the product of the cow with the prod uct of the pump, nnd still thinks hn Is honest. He declared men should cease to cast critical eyes on the hor izon for the sins of others, but should turn the eye Inwardly, for the reform ation of the state and nation be'glnn with the individual. And as it was thus In commercial and political life, so it is in .domestic and religions life, he averred. It wan his opinion that lack of self-respect was the cause of the moral turpi! udo of grafter nnd grafted. the remedy he believed to be a return to a keener appreciation of religion an taught by ChrlBt. Want Five Thousand For Celebration That is the figure that the commit tee In charge of the springs dedica tion and Fourth of July celebration is going .to raise. In a tweuty-four hour campaign this amount Is to be subscribed, and a great many citizens will be asked to assist to make a complete house to house canvass. This will probably take place the end of this week, and the residents are requested to think over the matter of their subscription so that there be no delay in allowing the men, who aro giving their time to make this a suc cess, to complete their work in as short a time as possible. The original figure at which tho financial committee had hoped for die attendance at the celebration waa placed at twenty thousand, but Mayor Johnson, who has accepted the chair manship of the committee on inform ation and accommodation, states taht no less than forty thousand will bo here if we put on the proper show. This means that every hotel and rooming house will be filled to capac ity, that every available room in tha private homes will be taken, and that we will have to depend upon the ho tels in Medford to take care of the overflow. Every family in Ashland who has rooms that they can rent at that time will have no difficulty iu filling them, and it will be due to the committee's efforts that this condi tion will be brought about. They therefore feel that it ls everybody's business, and to the city of Ashland's Interest, that liberal subscriptions be made toward the expense fund of running this celebration. The blanks upon which the sub- . scrlptions will be asked for will be for a cash donation, payable Immedi ately, or payable In Installments, one- half on April 20 and the other, half on June 20. E. V. Carter has con sented to act as treasurer and sub scriptions are made payable to htm. - Tidings "For Bale"; ads are active.. " ItMl. ...I 1