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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1916)
rAGE TEN ASH LAND TTDrVGS Mop gay, January 3, Dank of Jacksonville et al, N Vi of NWVI and NVi of NEVi and SEV4 of NEVi sec 36, twp 87, range 3 W, 200 acres, tax 39.00 Jackson County Bank, SEVi of NWVi and NH of SEy4 and SWVi of NEVi soc 36, twp 37, range 3 W, ICO acres, tax 31.20 Miller, Mary, SVi of SWVi, SWVi of SEVi sec 36, twp 37, range 3 W. 120 acres, tax 4.88 Opp Con. M. Co., SWVi of NV 4 soc 36, twp 37, range 3 W, 40 acres, tax 7.80 Tnknown owner, Vi int. in N V, of S" sec 36, twp 37, range 3 W, 20 acres, tax 4.60 Florey, A. D NEVi of XEVi soc 1, twp 38, range 3 W, 40 acres, tax 4. 63 Miller, Mary, XVi of XVi of XWVi of NWV, sec 1, twp 3S, range 3 W, 10 acres, tax 1.17 I'nknown owner, NE',i of NW Vi soc 1, twp 38, range 3 W, 40 acres, tax 4. 68 Croise, A., SEVi of XEVi and NEV4 of SEVi sec 2, twp 38, range 3 W, 80 acres, tax 14.04 Everas, Baptist, SW'i of XE . Vi and XWVi of SE sec 2, twp 38, range 3. W, 80 acres, tax 12.16 Miller, T.Tary, XVi of XVi of frsc XEVi sen 2, twp 38, range 3 W, 40 acres, tax. . 4.68 Hendricks, E., frac WVi of NWVi and NWVi of SVV4 sec. 6, twp 38, range 3 W, 120 acres, tax 14.04 Breeden, J. T., EVi of NEVi . of XEVi sec 10, twp 38, range 3 W, 10 acres, tax. . 2.90 Tierce, C. IT., Ey2 of SEVi sec 27, twp 38, range 3 W, 80 acres, tax 9.84 Smith, Wm., land D. R. 104 346, sec 27, twp 38, range 3 W, 9 acres, tax 1.03 Smith, E. and S., EH of D. L. C. No, 40, less 40 acres, sees 27 and 28, twp 38, ' range 3 W, 120 acres, tax 64.98 Newbury, Giig, lots 5 and 6, sec 28, twp 38, range 3 W, 26 acres, tax 6.33 Collins, Be., lot No. 2, sec 29, twp 38, range 3 W, 15 acres, tax 9.63 Dorn, David, SVi of NWVi sec 13, twp 39, range 3 W, 80 acres, tax 18.29 Porn, David, EVi of NEV4 sec 14, twp 39, range 3 W, 80 acres, tax 6.20 Hall & Forman, NVi of NE Vi and NEVi and SEVi of SEVi and NEVi of SEV4 sec 24, twp 39, range 3 W, 160 acres, tax 30.69 Stephenson, E. D., SVi of SW V E ol creek, sec 8, twp 40, range 3W, 65 acres, tax 10.54 Andrew, H., SWVi and SEVi sec 16, twp 40, range 3 W, 320 acres, tax 79.20 Williams, E. H.. SWi see 28, twp 40, range 3 W, 160 acres, tax 23.20 Porn, D. T., part of NW'i dos 39-58, see 30, twp 40, range 3 W, 45 acres, tax. . 6.82 llandlev, W. D.. SVi of SEV4 sec, 35, twp 40, range 3 W, 80 acres, tax 11.60 Hundley, W. D SVi of SWV4 soc 36, twp 40. range 3 W, 80 acres, tax 14.40 Lexington Realty Co., NVi of NEVi sec 18, twp 33, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax 24.40 Crouch, E, B., let 1 and NEVi of NWV4 and SVi of NEVi and SVi of SEVi of NWVi sec 30, twp 33, range 4 V, 177 acres, tax 17.00 Link, A. T.. timber on SE'i of NEVi soc 30, twp 33, range 4 W, tax 8.10 Anderson, M. T SEVi sec 34, twp 33, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 4S.80 Texter, C, SEVi sec 8, twp 34, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 38.00 Crovelle, M. F.. NWVi of SE V4 and NEVi of NEVi and EVi of SEVi sec 14. twp 34, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 19.10 Lone Star Mining Co., SEVi of NWVi. NE Vi of SVVV4 sec 15, twp 3 4, range 4 V, 80 acres, tax 4.32 WikBtrom, M. E.. WVi of NE M of NWV4. SW'4 of NV4 and SVi of NW'4 of NWVi sec 15, twp 34, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax 10.80 Kemp, L. S., D. It. 54-98, sec 20, twp 34, range 4 W, 7 acres, tax 4.03 Wlkstrom Mining Co., NEVi of NWVi sec 22, twp 34, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax. . 2.70 Wlkstrom, C. E., NWVi - of NWVi of SEVi of SWVi of NWVi and part of SEVi of NWVi, EVi of SWVi. 68 209, sec 22, twp 34, range 4 W, 103 acres, tax 22.95 Sherman, W. B. timber on SE Vi sec 26, twp 34, range 4 W, tax 6.75 Western Development Co., NE - Vi sec 26, twp 34, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 16.20 White, Schebley & Hunt Mfg. Co., NWVi of NWVi sec 27. twp 34, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 4.32 White, Schebley & Hunt Mfg. Co., EVi of NEVi and NW Vi of NEVi. and EVi of NWVi and NEVi of SWVi sec 28, twp 34, range 4 W, 240 acres, tax 24.30 Bailey, Mary. SWVi of SWVi sec 28, twp 34, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 3.78 Wakeman, R. W., 11 acres In SEVi sec 28, twp 34, range 4 W, 11 acres, fax ..... . 2.30 O'DonnolI, Patrick, EV4 of NWVi and NEVi of SWVi sec 30, twp J4, range 4 W, 120 acres, tax 20.25 Hydraulic Mining Co., frao WVi of NWVi sec 31, twp 34, range 4 W, 73 acres, tax Howland, A. M., WVi of frao SWVi of SWVi sec 31, twp 34, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax Smith, E. A., WVi of frac NWVi of SWVi sec 31, twp 34, range 4 W, 18 acres, tax Three Pines Timber Co., EVi of frac NWVi of SWVi and SWVi of SWVi sec 31, twp 34, range 4 W., 34 acres, tax King, Geo. F., NEVi of SEVi Bee 34, twp 34, range 4 W, 320 acres, tax Knudson, J.. NWVi of NEVi sec 35, twp 34, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 10.80 3.40 3.06 5.87 38.20 5.40 Sykes Creek Mining Co., SE Vi of NEVi and ne 01 S. E. Vi sec 1, twp 35, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax. . 10.80 9.45 16.20 8.10 6.48 19.17 4.10 Taylor, Margaret, SEVi of SEVi sec 1, twp 3a, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax Jones, C. W., WVi of SEVi and SEVi of SEVi sec 2, twp 35, range 4 W, 120 acres, tax Nickel!, Bell, NVi of SWVi, and SEy4 of SWVi sec 3, twp 35, range 4 W, 120 acres, tax Wakeman. R. W., SEVi of NWVi sec 3, twp 35, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax Owens, James, SWVi of XE Vi, SVi of NWVi sec 4, twp 35, range 4 W, 120 acres,' tax Brownsworth, Mary Est., SW Vi of XWVi sec 10, twp 35, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax MacCllntock, Samuel, WVi of XEVi sec 10, twp 35, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax 13.50 Trlplett, C. W.. SWVi of SW 1. hop 11 fun ranee 4 W, 40 acres, tax 8.50 Taylor, Margaret E., NEV4 nt KV.U im 19. twn SR. range 4 W, 40 acres, tax. . 10.80 Taylor. N. J.. SWVi of NEVi sec 12, twp 35, range 4 W AH nrrtka tax 2.70 MacCllntock, Samuel, EVi of SWVi sec 14, twp 35, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax. . Owens, Thomas, SVi of land D. R. 88-147, sec 16, twp 35, range 4 W, 20 acres, 13.50 tax 7.69 Calvert, J. C, SWVi of NE Vi sec 17, twp 35, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 6.08 Hamblem, A. S., frac SWVi sec 18, twp 35, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 32.60 Bradley, W. L., NEVi of NE Vi sec 19, twp 35, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 6.75 MacCliuntock, Samuel, SWVi of SEVi sec 20, twp 35, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax. . 2.70 Lexington Realty Co., SWVi of NEVi sec 22, twp 35, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax. . 2.70 Frank, J SWy4 of SWy4 sec 23, twp 35, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 5.40 Kirk, .1. E EVi of XEVi of XEVi sec 24, twp 35, range - 4 W, 40 acres, tax 2.70 Rostad, H.. SVi of SEVi and SWVi of SEVi sec 24, twp 35. range 4 W, tax 16.20 Walter, Mary E, SEVi of XE V. WVi of XEVi. NEV4 of NWVi sec 26, twp 35, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 5.40 Palmer, B. J., SWVi of SWVi soc 32, twp 35, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 9.20 Collins, C. E., undivided Vi Int. of NEVi of NEVi sec 36, twp 35, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax 3.40 Jones, B. A., WVi of SWVi soc 36, twp 35, range 4 W, SO acres, tax 18.40 Graham, T. W EVi of frac NWVi and SWy4 of NWVi and NWVi of SWVi sec 2. twp 36, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 9.75 Klngsberry, R. E., WVi of SWVi sec 3, twp 36, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax 15.60 Bagloy, Elmer E., EVi of XEVi of XWVi sec 4, twp 36, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax 1.95 Klngsberry, R. E., EVi of SE i sec 4, twp 36, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax 15.60 Walls, Sam, and C. M. Long, Vi int. In SWVi sec 8. twp 36, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 18.40 Conway, Nancy, NVi of XEVi of SEVi Bee 9, twp 36, range 4 W. 20 acres, tax. . 6.82 Gllmore, Frank, S 10 acres of SEVi of SEVi sec 9, twp 36, range 4 W, 10 acres, tax 9.36 Hogan. L. B., SWVi of SWV4 sec 9, twp 36, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 5.46 Bagley, Elmer E, land E of Evans creek In WVi of SW Vi sec 10, twp 36, range 4 W, 65 acres, tax 15.99 Klngsberry, R. E., WVi of NWVi sec 10, twp 36, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax 122.85 Meadowbrook Orchard Co., SVi of NEVi, SVi of NWV4 and NVi of SVi, SWVi of SWVi, and SVi of SEVi sec 14, twp 36, range 4 W, 440 acres, tax 506.80 Calwell, A. C, SWV4 of SW Vi sec 16, twp 36, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 7.80 Horton, C. W., D. L. C. No. 4 lying W of R R and govt lots 5 and 6, sec 21, twp 36, range 4 W, 65 acres, tax 15.01 Horton, C. W., SEVi of SWV4 sec 16, twp 36, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 52.85 Whipple, M. B., D. R. 67-92, sec 16, twp 36, range 4 W. 1 acre, tax 11.70 Hall, Mrs. Emma L., govt lots 1 and 2, D. R. .95 244, sec 20, twp 36, range 4 W, 61 acres, tax 46.80 Blakely, S. J., D. R. 86-517 and 91-214, sec 21, twp 36, range 4 W, 5 acres, tax 9.75 Colt, Mrs. S., D. R. 82-108 sec 22, twp 36, range 4 W, 10 acres, tax 12.09 Follett, Julia F., NEVi of NE Vi of NEVi sec 22, twp 36, range 4 W, 10 acres, tax. 3.90 Harr, James B., beg. at SW cor sec 22, N 18 chs E V4-10 chs N 62 deg, E 19.47 chs S 27 dog, E 22 chs S 65 Vi deg, W 22 8-10 chs N 79 deg, W 18.14 chs to beg. and 10 acres des 90 602, sec 22, twp 36, range 4 W, 69 acres, tax 98.47 Kneeland & Day, NWVi of NEVi sec 22, twp 36, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 13.65 Haymond, Ben, etsate, SVi of NWVi and lots 6 and 7, sec 24, twp 36, range 4W, 139 acres, tax 16.60 Chappel, F. X., NW'i 01 NW V4 sec 29, twp 36, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 28.49 C. R. Mining Co., NWVi of XEVi sec 29, twp 36, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 4.68 Chappel, F. X., WVi of XEVi and XEVi of NEVi sec 30, twp 36, range 4 W, 120 acres, tax 90.65 Wood, Carrie E, D. R. 94- 381, sec 30, twp 36, range 4 W, 108 acres, tax 17.58 Severance, Nettie A., undi vided int in XEVi of SEVi sec 33, twp 36, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax 3.70 Oregon Gold Field Mining Co., undivided int in XEVi of SEVi sec 33, twp 36, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax. . 3.70 Eismann & Cornell, D. L. C. 37 and part of No. 41, 91 347, sec 36, twp 36, range 4 W, 151 acres, tax 311.91 Akers, Frank H., SEVi of SEVi sec 36, twp 36, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 4.44 Bilger, A., Vi int in SWVi of NWVi and NVi of SWVi sec 36, twp 36, range 4W, 60 acres, tax . . ; 6.66 Erwin, Andrew, Vi int in SWVi of SEVi sec 36, twp 36, range 4 W, 20 acres, 222 Hale, W. c'.', ' 4' int 'in SW Vi of SEVi sec 36, twp 36, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax. . 2.22 Mulkey & Hoxey, NVi of SW Vi of SWVi sec 1. twp 37, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax. . 4.40 Zimmerman, W. J., SVi of SWVi of SWVi sec 1, twp 37. range 4 W, 20 acres.: tax V 4.40 Anderson, Bessie C, Vi int. in NVi of NEVi and SWVi of NEVi and NEVi of XW Vi sec 3, twp 87, range 4 " W, 78 acres, tax 7.22 Eisman, G. P., SEVi sec 6, twp 37, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 35.20 Klnkle, J NWVi of NWVi sec 6, twp 37, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 11.29 Unknown owner, EVi of NE Vi of XEVi sec 11, twp 37, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax. . 3.79 Black Channel M. & M. Co., tract of XWVi of XWVi and SEVi of XWVi sec 12, twp 37, range 4 W, 56 acres, tax 23.87 Bailey, H. S., XWVi of XEVi sec 13, twp 37, range 4 W, . 40 acres, tax 5.84 Spores, M., SWVi of XEVi and SEVi of XWVi and W Vi of SE4 sec 14, twp 37, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 35.20 Anderson, Mrs. B., SEU of SEVi sec 21, twp 37, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 2.70 Swanson, John E NVi of SW Vi and SWVi of NWVi soc 22. twp 37, range 4 W, 120 acres, tax . 12.96 Smith, L. W., EVi of NWVi sec 25, twp 37, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax 32.40 Davidson, WVi of NEVi of NWVi sec 30, twp 37, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax. . 3.38 York. J SWVi of SWVi sec 33, twp 37, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 6.18 Love, Maggie, WVi of WV4 sec 34, twp 37, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 21.60 Basey. Mrs. E., estate, D. L. C. No. 39, sec 31, twp 37, range 4 W, and sec 16, twp 38, range 4 W, 142 acres, tax 77.62 Fields, K., D. R. 60-526, sec 7, twp 38, range 4 W, 2 acres, tax 2.97 Zimmerman, P. L., SVi of SW Vi sec 14, twp 38, range 4 W, 79 acres, tax 49.92 Scott, J. V., WVi of swy4 sec 13, twp 38, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax . 7.80 Handcock, L. E., WVi of NW Vi of SEVi and NEVi of SWVi sec 16, twp 38, range 4 W, 60 acres, tax 7.02 Jurgensen, M., NEV4 of SE Vi. EV4 of NWVi of SEy4 sec 16, twp 38, range 4 W, '' 60 acres, tax 7.02 Zimmerman, P. L., NEVi of NWVi, lot No. 1, sec 23, twp 38, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax 7.80 Town, A. 0., SEVi of SEVi sec 28, twp 38 range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 3.70 Hilkey, D., SWVi of SEVi, and NEVi of SEVi sec 29, . twp 38, range 4 W, 74 acres, tax 19.50 Knutzen, D. W., NV4 of SEV4 of SEV4 sec 29, twp 38, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax. . 1.95 Kntuzen, Laura E, 8V4 of SE " Vi of SEVi sec 29, twp 38, range 4 W, 20 acres, tax. . 1.17 Harrington, Lee, EV4 of SE Vi and SWVi of SEVi and SEVi of NEVi, less 20 acres, sec 32, twp 38, range 4 W, 140 acres, tax 69.52 Hilkey, D., NV4 of NEVi see 32, twp 38, range 4 W, 80 acres, tax 48.87 Harrington, Lee, SWVi of NW Vi sec 33, twp 38, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax. . 2.70 Hilkey, D., NWVi of NWVi sec 33, twp 38, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 31.32 Thompson, J. W., SWVi of NEVi sec 33, twp 38, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax : . 4.10 Kendall, G. S., SEVi sec 18, twp 39, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 7.69 Byrne, Terry, SWVi of SEVi sec 36, twp 40, range 4 W, 40 acres, tax 7.40 Byrne, Terry, SEVi of NEVi and NWVi or NEVi and NEVi of NWVi sec 1, twp 41, range 4 W, 120 acres, tax 20.30 Mnrriner, C. A., WV4 of NW Vi soc 1, twp 41, range 4 W. 80 acres, tax 6.80 Terry Brothers, SEVi of SW V4 sec 3, twp 41, range 4 W. 40 acres, tax 4.10 Thompson. W. G., SV6 of NE Vi and E of SEVi sec 4, twp 41, range 4 W, 160 acres, tax 27.20 Spauldlng, Margaret, SWVi (fire patrol lien only), sec 10, twp 41, range 4 W, tax 5.60 ORCHART TRACTS. American Orchard Tract. Keenan, S. A., lots 1-28 Inc. .$195.31 Cliilder's Enster Add. Smith, B. B., lots 13 8.70 Andrew, E. A., lot 41 5.87 Cresbrouk Orchard Tract. Black, Mollie T., 8V4 of lot 6 10.87 Gosling, Wm., SV4 of lot 14. . 3.64 Exby, H. E., lot 19 7.00 Eacle Heiirhts Fruit Farm. Earl, W. C, lots 1 and 2 . . . . 31.00 Stoddard, H. C, lot 5 7.75 Prescott. R. W.. lot 6 3.10 Cooley, E. L.V4 lots 13 and 14 3.72 Prescott, R. w lots 16 and 17. tsx . . . e 5.58 Ellery, Hattie K., lot 20 ... . 3.10 View Orchard Tract. Norwood, J. S., part lot 1, tax 11.62 Blackburn, Frank, part lot 1, tax z.33 Anderson, Bert, lots 4 and 5 46.50 Blackburn, Chas. T., EV6 of lot 6, tax 11.62 O'Harbouirhg' SulHlivlslon R. R. Cream & Evp. Co., part of lot No. 4, tax z.zi Jackson Sulxllvision R. R. Canal Co., lot No. 1, tax 1Z. Live Oak Orchard Tract Kelfer, J. D., lots 1 to 30 inc., tax 47.12 Meadow Brook Orchar Sub-division Bagley & Street, lots 1 to 26 inc., tax 226.39 L. & X. Subdivision . Walt, F. W., part of lot No. 11, tax 3.15 Wait, F. W., lots 17 and 18, tax 7.0C The Mece Subdivision Hale's Piano House, lot 13, tax 1.70 Oak Grove Tract White, E. J., part of lot 5, tax 4.68 Huff, I. M. and Anna, part of lot 11, tax 6.82 Orchard Home Asso. Tract Dozier, Heirs of W. T., block No. 1, tax 58.04 Watson, P., lots 20 and 21, block 3, tax 27.03 Allen, A. A., lots 33, 36, 37, 40 and 41, tax 17.62 Carpenter, M. L., N 118 ft lot 1, block 5, tax 1.64 Luke, D. W., part lot 1, all lots 2, 3, and 4, and part lot 5, block 5, tax . 28.20 Luke, D. W., lots 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 24, 25, block No. 6, ta 66.13 Gray, E. A., lots 3, and part Int 4. block 8. tax 0.69 Paul, C. Ci, S 63 ft. of lot 4. and all of lot 5, uiock s, tax 3.27 30.15 Perry's Sulxllvision George, S. C, lot 7, tax .. Pierce Subdivision Boyle, F. E., lots 2 and 3, block 2, tax v.a Pierce, C. H., lot 7, block 9 tat . 1.0-i Bamum, W. S., E 10 A. of lot 8, block 2, tax Marrow, R. G., lot 1, block a tnv b.Dii Jackson County Bank, EV4 of int 1. h ock 4. tax i.o Jackson County Bank, WVi of lot 2. block 4, tax o.u Hosford, W. R., EV6 of lot s. h ook 4. tax o.bu Klncaid, Mary A., lot 1, blk 4, tax o.ou Zana, F.. SV4 of W of lot 9 hWk R. tax 1.74 Klncaid, Mary A., NV4 of lot 3 tax o.Mi Pierce, C. C, lots 3 to 8 Inc. hlnnV fi tax 19.43 Pierce, Bertha M., lots 3 and 4 h nclt 7. tax Jackson County Bank, lots 4 and 5, block 10, tax .... o.oa Tfnshaw Subdivision Thomas, I. W., lots 1 to 7 inc.. tax nu.u Thomas, I. W., lot 9, tax . . 100.35 The Re-Subdivision of Terry's Sub- division Qulgley. L. J., lots 10 and 11, tax z George, S. C, lots 12, 13, and 14, tax 15.45 nivnrsidA Subdivision Amended Woolverton, C. D., lot 18, tax RiMmn Lands Orchard Tract Hale, C. C, EV4 of lot 4, tax 41.23 U. R. Irrigation Ore Mara bands Hamilton, W. H., lots 1 to 28 inc., tax K. R. Valley Orchard Co. Hathaway, Robert . L lot 4, block A, tax ...... 7.97 Mathews, M. S., lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, block A, tax ... 28.13 Mathews, M. 8., lots 1, 2, and part of 3, block B tax . . 10,88 Mathews, M. S part of lot 8, and all of lots 9 and 10, block B, tax 9.72 Mathews M. S., lots 1, 2, and 3, block C, tax 7.69 Mathews, M. S., lots 5, 6 and part of 7, tax 20.73 Hersey, James II., lot 9, blk C, tax 11.31 Mathews, M. S., part lot 13, and all lots 16, 17 and 18, block C, tax 7.40 Mathews, M. 8., lots 1 and 2, block D. tax 18.99 Mathews, M. S,, lot 4, block D, tax 6.53 Blnlr. E. R.. lots 6 and 7, Mock E, tax 29.29 Mathews, M. S., part of lot 12, block E, tax 5.08 Mathews, M. S., lot 15, blk E, tax 4.79 Roxburg, J. H., part of lot 2, block F, tax 1.03 Mathews, M. S., part of lot 3, block G, tax 5.13 Ore.-Cal Dev. Co., part lot 3, blk G, tax 4.92 Hopkins, S. A., lot 7, blk G, tax 164 Mathews, M. S., lots 8, 9 and 10, block G, tax 31.78 Ore.-Cal. Dev. Co., lot 1, blk H, tax 4.51 Mathews, M. S., lot 2, block H, tax 4.51 Mathews, M. S., part of lot 6, block I, tax 5.37 Mathews, M. S., lots 12 and 13, block I, tax 11.60 Capllos, A., part of lot 14, block I, tax 3.48 Mathews, M. S., lot 15, block I, tax 5.80 Tilden, Julia, N 5 acres, lot 18, block I, tax 10.88 Mathews, M. S., part lot 19, block I, tax 5.07 Jolly, C. M., lot 21, block I, tax 1S.13 Mathews, M. S., part lot 22, all of lots 23 and 24, blk I, tax 12.46 Mathews, M. S., lot 8, block J, tax 14.50 Mathews, 1.1. S., lot 11, blk J, tax Low, D. M., part of lot 1 and all of lot 2, block K, tax. Royal Orchad Tracts Owens, Geo. S., lot 1, tax.. Owens. John S.. lot 2, tax . . 50.02 9.28 77.91 77.92 Morse, Geo. A., lots 3 to 20 Inc., tax 681.23 Orchard, C, S 2 acres, of lot 21. tax 3.56 Stump, J. W., N 8 acres, lot 21. tax Morse, Geo. A., lots 22 and 23, tax 17.84 Royal Orchard Tract, No. 2 Stephens, C. B., lots 14 and 15, tax 3.20 Roynl Orchard Tract, Xo. 3 McCarl, Lucy A., part of lot 38, and all of lots 39, 40, 41 and 42, tax 28.36 McCarl Lucy A., part of lot 45, and all of lots 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 and 53, tax 58.43 Snowy Butte Orchards Love, G. W., des. 83-510, part lot A, tax 1.83 McCallum, Walter, all of lot W, tax 64.19 The Following List of Renl Proerty Assessed to (ho Oregon and Cali fornia Railroad Co., and Situated In Jackson County, Slate of Ore gon, is Hereby Advertised for De linquent Taxes Assessed for the Year of 1014: NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 3, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 642 acres, tax $108.00 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Soc. 5, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 638 acres, tax. . XEVi and NW4, SE4 and SWVi Sec.7, Twp, 32S, Range IE, 675 acres, tax. . NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 9, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. . NEVi and NWVi, SEy4 and SWVi, Sec. 11 Twp. 32S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. . XEU and NWy4, SE and SWVi Sec 13, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. NEVi and NWVi. SEVi and SWVi Sec. 15, Twp. 32S, Ranee IE. 640 acres, tax. . 108.00 113.80 108.00 108.00 108.00 108.00 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 17, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. . 108.00 XEVi and XWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 19, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 674 acres, tax. 95.58 XEVi and XWVi. SEVi and SWVi Sec. 21, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 108.00 E XEVi. X NWVl SWVi NWVi. SEVi Sec. 23, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 360 acres, tax 69.40 NEVi and NWVi. SEVi and SWVi Sec. 25, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 108.00 E XEVi. Nwy4 Nwy4, SE Vi NWVi, EV4 SWVi, SE Vi Sec. 27. Twp. 32S, Range IE, 400 acres, tax.. 67.60 XEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 29, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. . 108.00 NV4 NEV4, NEVi NWVi, Lot 3, Sec. 31, 'iwp. 32 0, Ranee IE. 168 acres, tax. . 33.60 NWVi, W SWy4, NEV4 SE Vi, S SEVi. BBC. 66, Twp. 32S, Range IE, 360 >6S t&X NEVi and NWVi, SE and SWVi Sec 35, Twp. 323, Panee IE. 640 acres, tax. 70.40 108.00 NEVi and NWVi. SEVi and SWVi Sec 1, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 639 acres, tax. 153.00 NEVi and NWVi. SEVi and SW.Vi Sec 3, Twp. 6 60, Range IE, 641 acres, tax. SWVi NEVi, SV4 NWV4.SW V4, NWVi SEVi. SV4 SEVi, . Lots 3 and 4 Sec 5, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 477 acres, tax ' 96.00 80.00 E NEV4. SEVi NWVi EVi SWVi, SEVi, Lots z ana 4 Sec. 7, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 477 acres, tax 76.80 NEV4.EV4 NWV4.SV4 Sec. 8, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 560 acres, tax 64.00 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec 11, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 660 acres, tax... 102.4 NVi NV4, SEV4 NEVi. SWVi. NWVi SWVi, S S'g Sec. 13, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 440 acres, tax 66.1 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec 15, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 81.92 SWVi NEVi, NWVi. NV4 S WVi SWVi, NWVi SEVi Sec, 17, Twp, 33S, Range IE, 360 acres, tax 48.00 NVi, SWVi, NV4 SEVi, SW y4 SEVi Sec. 19, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 608 acres, tax. . 56.24 NEV4 and NW'i, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 21. Twp. 33S, ' Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 59.2 WV4 E, WVi, SEVi SEVi Sec 23, Twp 33S, Range IE, 520 acres, tax 63.11 NVi. SWVi, NVi SEVi Sec. 27, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 560 acres, tax 51.61 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 29, Twp. 33S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 69.21 NEVi, SVi NWVi, SVi Sec. 31, Twp. 3.1S, Range IE, 561 acres, tax 43.51 EVi, NVi NWVi, SVi SWy4. Sec. 33, Twp. 3 33, Range IE, 480 acres, tax 41.6 NEVi and NW4, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 35. Twp. 33S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 56.09 EVi NEVi , WVi NVy4. SVi Sec. 3, Twp. 34S, Range IE, 480 acres, tax 45. 5 XEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec 5, Twp. 34S, Range IE, 637 acres, tax. 67.5 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 7, Twp. 34S, Range IE, 637 acres, tax. 20.25 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 9. Twp. 34S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 20.26 EVi. NVi NWVi, svi swy4 Soc 11, Twp. 34S, Range IE, 480 acres, tax 45.60 NVi NE Vi , NWVi, WVi SW Vi, Sec. 13, Twp. 34S, Range IE, 320 acres, tax. 89.41 NEVi and NWy4, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 15, Twp. 34S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 56.0 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 17, Twp. 343, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 40.61 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 19, Twp. 34S, Range IE, 636 acres, tax. 40.6 NVi NEVi, SWVi NEVi. NW Vi, SEVi SWy4, NWVi SE Vi. SVi SEVi Sec. 21, Twp. 34S, Range IE, 440 acres, tax 13.5 NEVi NEVi, SVi NEVi. NV4 NWVi, SEVi NWVi, SWVi, NVi SEVi. SVVyt. SEV4 Sec. 23, Twp. 34S, Range IE. 520 acres, tax 58.21 NVi. EVi NWVi. SW Vi SW Vi Sec. 25, Twp. 34S, Range IE, 440 acres, tax. 59. 6t NVi, EVi SWVi, SWVi SEV4 Sec. 27, Twp. 34S, Range IE. 440 acres, tax 13.59 WVi EVi. WVi, NEVi SEVi Sec. 29, Twp. 34S, Range IE. 520 acres, tax 17.65 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 31. Twp. 34S, Range IE. 640 acres, tax 43.29 SEVi, SEVi NWVi, SWVi, N Vi SEU. SEVi SEVi, Sec. 33, Twp. 34S. Range IE, 1 480 acres, tax 27.09 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 35, Twp. 3 IS, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 40.59 EVi EVi, NWVi NEVi, NVi NWV4. SWVi Nwy4, NW y4 SWVi, SVi SWVi Sec. 1, Twp. 35S, Range IE, 440 acres, tax 59.27 NEVi and NW Vi , SEVi and SWVi Sec. 3, Twp. 35S, Range IE, 644 acres, tax. 81.00 NE4 and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 5, Twp. 35S, Ranue IE, 543 acres, tax. 43.29 NVi NEVi, SWVi NEVi NW vi. NVi swy4, swy4 sw Vi, SEVi Sec. 7, Twp. 353, Range IE. 566 acres tax. 49.09 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 9, Twp. 353, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 56.00 NEVi NWVi, WVi WVi, NE V4 SWVi, SVi SEVi, Sec 11, Twp. 35S, Range IE, 320 acres, tax 66.00 NVi. SWVi. EVi SEVi Sec 13, Twp. 353, Sange IE, 560 acres, tax 68.80 NEVi. NEVi NWVi. SVi NW Vi, SWVi Sec. 15, Twp. 353, Range IE, 440 acres, tax 70.00 NE4 and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 17, Twp. 35S, Range' IE, 640 acres, tax. 70.09 NVi. NEVi SEVi Sec. 19, Twp. 35S, Range. IE, 363 acres, tax 31.50 NEVi and NWVi, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 21, Twp. 35S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 28.09 SWVi NEV4, WVi. SWVi SE Vi Sec 23, Twp. 35S, Range IE, 400 acres, tax. 21.09 NEVi ad NWy4, SEVi and SWVi Sec. 25, Twp. 35S, Range IE, 640 acres, tax. 52.50 NVi, NVi SWVi, SEVi SWVi. SEVi Sec. 27, Twp. 35S, Range IE, 600 acres, tax. 46.50 NEVi Sec. 29, Twp. 353. Range IE, 160 acres, tax. . 14.81 SWVi NWVi. Lot 2, Sec. 31, Twp. 353, Range IE, 78 acres, tax 15.21 EVi NEVi, WVi NWVi. SW y4, NVi SEy4, swvi sev4 Sec. 33, Twp. 35S, Range IE, 440 acres, tax 34.19 NWVi NEVi, SVi NEVi, NW V4, SVi Sec. 35, Twp. 35S, Range IE, 600 acres, tax. 23.2S EVi, NWVi NWVi. SEy4 SW Vi Sec 1, Twp. 363, Range IE, 400 acres, tax 15.59 NEVi, NVi SEVi Sec. 3, Twp. 363, Range IE, 241 acres, tax 9.30 NVi NEVi Sec. 5. Twp. 363, Range IE, 79 acres, tax. . . 5.58 EVi NEVi, Lot 3, Sec. 7, Twp. 36S, Range IE, 102 acres, tax 7.90 WVi NEVi, SVi NWVi, SW . ' Sec. 9, Twp. 36S, Range IE, 320 acres, tax 12.40