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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1915)
Thursday, November 23, 1815 ASHLAND TIDINGS Page Threat Result-Getting Classified Columns THE ONE-ATTEMPT MAN OR. WOMAN who, for example, publishes a Want ad once, and If It does not bring the result desired decides that "advertising does hot pay," should study the practical results, In all lines of endeavor, of porseverauce. The law of "try again" is as potent in want advertising as in any other effort or enterprise. Classified Rates: One cent per word, first Insertion; cent per word for each Insertion thereafter; 30 words or less Jl per month. No advertise ment Inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order except to parties having ledger accounts with the office. ' PltOFKfiSIOVAL. DU. J. J. EMMEN'S Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup plied. Oculist and aurist for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., opposite postoffice, Medford, Ore. Phone 567. 21-tf DRS. SAWYER AND ANDERSON, Osteopathic physicians. Pioneer building, lloure 9 a. m. to 12 m., 1 to 4 p. m. Office phone 208, house" phone 2G7-R. DR. Jl'I.IAN P. JOHNSON, HOMEO PATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUR GEON. General practice with special attention to eye, ear, nose and throat. ' Glasses fitted, and guaranteed correct. Office In Mills-McCall building, Masonic hall stairway. Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 5. Office phone 33, residence phone 71. 47-tf D. M. BROWER. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Chronic disease a specialty. Office, 216 Factory street. Phone 43S-4. Bl-13t MISCKLLAXEOCS SAVE MONEY any one going to Portland soon can save 2a per cent on their hotel bill. The Tidings has a trade-out bill with the Port land hotel which It will sell at 25 per cent discount. Get an order from us before you go and pay us when you get back. 38-tf AUTO LIVERY Floyd Dickey. Tel ephone 342-Y. 81-- BILL POSTER Will Stennett, 116 Factory St. BUI posting and dis tributing. 54-tf CIVIC IMPROVEMENT CLUB. The regular meeting of the club will be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 2:30 p. m., at the Carnegie Library lec ture room. CHAUTAUQUA PARK CLUB. Reg lar meetings first and third Fri days of each month at 2:30 p. m Mrs. S. Patterson, Pres.; Mrs. Jen nie Faucett Greer, Sec. LITHIA WATER DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR In demijohns or bottles, 15o gallon J. J. Murphy, 486 Boulevard. Phone 405-J. 48-7t HOWARD'S AUTO FOR HIRE ALWAYS READY. For sure go and return, let Charlie do it. Phone l-F-23. 48-lmo FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WILL SACRIFICE one thousand do! lar for ouick sale, mv fine home , all new modern buildings, eight room house, fine shady lawn, abundance fruit. Call or write. S. C. Gunter, 715 N. Main street 49-lmo For Sale A gooa homestead re linquishment with habitable house nd some improvements, for $500 icellent for a stock ranch. Address 9. D., care Ashland Tiding?. 18-tf LOST LOST Between Ashland and Med ford or Medford and Jacksonville, antn rrtho hlae.k on one side, black and yellow on other; small hole on black side. Lost Thursday morn ing between 8 and 9. Return to Vedford Hotel or Crowson's confec tionery. Ashland. Reward. 45-tf WANTED WANTED Good-sized second-hand fireproof safe. Inquire at Tidings office. WANTED Sewing of all kinds to do at home. Mrs. Minnie Moyer, 116 Pioneer avenue. 52-4t WANTED TO LEASE For from one to three years, modern eight or nine room houae, unfurnished; not too far out; must be in first-class condition. Will pay one year rent In advance on the right kind of a deal. Bert R. Greer, Tidings of fice SO-tt FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Thoroughbred Swiss milch goat. Phone 380-J. 52-2t FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf, two thoroughbred registered Jersey bulls that will improve your herd. Would rent out bulls two .years. Reasonable. R. D. Sanford, Ash land, Ore. 47-tf FOR RENT TO LET Wood contract for sleding and hauling wood to Ashland. Call at 11 5 Granite. 49'tf FOR RENT Two pleasant furnished rooms at reaaonable rate. Inquire 340 Almond atreet. 47-12t Fifty centa Invested in a Tidings "For Sale" ad often sells a $5,000 property. Did you ever try it? FOR RENT Good dairy and chick en ranch, 6 acres; close in. See W. D. Hodgson, care Hodgson & Reed. B0-4t- TOR 'SA liE M 1 SCKLL A XEOIS FOR SALE Barrels. Inquire But- ler's Confectionery. 52-Ct If you want to buy or sell any thing, try Tidings want aas. They do the work. FOR SALE Dry block wood, $2 per tier. Telephone 420-J. 4o-tf The Tidings Is on sale at Poley's drug store, 17 East Main street. FOR SALE Alfalfa seed. Pure seed, high test, no dodder. Grant Davis, Talent. Phone 6-F-2. 48-lmo FOUND FOUND A tiniebook containing pa pers which may be of some value to owner, and letters addressed to J. C. Knutzen, Applegate, Oregon. Owner may have same by calling or writing Tidings office and paying for this ad. 37-tf hVXi.XL NOTICES. NOTICE OF CONTEST. 07C18. Contest 3372. Department of the Interior, United States Land Ofifce, Roaeburg, Ore gon, October 25, 1915. To Lynne G. Wright, of Hilt, Califor nia,. Contestee: You are hereby notified that L. D. Elston, who gives R. F. D. ,No. 1, Gresham, Oregon, as his postoffice address, did on October 12, 1915, file in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your homestead entry No. 07618, serial No. 07618, made November 2, 1911, for the E or SE of Section 6, Township 4J S., Range 2 E., Willamette Meridian, and as grounds for his contest be al leges that said entryman has never resided upon or cultivated or 'im proved said claim In any manner or at all, and that he has at all times abandoned the same. - You are, therefore, further noti fied that the said allegations will be taken as confessed, and your said en try will be canceled without further right to be heard, either before this office or on appeal, if you fail to file in this office within twenty days af ter the FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations of contest, to gether with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or by registered mall. You should state in your answer the name of the postoffice to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. J. M. UPTON, Registrar. Date of first publication, Nov. 4 1915. , Date of second publication, Nov. 11. 1913. Date of third publication, Nov. 18, 1915. Date of fourth publication, Nov 25, 1915. ; I WILL GIVE $1000 If I FAIL to CURE mi CANCER h TUMOR I tmt before It POISONS dill bads tr itlicbit ti BONE Wittioirt Knife or PaiD No PAY Until CURED WRITTEN GUARANTEE No X Kay or other swindle. An Island plant makes thecure Any TUMOR. ItlMP or SORE on the Up, lace or body long Is CANCER; it never pains untillast stage 120-PAGE BOOK sent 1'REE, 10,OuO tcstl- monials. Itlti U s Any LUMPin WOMAN'S BREAST ie P AM PCII and always poisonsdeepnnn ' UHilUa.ll pit Rianus Elands ana KILLS QUICKLY ulesof cancer U.S. rtpori one woman ineverT7Uieoic: One woman In every 7 We refuse many who We refuse many who wait too long & must die Poor cured at half price if cancer is yrt small Dr. & Mrs. Dr. CHAMLEY & CO. bSmsen't'frc! "Strictly RelltMt', Braatttt Ctncar Sssclillit living" 4340 ft 436E Valencia St, San Francisco, Cal ''.!NDLV MAIL THIS Hanoi lit CANCER DO YOU FEEL HEADACHY? LOOK TO YOUR STOMACH It Is an unusual thing for a drug gist to sell medicine under a guaran tee to refund the money If It does not cure. Yet this Is the way McNair Bros., the-popular druggists, are sell ing Mi-o-na, the standard dyspepsia remedy. Never before have they had so large a number of customers tell them that a medicine has been suc cessful as with Mi-o-na. People who a few months ago looked like walking skeletons have put on fleBh and to day are ruddy and vigorous with per fect digestion and good health. There Is no longer and need for any one suffering or making their friends suffer n account of dyspepsia. Mi-o-na can always be relied upon. The percentage of cures is so great that there Is little risk to McNair Bros, in guaranteeing to return the money if the medicine does not relieve. And they stand ready to do so without any question. Headaches, all forms oi indiges tion, specks before the eyes, dizzy feelings, apd all forms of liver trou ble are helped by Ml-o-na. A few days' treatment should show consid erable gain In health while a com plete cure often follows rapidly. jfnaVH Government Crop Report Washington, D. C, Nov. 8. A summary of preliminary estimates of crop production, and prices, for the stute of Oregon and for tho United States, compiled by the Bureau of' Crop Estimates (and transmitted through the Weather Bureau), U. S. Department of Agriculture, is as fol lows: ' Wheat State: Estimate this year 17,364,000 bu., finul estimate , last year 16,C04,O00; price November 1 to producers 84c per Int., year ago 93c. United States: Estimate this year 1,002,000,000 bu final esti mate last year 891,000,000; Novem ber 1 price 93.1c, year ago 97.2c. Oats Stute: Estimate this year 13,430,000 bu., final estimate last year 12.740,000; price November 1 to producers Offc per bu., year ago 40c. United States: Estimate this year 1,517,000,000 bu., final estimate! last year 1,1 41,000,000; November 1 price 34.9c, year ago 42.9c. Barley State: Estimate this year 4,78,000 bu., final estimate last year 3,600,000; price November 1 to pro ducers 52c per bu., year ago 50c. United States: Estimate this year 230,082,000 bu., final estimate last year 194,933,000; November 1 price 50.1c, year ago 51.7c. Potatoes State: Estimate -this year 6,120,000 bu., final estimate last year 4,753,000; price November 1 to producers 52c per bu., year ago 64c. United States: Estimate this year 339,000,000 birr, final estimate last year 403,921,000; November 1 price 60.8c, year ago "32.8c. Apples State: Estimate this year 1,040,000 bbls., final estimate last year' 1,134,000 bbls.; price October 13 to producers 88c per bu., year ago 70c. United States: Estimate this year 76,700,000 bbls., final estimate last year 84,400,000 bbls.; price Oc tober 15 to producers $2.14 per bbl., year ago $1.79. More detailed data concerning crop production, quality and prices will be published in the Monthly Crop Report of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Governor Proclaims Thanksgiving Day Governor James Withycombe Is sued a proclamation Monday desig nating Thursday, November 25, as Thanksgiving day, and calling "upon the people of the state of Oregon to pause from their labors and on that day tender thanks to Him who watch es over all, for the bounties and blessings by Him bestowed." The proclamation follows: "Whereas, the year 1915 Is draw ing to a close, and for Oregon and these United States Its months have been full of the blessings of peace, in welcome contrast to, the horrors of the great war which has ravaged so many of the less fortunate coun tries of the world; and "Whereas, each and every one of us has much for which to be gvate fql, individually, and as citizens of our country., and our state; and "Whereas, It is a time-honored cus tom for the governors of the several states to join with the president of the United States in proclaiming a day of statewide and national thanks giving; "Now, therefore, I, James Withy combe, governor of the state of Ore gon, by virtue of the authority In me vested, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 25, 1915, as Thanksgiving day, and I call upon the people of the state of Oregon to pause from their labors and on that day tender thanks to Him who watches over all, for the bounties and blessings by Him bestowed. "In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state of Oregon to be hereunto affixed this 15th day of November, 1915. "JAMES WITHYCOMBE, "Governor. Livestock Show At Portland Soon The Pacific International Livestock Exposition will be held In Portland at the Union Stockyards from De cember 6 to 11. It Is said on good authority that these expositions at Portland are the finest held any where In the northwest. In fact, they are seldom excelled anywhere In the country. Cattle raising Is fast becoming one of the leading Industries of the val ley, and the valley will be represent ed at the Portland show. What do you want? A Tiding! rant ad tells It to more than two thousand people In a day. Twenty- five eenta doea the business. W. C. T. U. Sends r k Thanks To Club During the past summer and fall the Commercial Club has entertained many visitors to Ashland. Among these were the members of the Na tional Women's Christian Temper ance Union, who passed through the city on their special train, the "White Ribbon Special," early In October. Secretary Norris and Pub licity Director Duryea co-operated with the ladles of the local branch of the W. C. T. U. in extending to these visitors greetings and hospital ity on behalf of the citizens of. Ash land. That their efforts were appre ciated Is evidenced by the following letter that was sent to the publicity department by .Mrs. Klla A. Iloole, vice-president of the National W. C. T. 1'.: "Hear Mr. Duryea: It seems a lonfi time since that beautiful morn ing when the White Ribbon Special stopped at Ashland, and we were all so cordially greeted by white ribhon- ers and the members of your club, but my joiirneyings brought nie home by way of New Orleans, with several stops en route, and this is my first opportunity to express to yon the thanks of the members of the White Ribbon Special for your roiirtesles. "No matter how much some of the party may have been afflicted with rheumatism before arriving, we are sure that the copious draughts or lithia water effected a cure, while the gifts of fruits and flowers were hearty evidence of our welcome. Our trip wub a delightful one, and we greatly appreciate not only what our own members of the W, C. T. U. did for us, but the courtesies of your Commercial Club. "Very truly yours, "ELLA A. BOOLE." Depot Publicity Makes Friends L During the summer months when Pacific coast travel was heavy the Commercial Club and publicity de partment entertained many hundreds of tourists at the exhibit building at the depot. A percentage of them reg istered In the book provided for that purpose. The publicity department has listed nearly six hundred of these names, registered from July 5 to August 28, and Mr. Duryea is send lrtg ' personal letters, each enclosing one of the glass of water booklets, to all of them. Out of three hundred and fifty already mailed less than ten have been returned unclaimed. Through this list people In every state of the Union and in every sta tion in life are being reached and many enthusiastic Ashland boosters are being created, as Indicated by the following interesting letter, re ceived by the department: Albany, N. Y Nov. 6, 1915. M. J. Duryea, Ashland, Ore. Dear Sir: Your very welcome let ter received with enclosure. Our party of 300 stopped off at Ashland on our way to the coast In July. We traveled 13,000 miles by rail, made 42 stop-offs, and the places which appealed to most of us were Eugene and Ashland in Oregon and Los An geles, Cal. Eugene, In particular, struck my traveling partner, E. C, Davis of Fonda, N. Y., until we struck Ashland. Then he said, "There Is the place I like." When one lives in a place all of his life and reaches manhood, it is mighty hard to leave, For a young man, that country is the only place. When you have any literature In the future, send it along, for I am a booster of your place. Yours faithfully, J. H. MILLARD. W. F. Wooden of Portland, a for mer Ashlander who Is much Interest ed in the development work here, stopped In the city Tuesday while en route home from the San Francises fair and went over the park. He was highly gratified with the prog ress made since his last visit. NEAREST TO EVERYTHING Hotel Manx San Francisco 'towellStMQTMea Oregonians Head quarters while in San Francisco moderate rales Running distilled Management , of Chester W. Keller ice water in every "S1M C . f l' 1 ? nil iM. Uon given to ladiet (raveling unescor ted. A Id carte dining room, "Meet me at theManx' $ Iflppili FOR BRONCHITIS, COIGNS. BRONCHIAL ASTHMA AND WHOOPING COUGH Cheapest Remedy Made at Home 128 Teaspoonsful for 25c The first 300 persons calling at McNair Bros.', druggists, will bo en titled to a regular 50c bottle of Sehlffmann's New Concentrated Ex pectorant for half price (2fc) bp pre senting the coupon below, properly signed. With a view to giving those who have not yet used tills new ex cellent remedy an opportunity of try ing It, in the treatment of Bronchial affections, including Bronchitis, WWhooping Cough, Croup, Severe Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness, to prove its merits, these druggists are willing to allow the public the profit which they would otherwise mako and the proprietor is willing to lose money on the same, so as to give them nn opportunity of trying it. at partially their expense knowing it will be found the best medicine ever used by anyone. Even though not in need of a Cough or Cold Medicine at the pres ent time, it will pay to buy now, as some such medicine Is sure to be re quired before the winter Is over, but tills remedy can not be obtained at less than full price again. Besides making this reduction, these drug gists guarantee this remedy Just the same as Dr. Schil'fniann's famous Asthmador, and will return the TWENTY-FIVE CK'XT COll'OX X. 2. This coupon imtl ii."r is (joixl for one (only) ."lie lxitlle of Scliiff. niiinu's Xtw Concentrated Kic ctorunt it t McXair Bros.', druggists, If your inline and address are filled In, Xumo VddrcNs Tests for High School Teachers Examinations for high school teachers who are graduates of stand ard colleges and universities, but who have not had fifteen semester hours' work in education, will be giv en In connection with the regular teachers' examinations which will be held at the county seat of each coun ty beginning on December 15, 1915, and on June 28, 1916. State Super intendent Churchill makes this an nouncement In a letter addressed to high school teachers. For the purpose of certification, teachers will be credited with three semester hours in education for each subject in which they pass the exam ination with a grade of at least 75 per cent. Twelve (questions will be submitted in each of five subjects. No fee will be charged for the exam ination. After 1915 no applicants will be permitted to take this examination unless they are especially recom- Let 'er Rain! If you've a man's work to do, wear Tower's Fish Brand Reflex Slicker $3.00 The coat that keeps out all the rain. Re flcxEdges&Xop every drop from running in at the front Protector Hat, 75 cents Satisfaction Guaranteed QWFj?y Sond for free catalog K-ieTv- A. J.TOWER CO. F nosTON ftSHWW Lights Go Panama-Pacific Exposition ON Saturday, December 4 Are yon Interested in Mining Agriculture Horticulture The litest developments in all Industrie can be seen here. Voa cannot (fiord to miss ,lt. LOW FARES (or exposition travel are Id effect until November SO via the tShasta Route Write for our booklet "Wayside Notes" or secure Information Irom local agent. Southern Pacific John M. Scott, General Passenger Agsat,. Portland, Oregon money in every single Instance If It does not give perfect satisfaction and even more if it Is not found the best remedy ever used for any of the above complaints. This excellent remedy Is sufficient ly concentrated so that 50 cents' worth, when mixed at home, with sim- ; ply one pint of granulated sugar and j one-half pint of water (according to printed directions), makes a whole (family supply (12S teaspoonsful), j while bottles of the old .regular, ready-made kinds, of doubtful merit, and without a guarantee, usually average 20 to 32 teaspoonsful. It is prepared from strictly harm less plants, contains absolutely no chloroform, opium, morphine or any narcotic or Injurious drugs which do most cough remedies, and can there fore be given to children with per fect safety. It Is pleasant to tako and children are fond of it. Besides absolutely no risk is run in buying tills remedy whatever, on the guar antee of the above well-known, rel liable druggists, who will refund your 2.1c if it is not found the best rem edy ever used. If a neighbor or friend could be Induced to divldo and pay for half the quantity, the cost would thus only lie about 12c to each. DR. JOHN F. HART Physician and Surgeon TALENT, OREGON, MIOIMtMM IMMI LET US SERVE YOU All we ask Is the opportunity of doing so. We feel assured that our endeavor to serve you will be a strong factor In per suading you to become a per- manent patron of this bank. Our Interests are mutual. State Bank of Talent TALENT, OREGON. MMMIHMMM MM mended for certification by the schools from which they have been graduated. ' The subjects in which tests will be given are: Science of Education, History of Education, Childhood and Adolescence, School Administration, Methods. J. Hart writes to the Tidings stat ing that Mr. and Mrs. Yeager did not have to walk four miles through the snow as the Tidings had been in formed, but were eventually deliv ered by auto at Siskiyou on the high way and only had to walk 150 foot up tho trail to Halfway house. Out atth Art Science Manufacturing